
Serious Question, i'm doing this for a school project. (ONLY 4K)

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Which skin is considered better both in pro and noob play, rather than the awful defult skin, i want to know which is the better skin and the better color layout on it and why do you think it works fine, also how do you know you fell good at it or how you percieve you are playing with that skin, also any negative view you have of your skin.
it is better if you provide a screencap of your skin

> Bars
> Arrows (which style, round or sharp)
> Another forms or inspired from VSRG's
> Circles

For example, i use a Mod from pl0x (rounded arrows) mixed with the code (skin data) from ArrowVortex, colors (from left to right) RED, BLUE, YELLOW & GREEN, judge zone activated and the "hint zone", the arrows look white when im pressing them, no shining and effects deactivated with edits on the skin, long notes are edited to look flat on the end.

From my viewpoint, arrows are the most versatile skin ever created for VSRG's, it actually helped anyone on PIU, DDR, ITG and Stepmania (Etterna), its size makes it easier to achieve better accuracy and the colors make it easy to read more dense patterns from time, but that its the negative point of arrows, on patterns like speed it requires you to raise the scroll speed to be able to watch any speed file further 5.8* stars or lvl 30's on Etterna same happens with dump mapping because it makes it look way more dense that some files are, but to read patterns on any difficulty or skillset (Chordjacks, jacks, jumpstreams, handstreams, speedjacks) arrows are perfect, and coloring them on different colors as a preference (a color per arrow for me is better) facilitates any change on your reading tecnique
Plox and it's variants are probaly one of the most used skins out there, but, I don't think there is a skin that will be good for both beginners and advanced gaming. When you start it feels way better to play with simple skins like yugen, hibiki and others, but with time you start to feel used to skins like The R skins, plox, and solid color skins. You know a skin is good for you when you can both read and react to it without problems, that do not mean you have to like it. When i was a a begginer i honestly had a hate with circle skins (i kinda still have it) but they were the best for me, and for that i started to use them. In my opinion different kind of skins provides different types of "skills", for example: playing with bars can maje your accuracy better but the reading may be harder and circle skins may be easier to read but harder to acc. Arrows by otherside may be the best from my point of view being the middle way beetween reading and confort. I use a plox circle skin with white circles (orbs)
white circle skins are a simple color and shape, simplicity is all a beginner needs. (also i feel like lighter colors are much easier to track with your eyes than darker ones)
personally i think the variants of plox circles are best for beginners and advanced gaming. since there is multiple top players who main plox circles.
Hoshimegu Mio
I don’t think it’s the skin type that matters that much but rather, if the skin has simple colors and textures or not. The playfield should be clean for all good skins, and color differentiation should be simple (either between regular notes and LNs or between different columns). This is very much subjective though.
Plutes edit (my own edit, i've uploaded it on yt already for download)

Skins are preference ofc

Cyan Purple Cyan Purple

(Ice blue? for lns)
Arrow skins for me is simply better than anything else, got so comfortable with it even though it's literally 4 different shapes in a playfield

There's a reason I now use an edited version of Stepmania Ultralight skin (with ice blue arrows and black LN body)
The circle skin I'm using doesn't have many designs. It only has the bare minumum for simplicity and less distractions.
Any arrow skin that doesn't have any distracting elements (characters next to the stage, bright flashy details, etc...), or arrows with colors that are hard to see is good in my opinion.
I mainly prefer arrow skins that are all white (for 4k), or with solid colors that are quickly recognizable on harder maps (4.5 stars and beyond).
Really boils down to personal preference. I personally like big, wide, color-snapped circles but because there's no color-snapping in mania for some god-forsaken reason I'm stuck with singular color skins and this one skin I made a year ago that tried to simulate color-snapping but I no longer use it lmao.
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