IT IS OFFICIALLY TIME FOR PLAYER SIGNUPS!! being said, please refer to the main forum post for all ruling and other information about the tournament. If there are further questions please don't be afraid to ask as I do value all the accumulative experience in this one server already.
Just to quickly state the format; Open Rank, 2v2, Max Team Size of 3 Players.
(Players that are currently tournament banned/officially reported by the osu! staff will not be able to play, wherever that google sheet of players are.)I am still on the lookout for various roles to fill staff; streamers, referees, and playtesters. If you have friends that can fit these roles please send them my way so I can vet and select people.
Anyway, I hope we can all enjoy and let's have a fun time.
I would like to thank Kaetwo for quickly shitting out some of the coolest graphics in the span of like 4 hours, Chiv for coming on board to help with pooling, and Squink for all the behind the scenes work as well as double checking ruling, sheets, and all other fantastic things!