
Drain Time Inquiry

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I recently finished a map that I'm trying to push for rank, however, i'm a bit confused about the drain time of the map when dealing with the number of required difficulties.


The drain time is 4:53, which is technically too short and requires another diff. However, maps of the same song (different cover) have been ranked with the same drain time and got approved with only 1 diff. I'm not entirely sure if this rule has been updated, that's why I'm asking on the forums.

1. beatmapsets/311463#osu/759192 4:53 drain time
2. beatmapsets/778585#osu/1635233 4:52 drain time

tl;dr: Do I need another diff or no?
pretty sure those maps do actually have 5 mins of drain - remember that drain time present on site does not include spinners
TLDR yes you need another diff

What SaltyLucario said is basically correct, but more precisely, the length listed on the site (and in-game) is just the timestamp where the last object in the map begins, so if the object is a slider or spinner, the timestamp doesn't tell you when the map actually ends. What's more, that number doesn't even tell you the play time of the map, as defined in the RC, and drain time is even less inclusive: neither play time nor drain time includes the time before the first object in the map, and drain time doesn't include breaks.

In short, don't look at the numbers the game gives you. It's lying to you.

To get an actually useful number, you can calculate the play/drain time of the map yourself, or just open the map in Mapset Verifier. Among a bunch of other things, the program will tell you if the map is too short for its current spread. As it happens, the drain time of your map is only 04:57.271, so you do need an Insane diff.
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Well shit, kinda hoping I could get away with 2 1/2 seconds too short, but I guess you gotta draw the line somewhere. hahaha

Thanks for the info.
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