Editor help team / Beatmap help team
(Call it as you want)
Trustable and players with a vast knowledge of the Beatmap Editor, alot of patience and that have the will to help the other mappers, will be on this team.
The purpose of this team will be to give online help with the editor.
They will have their own channel. #Editor Help
Their job will be specifically to help the new mappers / players with any type of questions regarding the Beatmap Editor.
They will NOT be able to rank the maps. They can always mod, but modding will not be their main job.
This team will try to avoid the submission of "100% unrankable maps" / "shitty maps"
By doing this, the BATS / modders, will save alot of time when correcting spacing / new combos and mainly editor problems.
Having this team will also incentivate new and old players that might want to map themselves, but they find it a little bit hard to do so with only the faq help.
For this particular team, there WILL BE a tab ingame that will show the current ONLINE members.
This way, players will be able to contact them.
This was an idea from Skyripper, but he suggested for BAT members... which might be a little too much, but could work for this team.
Thank You.
(Call it as you want)
Trustable and players with a vast knowledge of the Beatmap Editor, alot of patience and that have the will to help the other mappers, will be on this team.
The purpose of this team will be to give online help with the editor.
They will have their own channel. #Editor Help
Their job will be specifically to help the new mappers / players with any type of questions regarding the Beatmap Editor.
They will NOT be able to rank the maps. They can always mod, but modding will not be their main job.
This team will try to avoid the submission of "100% unrankable maps" / "shitty maps"
By doing this, the BATS / modders, will save alot of time when correcting spacing / new combos and mainly editor problems.
Having this team will also incentivate new and old players that might want to map themselves, but they find it a little bit hard to do so with only the faq help.
For this particular team, there WILL BE a tab ingame that will show the current ONLINE members.
This way, players will be able to contact them.
This was an idea from Skyripper, but he suggested for BAT members... which might be a little too much, but could work for this team.
Thank You.