_F2Alon_ wrote:
WitherMite wrote:
dPeace wrote:
the hitsounding was bad but that's like the least concerning thing about the map lol, what the hell is that rhythm choice
I think you probably could have phrased this a bit better man.
@op listen to the music a bit closer and make sure you put objects on actual beats in the music,
most stuff will just be on white or red ticks if the timing is right, blue ticks are generally only used for bursts and streams. there are exceptions, but you need to be sure that your case is actually an exception to that. as you get better at listening to music you'll notice some beats feel more important than others around them, and you want to find ways to emphasize those beats through placement or rhythm choice.
Yes i notice there is a difference of the pace i put everything in the red and blue stripe, So do it?
no, you need to practice listening to music, your rhythm choices don't follow the music at all really. slow down the music and listen to when the sounds happen and try to find the strong/important ones.
slider tails should be on sounds that are less important than where you put the heads, streams and bursts should start and end on improtant sounds, and everything needs to be associated with an actual sound in the song.
usually it is big white tick > white tick > red tick > blue tick in terms of importance
you have slider heads on the off beats, this is uncomfortable to play and doesn't represent what the song is doing, something like this is better:
the only way you can save this map is a complete remap tbh, just moving stuff around on the timeline wont fix it.