I recently finished a map that I'm trying to push for rank, however, i'm a bit confused about the drain time of the map when dealing with the number of required difficulties.
The drain time is 4:53, which is technically too short and requires another diff. However, maps of the same song (different cover) have been ranked with the same drain time and got approved with only 1 diff. I'm not entirely sure if this rule has been updated, that's why I'm asking on the forums.
1. beatmapsets/311463#osu/759192 4:53 drain time
2. beatmapsets/778585#osu/1635233 4:52 drain time
tl;dr: Do I need another diff or no?
The drain time is 4:53, which is technically too short and requires another diff. However, maps of the same song (different cover) have been ranked with the same drain time and got approved with only 1 diff. I'm not entirely sure if this rule has been updated, that's why I'm asking on the forums.
1. beatmapsets/311463#osu/759192 4:53 drain time
2. beatmapsets/778585#osu/1635233 4:52 drain time
tl;dr: Do I need another diff or no?