
[invalid] Disable Kiai [Epileptic Users]

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +342
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Some of us seem to forget that there are epileptic users on this game, and even with the option to disable storyboard or reskin, the flash is still there and can bother some eye sensitive users. There should be an option to disable all flashes in the options menu. A toggle of sorts. This will help a lot.
I've seen at least three complaints from epileptic users, and really think this could help. Apparently the flash isn't the same as skins and willt ake a bit of work to go in and code, but the option will greatly help a percentage of our users.
I'd agree on this. I may not be epileptic but i'm concerned about them.
Sounds like a really good reason to me :)
bump this up although I'm not epileptic at all :D

Kiai itself distract me from reading objects :o Don't know how you think
Trash Boat
sorry to ask this, but what is Kiai?
The flashing fountains and objects you see in game.
Anything to open this game to more players.
Kyujuroku 96
I support this. This will be good for the game since it will atract new players +4

S v p e r wrote:

I support this. This will be good for the game since it will atract new players +4
What. I suppose you mean new players as epileptic one?
What...a player that actually cares about others who have disorder?! Need to support!! :)
Fact: I have eczema and it's quite bad compared to an average one so I actually do feel people's pain when they do not have a normal person's mind and body.
im not Epileptic but i agree
Not bad! Support!
Supporting because what OP said + shiny stuff isn't really pretty but just annoying.

+ it makes my laptop drop frames or I don't even know what that lag is
Have you any empiric proof that effects such as kiai (I mean, taking into account its intensity and flashing) are REALLY that harmful for epileptic people??

I mean, we can't disable things at random without really knowing if these things are risky or not.

Anyway, in that case, I would support making two different osu! clients, one without ANY effect at all (and without the possibilty to enable them), specially made for epileptic users, and leaving the one we have now without any editing. why? so that people who are not really epileptic can't disable such things, so as to force them to choose a boring and dull osu!client, or stay with the normal one.
Definitely supporting, but not for its annoyance to regular users. Making separate clients is really a bad idea as no one can stop them from getti g the other client. It must be toggle-able from the options. When even I have bad time with kiai its just not a good thing to force it to epileptic people. (My fiancé is epileptic)

Zakkyliar wrote:

Definitely supporting, but not for its annoyance to regular users. Making separate clients is really a bad idea as no one can stop them from getti g the other client. It must be toggle-able from the options. When even I have bad time with kiai its just not a good thing to force it to epileptic people. (My fiancé is epileptic)

The thing would be that the restricted client for epileptic users would have EVERYTHING disabled, and you would not be able to toggle single options. So that the users who are requesting this feature without being epileptic, just because they want Kiai off, would have to choose between playing with a dull osu!client without any effect, or learning to cope with kiai in the normal client.

Probably two clients wouldn't be needed, just an option to disable EVERYTHING, but without allowing you to enable single things.
You dont have to be epileptic to get annoyed by kiai so if a "normal" user want to disable it i cant see the problem, plus write the code for a button to enable/disable kiai would be faster than write and takes updated an other client.
Trash Boat
i'm sorry to say this, but i think it should be backwards. instead of the osu! mods be aware of epileptic players, the epileptic players should not play osu! for its own safety. there are several games that announce that that game has strobe lights that may not be appropiate for certain players
It's possible to nullify kiai time in standard, at least, via skinning star2.png to a blank png and disabling shader effects. There's still subtle glowing, but nothing flashy.
I support it, not because of Epileptic users, but because my laptop stuck when circles begin to glow in Kiai. I think this causes some burden to GPU, and simply make me unable to pass some beatmaps.

In order to make osu! run more fluently on basic computers, we should give users the ability to disable this feature.
Its not really a big deal for the !osu program. its just it makes me miss everytime i try to FC a map or get high map rank/pp rank. thats all. and sorry. i didnt chose to be epileptic. ^^

battler077 wrote:

i'm sorry to say this, but i think it should be backwards. instead of the osu! mods be aware of epileptic players, the epileptic players should not play osu! for its own safety. there are several games that announce that that game has strobe lights that may not be appropiate for certain players
I hope you realise that there is a warning specifically for strobing storyboards, which must be included in any mapset with sudden flashes.

It'd be nice to see this feature added, or else to see kiai effects bound to the "Hit lighting" toggle. It's certainly something that even some healthy players don't want to see.
If I had stars I would support

This is a great idea, but, in taiko, Kiai increases score A LOT, how do you toggle that off?
Maybe add a kiai tag, like in the editor, which can of course be skinned ;)
I would say that you can't disable it, but you have to make it invisible, just like the background dim.

I love this idea, but most Taiko players, like me, like kiai, so some players don't get the Taiko-Kiai-Score-Boost, but the ones who play with, they will get it. Please think about this. I don't know if it influences your score in CTB, since I barely play it.

baraatje123 wrote:

If I had stars I would support

This is a great idea, but, in taiko, Kiai increases score A LOT, how do you toggle that off?
Maybe add a kiai tag, like in the editor, which can of course be skinned ;)
I would say that you can't disable it, but you have to make it invisible, just like the background dim.

I love this idea, but most Taiko players, like me, like kiai, so some players don't get the Taiko-Kiai-Score-Boost, but the ones who play with, they will get it. Please think about this. I don't know if it influences your score in CTB, since I barely play it.
I don't think it they mean to disable any bonus, just disable the visual effects caused by Kiai.

Bauxe wrote:

baraatje123 wrote:

If I had stars I would support

This is a great idea, but, in taiko, Kiai increases score A LOT, how do you toggle that off?
Maybe add a kiai tag, like in the editor, which can of course be skinned ;)
I would say that you can't disable it, but you have to make it invisible, just like the background dim.

I love this idea, but most Taiko players, like me, like kiai, so some players don't get the Taiko-Kiai-Score-Boost, but the ones who play with, they will get it. Please think about this. I don't know if it influences your score in CTB, since I barely play it.
I don't think it they mean to disable any bonus, just disable the visual effects caused by Kiai.
What I meant to say, is that when Kiai is invisible, how do you know that you gat more points. I'd say it makes a note when kiai stars, like the one in the editor, so you know you get more points
Topic Starter

baraatje123 wrote:

What I meant to say, is that when Kiai is invisible, how do you know that you gat more points. I'd say it makes a note when kiai stars, like the one in the editor, so you know you get more points
It doesn't really matter, this is to hekp people, not to get higher on the leaderboards, and theres already a skinnable bar for kiai in taiko, the flashes are seperate so they will still know that they're getting a score increase without the effect of the flashes.
I freaking hate those blinding lights. When I'm playing osu at night with lights off, the light blinds me and I miss the next beat. Really frustrating imo.
I have even disabled most of the lighting options in settings D:
kiai can not trigger epilepsy.
It could probably cause headaches, frame drops, and reduces the visibility of the bouncing repeat arrow. The cursor trail can also be seen as a distraction. You can disable most other things. I'm not sure what you mean about it being an integrated feature, but it can't possibly be so integrated into the system if the game can disable it simply by not having kiai toggled for a timing line. An extra if statement could change the value to a regular timing line during mapload. Score bonuses could still be applied like a regular kiai section.
Cool. I have epilepsy actually. I had my first seizure in 8th grade and a few after that until I was diagnosed around my freshman year of high school ~9 years ago. Personally, I have not had a problem with kiai but the degree and severity differ from person to person. I am medicated but some others may not be not, therefore having a higher chance of having a seizure. I'm pretty sure that I'll never have a seizure because of osu! but like I said it differs depending on the person. However, I don't see anything wrong with being able to disable it; so I support.
Support for those users they need we support this ^.^

Let's open the game to more people :)
or invisible Kiai Time specifically for epileptic Players.
Trash Boat
here's a better idea: Black Kiai time

Alarido wrote:

Support for those users they need we support this ^.^

Let's open the game to more people :)
please see my previous post. there is no way focused lighting like this can trigger epilepsy.

peppy wrote:

kiai can not trigger epilepsy.
This is a YES. If you want to (really) disable kiai time you should found more interesting idea/ reasons for disabling such as ppy doesnt approve because ''kiai cannot trigger epilepsy. And why should we disable it, it was the fun part of the music/beatmap well as TheVileOne says we can disable most other things so i dont know why should we have this option though

peppy wrote:

kiai can not trigger epilepsy.
Simple this, lol. Is there are at least one case when kiai trigger epilepsy?

KIAI is fun, and not really that bothersome :|
Topic Starter
I get mild headaches sometimes from the circle flash and cursor effects. Also seeing as its not only the background that has a subtle light but multiple things altogether which also depends on bpm it still has a chance.

Kodora wrote:

peppy wrote:

kiai can not trigger epilepsy.
Simple this, lol. Is there are at least one case when kiai trigger epilepsy?

KIAI is fun, and not really that bothersome :|
KIAI to me is the most annoying thing ever D:
Unless im playing with bright light around me.
Trash Boat
do i have to repeat myself again? BLACK KIAI!!! Lights may induce eplepsy, but darkness not
I would throw it in for people who want the option to disable Kiai.The ones who want to keep it enabled can leave it on.

It doesn't sound too hard to program, and in the end, both parties win.
Yeah, I can see why disabling it could be nice for some highly epileptic users even though I believe it is not really a priority. I don't think it is hard to code (I have 0 knowledge on programming but well, it's a simple toggle isn't it?) so as someone stated above, both parties win.
I guess I support this.
Not only it'll help the epileptic problem, it'll also help me from playing more accurately. my eyes are slowly losing focus from all the hours i'v sunken down while playing in front of a computer.

You have my support : D
this will make make my fps more than 80 during the kiai
I usually get 40-60 during it (below 40 the game lags and I rage shortly after)
You know could people just skin the kiai if they were epileptic. I've seen beatmaps have custom kiai fountains.

TheVileOne wrote:

You know could people just skin the kiai if they were epileptic. I've seen beatmaps have custom kiai fountains.
Wouldn't be very user friendly if you ask me, but yeah true.
This should have a toggle in the options.

peppy wrote:

kiai can not trigger epilepsy.
ughh... it slightly does. like when i play a fast bpm game/dt'ed/hr/ or on o!m when i play fast speed to play more accurate than the slow.
sudden kiai blanks my mind. but the people around my computer shop reacts like im shaking. also my mom said that too. resulting to miss the next combo.

:( :cry: :cry: :(
this will be moved to completed request marked as invalid just like everything which doesn't concern majority of players, casual players -> the main target of this game it seems rofl
but well, atleast you tried.
also @epileptic people, i guess you can disable those things by editing skin, like making star2.png transparent or something.
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