
[osu!SG] Milestone Tournament!

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Sup A Noob
Once again, I'm back with a new competition. This time, I'm playing at another idea. Read on to find out more.



Fun: A little absurd if you don't have fun playing osu!...
Memories: We'll be taking a little trip down memory lane...
More memories: ...And let's see if anything's changed!


Grand Finale winner: 6 months supporter sponsored by: KaySeeWhyWhy

Second place: 4 months supporter sponsored by: SigLogicalMaxiss

Third place: 2 months supporter sponsored by: KaySeeWhyWhy


The competition starts after OWC, which will be made known after OWC ends.


1) Up to 16 players can join. If reception is good, I can increase it to 32.

2) All OSU! XD (FB group) members can join.

3) All Singaporeans outside of the FB group OSU! XD can join.

4) You must be willing to sacrifice few months of your time.

Schedule & Format

1) 1v1 elimination.

2) Winners, Losers brackets.

3) Matches can be scheduled at any time, as long as:
a) You have a referee for the match (referees who are participants cannot referee their own match).
b) Both players are free.
c) The match is played within two weeks once available, rounded off to the latest weekend.
i) Failure to do so will result in DQ for the person who is not free on the final day of the time limit.

4) Players can play deeper into their respective brackets, as long as their opponent is in the same level in the bracket as them.

Note: Because matches can be freely scheduled, there will be no DQ for no-show, but only for the first two times. If a player fails to show up for a scheduled match for the third time, he will be automatically DQed from the entire competition, without so much of a demotion from his bracket.
Game Format

1) Best of 5 for all matches except the Winner's Final, Loser's Final and Grand Finals.
a) Picks in order: First player, Other player will rotate for the first four, Referee for the last.
b) First player can be decided by playoff, dice roll, RNG, RPS etc.
c) Match can end prematurely in the case of domination.

2) Winner's, Losers Finals are as such:
a) Best of 7.
b) Both players rotate hosts for first 6, Referee last.

3) Grand Finals and Third-Place Playoff:
a) Best of 9.
b) Both players rotate for first 4, Referee x2, Both players for next 2, Referee x1.

4) osu!Standard only!

Map Listing Rules & Regulations

1) Everyone participating in this competition will have a "History Circle".
a) History Circles are simply lists of maps arranged in chronological order of play.
i) Each participant must have at least 6 maps in his History Circle.

2) By everyone, I mean everyone, including referees.

3) The History Circle is defined by the participant.

4) The History Circle must be populated by maps which the participant feels sentimental to. Examples are:
a) First FC b) Maps which triggered a sudden, vast improvement in skills
c) First FC on another mod d) A feel-good performance e) Best map
...and so on and so forth.

5) Maps are difficulty-specific. In short, no mapsets.

6) Unranked maps are allowed.

7) Unplayable maps are NOT allowed.

8) There is no limit to the size of the History Circle.
a) Participants can insert or remove maps into or from their History Circles as long as they ensure it remains chronologically arranged, before the competition goes underway.
b) No one can edit his History Circle once the competition is underway.

9) Please be honest. It livens up the competition.

Picking Maps

1) Players will pick maps from their own respective History Circles.
a) Referees also follow this rule.

2) Go down the list. Skipping of maps in the list is strictly not allowed.

3) Upon picking their map, players will share their story as to why they had that map in the list in the first place. Give something acceptable which isn't "because I feel this map will win me this competition", because we want fun.

4) The History Circle is not reset after a match is over; It goes on and on throughout the competition.

5) The History Circle is reset only when the last map has been played. (That's why, circle.)

6) The History Circle will be filtered to the 5 most recent milestones during the Grand Finals and Third-Place Playoffs.

Points Allocation

1) Winner of a round gets 1 point.

2) A death indicates a loss, whether or not the player revives himself or not.

3) If both players die in the round, neither will get any points.

4) The player with the most points at the end of the round advances to the next round.

5) The player who loses will be demoted to the Losers Bracket if he is not already in the Losers Bracket.

6) If both players end the match with the same number of points, the referee will conduct a Deathmatch.
a) In a Deathmatch, the referee picks a map down his History Circle.
b) Players in the advanced placing at the end of the map will win the match.

Game Rules

1) Leaving in the middle of the round results in a full DQ regardless of internet connectivity.

2) Fixed Mods are available throughout the competition. Double Time must be agreed upon. Flashlight is banned.


To submit a History Circle, make a list and upload it to Google Drive. We will then access it from there.

Each map in the History Circle must be in the following format:
(Author) {Map Name} [Difficulty] - {Link}

After uploading to Google Drive, feel free to throw it in here, at the bottom, in the following format:
{Link} - (osu! username)

1) ... sp=sharing - Jinxy

2) ... sp=sharing - Seny

3) ... sp=sharing - SkyeBlu

4) ... sp=sharing - CloudNep

5) ... sp=sharing - Theseanbei [fix pls ~phox]

6) ... edit?pli=1 - Peekii

7) ... KLGwQ/edit - deokoking

8) ... qyPCM/edit - emonite

9) ... jXN-c/edit - California22

10) ... sp=sharing - Tatch

11) ... edit?pli=1 - stuff

12) ... edit?pli=1 - kartistenn

13) ... edit?pli=1 - WTPhox

14) ... edit?pli=1 - Bardiche_Z

15) ... 0rtrk6d81k - lolipopper

1) ... sp=sharing - Sup a Noob

2) ... edit?pli=1 - phox

3) ... GdBHE/edit - neonat

If you have any questions, please refer to the Q&A document in the next post.

Prepared by 'Sup, a Noob.
Topic Starter
Sup A Noob

Q: I still don't understand the History Circle system.
A: To better explain it, we can break "History Circle" into their individual words.
History: You make a list and arrange it in chronological order of play. It doesn't matter when the map is made. What matters is when you play it.
Circle: You proceed down the list as you play. Once the list finishes its last song, it is reset and you start from the beginning again.

Q: If I find a recent map that is awesome, can I put that into my circle even though it has no historical merit to me whatsoever?
A: Yes, you can. Maps which give a feel good factor can be added into the circle. However, make sure that it is the best/first/worst in whatever reasoning you give it. For instance, the best Faust map in my opinion, or Faust's first map, or my first Foreground Eclipse - Flames Through the Black Feather map which I managed to hunt down and was so good to play etc...
Q: Will the referee share the room with the two players?
A: Yes.

Q: Where can I submit my History Circles?
A: At the bottom of the osu!SG Milestone Battle! Rules and Regulations page.

Q: Can I add maps which hold meaning to me but which I don't play often?
A: Of course. This competition is designed specifically not just for you to re-explore your history or milestones, but also for everyone else to understand how you came to be the current player you are right now.

Q: What would define a map as unplayable?
A: All ranked and approved maps are playable. For pending, graveyarded and maps not on the database, they have to go through the judgement of referees and organisers first. Maps which are badly timed are not playable by any means.

Q: I'll be active for the entire tournament except for a 2.5 week break during the December holidays. Can i still join?
A: Yes, you can. While it is not recommended to bypass the 2-week time limit, it is allowed to schedule a match within the month of match availability. However, if you fail to make it to the scheduled match outside of the primary 2-week window, you will be automatically disqualified.

Q: What happens if there is a tie after all rounds are played?
A: The referee will conduct a deathmatch from his History Circle. In this case, the only winning condition is to lead the placings at the end of the deathmatch.

Q: Can I edit my History Circle before the competition starts?
A: Yes you can. You can add/remove maps to your History Circle before the competition starts. During the competition, however, while you are still allowed to edit your History Circle, you can only add songs to the Circle, not remove.
Q: Is there a rank limit?
A: No. As far as qualification criteria is concerned, all Singaporeans and members of the osu!SG group are allowed to join.
can i play
Topic Starter
Sup A Noob
Join the group and you can...

Just make sure not to wipe the floor with their faces.
how will we know when we are scheduled to play against someone? sorry I'm knew to competitions.
Topic Starter
Sup A Noob
Check back here. Or someone will PM you.

Check also, if you're qualified to join.
so when does this starts?

Sup A Noob wrote:

Check back here. Or someone will PM you.

Check also, if you're qualified to join.

ok kwl, how will I know if I'm qualified ?

Macacito wrote:

so when does this starts?
Probably when more people have submitted their History Circles and enough staff have been found. Right now progress is pretty slow.

And I think the group to join should be the other group though sup, not Osu! SG
Take into account that OWC is probably coming up soon so you might want to consider that.
Topic Starter
Sup A Noob
I did. While I had half the mind to run it concurrently with OWC, I am not in a hurry to start the competition, despite the registration deadline.

Who knows? When OWC ends, I might decide to make this international instead.
Is there a rank limit?
Topic Starter
Sup A Noob
No, the competition is completely open.
Topic Starter
Sup A Noob
Registration deadline has been postponed until further notice. This is to accommodate the long-awaited OWC.

While that is the case, registration is still open to all qualified. Please follow the guidelines before finalising and submitting your History Circle for reviewing.
Wow this seems really fun and also how do i join? :P
i am swedish btw and is the only thing it takes to join to join the group and what group?

ps. How do i make a history circle and what is it?
Can anyone join?
Here is my History Circle ... sp=sharing jafem95 (Peekii)
Topic Starter
Sup A Noob
Calafornia22: Read the rules, the requirements are there.

Peekii: Group in question:

Your History Circle has been accepted. Welcome to the tournament.
thank you
I mean as:
In participation, it states all non-osu sg!singaporeans can join
then it says:
all singaporeans and members of the osu!sg group are allowed to join

i understand that as Everyone can join? in the world)
am i right or wrong?
Simply put, am i able to enter if i submit my history circle (Im from Australia, not a member of Osusg! group, not singaporean)

Calafornia22 wrote:

I mean as:
In participation, it states all non-osu sg!singaporeans can join
then it says:
all singaporeans and members of the osu!sg group are allowed to join

i understand that as Everyone can join? in the world)
am i right or wrong?
Simply put, am i able to enter if i submit my history circle (Im from Australia, not a member of Osusg! group, not singaporean)
Your answer is yes. I am swedish and i got to join. It says anyone so that means anyone... I think
Wanted to join... but oh well, stopping osu! for a while.
Feeling so depressed while playing osu! right now...

MiDNiGhT2903 wrote:

Wanted to join... but oh well, stopping osu! for a while.
Feeling so depressed while playing osu! right now...
ah... Do whatever you feel like to get happy man.
you dont have to be forced too anything.
So dont worry, Be happy :D
Topic Starter
Sup A Noob

Calafornia22 wrote:

I mean as:
In participation, it states all non-osu sg!singaporeans can join
then it says:
all singaporeans and members of the osu!sg group are allowed to join

i understand that as Everyone can join? in the world)
am i right or wrong?
Simply put, am i able to enter if i submit my history circle (Im from Australia, not a member of Osusg! group, not singaporean)
I meant to say:

1) All Singaporeans outside of the group "osu!SG" can join the competition.

2) All members within the group "osu!SG" can join the competition.
OSU! XD Group, not OSU!SG group, isn't it?
Calafornia22 ... sp=sharing

my history Circle

Good Luck Everyone :D
(Ps. Any idea of when this starts?)
Topic Starter
Sup A Noob

neonat wrote:

OSU! XD Group, not OSU!SG group, isn't it?
My bad. Yes, it's "OSU! XD".

Calafornia22 wrote:

my history Circle

Good Luck Everyone :D
(Ps. Any idea of when this starts?)
Nice list.

I'll release the deadline after OWC ends.

Do join the group while you're at it, if you haven't :)
Already joined the group from before
nd thanx :D

Ps. You spelt my username wrong in the history circle section
its Cal 'a' fornia22, not Cal 'i'fornia22 --> Calafornia22
This looks fun,i'll join.
my history circle: ... sp=sharing

One question,can i have 2 different beatmap of the same song in my history circle?
Example: and
Topic Starter
Sup A Noob

stuff wrote:

This looks fun,i'll join.
my history circle: ... sp=sharing

One question,can i have 2 different beatmap of the same song in my history circle?
Example: and
You can.

Your numbering is a little wrong. Also, you need to try and re-explain 4 and Mami Mami Zone.

Sup A Noob wrote:

Your numbering is a little wrong. Also, you need to try and re-explain 4 and Mami Mami Zone.
Fixed both and I removed flower dance because i can't think of any other reason i added it other than i like the music.(i don't know if that is a good enough reason to add it.)
Topic Starter
Sup A Noob

stuff wrote:

Sup A Noob wrote:

Your numbering is a little wrong. Also, you need to try and re-explain 4 and Mami Mami Zone.
Fixed both and I removed flower dance because i can't think of any other reason i added it other than i like the music.(i don't know if that is a good enough reason to add it.)
You have to have a sentimental connection to your maps instead of simply "I like it a lot".

You're in. Welcome to the competition. Join the group as well.
So any idea of when we're starting?
nd one more thing, were allowed to fail, so in the case that both player fail, the person who fails first looses?
also, while the tournament hast started yet, can I edit the order of my songs?
A competition somewhat dedicated to SG players? Okay I'll TRY to join. Cause I'm only online 12 am - maybe 7 or 8 am. I can't play in the day so I'm going to have a lot of problems trying to play with other Singaporeans without making them lose their sleep. Is that alright? (just wondering, how do you make a Google document of my history circles?)

*edit: I figured Google docs out. Here's my history circle: ... sp=sharing
Topic Starter
Sup A Noob

Calafornia22 wrote:

So any idea of when we're starting?
It will start shortly after OWC. I will announce the dates when OWC is done.

Calafornia22 wrote:

nd one more thing, were allowed to fail, so in the case that both player fail, the person who fails first looses?
At the end of the song, if there are any failures, that player will been considered to have lost the match. If both fail during the duration of the song, both "lose" and don't get any points.

Calafornia22 wrote:

also, while the tournament hast started yet, can I edit the order of my songs?
You cannot edit the order of the songs as they must be in chronological order of play (whenever you play that song first, you put it earlier into the list). However, you can add or remove songs as long as the reasoning given for the new songs are acceptable.

kartistenn wrote:

A competition somewhat dedicated to SG players? Okay I'll TRY to join. Cause I'm only online 12 am - maybe 7 or 8 am. I can't play in the day so I'm going to have a lot of problems trying to play with other Singaporeans without making them lose their sleep. Is that alright? (just wondering, how do you make a Google document of my history circles?)

*edit: I figured Google docs out. Here's my history circle: ... sp=sharing
I'm quite sure our players are willing to lose a little sleep for games like these. Just make sure you find a referee as well though.

Do join the group, if you haven't. It's part of the registration criteria.

You carry that good nostalgia feeling for your maps. You're in.
im in, sounds fun!

Sup A Noob wrote:

Do join the group, if you haven't. It's part of the registration criteria.
You mean that Facebook group? Okay I'll join it. I rarely use Facebook though.
Question, are referees also participants or are they a completely different group from us?
Topic Starter
Sup A Noob

kartistenn wrote:

Question, are referees also participants or are they a completely different group from us?
They are in another group. Their History Circles are for deathmatches.
When will this tournament start?
Topic Starter
Sup A Noob
I have finally uploaded my History Circle for refereeing purposes. All current and future participants may use it as an example when doing your list.
Topic Starter
Sup A Noob
I have decided to give the go-ahead with 15 players, which means one player will proceed to the next round by default.


The tournament will commence on the 2nd Jan 2014. History Circles will become locked at 29 December 2013 1200 GMT+8. After that point, only adding of maps is allowed and all updates will have to go through me or WTPhox.
4th of january okay, got it.
so i play my match anytime within two weeks from that date? and i need to find a referee aswell or`?
Round 1 Match D - phox vs lolipopper

Final score: phox 3 : lolipopper 0

1st song and 3rd song both failed

Match link:
Round 1 Match B - CloudNep vs Jinxy

Final Score: CloudNep 4 : Jinxy 1

Match Link:
Round 1 Match G - deokoking vs rainfall1997

Final Score: deokoking 2 : rainfall1997 3

Match Link:
Round 1 Match E - Bardiche_Z vs stuff

Final Score: Bardiche_Z 5 : stuff 0

Match Link:
Loser Round 1 Match R - lolipopper vs stuff

Final Score: lolipopper 3 : stuff 1

2nd song both failed

Match Link:
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