
Sega - You Can Do Anything

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 25 January 2008 at 20:18:21

Artist: Sega
Title: You Can Do Anything
BPM: 153.51
Filesize: 1390kb
Play Time: 00:46
Difficulties Available:
  1. Normal (4.61 stars, 110 notes)
Download: Sega - You Can Do Anything
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Hi, this is one of my first beatmaps (I've tried making a few, but I'd say this is the one nearest completion and of which I actually think is decent). I thought I'd try something simple, and with this song only being a minute and a half long or so I thought it would be an easy one to do. It's kinda silly and cheesy with nonsensical lyrics, but that's why I like it.

My main problem is that I dunno if I've made it too difficult, or if the timing is off. This is it at just above 50% completion, so let me know what you think and if you can answer my questions.
Good attempt for your first submission. Your timing is quite close to what it should be (not every beginners manage to do that, I tell you). Here are what you need for the timing: BPM 153.14, Offset 4500. After you've adjusted the timing settings, don't forget to resnap all notes and recalculate slider lengths. These can be easily done by using the automated function in the Timing menu bar. Some of the notes might still be off-beat after you've resnapped them so make sure you check through the whole song again and correct any of those that still remain.

As for the difficulty, I can't comment on this matter at the moment. Please correct your timing, make sure that all the beats fall in the right place, then reupload this again. Something I can suggest at this point though: You should remove the first green combo at the beginning of the song. The song is inaudible at that point and people will have a hard time with that combo. Also, you'd better combine all 1/4 consecutive beats (like the one at 0:11:45) into a stack by placing them on top of each other.

That's all for now. Hope to see your updated version soon! ;)
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