What do these things mean and how would I, for example, make a NM1 map.
thankslewski wrote:
they're slots in a tournament mappool
inherently, the numbers are just there to differentiate between maps that use the same mods in a pool, so really, any map can be a NM1 if it's given that designation in a tourney
there are trends for some slots, though:but keep in mind that these are just trends, there's a good deal of variation from one tourney to another, especially in the modded pools (NMs tend to be more similar between tourneys)
- NM1: 4min comfy jump map
- NM2: stamina/flowy stream aim
- NM3: osu technology, usually fast sliders, cut streams, etc.
- NM4: alt, usually not the kind that's actually just a jump map at 270bpm
- NM5: speed
- NM6: gimmick stuff, rhythm challenge NM6s are a popular choice but they're by no means the only thing that goes here
- HD1: awkward aim
- HD2: low ar
- HR1: often NM1-ish, but it's also kinda common to have some kind of additional skew in the skillset, e.g. more awkward aim or denser rhythm
- HR2: small circles
- DT1: NM1 but easier and with DT
- DT2: stamina