
About claiming songs...

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Do you think people should be allowed to claim songs?

Total votes: 45
Topic Starter
A few people have began claiming songs lately, and got pissed because they have been stolen (you all probably know what I'm referring to). People say that they have started a wip of the song awhile ago, but haven't uploaded it. You can't prove that can you? How do we know that you're lying? Anyway, I'd like to make it clear that there is NO rule stating no two people can map the same song. We all have our different opinions though, so please share your thoughts and participate in the poll. Personally, I am voting No for the above reasons.

ps no flaming in my thread plz

Quit being crybabies because someone beat you to the punch.

There is an amazing solution to when someone maps a song you want to map. Map it better.

Takuma wrote:

ps no posting in my thread plz

Really guys this is something to discuss rather than something to ignore

imo claiming songs is fine, with the understanding that once the map is ranked/graved the other people who have expressed interest in mapping the song may freely map it (basically the first person to claim a song gets it, but once theyre done with it its a free-for-all with everyone else)

lukewarmholiday wrote:


Quit being crybabies because someone beat you to the punch.

There is an amazing solution to when someone maps a song you want to map. Map it better.
Took the words right out of my mouth. Really, there's no need to start a huge argument over who maps a song first.

Voted no.
IMO that depends on what "claim" goes.

If "claim" goes "I like this song, I am going to map it. Just let you know" Like we see in a mapping project, I think it's good and make project more clear. then YES.

However if it goes something like "I love this song so much, so I am going to map it, everybody go away don't touch my girlfriend song or I am going to call police etc etc." Then I feel it goes really lame. HELL NO.

Anyway, NO rule stating no two people can map the same song. I think it's the main point. I don't think we need a lame flame war for this.>_>
imo claiming songs is fine, with the understanding that once the map is ranked/graved the other people who have expressed interest in mapping the song may freely map it (basically the first person to claim a song gets it, but once theyre done with it its a free-for-all with everyone else
This.Also rawr shut up Takuma we're already over it on this issue

I also agree that it's okay for project songs and stuff like that, but only in that instance, which is why I voted 'yes'.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Though slightly annoying (both mapping songs people have already mapped, and people mapping songs you're mapping too,) it's cool by me.

I do prefer people map different versions of the song though.
I voted no. There's no rule about it and you can't expect every single person to keep track of what other things have been claimed. And wouldn't you rather have two good beatmaps than one good beatmap?

lukewarmholiday wrote:

There is an amazing solution to when someone maps a song you want to map. Map it better.
This is pretty much the punchline to the thread. There are so many mappers and so many songs out there that A - the chances of you mapping the same song as someone else are low so long as you aren't a trend whore, and B - unless you keep an eye on everything submitted to BSS you might not even be aware that a copy of the song exists. Unless it's an old-skool beatmap I played over a year ago, I'm not going to be aware if a song I'm modding was already mapped.
It is silly. if a person wants to map the same song he can do it. complaining acts like an idiot. its not your song.
Topic Starter
o_. but what if the song is really YOUR song and you made it? did you ever think of THAT?
^i once uploaded myself singing a song that goes "one-two-three! stay-by-me!" and what if i map it? PROBABLY NOT! and i say, "No one may map, its my song!!" and someone goes ahead and maps prbly not.
I can say, "that not cool!", right?!
Come on, don't tell me you wouldn't be honored if somebody mapped a song that you made.

(unless it's a really shitty map, lol)
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

Saturos-fangirl wrote:

o_. but what if the song is really YOUR song and you made it? did you ever think of THAT?
i dont think it is to happen alot and if i would be happy someone put this interest in "my" sound. but this is not this topic purpose i think. more the popular songs a couple people like to map for

Soaprman wrote:

Come on, don't tell me you wouldn't be honored if somebody mapped a song that you made.

(unless it's a really shitty map, lol)
Here's where it would get tricky...

If someone were to map my music, I would be honored that they see my music as worthy of being mappable. However, at the same time, I would want them to ask me for permission beforehand.

Also, as for the main topic at hand, there can be multiple maps of a song, sure, but what about when probably one of the maps Takuma was mentioning in the first place was claimed for a project? :/
harhar I claim every song that ever was, is and will be written EVER.

Seriously though; claiming = no real relevance, what-so-ever.
Talk to the person that made the same map and merge them. Also, see who should be the main mapper and who should be the "guest" mapper. If the other guy is unreasonable(don't think so), let him have the rights.
The above does not apply if your or the other guy's or both maps suck.

I don't have this problem since the songs I map are those no one bothers to map. :D
I really don't think there's a problem when there are two or more maps of the same song, so claiming is really pointless, so no.

JInxyjem wrote:

If the other guy is unreasonable(don't think so), let him have the rights.
That is a terrible thing to say. You're literally promoting unreasonableness. You don't reward a child for having a tantrum.

There was something that totally slipped my mind until reading Tippy's post. The act of claiming songs was relevant when osu! had maybe 20 beatmappers. Back then, if two people mapped the same song, the effects on the variety of available songs were more substantial. Nowadays, with hundreds of mappers, there's already more song variety (and I mean that genre-unspecific) than most people can handle, so there's less waste.

tl;dr: claiming songs was relevant two years ago. It isn't relevant any more.
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