
Has anyone tried "inverting" maps?

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I don't mean turning them in LN hell, but I don't how else to call it. Basically it's just moving the center columns (2,3) to their adjacent outer columns (1,4) and vice versa. I got this idea when I noticed a few map types such as index, streams and some jumpstreams have a bias toward patterns that are heavier on the center columns but basically never the other way around.

I started doing this manually in Visual Studio Code and it was actually kind of cool how different the maps feel and it made me play in a way that the original maps didn't. It kind of got tedious having to do it manually though so I wrote a script to do it.

EDIT: Link to download
That sounds really cool actually, would you mind posting the script for it?

Also what language did you use?
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I wrote it in python. Link is up.
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Bit of an anecdote but so far putting maps through the scripts tend to make them harder for me at least. I'm not sure exactly why, could be I'm not familiar with the patterns since that's kind of the reason why I made it. Does anyone else experience this?
it will make them a lot harder because of how maps are made, the main thing is how it interacts with [23] and [14], flipping completely changes the feel of the file because of [23] being quite awkward to hit a lot of the time.
there's also the fact than people tend to prefer trills on 2 and 3 as they can be seen clearly next to each other compared 1 and 4
also it breaks rolls from being a smooth 1234 into being a 2143 which is split and awkward in comparison

there are more reasons but basically yeah it will make them really awkward to play and read sicne it breaks the original intent
Hoshimegu Mio
Usually mappers prefer center columns over outer columns intentionally or unintentionally. Probably has something to deal with how people interpret things or other stuff like that.
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