
Masatoshi Ono - departure! (TV Size)

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Hi ;)

  1. Please unify kiai time of your diff. I agree Guest mapper's kiai time ~ so i recommend you to use it to all diffs.
  1. nothing~
  1. 00:36:993 (3,4,5,6,7) - i feel kind of empty here, it is better to put hit sound 1/1 rhythm for playing. so try to put whistle to (3,5,7)
  2. ~ 00:44:118 - ^ You should be able to apply my suggestion for the rest of the part.
  3. 00:48:618 (1) - add finish instead of whistle, it needs stronger sound imo.
  4. 01:10:555 - finish ? you can follow the crash cymbal in the music.
  5. 01:16:555 - i don't agree about this slider. because it follows nothing and it's not good to finish. so i recommend you to put a circle here same as other diff.
  1. 00:12:993 (5,6) - Why don't you remove two notes to make one slider ? it is better to follow the vocal.
  2. 00:13:555 (8,9) - ^ again, This should be slider>circle as well.
  3. 00:27:243 (3) - Same as Insane diff.
  4. 00:28:743 (1,2,3) - a bit nazi mod, i think it would look better if it was symmetrical.
  5. 00:45:243 (1) - add a finish to the head of the slider here to follow the crash cymbal in the music.
  1. 00:07:555 (6,7,8) - Flow suggestion : feels better to put to draw a semicircle for flow. so please try to move (7) note down like this my suggestion ,it will flow more naturally.
  2. 00:19:930 - Please delete this section because it is unnecessary.
  3. 00:27:243 (3) - I have a sense of discomfort with that new combo of your pattern. please check your other parts.
  4. 00:35:868 (5) - missing a clap, feels kind of empty about hit sound.
  5. 00:45:243 (1) - add a finish to the head of the slider here to follow the crash cymbal in the music. like your next slider 00:45:805 (3,5) -
  6. 00:54:243 (3,4,5,6) - i think this part is a little boring, so i hope you remove some one of these sliders and remake another pattern.
  7. 01:09:243 (1) - ,01:10:555 (5) - finish.
  8. 01:15:055 - ^ same. It leaves something to be desired, so i want more finish sound on kiai time.
it is a really solid and very ready mapset overall. Check these and let me know ~
Assim que eu chegar em casa, cuido disso.
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alacat wrote:

Hi ;) hello

  1. Please unify kiai time of your diff. I agree Guest mapper's kiai time ~ so i recommend you to use it to all diffs.

    1. nothing~
    1. 00:36:993 (3,4,5,6,7) - i feel kind of empty here, it is better to put hit sound 1/1 rhythm for playing. so try to put whistle to (3,5,7)
    2. ~ 00:44:118 - ^ You should be able to apply my suggestion for the rest of the part.
    3. 00:48:618 (1) - add finish instead of whistle, it needs stronger sound imo.
    4. 01:10:555 - finish ? you can follow the crash cymbal in the music.
    5. 01:16:555 - i don't agree about this slider. because it follows nothing and it's not good to finish. so i recommend you to put a circle here same as other diff.
    1. 00:12:993 (5,6) - Why don't you remove two notes to make one slider ? it is better to follow the vocal. done
    2. 00:13:555 (8,9) - ^ again, This should be slider>circle as well. done
    3. 00:27:243 (3) - Same as Insane diff. yes
    4. 00:28:743 (1,2,3) - a bit nazi mod, i think it would look better if it was symmetrical. yes
    5. 00:45:243 (1) - add a finish to the head of the slider here to follow the crash cymbal in the music.yes :3
    1. 00:07:555 (6,7,8) - Flow suggestion : feels better to put to draw a semicircle for flow. so please try to move (7) note down like this my suggestion ,it will flow more naturally. fixed
    2. 00:19:930 - Please delete this section because it is unnecessary. lol
    3. 00:27:243 (3) - I have a sense of discomfort with that new combo of your pattern. please check your other parts. fixed
    4. 00:35:868 (5) - missing a clap, feels kind of empty about hit sound. ok!
    5. 00:45:243 (1) - add a finish to the head of the slider here to follow the crash cymbal in the music. like your next slider 00:45:805 (3,5) - ok!
    6. 00:54:243 (3,4,5,6) - i think this part is a little boring, so i hope you remove some one of these sliders and remake another pattern. remaked
    7. 01:09:243 (1) - ,01:10:555 (5) - finish. yes
    8. 01:15:055 - ^ same. It leaves something to be desired, so i want more finish sound on kiai time. yes
it is a really solid and very ready mapset overall. Check these and let me know ~
Thank you alacat, now waiting for Alarido :3

alacat wrote:


00:36:993 (3,4,5,6,7) - i feel kind of empty here, it is better to put hit sound 1/1 rhythm for playing. so try to put whistle to (3,5,7) ► Whistled (=added whistles to) the (3,5,7) notes.
~ 00:44:118 - ^ You should be able to apply my suggestion for the rest of the part. ► Whistled in the same fashion. Feels better
00:48:618 (1) - add finish instead of whistle, it needs stronger sound imo. ► True (:
01:10:555 - finish ? you can follow the crash cymbal in the music. ► Ok.
01:16:555 - i don't agree about this slider. because it follows nothing and it's not good to finish. so i recommend you to put a circle here same as other diff. ► Almost put a spinner here, but replaced with a single note
Thanks alacat ^^

@Kuron >
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rank incoming
Nice work kuron~

I think you should try to get a video for this first before a bubble though <3

Please update Alarido's diff :3

then, i agree this

Trust wrote:

I think you should try to get a video for this first before a bubble though <3
If you can find video file , i hope to do this ;)
Kuron, posso procurar o video, tirar o áudio e compactar (tenho o avidemux) pra ficar dentro do aceitável. Deixa só eu chegar em casa...

Só preciso saber o nome exato do anime, a temporada bem que desconfio que seja algum OVA de HxH.
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I uploaded the diff wtf.

Aaah.. I don't think a video would be necessary... nobody watches the video lol

and thanks for all support Alarido, alacat, Trust and others :3

edit: Uploaded
Rechecked via IRC ~

Good luck for your 1st rank ;)

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thank you :D
gogo kuron!
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A um passo da glória, estamos nós!

We're just by one step away from the glory, and approaching...
ae caraio e nos
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BATs :c
ACHEI O VIDEO KUROOON !!! já tirei o audio e compactei, a imagem ficou boa! Tou trabalhando no offset agora.

EDIT: Vídeo → ← é bem leve, cerca de 6 MB e com ótima qualidade.

OFFSET → 0 (Testado na minha diff, acho que dá certo com as outras também. É só arrastar o vídeo pra cima do osu! em cada diff, ou adicionar a linha abaixo em todas as diffs:)


Boa sorte!

A nós!

Shoutin' a Prophecy: Wolf and Cloudchaser will became BATs someday c:
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aaaaaa não precisava do vídeo mas tudo bem, obrigado Alarido, se a internet colaborar eu baixo hoje se não, amanhã, ty de novo :)

edit: wrong video
nice desu ne kuron-chan
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BAT's please :(

  1. Kiai times are still inconsistent.
  1. 00:10:743 (3) - Pretty nazi, but this should be moved manually to x246 y73 so it stacks perfectly with (1)'s end D:
  2. 00:15:243 (2) - Might want to make this slider symmetric (ctrl+H helps on that)
  3. 00:28:743 (3) - Same as ^
  4. 00:40:743 (2) - Blanket seems a bit wrong here, moving the slider to x170 y220 makes it better (don't forget to fix spacing after)
  5. 00:53:493 (1,2) - they aren't perfectly symmetric D: but this is like REALLY small, just a comment lol no need to fix it
  6. 01:08:118 (1) - Would be pretty nice if this was blanketed by 01:06:243 (1) -
  7. 01:13:743 (1) - Might want to make this symmetric?
  1. 00:08:493 (1) - Usa o Shift pra alinhar horizontalmente com o fim do (4)?
  2. 00:31:743 (3) - O blanket pode ser melhorado movendo esse slider x308 y40. Aliás, acho que esse slider tá no lugar errado, pq tb tá stackeado errado com a próxima nota.
  3. 00:44:493 (6) - Não acredito que meu nazi tá chegando nesse ponto, mas mova esse slider 1 pixel pra cima (x36 y323) pra ficar corretamente stackeado. Desculpa.
  4. 01:03:243 (1,2,3,4) - Perguntei a vários BATs sobre isso aqui. Uns dizem que tá ok, outros não, então façamos assim: Veja se tem algum jeito de deixar a pattern menos.. ambígua. Do jeito que tá, ela fica meio confusa. Se não conseguir achar um jeito, colocar um new combo no (3) arrumaria (mesmo deixando inconsistente, é melhor do que arriscar).
  5. 01:09:243 (1) - Esse finish é meio aleatório, já que é o único da dificuldade... Não sei, escolha sua.
  1. 00:05:493 (1,2,3) - Então... as coisas tão meio erradas aqui com o blanket, mas o problema ta na consistência dos sliders (um tá mais pro lado doq o outro). Eu movi o (2) pra x146 y255 e o (3) pra x72 y188 pra arrumar isso.
  2. 00:14:118 (9) - Mova esse slider pra x474 y264 pra overlapear perfeitamente com o slider anterior D:
  3. 00:25:368 (4) - Mova o slider 1 grid pra direita (x492 y208) pq no momento ele não tá alinhado com o (3)
  4. 00:43:743 (5) - Eu colocaria um newcombo aqui, sei lá, parece meio longo desnecessariamente
  5. 00:50:774 (2) - Então, esse slider começando em 1/4 não fica bom de jogar, e pode causar muito sliderbreak. Você pode arrumar a pattern de um jeito que o (2) comece em 00:50:868.
  6. 01:10:368 (4) - Não sei como não percebi esse finish antes, mas ele realmente não fica legal e fica bem confuso D:
  1. 00:14:493 (1,2,3) - Mesmo problema que o Hard, a pattern ta meio inconsistente. Mover o (2) pra x116 y229 e o (3) pra x36 y160 arruma issae.
  2. 00:38:868 (9) - Partiu mover o slider um pixel pra cima pra arrumar o stack? \o\
  3. 00:41:493 (1) - O sliderslide aqui é intencional? Aliás, o newcombo não deveria estar em 00:42:243 (2) - por consistência?
  4. 01:07:743 (5,6) - Se tu usar ctrl+J nesses dois vai ver que não são simétricos, só um comentário, se n quiser mudar beleza
  5. 01:12:618 (2) - Que tal mover isso um pixel (de novo) pra baixo pra ficar stackeado perfeitamente com 01:13:743 (1) ?
Call me after you have everything here checked.
BD voltou ao Batério ^o^ eeeee!!!! (e Gabe também ♥)

Vamos ao que interessa:

Blue Dragon wrote:


00:08:493 (1) - Usa o Shift pra alinhar horizontalmente com o fim do (4)? ► Bem, o Shift causa uma coisa esquisita... eu diria Maçônica... (aparece uma linha e a nota dá um 'salto')... Fui na mão, desligando o Grid Snap com o mouse e movendo até igualar os Y's entre si.
00:31:743 (3) - O blanket pode ser melhorado movendo esse slider x308 y40. Aliás, acho que esse slider tá no lugar errado, pq tb tá stackeado errado com a próxima nota. ► Uma mudança no modelo conceitual aqui resolveu o problema (:
00:44:493 (6) - Não acredito que meu nazi tá chegando nesse ponto, mas mova esse slider 1 pixel pra cima (x36 y323) pra ficar corretamente stackeado. Desculpa. ► Tchuuuudo bem ~.~ .... Feito. (Kuron, dá kudos pra ele!)
01:03:243 (1,2,3,4) - Perguntei a vários BATs sobre isso aqui. Uns dizem que tá ok, outros não, então façamos assim: Veja se tem algum jeito de deixar a pattern menos.. ambígua. Do jeito que tá, ela fica meio confusa. Se não conseguir achar um jeito, colocar um new combo no (3) arrumaria (mesmo deixando inconsistente, é melhor do que arriscar). ► Fui chamado meio 'às pressas' pra mapear e eu tava sem ideias, mas fui assim mesmo... daí que saiu essa 'coisa' rsrsrs.... Bem, outra mudança que veio que nem lampejo, tipo estrela cadente à noite. Feito.
01:09:243 (1) - Esse finish é meio aleatório, já que é o único da dificuldade... Não sei, escolha sua. ► Retirandooo...
Brigeva, ops... BRIGADÃÃÃÃO BD !!!!!!

Kuron →

& Vamo q Vamo! (minha segunda Guest diff Ranked -- a primeira foi aqui)
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Blue Dragon wrote:

WARNING: EXTREMELY NAZI MOD. ALL OF THESE ARE SIMPLY SUGGESTIONS, FEEL FREE TO NOT APPLY THEM. (btw, não me dê kudosu, pq eu já ganhei um nesse mapa) :(

  1. Kiai times are still inconsistent. como assim inconsistente eu ja arrumei como pode o que eu fiz?

  1. 00:10:743 (3) - Pretty nazi, but this should be moved manually to x246 y73 so it stacks perfectly with (1)'s end D:
  2. 00:15:243 (2) - Might want to make this slider symmetric (ctrl+H helps on that)
  3. 00:28:743 (3) - Same as ^
  4. 00:40:743 (2) - Blanket seems a bit wrong here, moving the slider to x170 y220 makes it better (don't forget to fix spacing after)
  5. 00:53:493 (1,2) - they aren't perfectly symmetric D: but this is like REALLY small, just a comment lol no need to fix it
  6. 01:08:118 (1) - Would be pretty nice if this was blanketed by 01:06:243 (1) -
  7. 01:13:743 (1) - Might want to make this symmetric?
  1. 00:08:493 (1) - Usa o Shift pra alinhar horizontalmente com o fim do (4)?
  2. 00:31:743 (3) - O blanket pode ser melhorado movendo esse slider x308 y40. Aliás, acho que esse slider tá no lugar errado, pq tb tá stackeado errado com a próxima nota.
  3. 00:44:493 (6) - Não acredito que meu nazi tá chegando nesse ponto, mas mova esse slider 1 pixel pra cima (x36 y323) pra ficar corretamente stackeado. Desculpa.
  4. 01:03:243 (1,2,3,4) - Perguntei a vários BATs sobre isso aqui. Uns dizem que tá ok, outros não, então façamos assim: Veja se tem algum jeito de deixar a pattern menos.. ambígua. Do jeito que tá, ela fica meio confusa. Se não conseguir achar um jeito, colocar um new combo no (3) arrumaria (mesmo deixando inconsistente, é melhor do que arriscar).
  5. 01:09:243 (1) - Esse finish é meio aleatório, já que é o único da dificuldade... Não sei, escolha sua.
  1. 00:05:493 (1,2,3) - Então... as coisas tão meio erradas aqui com o blanket, mas o problema ta na consistência dos sliders (um tá mais pro lado doq o outro). Eu movi o (2) pra x146 y255 e o (3) pra x72 y188 pra arrumar isso. asddf
  2. 00:14:118 (9) - Mova esse slider pra x474 y264 pra overlapear perfeitamente com o slider anterior D: ok
  3. 00:25:368 (4) - Mova o slider 1 grid pra direita (x492 y208) pq no momento ele não tá alinhado com o (3) 1 grid nazi
  4. 00:43:743 (5) - Eu colocaria um newcombo aqui, sei lá, parece meio longo desnecessariamente pronto
  5. 00:50:774 (2) - Então, esse slider começando em 1/4 não fica bom de jogar, e pode causar muito sliderbreak. Você pode arrumar a pattern de um jeito que o (2) comece em 00:50:868. arrumei
  6. 01:10:368 (4) - Não sei como não percebi esse finish antes, mas ele realmente não fica legal e fica bem confuso D: era só pra ficar igual com o insane mas tirei.
  1. 00:14:493 (1,2,3) - Mesmo problema que o Hard, a pattern ta meio inconsistente. Mover o (2) pra x116 y229 e o (3) pra x36 y160 arruma issae. arrumei
  2. 00:38:868 (9) - Partiu mover o slider um pixel pra cima pra arrumar o stack? \o\ 1 pixel nazi
  3. 00:41:493 (1) - O sliderslide aqui é intencional? Aliás, o newcombo não deveria estar em 00:42:243 (2) - por consistência? como assim sliderslide intencional (?)
  4. 01:07:743 (5,6) - Se tu usar ctrl+J nesses dois vai ver que não são simétricos, só um comentário, se n quiser mudar beleza arrumei
  5. 01:12:618 (2) - Que tal mover isso um pixel (de novo) pra baixo pra ficar stackeado perfeitamente com 01:13:743 (1) ? yes
Call me after you have everything here checked.
Ty BD e Alarido
Fixed all, I think. I hope so, but I can't be sure lol

Thank you Blue Dragon.
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new bg redownload it, thank you trust, updated yay
Made some quick changes with Kuron-Kun via irc. Here is the log:

06:12 Kuron-Kun: Hi trust, new mod t/154310/start=135 :3
06:12 Kuron-Kun: I'm going to rank it after this mod
06:13 Trust: oh nice, i'll check now
06:13 Kuron-Kun: thank you
06:32 Trust: i posted the .osu in the forum thread
06:32 Kuron-Kun: ah thanks
06:32 Trust: i'm going to be honest though. i don't really like the background, it doesn't reflect the happy mood of the song very well and i think it would be awesome if you could get all 4 main characters on there
06:33 Trust: can i show you another bg? it looks really nice
06:33 Kuron-Kun: lol.
06:33 Kuron-Kun: okay then
06:33 Trust: ok 1 sec let me find it
06:37 Trust: ok so what do you think about this i made sure its 1024x768
06:38 Kuron-Kun: I like it :D
06:38 Trust: awesome!!<3
06:39 Kuron-Kun: thanks
06:48 Trust: yay new bg! :DD
06:48 Trust: ok 2 quick things (blue dragon would've pointed this out but ill mention it anyways)
06:48 Kuron-Kun: ah
06:48 Trust: so one of the tags on my easy broke somehow lol
06:49 Trust: if you look it says ãƒãƒ³ã‚¿ãƒ¼Ã—ãƒãƒ³ã‚¿ãƒ¼
06:49 Trust: make sure to change it to ハンター×ハンター
06:49 Trust: hehe
06:49 Kuron-Kun: aah
06:49 Kuron-Kun: sorry
06:49 Trust: np
06:49 Kuron-Kun: the .osu was broken
06:50 Trust: and one more thing
06:51 Trust: if you look in the .osu it says your preview time is 50496
06:51 Trust: its actually supposed to be 50493, which means it's unsnapped by -3ms
06:52 Kuron-Kun: lol
06:52 Kuron-Kun: changing
06:52 Trust: :)
06:54 Trust: oh wait i meant +3ms :S whatever lolol
06:54 Trust: doesn't matter tho
06:55 Kuron-Kun: anyways
06:55 Kuron-Kun: I'm updating
06:57 Kuron-Kun: let's rank
06:57 Trust: :D
06:58 Trust: goob job on this, you worked really hard~
06:59 Kuron-Kun: 5 months
06:59 Kuron-Kun: and remap
07:00 Trust: congrats ;)
07:00 Kuron-Kun: and thanks for the support :D
07:00 Trust: my pleasure
07:03 Trust: ahh i found a few more things lol :S want me to point them out or want to let BD take care of it in his recheck?
07:04 Kuron-Kun: you can point them if you want
07:05 Trust: kk, there are some unused green lines in Insane and Hard
07:05 Kuron-Kun: sadfsdfgdfg
07:05 Trust: lol
07:06 Kuron-Kun: let me see
07:07 Trust: for hard there is one at 00:50:118 -
07:12 Trust: get them all? :D
07:12 Kuron-Kun: yep
07:12 Trust: nicee, i think we're good finally lol
07:12 Kuron-Kun: updated
07:15 Trust: just delete the one on 00:50:118 for insane and you're clear ;)
07:16 Kuron-Kun: oh my
07:16 Kuron-Kun: god
07:16 Kuron-Kun: ok
07:16 Trust: haha
07:21 Trust: ok im logging off for now, looking forward to getting a good score this hehe
07:21 Kuron-Kun: aah okay, bye bye and thanks :D
What we changed:
  1. Changed the background on all difficulties
  2. Fixed some broken metadeta caused during an update
  3. Corrected an unsnapped preview point on all difficulties
  4. Removed some unneeded green lines on Hard and Insane
Hopefully everything checks out alright~
Good luck on the rank!
zzzz... uh, yeah, ranking, alright!

(the changes in my post weren't really poppable issues so I'm alright to rank this)
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e nois kuron porraaa
Congrtaz!! for first ranked! ^^
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Thanks :3

Congratz Kuroooon and Trust!

Pensei q ia rankear de noite (ontem ou hoje)... Pena, pq ñ vai dar pra eu fazer First place (depois que os karas do FL chegam, a coisa fica RUSSA ...
Parabens cara! partiu rankear scarlet
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obg vcs >w<
parabens kuron :lol:
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thank you
Congratulations!! <: Really happy to see this ranked
parabens <3
Best map <33
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thank you guys :3 ♥
GNU Linux
reduce insane to ar8
nice :3
mt bom esse beatmap, adoro HXH mt bom kuron! :D
bom mapa kuron :3
hi there :)

i want to make some improvement
this beatmap don't have video background

so i will put HD video into this map set

alternative link (sometime slow)

Have fun !

i don't change the .osz file
i embed it with story board
so you can still get score from it

i put .osz file into .zip extract it first to take it out
because server chage file name, that make beatmap not properly installed

i don't do that to alternative link

about beatmap video

name: 116306 Masatoshi Ono - departure! (TV Size).osz
size: 8,66 mb (5,72 mb size up from 2,94 mb)
source: Hunter X Hunter - Opening 01 BD (download from hi10anime)
for mapper and modder thank for making it done.
this is my favourites :)
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