00:53:81 (6,8,10) - whistle
00:57:82 (1,2) - whistle
01:04:19 (5,7) - whistle
01:11:98 (7) - clap
01:36:76 (1,3) - whistle
01:59:65 (8,11,13) - ^
02:00:83 (1,3,5,7) - whistle at end of slider
02:08:15 (x) - maybe add a note here?
02:15:94 (1,3,5,7) - whistle at end of slider
02:14:76 (8,11,13) - whistle?
02:27:86 (x) - add note
02:57:95 (1,3,4,5) - whistle
00:46:50 (4,5,6,7) - whistles instead?
02:00:14 (12,14) - whistles
02:07:69 (8,9,10,11) - whistles? it sounds like too many finishes to me
02:11:70 (10,11) - whistle
00:21:95 (1,2,3,4) - whistles instead?
00:39:41 (1) - clap at end of slider
00:40:83 (4) - clap
01:26:14 (4) - finish?
02:36:23 (1) - too far
02:43:08 (4) - claps on repeats, too
02:47:33 (4) - finish?
02:50:63 (10) - put claps on all parts
waaah hitsound mods x_X i hope i helped a little ,_,
this is such a cute song! you get a star, of course.
00:53:81 (6,8,10) - whistle
00:57:82 (1,2) - whistle
01:04:19 (5,7) - whistle
01:11:98 (7) - clap
01:36:76 (1,3) - whistle
01:59:65 (8,11,13) - ^
02:00:83 (1,3,5,7) - whistle at end of slider
02:08:15 (x) - maybe add a note here?
02:15:94 (1,3,5,7) - whistle at end of slider
02:14:76 (8,11,13) - whistle?
02:27:86 (x) - add note
02:57:95 (1,3,4,5) - whistle
00:46:50 (4,5,6,7) - whistles instead?
02:00:14 (12,14) - whistles
02:07:69 (8,9,10,11) - whistles? it sounds like too many finishes to me
02:11:70 (10,11) - whistle
00:21:95 (1,2,3,4) - whistles instead?
00:39:41 (1) - clap at end of slider
00:40:83 (4) - clap
01:26:14 (4) - finish?
02:36:23 (1) - too far
02:43:08 (4) - claps on repeats, too
02:47:33 (4) - finish?
02:50:63 (10) - put claps on all parts
waaah hitsound mods x_X i hope i helped a little ,_,
this is such a cute song! you get a star, of course.