
Tips for switching from ddkk to kddk? Should I even switch?

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I've been playing ddkk for about half a year and its what I've stuck with all this time, but I'm starting to get sick of struggling with accuracy and also my right hand cramping/hurting when doing kk streams. Is it worth it to switch to kddk and if so what are some steps I could take to transition easier? Thanks :)
i hate to tell you, but you're struggling with accuracy not because of your playstyle. according to your profile it seems to me that you play maps that are too hard for you all the time, and you get low accuracy in these maps, because, well, it's beyond your comfort level. if you want to improve your accuracy you need to play maps that you find comfortable and easy, and try to get as high accuracy as you can. do that regularly and you'll slowly improve your accuracy. (players don't get good accuracy out of nowhere, they have to practice it. insane? i know)

now, it is true that kkdd/ddkk has more of a barrier for high accuracy than kddk(according to what everyone says), but i feel like it is overblown. you can still get very high accuracy with kkdd/ddkk, though it's possible that it might take a little longer to improve it, compared to playing with kddk.

if you have convinced yourself to switch to kddk regardless, my tips are: have really good patience. there's not much you can do to make the transition easier, it won't be easy. not only will you have to relearn most aspects of the game from scratch, kddk playstyles are much harder to learn at first due to the way patterns are read. start with 1* and 2* maps. try learning how to alternate things there, and slowly move up in difficulty. if you instead prefer to play a singletap playstyle (where you only alternate 1/4s and higher densities), you'll have an easy time with kantan, futsuu, and muzukashii difficulties, but the jump to oni will be ridiculously hard, because only there will you begin learning all the kddk alt patterns, and there's a lot of them, a whole lot.

i wish you good luck in whatever you may choose
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waifuassassin wrote:

i hate to tell you, but you're struggling with accuracy not because of your playstyle. according to your profile it seems to me that you play maps that are too hard for you all the time, and you get low accuracy in these maps, because, well, it's beyond your comfort level. if you want to improve your accuracy you need to play maps that you find comfortable and easy, and try to get as high accuracy as you can. do that regularly and you'll slowly improve your accuracy. (players don't get good accuracy out of nowhere, they have to practice it. insane? i know)

now, it is true that kkdd/ddkk has more of a barrier for high accuracy than kddk(according to what everyone says), but i feel like it is overblown. you can still get very high accuracy with kkdd/ddkk, though it's possible that it might take a little longer to improve it, compared to playing with kddk.

if you have convinced yourself to switch to kddk regardless, my tips are: have really good patience. there's not much you can do to make the transition easier, it won't be easy. not only will you have to relearn most aspects of the game from scratch, kddk playstyles are much harder to learn at first due to the way patterns are read. start with 1* and 2* maps. try learning how to alternate things there, and slowly move up in difficulty. if you instead prefer to play a singletap playstyle (where you only alternate 1/4s and higher densities), you'll have an easy time with kantan, futsuu, and muzukashii difficulties, but the jump to oni will be ridiculously hard, because only there will you begin learning all the kddk alt patterns, and there's a lot of them, a whole lot.

i wish you good luck in whatever you may choose
I see, thank you for the feedback. I like to go for maps outside of my skill range to really push myself, but I can definitely see that being a hindrance to my accuracy. I think I'll stick to ddkk and just work on improving my accuracy. Thanks! :)
Overall kddk is probably the best playstyle for both stamina and speed, as well as being the most energy efficient. You can save energy by using the recoil of keys on keyboard while alternating to only have to really put effort in when you are pressing down. You also save energy by always alternating which hand you use splitting the workload to 50/50 allowing you to do things you normally couldnt because of stamina issues.
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