
Bossfight - Milky Ways [OsuMania]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on April 7, 2023 at 1:51:47 PM

Artist: Bossfight
Title: Milky Ways
Tags: Caps On, Hats Off chiptune video game instrumental electronic bitpop fakebit 8bit glitchhop fa featured artist Shad0wStar Erik Sjöstrand Sjostrand Sjoestrand Bossfightswe Record Union Speed Run 4 Open Hexagon Just Shapes & Beats And JSaB
BPM: 183
Filesize: 11822kb
Play Time: 03:00
Difficulties Available:
  1. Cosmic Web | Hard - 4Key (2.59 stars, 1621 notes)
  2. Earth | Easy - 4Key (1.45 stars, 617 notes)
  3. Inner Planets | Normal - 4Key (2.06 stars, 1019 notes)
  4. Multiverse | Extra - 4Key (4.07 stars, 2385 notes)
  5. Observable Universe | Insane - 4Key (3.64 stars, 2009 notes)
Download: Bossfight - Milky Ways
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Thank you Shad0wStar for the hitsounds


A 2012 chiptune song uploaded in the album "Caps On, Hats Off" by Bossfight.

Full Background Image by ならの


Beatmap Nominators

Ryax | Syadow-
RIP [ Decku ] (gl on studies)


- ZirconEscalus (Modded Normal, Hard, & Extra)

- Fabicho_ (Modded Normal & Hard)

- Ryax (Modded All Difficulties, Hitsounds, & Metadata)

- Mirsaaa (Modded Hitsounds)

- GDBlack (Modded Insane & Metadata)

- Monoseul (Modded All Difficulties)

- [ Decku ] (Modded Easy)

- OJQ (Modded Normal & Hard)

- SilentWuffer (Modded Normal, Hard, Extra, & Hitsounds)

- Syadow- (Modded All Difficulties & Hitsounds)



- -XxbluezaperxX- (Mentor)

- Fitsuna (Recommended the BG)

Thank you to all the names mentioned aboved :D
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