
Oratorio The World God Only Knows - God only knows -Secrets

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Hi ~ 來mod了
下面都是建議 :)

  1. 沒東西好挑的感覺
  1. 00:04:474(4) - 拉點弧度?
  1. 00:31:200(2,3) - 間距調整一下,這邊突然縮起來感覺怪怪的
  2. 00:53:259(4) - 嗯...建議做成跟(3)類似的slider形狀
  3. 01:27:494(4,5,6) - 同Megami diff
  1. 00:15:646(4) - 我建議把00:16:060(1) -slider頭的whistle移到這邊的頭,和前面統一在長白線上聽起來會適合些
  2. 00:05:715(3) - 這邊也是建議在尾巴whistle , 00:06:129(1) -的頭如果要強調的話,可以使用clap
  3. 00:18:129(2) - whistle slider頭?
  4. 00:45:141(6) - 考慮微微拉出個弧度嗎? 可以讓接下來的flow很順
  5. 00:50:082(4) - ^
  6. 01:05:435(2,3,1) - 這邊的間距統一一下
  7. 01:27:494(4,5,6) - 嗯.... 我個人覺得這邊的3連可以去掉,留下最後的slider就好,感覺那個3連突然出現在那邊打起來有一點突兀
Good luck ~
Topic Starter

leon1341414 wrote:

Hi ~ 來mod了
下面都是建議 :)

  1. 沒東西好挑的感覺

  1. 00:04:474(4) - 拉點弧度?

  1. 00:31:200(2,3) - 間距調整一下,這邊突然縮起來感覺怪怪的 fixed
  2. 00:53:259(4) - 嗯...建議做成跟(3)類似的slider形狀 fixed
  3. 01:27:494(4,5,6) - 同Megami diff

  1. 00:15:646(4) - 我建議把00:16:060(1) -slider頭的whistle移到這邊的頭,和前面統一在長白線上聽起來會適合些 fixed
  2. 00:05:715(3) - 這邊也是建議在尾巴whistle , 00:06:129(1) -的頭如果要強調的話,可以使用clap fixed
  3. 00:18:129(2) - whistle slider頭? fixed
  4. 00:45:141(6) - 考慮微微拉出個弧度嗎? 可以讓接下來的flow很順 fixed
  5. 00:50:082(4) - ^ fixed
  6. 01:05:435(2,3,1) - 這邊的間距統一一下 fixed
  7. 01:27:494(4,5,6) - 嗯.... 我個人覺得這邊的3連可以去掉,留下最後的slider就好,感覺那個3連突然出現在那邊打起來有一點突兀 考慮下,去掉3連音感覺也有點空,有其它人提到的話我會修改的 :)
Good luck ~
感謝star/mod :)
Yo. From PM request.


- Title: "God only knows -Secrets of the Goddess- (Extract)" (空白有点不一样已经rank了,用同一样的metadata)


00:47:435 (2) - 这里可以用点1/2 slider;整个map都用1/1太boring了吧 :P
01:10:023 (3) - finish?



00:04:060 (3,4) - 有点丑; 改成两个note?
00:34:729 (1) - 这一个clap听得很可怜XD在周围再加几个?
00:46:023 (1) - finish?
01:05:788 (1) - 这里全是1/1; map点别的试试?


00:09:440 (1,2,3) - 我觉得这里jump不是很合适;音乐没有这种感觉
00:34:729 (1,2,3) - 距离不均匀有点不好看;这样怎么样?
00:36:141 (1,2,3,4) - 在00:36:670应该有个note的感觉。 ?
00:38:964 (1,2,3) - 距离在这里也不均匀;放在5的头下面看不出来因为hitburst是在尾巴上
00:47:964 (6) - 为什么有jump?
00:59:259 (6) - ^
01:21:847 (6) - 这个有点overlap;是故意的吗?
01:27:494 (4,5) - remove, 把3拉到01:27:494?


总共来说觉得很乱; 用AR9是能玩但是很多地方note的位置/jump跟音乐不是很准. 也有可能这只是我的意见...

Good luck!
来自我的modding queue
这里是我的建议(只是建议而已) 这里是我觉得需要修改的地方
别的都挺好,就一个建议:01:16:376 (1,1) - 转盘和note之间太近而且转盘太短,考虑转盘换掉弄成滑条加note
01:27:494 (4,5,6) - 用三连感觉不好可以去掉,高潮的地方都不用为何在已经弱化的节奏上做这种处理呢?
00:38:964 (1,2,3) - 这里的2跳的有点不美观,取中点吧
00:47:259 (4,5,6) - 这里也是56之间跳的没有美感,既然都对称了为何不中点?或者就不要跳也行
00:58:553 (4,5,6) - 这里也是这样
01:01:376 (4,5,6) - 同上
01:13:906 (3,4,5) - 这里跳的会影响flow,不过这一点距离也没多大影响。。
01:26:611 (3) - 这个滑条拉的好看点
01:17:611 (2,3,4) - 还有这个地方跳的让人不舒服,flow不连贯,3跳4的方向正好与滑条方向相反。
感谢参加我的queue~欢迎下次光临。 :)
Colin Hou
  1. title: God only knows -Secrets of the Goddess- (Extract) (TV Size) 注意空格还有-线
  1. 01:05:082 (2,3) - 这两个可以考虑右移一下来和01:05:788 (1) 组成一个同距的样子
  2. 01:15:670 (3) - ctrl+g一下会更好
  3. 01:27:494 (1,2,3) - ctrl+j一下 这样左右对称比对角对称好看点 而且slider走向跟vocal也比较合
  1. 最前端的鼓点下的有点乱 这跟你没按鼓点下note有一定关系 不过应该还是可以改善下 这里不太需要用鼓点来打节拍 只要把4连鼓点处理好就行了
  2. 01:27:494 (4,5,6) - 三连有点不明所以, 建议删去把前一个slider加长
  1. 00:18:957 (3,4,1) - 有点spacing小问题
  2. 01:16:376 (1,1) - 时间上太近了 应该是不能这么用
完成度很高了, 凑够12SP找人去试试运气吧
Topic Starter

Kytoxid wrote:

Yo. From PM request.


- Title: "God only knows -Secrets of the Goddess- (Extract)" (空白有点不一样已经rank了,用同一样的metadata) 這我明白,但osz文件名太長會導致部份玩家載入地圖壞檔,所以目前在mod階段為了方便各位載圖我才刪除了一些多餘的符號,直到準備完成後會更正的,感謝你的提醒 :)


00:47:435 (2) - 这里可以用点1/2 slider;整个map都用1/1太boring了吧 :P fixed
01:10:023 (3) - finish? fixed



00:04:060 (3,4) - 有点丑; 改成两个note? fixed
00:34:729 (1) - 这一个clap听得很可怜XD在周围再加几个? fixed
00:46:023 (1) - finish? fixed
01:05:788 (1) - 这里全是1/1; map点别的试试? BAT提到我再re吧,其實有easy diff感覺沒什麼大礙 :P


00:09:440 (1,2,3) - 我觉得这里jump不是很合适;音乐没有这种感觉 flow上有所考慮,暫時保留
00:34:729 (1,2,3) - 距离不均匀有点不好看;这样怎么样? fixed
00:36:141 (1,2,3,4) - 在00:36:670应该有个note的感觉。 ? 不,跟著vocal
00:38:964 (1,2,3) - 距离在这里也不均匀;放在5的头下面看不出来因为hitburst是在尾巴上 fixed
00:47:964 (6) - 为什么有jump? 原本其實打算把5放在6頭上,我喜歡這樣子的flow,BAT提到我會修改的
00:59:259 (6) - ^ ^
01:21:847 (6) - 这个有点overlap;是故意的吗? 是的2,4,6相互對稱
01:27:494 (4,5) - remove, 把3拉到01:27:494? fixed


总共来说觉得很乱; 用AR9是能玩但是很多地方note的位置/jump跟音乐不是很准. 也有可能这只是我的意见... 基本上除了前奏flow需要,我的jump都是下在重音的

Good luck! tahnks :)

azuretwinight wrote:

来自我的modding queue
这里是我的建议(只是建议而已) 这里是我觉得需要修改的地方
别的都挺好,就一个建议:01:16:376 (1,1) - 转盘和note之间太近而且转盘太短,考虑转盘换掉弄成滑条加notefixed
01:27:494 (4,5,6) - 用三连感觉不好可以去掉,高潮的地方都不用为何在已经弱化的节奏上做这种处理呢? fixed
00:38:964 (1,2,3) - 这里的2跳的有点不美观,取中点吧 fixed
00:47:259 (4,5,6) - 这里也是56之间跳的没有美感,既然都对称了为何不中点?或者就不要跳也行 原本其實打算把5放在6頭上,我喜歡這樣子的flow,BAT提到我會修改的
00:58:553 (4,5,6) - 这里也是这样 ^
01:01:376 (4,5,6) - 同上 ^
01:13:906 (3,4,5) - 这里跳的会影响flow,不过这一点距离也没多大影响。。 保留
01:26:611 (3) - 这个滑条拉的好看点[/color] ^
跳的有点大,注意如果要跳的话记得把距离控制好,一小段里面的跳尽量保持同间距 好的,我會稍微注意spacing,基本都在重音下jump,除了前奏flow要求
还是最后那个三连觉得不舒服,不过这里也算是比较自然了。。 保留
01:17:611 (2,3,4) - 还有这个地方跳的让人不舒服,flow不连贯,3跳4的方向正好与滑条方向相反。 lol,暫時保留,我許多slider都是這樣子的flow
感谢参加我的queue~欢迎下次光临。 :) 感謝mod/star :)

Colin Hou wrote:

  1. title: God only knows -Secrets of the Goddess- (Extract) (TV Size) 注意空格还有-线
感謝你的提醒 :) 但osz文件名太長會導致部份玩家載入地圖壞檔,所以目前在mod階段為了方便各位載圖我才刪除了一些多餘的符號,直到準備完成後會更正的!

  1. 01:05:082 (2,3) - 这两个可以考虑右移一下来和01:05:788 (1) 组成一个同距的样子 fixed
  2. 01:15:670 (3) - ctrl+g一下会更好 fixed
  3. 01:27:494 (1,2,3) - ctrl+j一下 这样左右对称比对角对称好看点 而且slider走向跟vocal也比较合

  1. 最前端的鼓点下的有点乱 这跟你没按鼓点下note有一定关系 不过应该还是可以改善下 这里不太需要用鼓点来打节拍 只要把4连鼓点处理好就行了 fixed,只剩4連了,其它重音用whistle代替
  2. 01:27:494 (4,5,6) - 三连有点不明所以, 建议删去把前一个slider加长

  1. 00:18:957 (3,4,1) - 有点spacing小问题 看不太出來 :?
  2. 01:16:376 (1,1) - 时间上太近了 应该是不能这么用

完成度很高了, 凑够12SP找人去试试运气吧 好,希望我是走運的:3,thanks

剛剛reply送出時官網抽了......OvQ 只好重打了一遍精簡版
Ello, here's your requested mod :P

00:10:681 (1) - Add finish or clap here.
00:26:259 (1) - ^ On the head.
00:51:670 (3) - Might as well have this slider under the 00:50:964 (2) - instead, since it looks a bit odd how its touching the tail.

Al;so reshape slider 4 a bit if you can.
00:52:729 (4) - Change clap on the head to a a finish.
01:01:729 (2,3) - Switch timing spots, so the note at 01:01:729 will match the emphasized 'su', in 'surrender' and the slider at 01:02:082, it'll match the vocals saying 'render'.
01:16:376 (2) - Add finish on the tail.

00:26:259 (1) - Add finish no the head.
00:34:729 (1) - Move a bit higher so it isn't touching 00:34:023 (4) -
00:42:494 (4) - Move lower, so it isn't touching 00:41:788 (3) -
01:04:023 (1) - Change clap on the head to a finish.
01:14:964 (3) - move higher so it isn't touching the tail of 01:14:259 (2) -

00:10:267 (3) - Change tail to a clap
00:20:612 (1) - Needs to be higher.
00:32:259 (2) - Remove finish, isn't needed here.
00:45:141 (6) - Overlapped by 00:44:435 (4) - you should really move these apart. Or, decrease the curve of 00:44:435 (4) -
00:52:200 (2) - Remove finish on the head, it should be on 00:52:729 (3) - instead.
00:54:494 (7) - Add finish on the head.
00:59:259 (6) - Finish on the head. Remove, and put it on 01:00:141 (1) - instead.
01:21:141 (4,6) - A clearly visible bad overlap...

Try going with a straight slider for 01:21:847 (6) - and place it like this?

00:20:612 (1) - Move higher.
00:38:611 (5) - Remove clap on the tail.
01:04:729 (1) - Remove finish.

Hope this helps!
Topic Starter

10crystalmask01 wrote:

Ello, here's your requested mod :P

00:10:681 (1) - Add finish or clap here. fixed
00:26:259 (1) - ^ On the head. fixed
00:51:670 (3) - Might as well have this slider under the 00:50:964 (2) - instead, since it looks a bit odd how its touching the tail.

Al;so reshape slider 4 a bit if you can. fixed
00:52:729 (4) - Change clap on the head to a a finish. fixed
01:01:729 (2,3) - Switch timing spots, so the note at 01:01:729 will match the emphasized 'su', in 'surrender' and the slider at 01:02:082, it'll match the vocals saying 'render'. hmm... that'll cause remapping
01:16:376 (2) - Add finish on the tail. fixed

00:26:259 (1) - Add finish no the head. fixed
00:34:729 (1) - Move a bit higher so it isn't touching 00:34:023 (4) - fixed
00:42:494 (4) - Move lower, so it isn't touching 00:41:788 (3) - fixed
01:04:023 (1) - Change clap on the head to a finish. fixed
01:14:964 (3) - move higher so it isn't touching the tail of 01:14:259 (2) - fixed

00:10:267 (3) - Change tail to a clap fixed
00:20:612 (1) - Needs to be higher. no,center
00:32:259 (2) - Remove finish, isn't needed here. fixed
00:45:141 (6) - Overlapped by 00:44:435 (4) - you should really move these apart. Or, decrease the curve of 00:44:435 (4) - the method does not disturb the flow
00:52:200 (2) - Remove finish on the head, it should be on 00:52:729 (3) - instead. fixed
00:54:494 (7) - Add finish on the head. fixed
00:59:259 (6) - Finish on the head. Remove, and put it on 01:00:141 (1) - instead. fixed
01:21:141 (4,6) - A clearly visible bad overlap...

Try going with a straight slider for 01:21:847 (6) - and place it like this? i just want to keep the same part

00:20:612 (1) - Move higher. center
00:38:611 (5) - Remove clap on the tail. fixed
01:04:729 (1) - Remove finish. fixed

Hope this helps!
thanks for your mod! :)
hello,from queue =w=

- 00:03:233(1) - 這裡建議這樣擺比較好 :
- 00:27:670(3,4) - 能不能修正一下距離呢(0.24x)
- 00:30:141(2) - 往下一格,原因同上
- 00:31:906(1) - 摁...彎曲指向 00:32:611(2) ?
- 00:47:435(2) - 我覺得這裡節奏這樣下會更好 :
- 00:50:964(2) - 有點覆蓋到,結尾可以移到 132|180
- 00:58:023(1) - 或許可以圍住 00:59:082(2) 開頭
- 01:18:670(3) - 音樂在 01:19:023 有一個重音,滑到那裡就好?

- 00:19:784(4,1) - blanket
- 00:54:141(4) - 迴轉的地方往右移一點
- 01:05:788(1) - 迴轉往左移一點

沒啥好抓的 o.o

- 00:42:494(3,4) - 不要全都黏在一起,讓迴轉處有點空隙如何?
- 01:09:317(1,2) - (1)和(2)開頭的音效可以調小聲點
- 01:22:376(7) - 這個迴轉應該只有到 01:22:553 而已
- 01:26:611(3) - 覺得中間因為紅點突出不太好看...試試這樣 :

- 00:31:200(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 我覺得這連擊可以有點彎曲
- 01:22:376(1,2,3,4) - 疑問同hard
- 01:27:494(1,2) - delete? 不是要找碴,可是這裡真的沒有這兩個音...

that all~譜面很不錯 owo
Topic Starter

bigfrog wrote:

hello,from queue =w=

- 00:03:233(1) - 這裡建議這樣擺比較好 :
- 00:27:670(3,4) - 能不能修正一下距離呢(0.24x) fixed
- 00:30:141(2) - 往下一格,原因同上 fixed
- 00:31:906(1) - 摁...彎曲指向 00:32:611(2) ? fixed
- 00:47:435(2) - 我覺得這裡節奏這樣下會更好 :
- 00:50:964(2) - 有點覆蓋到,結尾可以移到 132|180 fixed
- 00:58:023(1) - 或許可以圍住 00:59:082(2) 開頭 考慮
- 01:18:670(3) - 音樂在 01:19:023 有一個重音,滑到那裡就好? fixed

- 00:19:784(4,1) - blanket fixed
- 00:54:141(4) - 迴轉的地方往右移一點 fixed
- 01:05:788(1) - 迴轉往左移一點 fixed

沒啥好抓的 o.o

- 00:42:494(3,4) - 不要全都黏在一起,讓迴轉處有點空隙如何? fixed
- 01:09:317(1,2) - (1)和(2)開頭的音效可以調小聲點 fixed
- 01:22:376(7) - 這個迴轉應該只有到 01:22:553 而已 有個鼓點
- 01:26:611(3) - 覺得中間因為紅點突出不太好看...試試這樣 :
我是故意這麼拉的:3 太多人挑的話我會修正的;w;

- 00:31:200(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 我覺得這連擊可以有點彎曲 fixed
- 01:22:376(1,2,3,4) - 疑問同hard 鼓點
- 01:27:494(1,2) - delete? 不是要找碴,可是這裡真的沒有這兩個音... fixed

that all~譜面很不錯 owo
大概就這樣,祝好運!! thanks :)
感謝mod/star! :)


  1. nothing


  1. 01:11:435 (1,1) - 這裡感覺NC不太需要, 建議去掉 01:12:494 (1,1) - 的NC
  2. 00:37:553 (1) - 這裡加finish, 可以跟其他的diff一致點


  1. 00:30:494 (3) - 個人覺得這個滑條不用刻意扭的起角會比較好看和配合音樂;w;
  2. 01:15:670 (4,1) - 建議在紅線開始, 高BPM的情況之下players可能看不到
  3. 01:19:906 (4,1) - 交換NC, 因為旋律在 01:19:906 - 轉變


  1. 00:42:494 (3,4) - 跟ds會比較好, 因為現在的用了1/2的距離 一般都很難讀出來1/4的
  2. 00:45:670 (7,8) - 個人覺得沒太大需要跳;w;
  3. 01:02:964 (1,4) - 加Finish, 跟前面的 00:51:670 (1,3) - 一致


  1. 00:04:060 (3) - 建議這個滑條向上走, 這樣的flow對著 00:04:474 (1) 會比較好
  2. 01:04:023 (6) - 這裡加finish, 移走 01:04:200 (1) 裡的finish更對音樂

就這樣 o/
Topic Starter

happy623 wrote:

感覺有點遲來ww 不會~


  1. nothing


  1. 01:11:435 (1,1) - 這裡感覺NC不太需要, 建議去掉 01:12:494 (1,1) - 的NC fixed
  2. 00:37:553 (1) - 這裡加finish, 可以跟其他的diff一致點 fixed


  1. 00:30:494 (3) - 個人覺得這個滑條不用刻意扭的起角會比較好看和配合音樂;w; fixed
  2. 01:15:670 (4,1) - 建議在紅線開始, 高BPM的情況之下players可能看不到 fixed
  3. 01:19:906 (4,1) - 交換NC, 因為旋律在 01:19:906 - 轉變 fixed


  1. 00:42:494 (3,4) - 跟ds會比較好, 因為現在的用了1/2的距離 一般都很難讀出來1/4的 考慮,我認為影響不大;w;
  2. 00:45:670 (7,8) - 個人覺得沒太大需要跳;w; fixed
  3. 01:02:964 (1,4) - 加Finish, 跟前面的 00:51:670 (1,3) - 一致 fixed


  1. 00:04:060 (3) - 建議這個滑條向上走, 這樣的flow對著 00:04:474 (1) 會比較好 fixed
  2. 01:04:023 (6) - 這裡加finish, 移走 01:04:200 (1) 裡的finish更對音樂 fixed

就這樣 o/
thanks for your mod~ :)
From request
挺多地方漏音效 注意补上
Nice Insane&Hard

00:15:026 (2,3) - 这是blanket?是的话包好比较好
00:43:200 (1) - 可以这样 形成更好的flow
00:54:494 (1) - ^
00:45:141 (6) - ^
00:55:729 (4) - ^
01:22:376 (1,2,3,4) - 提议双4分滑条 用在这里能有更好的收尾感觉

有些持续跳有点偏Insane难度了 建议减小下
00:18:129 (2,3) - blanket
00:42:494 (3,4) - 因为是hard 建议两个滑条全是一次折返就行 或者 物件之间靠近点
01:26:611 (3) - 中间的红点位置不好 物件不润滑

00:11:715 (3,1) - 稍微包住? 或者形成flow
00:49:553 (2) - 水平翻转 再微调下 比较好 就像00:59:611 (1,2)
00:59:611 (1) - 弯的幅度大些

看不出来 :P

Quick Mod 还有要说的游戏PM就行
Sorry about the delay.

  1. Disable the widescreen support. It s for widescreen storyboards ONLY. There's no need to keep it if you have a video.
  2. Disable letterboxes during breaks. They conflict with the video and it looks a bit strange.
  1. 00:20:612 (1,1) - don't. Try to play this in osu!mania and you get an 1/4 pattern which is surely unplayable for the easiest diff. Remove the circle and start the spinner on 00:20:612 -
  2. 00:34:729 (1,2,3,3,4) - I'd consider improving your flow a bit. Sometimes it seems a little strange to me. Agree? Interested? See the box below!
    Sometimes it's kinda hard to understand your flow. Here're some examples. You'll find some screenshots with a few pictures and I'll try to explain you why your flow bugs me!
    Blue is how the flow actually goes, red is broken flow.

    See? The cursor's moves are unnatural here, it may confuse some players.

    Broken flow is something that makes players' moves unnatural and strange. It's not an unrankable thing, but it really feels kinda wrong to me. Anyway, just think about it. There's no need to re-arange/change anything if you don't want to!
  3. 01:02:964 (1) - don't break your consistent rhythm like this. :< It will confuse and bug beginners, try to replace it with an 1/1 slider + repeat. So, your pattern will look like this. It still fits and it makes your rhythm more consistent.

    Basically, it's a good diff. Everything is well-mapped and I quite like it. Your rhythm is a bit hard, but OD1 makes it playable. Everything is fine.
  1. 00:04:474 (4,1,2,3) - see my suggestion about the flow on the [Easy] diff. Same thing happens here. Flow should be really simple on the easiier diffs!
  2. 00:20:612 (1,1) - same as easy. Unplayaable i some special modes, so I'd recommend you to remove the circle and start the spinner on 00:20:612 -
  3. 00:46:376 (2,3) - nazi - the blanket here isn't perfect. You can improve it if you feel like doing it. :) C'mon, show us what you can, make this pattern even better! example
  4. 01:01:729 (5,1,2,3,1,2,3) - well, your rhythm here goes tricky. I'd consider reducing your OD by 1 tick. It'll help players and it'll make his part much more playable!
  5. 01:09:847 - don't you feel like placing a circle here? It'll fit with vocals and it sounds really fitting here, try it!

    Good job!
  1. 00:03:646 (4,5) - sometimes your jumps make me sad. Sometimes they are too hard and don't really fit at all. Try to consider re-arraging your jumps. Some of them are totally off and it's the only thing that really NEEDS to be changed here. Everything else seems to be alright. :<
  2. 00:20:612 (1,1) - same as for the other diffs. It doesn't really fits because the spinner follows nothing in music.

    I can't tell that the jumps are okay, so I don't really like this diff. Anything else seems to be fine, but you should really work on those jumps. :<
  1. 00:01:784 (3,4) - x2.5 jump here? Rally? C'mon, this is a soft part, there shouldn't be any hard jumps! Make it a little bit easier, this is the CALM part of the song! Seriously, it's the same as [Hard], you should make your jumps more fitting!
  2. 00:35:259 (2) - nazi - this sllider looks a bit strange here, try to move it a bit down to make it aligned with (1). So, you'll get something like this

    Same about hte jumps. They ruin the fun and it makes me sad. :<
You should work on jumps in the harder diffs, everything else is fine.


Best of luck!
Topic Starter

yf_bmp wrote:

From request
挺多地方漏音效 注意补上 fixed
Nice Insane&Hard

00:15:026 (2,3) - 这是blanket?是的话包好比较好 fixed
00:43:200 (1) - 可以这样 形成更好的flow 考慮一下,暫時保留
00:54:494 (1) - ^ ^
00:45:141 (6) - ^ fixed
00:55:729 (4) - ^ 保留
01:22:376 (1,2,3,4) - 提议双4分滑条 用在这里能有更好的收尾感觉 ^

有些持续跳有点偏Insane难度了 建议减小下
00:18:129 (2,3) - blanket fixed
00:42:494 (3,4) - 因为是hard 建议两个滑条全是一次折返就行 或者 物件之间靠近点 fixed,間距縮小了
01:26:611 (3) - 中间的红点位置不好 物件不润滑 故意這麼拉的;w;

00:11:715 (3,1) - 稍微包住? 或者形成flow 恩...可能影響到後面的flow
00:49:553 (2) - 水平翻转 再微调下 比较好 就像00:59:611 (1,2) 這邊和4對稱
00:59:611 (1) - 弯的幅度大些 fixed

看不出来 :P

Quick Mod 还有要说的游戏PM就行

thanks for your mod~ :)
Topic Starter

-Bakari- wrote:

Sorry about the delay.

  1. Disable the widescreen support. It s for widescreen storyboards ONLY. There's no need to keep it if you have a video. fixed
  2. Disable letterboxes during breaks. They conflict with the video and it looks a bit strange. i didn't noticed this...
  1. 00:20:612 (1,1) - don't. Try to play this in osu!mania and you get an 1/4 pattern which is surely unplayable for the easiest diff. Remove the circle and start the spinner on 00:20:612 -
  2. 00:34:729 (1,2,3,3,4) - I'd consider improving your flow a bit. Sometimes it seems a little strange to me. Agree? Interested? See the box below!
    Sometimes it's kinda hard to understand your flow. Here're some examples. You'll find some screenshots with a few pictures and I'll try to explain you why your flow bugs me!
    Blue is how the flow actually goes, red is broken flow.

    See? The cursor's moves are unnatural here, it may confuse some players.

    Broken flow is something that makes players' moves unnatural and strange. It's not an unrankable thing, but it really feels kinda wrong to me. Anyway, just think about it. There's no need to re-arange/change anything if you don't want to!
    u r right,fixed
  3. 01:02:964 (1) - don't break your consistent rhythm like this. :< It will confuse and bug beginners, try to replace it with an 1/1 slider + repeat. So, your pattern will look like this. It still fits and it makes your rhythm more consistent. hmm... that'll cause remapping... i just want to keep the same part

    Basically, it's a good diff. Everything is well-mapped and I quite like it. Your rhythm is a bit hard, but OD1 makes it playable. Everything is fine.
  1. 00:04:474 (4,1,2,3) - see my suggestion about the flow on the [Easy] diff. Same thing happens here. Flow should be really simple on the easiier diffs! fixed
  2. 00:20:612 (1,1) - same as easy. Unplayaable i some special modes, so I'd recommend you to remove the circle and start the spinner on 00:20:612 - fixed
  3. 00:46:376 (2,3) - nazi - the blanket here isn't perfect. You can improve it if you feel like doing it. :) C'mon, show us what you can, make this pattern even better! example fixed
  4. 01:01:729 (5,1,2,3,1,2,3) - well, your rhythm here goes tricky. I'd consider reducing your OD by 1 tick. It'll help players and it'll make his part much more playable! i reserve it , will watch other's view after.
  5. 01:09:847 - don't you feel like placing a circle here? It'll fit with vocals and it sounds really fitting here, try it! ^

    Good job!
  1. 00:03:646 (4,5) - sometimes your jumps make me sad. Sometimes they are too hard and don't really fit at all. Try to consider re-arraging your jumps. Some of them are totally off and it's the only thing that really NEEDS to be changed here. Everything else seems to be alright. :< maybe u r right, i'll consider this
  2. 00:20:612 (1,1) - same as for the other diffs. It doesn't really fits because the spinner follows nothing in music. i think this is just fine

    I can't tell that the jumps are okay, so I don't really like this diff. Anything else seems to be fine, but you should really work on those jumps. :<
  1. 00:01:784 (3,4) - x2.5 jump here? Rally? C'mon, this is a soft part, there shouldn't be any hard jumps! Make it a little bit easier, this is the CALM part of the song! Seriously, it's the same as [Hard], you should make your jumps more fitting! i don't want to change this pattern
  2. 00:35:259 (2) - nazi - this sllider looks a bit strange here, try to move it a bit down to make it aligned with (1). So, you'll get something like this I reserve it

    Same about hte jumps. They ruin the fun and it makes me sad. :<
You should work on jumps in the harder diffs, everything else is fine.


Best of luck!

thx for modding! :)
- Miomio Chii -
來填個位子順便射一顆 (irc mod那些什麼的都忘記存了就算了) 好吧其實我有對話紀錄
_(:3 J L)_ 繼續afk去...
irc mod
2013-10-13 21:24 - Miomio Chii -: ACTION is editing [ Oratorio The World God Only Knows - God only knows -Secrets of the Goddess- (Extract) [Easy]]
2013-10-13 21:25 - Miomio Chii -: 天啊
2013-10-13 21:25 - Miomio Chii -: 這影片好瞎眼
2013-10-13 21:26 Azathozkula: TV OP就這樣 無能為力(跪
2013-10-13 21:26 - Miomio Chii -: ;w;
2013-10-13 21:28 - Miomio Chii -: 大致上沒問題
2013-10-13 21:28 - Miomio Chii -: 可是我感覺我會瞎眼
2013-10-13 21:28 - Miomio Chii -: ;w;
2013-10-13 21:28 Azathozkula: 恩恩
2013-10-13 21:29 Azathozkula: 只好關影片了;w;
2013-10-13 21:29 - Miomio Chii -: 00:07:784 (1) - 唯一個clap ;w;
2013-10-13 21:29 - Miomio Chii -: 她好孤單
2013-10-13 21:31 Azathozkula: ww哪個diff
2013-10-13 21:31 - Miomio Chii -: 就那個clap好孤單其他可以
2013-10-13 21:31 - Miomio Chii -: ACTION is editing [ Oratorio The World God Only Knows - God only knows -Secrets of the Goddess- (Extract) [Normal]]
2013-10-13 21:31 Azathozkula: 恩恩
2013-10-13 21:32 - Miomio Chii -: 前面的clap感覺好像是硬擠的;w; 好擠 沒排隊
2013-10-13 21:32 - Miomio Chii -: ACTION is editing [ Oratorio The World God Only Knows - God only knows -Secrets of the Goddess- (Extract) [Hard]]
2013-10-13 21:33 - Miomio Chii -: 等等你更新了什麼
2013-10-13 21:33 - Miomio Chii -: 我忘記更新了
2013-10-13 21:34 - Miomio Chii -: ;w;
2013-10-13 21:34 Azathozkula: 沒關係我音效沒動
2013-10-13 21:34 Azathozkula: 改了一點排列而已
2013-10-13 21:35 - Miomio Chii -: OAO
2013-10-13 21:36 - Miomio Chii -: 你前面的clap
2013-10-13 21:36 - Miomio Chii -: 感覺怪怪的
2013-10-13 21:36 Azathozkula: ok 我修改一下 音效癡
2013-10-13 21:37 - Miomio Chii -: 可是真的好瞎眼
2013-10-13 21:37 - Miomio Chii -: ;w;
2013-10-13 21:39 - Miomio Chii -: 話說我忘記那女生的名子了
2013-10-13 21:39 - Miomio Chii -: 以前還記得的說
2013-10-13 21:40 Azathozkula: 咦 哪個女生?
2013-10-13 21:40 Azathozkula: hard的clap都改過了~
2013-10-13 21:40 - Miomio Chii -: 就ˋ那個第一個女生
2013-10-13 21:40 - Miomio Chii -: 最高難度的也要
2013-10-13 21:40 - Miomio Chii -: OAO
2013-10-13 21:41 - Miomio Chii -: 忘記說了
Topic Starter

- Miomio Chii - wrote:

來填個位子順便射一顆 (irc mod那些什麼的都忘記存了就算了)
_(:3 J L)_ 繼續afk去...
感謝irc mod/star :3
- Miomio Chii -

Azails wrote:

- Miomio Chii - wrote:

來填個位子順便射一顆 (irc mod那些什麼的都忘記存了就算了)
_(:3 J L)_ 繼續afk去...
感謝irc mod/star :3
我要把你碎屍萬段 T T
Topic Starter
我要把你碎屍萬段 T T
Princess God


00:20:700 ~ 00:25:906 我稍微参照了一下翡翠剑中的那个转盘梗,感觉放在这里十分合适
00:29:700 (3) - 去掉,00:30:053加一个note,前面的节奏是pa pa pa pa pa papapa pa,我认为对称能好
01:04:641 加个note
01:26:611 (3,4) - 交换一下位置

00:28:023 (2,3) - 2变滑条持续到之前3的开头,3变成单点,位于原来3的尾部
00:42:847 (4) - reverse selection
00:48:494 (8) - ,00:56:964 (6) - ,00:59:788 (7) -
E.G:00:48:494 (8) -移动到00:48:847 (1) - 头部
01:18:670 (1,2,3,4) -
00:17:302 (4) - finish 音效,同时00:16:681 (3) - 尾部取消音效
00:42:494 (4) - 尾部normal finish音效
01:05:082 (3) - 尾部normal finish音效

00:29:082 (1) - 头部finish音效
00:58:023 (1) - 尾部clap音效
01:04:023 (2) - 头部finish音效
01:16:376 (3) - finish换成clap
01:19:906 (1) - 和01:18:670 (3) - 尾部都加normal finish

Topic Starter

Nightcore Princess G wrote:

真心喜欢这首歌啊,先射了~ lol,我也很喜歡這歌

01:28:376绿线,均往前移动一个四分拍,不然机子慢的可能反应不过来 fixed

00:20:700 ~ 00:25:906 我稍微参照了一下翡翠剑中的那个转盘梗,感觉放在这里十分合适 fixed,十分酷炫
00:29:700 (3) - 去掉,00:30:053加一个note,前面的节奏是pa pa pa pa pa papapa pa,我认为对称能好 不了,有明顯的鼓點
01:04:641 加个note 不了,這裡的節奏挺滿的
01:26:611 (3,4) - 交换一下位置 fixed

00:28:023 (2,3) - 2变滑条持续到之前3的开头,3变成单点,位于原来3的尾部 fixed,稍微不同
00:42:847 (4) - reverse selection fixed
00:48:494 (8) - ,00:56:964 (6) - ,00:59:788 (7) -
E.G:00:48:494 (8) -移动到00:48:847 (1) - 头部 這部份我remap了
01:18:670 (1,2,3,4) - 考慮,暫時保留

00:17:302 (4) - finish 音效,同时00:16:681 (3) - 尾部取消音效 fixed
00:42:494 (4) - 尾部normal finish音效 不了
01:05:082 (3) - 尾部normal finish音效 ^

00:29:082 (1) - 头部finish音效 fixed
00:58:023 (1) - 尾部clap音效 fixed
01:04:023 (2) - 头部finish音效 fixed
01:16:376 (3) - finish换成clap fixed
01:19:906 (1) - 和01:18:670 (3) - 尾部都加normal finish 不了

感謝mod/star :)
HI~不怎么会mod,如有冒犯请见谅! ;)


00:04:060 (2) - 这个或许可以用1包下?感觉这个位子有点奇怪,或者再往上移一点然后滑条改平一点
00:06:750 如果不是easy的话可能考虑在这加个note这样觉得节奏比较好打
00:56:964 (5) - 这个跟vocal挺好的,但是导致新vocal(唱出“I”)出现在滑条尾部,这样感觉不合适,或许可以干脆都把节奏放在白线上 后面00:48:494 (4) - 也是 ,00:59:788 (3) -有个折返还好


01:00:141 (2,3,4,5) - 感觉这些分布在左上会比较好




00:47:259 (5,6,7) - 这种梗感觉出现多了点
新vocal出现在滑条结尾的问题(因人而异吧,在hard以上的diff节奏比较满 或许觉得可以
01:24:847 (1) - 这里开始或许可以用SV 0.5


00:07:784 (1,2,3) - 这里或许可以想些梗
00:28:553 (4,5) - 和00:29:612 (2,3,4) - 是有想对称节奏吗,不过感觉有点不恰当,和后面又不一样了(无聊纠结中,可以别理我这里- -
01:19:023 (2,3) - 这里感觉有点不好看

Good Luck :)
00:02:405 (1,2,3,4) - 听着有点太野蛮了=。=或许音量小点
00:12:336 (1,2,3,4) - ^
00:11:095 (1) - 单独NC或许没必要 和前面归为一组就可以
00:33:141 (6) - 这种地方叠着感觉比较无聊 因为没感觉出来它和音乐怎么契合 建议把00:33:141 (6) - 和00:33:670 (2) - 都挪到(296,308) 应该会让flow流畅很多
00:46:906 (4,5) - 这里可以考虑间距递增 让后面的跳不那么突兀 供参考 (4没有动 因为我看到你下一个combo的4用了同一个位置)
00:58:553 (1) - CTRL+G会很有意思 能起到强调的效果 现在间距太小了 移动太憋屈
话说Insane刚变BPM的位置那一堆spinner为啥不像Hard一样处理 感觉最高难度做成那样实在有点儿=。=

00:37:553 (1) - 我感觉它比00:36:141 (1) - 更需要一个finish 前面那个1 我觉得用whistle就可以

没什么别的 完成度比较高了
已经很不错了 nazi一点:

其实现在是允许source也填日文的 填不填都行反正就是tag和source互换

00:02:405 (1,2,3,4) - 音量偏大了感觉. 在减小一点音量的前提下 或许可以考虑做一个音量渐变降低 40 35 30 25这种

00:06:129 (1) - 我有点强迫症因为能看出这货不是完美对称... 或许考虑重新拉一下=_=

00:06:957 (3) - 同上 (对称不再提了=_= CTRL+H试一下就好

00:12:336 (1,2,3,4) - 同2秒

00:32:964 (5,6) - 这里重叠让flow稍微有点不顺畅 建议换个摆法

00:49:200 (2) - 这里弧度再大一点可能更好看一点 跟3稍微有点半blanket的感觉

01:26:611 (3) - 吹毛求疵 这slider结尾可以静音 感觉更好

全都是可有可无的东西 随便看看就好
Topic Starter

CET 6 wrote:

HI~不怎么会mod,如有冒犯请见谅! ;)


00:04:060 (2) - 这个或许可以用1包下?感觉这个位子有点奇怪,或者再往上移一点然后滑条改平一点 故意這麼擺的,他和後面的1 2有對稱效果~
00:06:750 如果不是easy的话可能考虑在这加个note这样觉得节奏比较好打 想跟在重音上,前面也都是這麼做
00:56:964 (5) - 这个跟vocal挺好的,但是导致新vocal(唱出“I”)出现在滑条尾部,这样感觉不合适,或许可以干脆都把节奏放在白线上 后面00:48:494 (4) - 也是 ,00:59:788 (3) -有个折返还好 我考慮一下,因為easy不想放太多的1/4~


01:00:141 (2,3,4,5) - 感觉这些分布在左上会比较好 感覺差別不大就沒動了




00:47:259 (5,6,7) - 这种梗感觉出现多了点
新vocal出现在滑条结尾的问题(因人而异吧,在hard以上的diff节奏比较满 或许觉得可以 好 暫時保留
01:24:847 (1) - 这里开始或许可以用SV 0.5 我想和insane一致 雖然這想法挺不錯的:3


00:07:784 (1,2,3) - 这里或许可以想些梗 暫時不更動,會影響flow
00:28:553 (4,5) - 和00:29:612 (2,3,4) - 是有想对称节奏吗,不过感觉有点不恰当,和后面又不一样了(无聊纠结中,可以别理我这里- - 不 00:29:700 明顯有個音
01:19:023 (2,3) - 这里感觉有点不好看 好 fixed

Good Luck :) 感謝你的mod! :)

CET 6 wrote:

00:02:405 (1,2,3,4) - 听着有点太野蛮了=。=或许音量小点 ok fixed
00:12:336 (1,2,3,4) - ^ ^
00:11:095 (1) - 单独NC或许没必要 和前面归为一组就可以 fixed
00:33:141 (6) - 这种地方叠着感觉比较无聊 因为没感觉出来它和音乐怎么契合 建议把00:33:141 (6) - 和00:33:670 (2) - 都挪到(296,308) 应该会让flow流畅很多 fixed 很好
00:46:906 (4,5) - 这里可以考虑间距递增 让后面的跳不那么突兀 供参考 (4没有动 因为我看到你下一个combo的4用了同一个位置) fixed
00:58:553 (1) - CTRL+G会很有意思 能起到强调的效果 现在间距太小了 移动太憋屈 感覺ctrl+g稍有點劇烈 暫時保留
话说Insane刚变BPM的位置那一堆spinner为啥不像Hard一样处理 感觉最高难度做成那样实在有点儿=。= 最高難度想著這麼擺挺有趣的 , 再被噴我會修改的;w;

00:37:553 (1) - 我感觉它比00:36:141 (1) - 更需要一个finish 前面那个1 我觉得用whistle就可以 fixed

没什么别的 完成度比较高了 感謝MOD! :)

Nymph wrote:

已经很不错了 nazi一点:

其实现在是允许source也填日文的 填不填都行反正就是tag和source互换 fixed

00:02:405 (1,2,3,4) - 音量偏大了感觉. 在减小一点音量的前提下 或许可以考虑做一个音量渐变降低 40 35 30 25这种 fixed

00:06:129 (1) - 我有点强迫症因为能看出这货不是完美对称... 或许考虑重新拉一下=_= fixed,沒太注意對稱;w;

00:06:957 (3) - 同上 (对称不再提了=_= CTRL+H试一下就好 fixed

00:12:336 (1,2,3,4) - 同2秒 fixed

00:32:964 (5,6) - 这里重叠让flow稍微有点不顺畅 建议换个摆法 fixed

00:49:200 (2) - 这里弧度再大一点可能更好看一点 跟3稍微有点半blanket的感觉 fixed

01:26:611 (3) - 吹毛求疵 这slider结尾可以静音 感觉更好 fixed

全都是可有可无的东西 随便看看就好 感謝mod! :)
Topic Starter

Nymph wrote:

thanks , Nymph ! :)
Azails, I'm sorry. I don't think I can help you to mod this map. it's just because this map is perfect.

so take my star. :D
Topic Starter

raheta_adi wrote:

Azails, I'm sorry. I don't think I can help you to mod this map. it's just because this map is perfect.

so take my star. :D
thanks for your star! :)
哇 沒想到這麼快就泡了
抱歉沒能及時mod,shoot a star instead~~ ;)
Topic Starter

Autumn wrote:

哇 沒想到這麼快就泡了
抱歉沒能及時mod,shoot a star instead~~ ;)
沒關係 感謝star :)
wa 恭喜泡 :)
I advice you should change Source, why do u put Unicode in source and romaji source in tags? I can't understand. Change repeat plz :o
Topic Starter

Oyatsu wrote:

I advice you should change Source, why do u put Unicode in source and romaji source in tags? I can't understand. Change repeat plz :o
I'll accept the BAT's advice.

for example
Heya. Just a couple little suggestions.


00:26:788 (2) - I would probably not put a jump on the first note of the new BPM; players need some time to adapt to the BPM change. Space this normally?
01:03:670 (3) - I think this plays better as 2 notes, instead of a slider.


Geez, those jumps, lol.

I recommend you turn the drain down a tick. Otherwise the end (last 2 combos) will frustrate a lot of people because it slows down a lot and so you lose a good chunk of your HP bar even if you 300 all the notes.

Lemme know when you've looked at the mod.

Azails wrote:

Oyatsu wrote:

I advice you should change Source, why do u put Unicode in source and romaji source in tags? I can't understand. Change repeat plz :o
I'll accept the BAT's advice.

for example
Yea! I knew it. But the best you should use Romaji plzzz :(
Topic Starter

Kytoxid wrote:

Heya. Just a couple little suggestions.


00:26:788 (2) - I would probably not put a jump on the first note of the new BPM; players need some time to adapt to the BPM change. Space this normally? fixed
01:03:670 (3) - I think this plays better as 2 notes, instead of a slider. fixed


Geez, those jumps, lol. i like these jumps , him have some purpose (hexagon)

I recommend you turn the drain down a tick. Otherwise the end (last 2 combos) will frustrate a lot of people because it slows down a lot and so you lose a good chunk of your HP bar even if you 300 all the notes. i change it to spinner

Lemme know when you've looked at the mod.
thx for modding! :)
Topic Starter

Oyatsu wrote:

Yea! I knew it. But the best you should use Romaji plzzz :(
Looks good! Ranked.
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