
The New Werewolf Game 3 [Day 1]

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On another note, my ego is so high right now that I am convinced anybody who will ever disagree with me is a wolf.

strager wrote:

Rolled wrote:

Fuck all of you.
Point is, your reason for suspecting him was total crap. It was worse than your attack on SFG.
actually it was rather sound considering how this was MarioBros777's first game and so such a slip would have been understandable

and now you guys see why I love Two ^_~
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Todesengal wrote:

actually it was rather sound considering how this was MarioBros777's first game and so such a slip would have been understandable

and now you guys see why I love Two ^_~
orly? I did something similar my first game, and I was a Vanilla Townie (i.e. Civilian).

Lucidity self-voted in BM1 and wasn't Mafia either.

The argument is WIFOM, as I stated before. (Echo said it isn't IIRC, but I'd like to hear how not so.)
This is just a dumb thing to argue about.

How can you prove that mariobros's actions were not because he was a wolf? You can't even explain that sentence let alone prove the point.

You could just call me lucky I guess that doesn't bother me but trying to argue that I was wrong when I was actually right is just dumb.

Rolled wrote:

You could just call me lucky I guess that doesn't bother me but trying to argue that I was wrong when I was actually right is just dumb.
I wasn't trying to say you were wrong. Your reasoning was wrong. It didn't conclude anything.

He voted for himself. [i]So what?[/b] This is pretty much the RVS. Votes are near meaningless in most cases.
How can you call the reasoning wrong when it was right.

Stop trolling me strager.

Rolled wrote:

How can you call the reasoning wrong when it was right.
That's a fallacy.

"Leaves are green thus bananas are yellow." Even though bananas are yellow, the reasoning (leaves being green) does not really support the conclusion.

"Mario voted for himself thus is a Wolf" is the same thing.

Rolled wrote:

Stop trolling me strager.
I'm not.
Agreeing with strager here. Rolled, you had no "solid" proof on mario. It was all wifom as far as I can tell.
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I have to appologize. I had misremembered your post. I thought you concluded that Mario was a Wolf based on him [saying he was going to] vote[ing] for himself. You merely said he was suspicious for that.
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Two wrote:

making the game even more imbalanced is a great idea :roll:
In favour of Wolves or Humans?
I thought up of this role because people were complaining WWG is imblanced in favour of Humans.
Jinxy, more roles to help the Town? I think there's enough of that...

EDIT: Two ninja'd me.

strager wrote:

I have to appologize. I had misremembered your post. I thought you concluded that Mario was a Wolf based on him [saying he was going to] vote[ing] for himself. You merely said he was suspicious for that.
Okay, no hard feelings.

Anyways, no offense to Pasonia/A<3 but I request somebody else host a WWG. Pasonia is busy with school, and Ace blew up his shit. Somebody throw up a thread, let's get 12 people to confirm and let's play a freaking game by tomorrow.
well it depends on the wolf:human ratio

the problem is there are too many different roles to balance the game already, and adding another would just make it worse

Rolled wrote:

let's get 12 people to confirm
I'd be happy to host or participate in a 12-person game.

However I'm leaning more toward 11 or 13. Odd numbers, yanno.
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I'd do it, but currently hosting a mafia and a BM that still hasn't started. I may join strager's if he hosts WWG.
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Rolled wrote:

Okay, strager it is.
Now that my name as been defiled I won't host one.

strager wrote:

Rolled wrote:

Okay, strager it is.
Now that my name as been defiled I won't host one.
wat? ^__________^

Rolled wrote:

How can you prove that mariobros's actions were not because he was a wolf?
Lots of (usually) new players try that strategy, but it obviously doesn't work. After re-reading, I see that regardless, it was a slip up on his end.

Rolled wrote:

How can you call the reasoning wrong when it was right.
I thought that part of the reasoning was wifom, but now I (and strager) see that it was the other stuff mario did that also made him suspicious and yeah.


Derekku's so easy to manipulate. ;D
Rolled's reasoning for Mario was spot on. There was no question about that, I would've happily voted him if I was townie.

Two... well, you either made a good read, or you got blindingly lucky. Either way, no hard feelings ^^

Derekku Chan wrote:

Ughhhh where's a priestess when you need one oh wait

*calls for SFG to kill adam*
Hey I'm the Priest D=

Wojjan wrote:

Derekku Chan wrote:

Ughhhh where's a priestess when you need one oh wait

*calls for SFG to kill adam*
Hey I'm the Priest D=

JInxyjem wrote:


I'm the Pasonia WWG3 Priest
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Sir Minelli
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Should the title of this game be changed in order to reflect the fact that it is abandoned?
Sure ^
does it really matter? it's unstickied

Two wrote:

does it really matter? it's unstickied
Can't we just lock this topic and wait until Ace of Hearts get back then we can restart it or something?

EDIT: That means we would need a reboot... damn...

Why you accuse me of wolf? :'(

MarioBros777 wrote:

Can't we just lock this topic and wait until Ace of Hearts get back then we can restart it or something?

EDIT: That means we would need a reboot... damn...

Why you accuse me of wolf? :'(
Actually, you gave yourself away with the "reboot" post soon after roles were sent out, to me at least.

Basically, to me, this means you were either a civilian or a wolf, since you would be serious if you were a civilian, but would probably be trying to trick us if you were a wolf, or you got a "special" role and made the post as a joke. Knowing your personality, the joke was more likely, and there was a great chance of you being a wolf. So, I thought you were a wolf well before Rolled's post.

Rolled's post put the nail in the coffin, sorry.

...I can't believe one of my guesses were actually right for a change.

Ekaru wrote:

Actually, you gave yourself away with the "reboot" post soon after roles were sent out, to me at least.
You mean this one? viewtopic.php?p=176532#p176532

I still don't have any idea what he said there. I doubt it could be used to incriminate anyone.

And I still don't see Echo's and Rolled's reasoning against Mario. x_x
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Well, to top off Mario being a wolf (though I didn't mention it, since nobody would have any way to relate to it) but Doom, who was a wolf pre-boot, acted the exact same way as Mario and it was his first game as well; "I think it's a good role, I could be a wolf I could be an aux I could be a civilian, etc"

So from my experience, Mario's actions were wolfish. From yours it was the opposite.

Rolled wrote:

From yours it was the opposite.
I wasn't trying to say his actions made him Vanilla. I was trying to 'disprove' the tell.
I personally have no plans to share what made Echo obviously a wolf, except with Rolled who I already told. I want him to repeat his mistakes ^_^
I'll have to be smarter next time then :P
That'll just make you more suspicious Echo. Don't you see? The smarter you are, the more of a threat you are.

strager wrote:

Lucidity was Vanilla BM2 (I think) and self-voted.
BM2 hasn't even started yet.

Wojjan wrote:

strager wrote:

Lucidity was Vanilla BM2 (I think) and self-voted.
BM2 hasn't even started yet.
It's not just self voting by itself, you have to take the context and both before and after actions into account.
Sir Minelli
i was a wolf.

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