old bug i think, LP maybe?

this happens if the user number on selected filter is a multiplication of its column number,
this happens if the user number on selected filter is a multiplication of its column number,
19:31 Rei Hakurei: http://puu.sh/4rSmp fuck extra space
19:32 Rei Hakurei: thats what i mean
19:33 Marcin: oh
19:33 Marcin: I wouldn't call this a bu
19:33 Marcin: bug *
19:34 Rei Hakurei: if the user number % column = 0, extra space added without a nick
19:34 Marcin: it's just made to be comfortable
19:34 Marcin: hm
19:34 Marcin: let me check
19:34 Rei Hakurei: well, my friend panel had 4 x 5
19:34 Marcin: oh yes
19:34 Marcin: I see now
19:34 Rei Hakurei: the SCROLL DID NOT give 100%
19:34 Rei Hakurei: but 83%
19:35 Marcin: if last row has maximum number of players
19:35 Marcin: new row is created
19:35 Marcin: but WITHOUT any player
19:35 Rei Hakurei: yup, empty row
19:35 Rei Hakurei: kinda hard to explain that
19:35 Marcin: well, that's REAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLY low priority minor display bug\
19:35 Marcin: no one would even pay attention to that :D
19:36 Rei Hakurei: but it annoys me everytime