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Gizoki Umizu
Hello My name is Gizoki Umizu. I've never posted a [Thing] in the forums. This is a late introduction though. I've been playing this game for almost 4 months and never posted a [Thing], but since I saw that I could introduce myself in the forums. I was like '' Why not? Its better late than never...'' Hahaha funny. Its a wierd for me to play this game cause of my age [Personal Opinion] . Anyways well I should really tell you one or two things about me, its that I suck at the PC and I hate FPS games. Now I should tell you about the things I can do or like :D :D I like to watch Anime [But don't have alot of time since Im employed :P] and I like to play the piano. So you can say that I'm a mania player, well that's all have to say. Haha I hope you people have the time to read my intro :D :D.
Welcome to the community! :D
:) Hi and welcome to OSU Community :D
Hope you have fun here and with the game too

Oh yes, don't forget to read this deadbeat's introduction thread to the forums
Hi welcome!
Welcome to the forums!
Welcome!~ :)
welcome aboard :)
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