
Editor Help Team [Denied]

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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Sir Minelli
Editor help team / Beatmap help team

(Call it as you want)

Trustable and players with a vast knowledge of the Beatmap Editor, alot of patience and that have the will to help the other mappers, will be on this team.

The purpose of this team will be to give online help with the editor.

They will have their own channel. #Editor Help

Their job will be specifically to help the new mappers / players with any type of questions regarding the Beatmap Editor.

They will NOT be able to rank the maps. They can always mod, but modding will not be their main job.

This team will try to avoid the submission of "100% unrankable maps" / "shitty maps"

By doing this, the BATS / modders, will save alot of time when correcting spacing / new combos and mainly editor problems.

Having this team will also incentivate new and old players that might want to map themselves, but they find it a little bit hard to do so with only the faq help.

For this particular team, there WILL BE a tab ingame that will show the current ONLINE members.
This way, players will be able to contact them.

This was an idea from Skyripper, but he suggested for BAT members... which might be a little too much, but could work for this team.

Thank You.
This sounds really helpful and nice.

I support this idea.

strager wrote:

It's mostly used for modding instead of editor help.
Topic Starter
Sir Minelli

strager wrote:

#mod-norequest is currently being used (from what i have seen) for irc modding.

This is not an Editor Help.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
I don't see this as necessary. Just ask on irc and anyone can help, or read the faq.
Topic Starter
Sir Minelli

Gemi wrote:

I don't see this as necessary. Just ask on irc and anyone can help, or read the faq.
Yeah, i thought about that already.

But i mean, the good thing about having a team for this, imo, is that players WILL ALWAYS have someone to ask about their doubts.

I suggested this just because i thought it might be usefull in a way. But its ok if you guys think it is not really necessary.

The fact of having a tab which you can look at for checking what editor helpers are currently online, will avoid the fact of asking in osu! chat / mod chat / mod-norequest /

But yeah, if not i'm guessing that an "Editor Help" channel might work.
There are a few of us who are in irc for like 6 to 12 hours a day and, unlike some other venues of newbie questions, Editor questions pretty much always yield serious, helpful answers. Having another channel being created would actually be less productive imo, as A - the people willing to help would either half to manage multiple chat tabs (I for one tend to just have one chat open and ignore the rest) or excuse themselves from the wacky antics of #osu, and B - you'll have to expect these Editor newbies to know well enough to join the editor channel.

If anything, rather than having a team of people, there should just be a BanchoBot spawn in there that people can !faq slider or !help spinner or something. There's no reason a machine can't replace people to save them from answering the same questions over and over.
and if you create a editor help team who wants to be in this team hearing the same questions again and again
The distinction between editor help and modding is fuzzy, IMO. Especially with the things you mentioned like new combos / spacing, these are mainly matters of mapping guidelines and quality/preference, not technical issues.

All technical issues should already be covered by the FAQ. All non-technical issues should be covered by modding.

There's no reason to fracture modding up into subcategories other than to make it even more difficult than it already is.
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