
Perfume - Computer Driving

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00:01:09 (1) - remove new combo?
00:11:779 - I know this is the easiest diff, so consider adding a note here, it's sounds empty atm
00:40:65 (1) - this and all that are like this sounds really good :D
00:38:96 (2) - sliders that look like this looks great, just pointing it out, just in case someone says it looks a bit off, if they do say that, tell em to look at it in test, looks good on this side
01:48:15 (8) - just make sure this is snapped, and ur done

00:25:46 (2) - WTH are these partern until the break, It's sooo weird/awesome I can't judge it, I mean really awesome looking
01:29:40 (5) - new combo? hehehe idk don't need to do this one :P
02:21:52 (3) - New combo :O

woah, well Normal was . . . normal :P, but Hard was :O OMG, anyways nice maps

P.S. Change Hard to Insane, cause it is
All good~

00:26:02 (2,1,1,2,1,2,3,4,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,3,1,1,2,1) - This part is extremely hard to read. Let's change that 8D Raise the overall diff by 1.
00:27:15 (1) - Remove this combo
00:29:40 (1) - And this one

Should be alot more readable now :3

Very fun map! :D
Topic Starter

EEeee wrote:

00:01:09 (1) - remove new combo? No, from here i map this part to lyrics.
00:11:779 - I know this is the easiest diff, so consider adding a note here, it's sounds empty atm Added the note, it sounds nice :)
00:40:65 (1) - this and all that are like this sounds really good :D Thanks ^^
00:38:96 (2) - sliders that look like this looks great, just pointing it out, just in case someone says it looks a bit off, if they do say that, tell em to look at it in test, looks good on this side :]
01:48:15 (8) - just make sure this is snapped, and ur done It's snapped :o

00:25:46 (2) - WTH are these partern until the break, It's sooo weird/awesome I can't judge it, I mean really awesome looking If u watch them in editor u will understand them ^^
01:29:40 (5) - new combo? hehehe idk don't need to do this one :P Naa dont like it here.
02:21:52 (3) - New combo :O Yes sir ! :D

woah, well Normal was . . . normal :P, but Hard was :O OMG, anyways nice maps Thanks, i guess XD
*star Thanks and thanks for modding m8

P.S. Change Hard to Insane, cause it is Won't do that, it's just a Hard [Hard] :P
Topic Starter

lesjuh wrote:

All good~

00:26:02 (2,1,1,2,1,2,3,4,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,3,1,1,2,1) - This part is extremely hard to read. Let's change that 8D Let's not change it =D, check it out in editor and u will probably understand it (all the whistles -they are on loud beats- are jumps, the rest is spaced by distance snap)Raise the overall diff by 1.
00:27:15 (1) - Remove this combo Kdone.
00:29:40 (1) - And this one ^

Should be alot more readable now :3 k :)

Very fun map! :D Thanks and thanks for modding :3
01:25:09 (Kiai) - Same issue as [Hard]. (I modded hard first lol) Starting from 01:25:84 (1) can be better

Wow cool patterns~
01:25:09 (Kiai) - Starting from 01:25:84 (3) can be better.

That's all
Have a star from me! ;)
You shall recieve a star.
Topic Starter

minyeob wrote:

01:25:09 (Kiai) - Same issue as [Hard]. (I modded hard first lol) Starting from 01:25:84 (1) can be better Yeah, it looks nice, done :)

Wow cool patterns~
01:25:09 (Kiai) - Starting from 01:25:84 (3) can be better. You're right, done :)

That's all Thanks for modding.
Have a star from me! ;) And have a kudosu from me :D
Yeah, I like this song very much :D

Cool maps too =)


Fine, everything looks right :D


Whoa, I think u should call this "Insane" xD It's really hard, and very cool patterns btw :D

00:25:84 (1) - 00:30:71 (1) - Ok, this part is awesome :O

01:52:27 (1) - This can be a bit confusing, but it's ok ^^

and why don't make a Symbolic Slide Diff, and call this Insane? xD

nah, hope this get ranked soon!! =)

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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
your a superb mapper but on this map...

i star this map :lol:
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Topic Starter

Larto wrote:

00:26:02 (2,1,1,2,1,2,3,4,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,2,3,4,1,1,2,1) - Wow, that section's spacing confused the hell out of me.. it's kinda cluttered too. I'd remap that section ;|
00:40:65 (1,1) - personally, I'd merge those spinners. They didn't trip me up or anything, I just think the first one is kinda short. If you don't wanna change it, I'm fine with that. I stopped the first where the word stopped and started the second where the new word started but I will merge them.
00:46:65 (1,1) - ^ ^
02:05:21 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - Remove some New Combos? Maybe. Done :)
02:10:65 (1,1) -personally, I'd merge those spinners. They didn't trip me up or anything, I just think the first one is kinda short. If you don't wanna change it, I'm fine with that blah blah. Done.
02:13:56 (2) - I'd remove that note. It's a bad note indeed >_> removed it.
...What, that was the map? D: Come on, there's so much of the song left I'll discuss this further with you and think about it ^^

Okay BUT SO SHORT ;_; I hate mapping normals :P

Thanks for modding :3

***EDIT*** Mapped an extra chorus at [Hard].
Some minor modding, then bubble!
02:02:59 (3) - new combo
02:17:96 (4) - new combo
02:48:52 (1,2) - this pattern is reallllly confusing, consider stacking it or removing the jump
02:53:21 (4) - new combo (suggestion.) you could also make it like 2:02 and 2:17, but that's just my suggestion
03:05:21 (4) - ^

so really only 3 little things. I will quickly rebubble, just lmk
Topic Starter

Skyripper wrote:

02:02:59 (3) - new combo Done
02:17:96 (4) - new combo Done
02:48:52 (1,2) - this pattern is reallllly confusing, consider stacking it or removing the jump Talked about this with you.
02:53:21 (4) - new combo (suggestion.) you could also make it like 2:02 and 2:17, but that's just my suggestion Done.
03:05:21 (4) - ^ ^

so really only 3 little things. I will quickly rebubble, just lmk thanks for modding <3
such little changes made in the end... (2 new combos) I feel safe in rankage
Sleep Powder
[Hard] is annoying.
De-rank plz

While playing...
spacing was soo bad I thought my mouse sensitivity was off...but it wasn't
hidden sliders
kiai time confusion...
distance spacing ewness...

okay I'm done complaining...I'm done now...
..Not a fan of the spacing. I feel that this needs to be fixed.
Uhh wha...? I hope it's just me o.o;

Sleep Powder
No wonder I thought this beatmap was really was bad...lulz

I thought it was just me
Play with Hard Rock, it's a LOT easier.
00:39:52 (4) - Partially off-screen :|
01:58:27 (1,2) - ^

What's wrong with the spacing though? Seemed perfectly fine to me..

Though I would say a higher overall difficulty would have been nice :P

animask wrote:

[Hard] is annoying.
De-rank plz

While playing...
spacing was soo bad I thought my mouse sensitivity was off...but it wasn't
hidden sliders
kiai time confusion...
distance spacing ewness...
Back yourself up / Explain with examples please. In playing the map, I don't think there's anything bad enough to merit a derank.
I would say shut the fuck up and stop complaining. Please.
im not here to complain or argue. neat map

EDIT: cool
Hard rock is supposed to make this harder, not make it playable

What the shit was the BAT thinking when this was ranked?
I think peppy needs to take a look at this map to settle all of the disputes.
Just stfu everyone I SS'd it on 3rd try (yes, escape retries). I didn't have problems with ANYthing.
Go cry somewhere else if you can't fc. This map is awesome.

lesjuh wrote:

Just stfu everyone I SS'd it on 3rd try (yes, escape retries). I didn't have problems with ANYthing.
Go cry somewhere else if you can't fc. This map is awesome.
That really doesn't say much for the quality of the map considering your skill as a player probably allows you to read otherwise unplayable maps

Still, on principle this map should be deranked until it's fixed - a multiplier adding mod should not make the thing easier to play, period.

lesjuh wrote:

Just stfu everyone I SS'd it on 3rd try (yes, escape retries). I didn't have problems with ANYthing.
Go cry somewhere else if you can't fc. This map is awesome.
Standards exist for a reason. Maps have standards. Whether or not a map is able to be FC'd or SS'd has nothing to do with whether or not it should be ranked. Go brag somewhere else, lesjuh.

As far as I can see, none of these posts say ANYTHING regarding FCs. Except yours.

Gabi wrote:

01:25:46 (2,3) -
01:37:46 (2,3) -
personally i think these 2 above are unrankable.
It's pretty obvious that the (2) is a hitcircle, while the (3) is the slider. I don't see a problem with this

Gabi wrote:

02:21:71 (2,3,4) -
this one IS unrakable if im not mistaken. i dont think notes overlapping sliders are allowed in such a confusing pattern.
Uhhh I don't see the problem... It goes down the playfield with (1,2,3) before coming back up with a slider on (4). While this could be considered as overlap, I honestly don't see how someone would get confused about how to hit it.

Use your modding ability on maps that are not ranked yet, instead of wasting your time disputing something that has been OK'd by 3 mods (Skipper, me, Takuma).

I really want to just lock this thread right now.

This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
EDIT: cool x2
I think we need to find some new BATs then if our current ones are incompetent

Maps have been deranked for far less - what's the deal?
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
00:39:52 (4) - partially offscreen
01:58:27 (1,2) - partially offscreen

*insert stupid smile here*

Nothing really unrankable other than that, though the map did mess with my head and give me a headache.

Ephemeral wrote:

I think we need to find some new BATs then if our current ones are incompetent
I think we need new members then if our current ones have nothing better to do than bitch at others.

Seriously, why couldn't YOU have said anything before it was ranked?

ps- i haven't looked at the map yet. I hate maps that cause too much drama like this.

mattyu007 wrote:

If you want this deranked, please provide an example of something that is unrankable enough to merit a derank and a score reset. If you can't think of any, don't post in here. Geez.

And remmy, I apologize for not being omniscient. It is one of my many shortfallings. :roll:

Stupid amounts of drama over this for no reason at all, honestly. It's plain that there's crippling problems with the map and that they need to be fixed - so why isn't it deranked?
I see nothing wrong with this map myself....

01:25:46 (2,3) -
01:37:46 (2,3) -

neither of these things are even close to being unrankable, even my first time playing it I could clearly see the difference between the sliders/notes

00:39:52 (4) - partially offscreen
01:58:27 (1,2) - partially offscreen

yeah these are **slightly** off screen on the editor but its not like you cant hit them or anything

I even disagree with the hardrock makes it easier (didnt for me) but oooook
Topic Starter

ThePassingShadow wrote:

lesjuh wrote:

Just stfu everyone I SS'd it on 3rd try (yes, escape retries). I didn't have problems with ANYthing.
Go cry somewhere else if you can't fc. This map is awesome.
Standards exist for a reason. Maps have standards. Whether or not a map is able to be FC'd or SS'd has nothing to do with whether or not it should be ranked. Go brag somewhere else, lesjuh.

As far as I can see, none of these posts say ANYTHING regarding FCs. Except yours.
Indeed, that is because the players who FC it just rate it to how much they like it and don't argue about the map in the thread.

If it isn't clear enough for you all arguers, 4 BATs checked this map to see if it's rankable ok, so probably it is good enough to be ranked.. (Larto, Skyripper, mattyu, Takuma).
itt: People being assholes on both sides of the argument.

Ephemeral wrote:

mattyu007 wrote:

If you want this deranked, please provide an example of something that is unrankable enough to merit a derank and a score reset. If you can't think of any, don't post in here. Geez.

And remmy, I apologize for not being omniscient. It is one of my many shortfallings. :roll:

Stupid amounts of drama over this for no reason at all, honestly. It's plain that there's crippling problems with the map and that they need to be fixed - so why isn't it deranked?
I guess we should go unrank hundreds of other maps too, because I have to use hard rock on a lot of things to make them playable.

Whatever. This map is fine, hard rock or otherwise.

Lybydose wrote:

Ephemeral wrote:

mattyu007 wrote:

If you want this deranked, please provide an example of something that is unrankable enough to merit a derank and a score reset. If you can't think of any, don't post in here. Geez.

And remmy, I apologize for not being omniscient. It is one of my many shortfallings. :roll:

Stupid amounts of drama over this for no reason at all, honestly. It's plain that there's crippling problems with the map and that they need to be fixed - so why isn't it deranked?
I guess we should go unrank hundreds of other maps too, because I have to use hard rock on a lot of things to make them playable.
Sounds fine to me.

Really does. Institute some form of quality control for all maps or don't enforce it at any at all. Half-assed shit getting through the filters is stupid.

Point in case is that a multiplier mod is supposed to make things harder, not easier/playable.

Ephemeral wrote:

Sounds fine to me.

Really does. Institute some form of quality control for all maps or don't enforce it at any at all. Half-assed shit getting through the filters is stupid.

Point in case is that a multiplier mod is supposed to make things harder, not easier/playable.
We have quality control and we have standards. This map met those standards according to MORE than enough BATs to get it ranked. Whether you like it or not, standards never stated that a map has to be harder when played with Hard Rock. Try Fierce Battle [m980's Ultima]. It's an awesome map, and it's probably easier on Hard Rock. It's going to happen with certain mapping styles whether you like it or not, so it's a rule that would be far too difficult to enforce without encroaching a little too much on mapping style.

EDIT: Just to note, I have not checked this map and I do not NEED to check this map. It is not my business to recheck the approved work of several other BATs.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Card N'FoRcE
I don't understand the meaning of this argument.
I mean, the map is perfectly fine. It has some circles/sliders that are hard to see, but you can miss them the first time only if you don't look carefully. Honestly, i dunno how the map is without HR because one user wanted me to play it with HR directly and so i did.

About the "mistakes", here's my opinion:
This is perfectly fine, other maps are even worse imho. I didn't see the repetition the first time i played it, but i giggled at it because it was a funny trick and it's visible anyway.
It's even pointless to discuss about this, since the slider is perfectly visible and there are, as above, maps that hide things even more.
About "01:58:27 (1,2) - partially offscreen" my opinion is "mah" since lots of people did hit them without problems.

It's shit. Get over it.
Imho there are maps shittier than this one, but anyway it's always an opinion, since there are no problems technically.

I didn't dislike this map. I kinda liked it and i don't remember if i gave 8 or 9 because it was fun to play.
Just |Auto| played [Hard], and expected so much worse based on the posts in here. You guys make so much fuss over a little slider. You want to know my side of this arguement? It's an ugly slider. Thats all. Nothing unrankable about it, imo.

How about shifting all of this anger and hate by making your own, "better" maps?
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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