
Chrono Cross - Yasunori Mitsuda - Time's Scar

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Tuesday, 29 January 2008 at 09:57:40 PM

Artist: Chrono Cross - Yasunori Mitsuda
Title: Time's Scar
BPM: 80
Filesize: 3881kb
Play Time: 02:19
Difficulties Available:
  1. Normal (2.97 stars, 145 notes)
  2. Hard (4.34 stars, 244 notes)
  3. Insane (4.69 stars, 302 notes)
Download: Chrono Cross - Yasunori Mitsuda - Time's Scar
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
This song is from the opening of Chrono Cross. It starts out slow, but quickly jumps into a frantic violin section. The the strings and the percussion in the background are great, so I thought it would make a nice beatmap.

All of the maps don't always stick to the melody. If you can't seem to figure out what's happening, try looking in edit mode or listening to the bass line or the percussion.

All comments are appreciated, of course. =D

Insane completed... it's reaaaallly hard though. =D It is definitely passable once you're used to the rhythms. It may require some watching in edit unless you're really familiar with the song. And even then >_>...

Edit: BPM fixed, thanks a lot Echo!
It does not look like distance snap was used a lot in this map, that is not good :(. It is important that notes the same beat-spacing apart are placed accordingly on the map (that is, the same spacing)

Some things that should be looked at asap:

The first set of 8th notes, towards the beginning.
1:14:01 - the start of the red combo. Way too close.
2:05:20 - too close

Those are the worse ones, but I do suggest going through the entire song at a slow speed and any notes you see differently spaced from the rest, whether too close or too far, have a look at.

It does look as though the further into the song you get, the more you got the feel for it (placement wise) Good song, I like the extreme change of speed. The first slider caught be very offguard :P
Been so long since I heard this song. Memories...

I agree on the beatspacing being iffy at first, but does get better as the song progresses. Other than that, cool beatmap.

Nice touch on that group of sliders shaped like the Frozen Flame.
BPM in the first section sounds a bit off. Try it at 80.00, but don't necessarily take my word for it - BPM has never been my specialty. Spacing looks fairly good now, but some parts like 43:60 are still inconsistent. Give it another thorough examination and it should be close to ranking. I'm going to give it a thought bubble for now.
This is a delicious song. Man I loved Chrono Cross' soundtrack.

Anyhow, about the beatmap. Only a few things bugged me...

34:53 - the short-slider-to-double-tap kinda throws the feel of the song off. It follows the flute well enough but upsets the flow a bit. I'd recommend turning the start point of the slider into a hitcircle, and where the slider normally ends, make a short repeating slider to get that triple-kick sound.

Slider at 54:03 is early. Try 54:22 and keeping the end point fixed on the halfbeat there at 54:78.



Okay, so you know the part where it speeds up? Your BPM was wrong...I'm getting 223.55...And then, I went and did something that no beatmap moderator should be doing. I re-snapped and, where appropriate, remapped the next 25~30 seconds of the song. Up to 1:32:28.

I couldn't help it.

The song is so good.

It's not my fault.

Take a look here at the attached .osu - hopefully it'll help you get a better feel for the beats. I think I know what you were trying to do.

By the way, I'm stealing the bubble for now, but once you go through it again and if it looks good enough...well, I'll call in a favour or two.

Download: Chrono Cross - Yasunori Mitsuda - Time's Scar (Moogle) [AwpHard].osu
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AGGGGHHH, I'm an idiot. xD

I originally had the BPM you suggested... I just was trying a suggested BPM from someone else. I hit exit, then don't save.

Then, I re uploaded it with changes, but DIDN'T NOTICE THE NEW BPM was still there. O_O

I really had 223.55 originally. O_o Edit(Or not, I really had 223.63, still better than 223.88 at least)

I also really like the changes you did put in, I'll incorporate them now. Should I just credit you, or what should I do?

Really sorry about all the work I put you through with my stupidity. xD Something COULD be wrong with the saving system, but it's probably just me. xD (Edit: Nope, nothing wrong with saving, I'm just forgot it asks you to save when you test. xDD)

Moogle wrote:

I also really like the changes you did put in, I'll incorporate them now. Should I just credit you, or what should I do?
A great beatmap to a great song is good enough thanks for me.

Moogle wrote:

Really sorry about all the work I put you through
I blame the composer for dragging me in and not lettin' me out.

When I'd correct a section, the next section was only half a second at most away and when that sounded out of time, I'd just fix that little bit, and then the next part was half a second away and out of time, and recusion AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH

this'll be great when it's done. I did a Stepmania map to this song years ago lol
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Agh, after changing the BPM back to the right one, I accidentally resnapped to 1/2 and saved.... *sigh*

Time for a LOT of repositioning. =| I'll get it done though. If anyone has the original one I uploaded BEFORE I mentioned the edit where I change the BPM, I would GREATLY appreciate it if you put it up. On that one, it should already have the BPM at 223.55 and all snapped perfectly.

The thing is, I don't remember resnapping it after trying the suggested BPM from someone else... I determined it was too fast, and I'm pretty sure I just hit X then don't save. Oh well.
If you just screwed something up hardcore you can redownload the one I attached? @_@

Also, I wouldn't rely on auto-snapping for something like this. Note for note! It shouldn't take too long.
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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Nope, too new. Oh well.
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It's all fixed now, thanks for uploading those files anyway. =D
I'm going to police the hell out of this one until it's perfect, you know.

Hmm~ six more hours and I can have a look.

EDIT: Forgot to look. Was busy all of last night, oops. Here's to tonight!

EDIT EDIT: Yay, looked. You're perfect up until 2:11:17...the remainder of the map needs to be redone's pretty incoherent. Actually, even up to 2:15:47 is not bad, but what the hell is going on with the last 6 seconds of gameplay...?
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
I made that edit, probably yesterday about 18 or 17 hours ago. By incoherent, I basically meant "this beatmap has stopped following this music". Not necessarily the pattern, but the timing.

But as you say it could have been outdated. We'll find out soon enough.
Okay I updated the beatmap and the very end still doesn't sound much like it's following anything. This starts around 2:15:60, but it's really just the last few notes that bother me.

...You know what, it looks weird in the editor, but it actually handles pretty decently. Quite good.

Now have fun making an easier difficulty <3

btw you have inspired me to deviate from my own plans with a CC track.
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Hmm, I guess I'll change the last few notes... Now that I think about it, they aren't a pattern you'd expect... I just sort of felt that the rhythm fit. But it's impossible for me to expect the player to guess that. xD

I'll update that and make an easier difficulty. Thanks again for all the comments.
By the way it's bubble worthy I just want to see another difficulty ;{
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Normal is 60% done. I made a giant clock... xD

I plan to make an insane map, but not the usual type... I want to make it as tricky rhythmically as possible, as in not just extremely long streams, but unpredictable taps. If you've played EBA, think the start of Canned Heat sort of offbeat... still in time, but not what you'd expect. Sort of like the end section of SSAY too. I guess I think that insane Osu! maps should get away from the ease of long streams. (as much as I love Marisa insane...)

Insane 65% done... I'm not sure how well I'm doing in terms of what I said there, but it's definitely insane. O_o

Moogle wrote:

Sort of like the end section of SSAY too.
I friggin' hated that on Insane.

EDIT: Normal is fantastic too.
beautiful map... Great work!
oh my awesome insane mode

you broke the thought bubble but it was worth it.

Here's a few things, however:

I don't know what's going on at 62% - you seem to be creating your own drum beat to accompany the song, and that's cool - it's a good thing the beatspacing illustrates it. This is normally a dangerous tactic but you seem to have executed it well.

There's a couple overlapping sliders that are completely masked. I've shifted the underlying sliders (two places) enough so that you can tell they're there without disturbing the flow of the beatmap.

Some of the triplets that follow the pattern at 31:72 had misleading beatspacing, so I shifted them a bit closer.

The little 7-note diddy with the drums that sound a bit like coconut shells or something...the last two notes kept sounding early, even at 0.5x times volume, so I shifted them a quarter beat over and I think it times better this way.

The last hitcircle sounded a bit off as well. I shifted it from the end of the second last pre-spinner flute to be on the final flute-note before the spinner.

See the attached .osu, review it, take from it what you will.

Also, wow. This is more than just "another difficulty"; you put a hell of a lot into this one file alone. Very impressive use of sliders (other than those two overlapping ones >=O) so you are to be congratulated for that.

Download: Chrono Cross - Yasunori Mitsuda - Time's Scar (Moogle) [Insaneishawp].osu
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Thanks a lot. =D I have no objections to your changes.. (Wow, how can you tell I was just playing Phoenix Wright?)

At 62%, I'm actually sort of following the triangle there, but I did add the rapid beats after that which sort of follow the background drums... So I guess you could sort of say I made it up, but it seems to work.

I didn't think about the overlapping sliders, thanks for catching that. xP

Beatspacing with the triplets, sure, didn't even notice. =D

The 7-note thingy is, I'm pretty sure, played on the Timbales, but that's not important... I'll trust you on that timing too. Timing has never been one of my strong points.

I'll try to get rid of the extra upload on the post now...
Great work, especially with some of the sliders in Insane.

Two things (I didn't read anything before this page, so it might be repeated):
  1. The slider-to-spinner thing is great, but keep in mind that not everyone spins a spinner clockwise. You don't have to change it though.
  2. I noticed the beats towards the end weren't snapped to time - you might want to try a BPM around 223.80 then resnapping all beats. Afterwards, check and make sure all beats, especially sliders, are correct.
Looking forward to playing this ranked :D
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You can spin a spinner counter-clockwise?!?! =O *shock*

About the timing, yes, I realize I messed up the BPM... but last time I tried to change it, I managed to mess up the whole map by resnapping to a wrong BPM. (and testing, which saved it) =O So I've been kinda paranoid, and I think that the 1/8 adjustment by the end is pretty accurate. However, if you still think I need to change it, another confirmation on the BPM would be nice... (awp suggested another number earlier in the topic..., Zyid yet another.)

Thanks for the comments, they're all appreciated. =D
BPM: 223.75
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Thanks a lot, I fixed it. Moving by .01 increments and setting snap to 1/8 made this really easy. I wish I had thought of that last time. >_>

I don't think there's anything wrong with the snapping, I went through them all on .5 speed, but I have been known to miss silly things.
Well done!

I... I love this song... it gives me goosebumps, along with "Corridors Of Time."

And I love the beatmap, too! I didn't... erm... finish it, mainly because of the part right after the violin speeds up. See, the marker on Osu! is set a little below the actual mouse pointer, so if I try to hit any beat near the bottom in the middle of it, it just hits the Windows Toolbar and makes me fail. Did that three times, saved it the last time and failed near the end, haven't gone back to try again yet.

But what I saw was stylish and functional!
I love how everyone quickly jumped on to FC this once I pulled it off. :?

lol necropost
You did that before i joined. I don't count.
Of course you do.
The timing is a bit wrong on insane.

azenet wrote:

The timing is a bit wrong on insane.
yeah i agree
should this be Rankeable?
i feel that the approach circles on hard are way too slow.
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