
Losu! | Lost Beatmap Archive Project

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Hello! Welcome to Losu!

What is it?

This is a project where I attempt to collect and recover as many beatmaps as I can. Many projects like this one existed before, but what makes this one different is that it continues to get weekly updates! So far, around 1000 maps can be found in the spreadsheet.

The Spreadsheet and Maps:
It contains all the beatmaps that have been found, both those which are salvageable and unsalvageable. Some beatmaps might also have missing information because of the way they were found.
If you know something about any of these that we potentially don't, let us know by messaging me or joining the discord linked below. And in case you have any sort of maps like these, please let us know as well!


Would recommend downloading the spreadsheet as google doesn't like colour... xp


Basically, I really like exploring old stuff on the internet, and when I got into osu! I decided to explore its thread, going from topic number 1 onwards. During that time, I discovered how much the site evolved and how much stuff was also lost in the process. One of which was beatmaps. Before a beatmap listing on this site existed, there was another in which they were uploaded. Unfortunately, that site no longer exists, so, all the non-ranked maps from there are forever gone in their original form...

Well, some still survive in some way. Some are still fully available through either their thread posts on alternate sources, some have their .osu files still downloadable, while others are still lost.

Since then, I've also been keeping track of graveyarded or deleted beatmaps, as well as Lost difficulties, unused storyboards and unsubmitted maps in mapsets, a lot of stuff basically. Both as ancient as the game itself, or some that are more recent as well.

Anyways, as much as people probably don't care about these beatmaps, either for being old, unfinished, shitpost or the fact that they don't give any pp, I find them really charming and some are honestly quite cool, so, that's why I'm making this (and also because I'm super bored!!)

Biggest Contributors:
zachub03 - Responsible for more than half of the guest maps and graveyarded mapsets

vYper2011 - Responsible for reviving many graveyarded mapsets

FlagFlayer, Natteke, abraker - Collectors and providers of many deleted beatmaps

To make this more entertaining, I've decided to make a discord server for this server. Why exactly? Well, I can't do all of this alone, so, anyone who wants to help recover these beatmaps can help out!


Warning: Features in the server haven't fully been finished yet!

Wanna see others play and show how good you play some of these maps? Feel free to submit replays for our YouTube channel:

Warning! Some earlier posts are outdated with what I said as the project changed goals from remapping beatmaps to archiving them!

Some maps contain Explicit content and there isn't any filters yet for them, so be careful!

Also, for any mappers who want their maps removed from the spread, please contact me and ill do so, cuz maps are probably graveyarded/deleted for a reason

Lastly, if the maps ask for an update, it usually messes them up because of them being deleted or having different mp3 files, so don't update them!

That's all,
Thanks for reading!
That's so cool!
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Farfocele wrote:

That's so cool!
Thank youuu!
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First Restored map complete!
Retimed to fit the mp3 file and added a background video as it was the meta of old osu! mapping
Croove - Outlaw from DJMAX, mapped by Gchxp, made in September 27th 2007

Edit: The next two maps have awful, unplayable timings, so, will probably end up editing the maps just a bit, and keep the layout the same, is that fine?

Edit2: Made a video to show the map
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New link where you'll have access to the maps + spreadsheet

Next two maps:
Hare Hare Yukai (intro from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya), map by Raine, made on September 27th 2007
- retimed the entire map, but with the same idea for patterns + additional video added
Hyde - COUNTDOWN (song from Ouendan 2), map by ZZT the Fifth, made on September 28th 2007
- timing made to fit the new mp3 file, additional background added

Next is Chocolate Rain + 3 maps found with no edits necessary :3

One more additional question (should've thought of this earlier, but) should I edit these maps in the 2007 editor? It would be good because the songs will maintain the editor version they were in (but it would take some time to get used to editing there, but if these ppl in 2007 could do it, then so can I (maybe -w-))
It's a shame the dragonforce map is nonexistant ):

We need a 2007/2008 player with their original computer here NOW
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Hm, I just realised that I never explained what each label means
I'll do it here for now:
Full - The Full map has been found, with the .osu, audio (and potentially other) files (Usually found through sources that aren't from peppy's old site)
.osu - The map can be salvaged to include other files (For maps with invalid download links through peppy's site, but someone in the forum provided a download for when they usually fix stuff in the map)
Missing - the only source for the map is the invalid invite through peppy's old site (only salvageable if anyone has the map still downloaded)
Nonexistent - maps that were only mentioned that they were in development, but never had any links of them posted (so, only the creator of the beatmap might have it)

Farfocele wrote:

It's a shame the dragonforce map is nonexistant ):

We need a 2007/2008 player with their original computer here NOW
So yeaaa, it probably wasn't finished, from the forum post the creator made, he said it was only halfway done
Still tho, who knows if he uploaded it, just don't have any proof it was uploaded to
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Four more beatmaps are now available!


What was done:
Chocolate Rain - Fully remapped because it was unplayable
Pokemon 2BA Master - Beats were snapped to the grid with minimal changes made(the original map didn't even have a set BPM o_o)
Vesuvius - Minimal changes made (Overall, the most well-made map of these 4)
Rainbow in the Dark (OH GOD) - Beatmap was fully redone (and it's not even good still...)

Hopefully, they aren't too horrible!

Also, the spreadsheet has been updated with more finds.

Anyways, next question to ask, Leaderboards when? :p
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I contacted peppy in case he has saved up any of the old beatmaps, he said he has GOT THEM ALL!
I'm so happy that this project is going this well and that we can finally showcase all of these beatmaps ^^

Anyways, I'll put them all in the Google disk soon, but for now, I'll provide a link with them all that he sent me

The link
Happy April fools :p
Tho I honestly should contact him eventually ngl

Anyways, the next step of the project I'm thinking about is potentially making a leaderboard for these beatmaps.
What do you think?
Thanks for reading ^^

Kurboh wrote:

I contacted peppy in case he has saved up any of the old beatmaps, he said he has GOT THEM ALL!
I'm so happy that this project is going this well and that we can finally showcase all of these beatmaps ^^

Anyways, I'll put them all in the Google disk soon, but for now, I'll provide a link with them all that he sent me

The link
Happy April fools :p
Tho I honestly should contact him eventually ngl

Anyways, the next step of the project I'm thinking about is potentially making a leaderboard for these beatmaps.
What do you think?
Thanks for reading ^^
Damn, he does

he really does
late april fools
- Marco -

Kurboh wrote:

I contacted peppy in case he has saved up any of the old beatmaps, he said he has GOT THEM ALL!
I'm so happy that this project is going this well and that we can finally showcase all of these beatmaps ^^

Anyways, I'll put them all in the Google disk soon, but for now, I'll provide a link with them all that he sent me

The link
Happy April fools :p
Tho I honestly should contact him eventually ngl

Anyways, the next step of the project I'm thinking about is potentially making a leaderboard for these beatmaps.
What do you think?
Thanks for reading ^^

It would be cool to have a leaderboard of some sort. GL on the project <3

Man i got April fool'd the 3rd of April ;__;
awesome work
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The first post has now been remade
I cannot let this die.
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Farfocele wrote:

I cannot let this die.
Oh, you still care? Nice to hear

Don't worry, I'll get back into it, gonna have another approach to it, suggested by someone else about how this should primarily be beatmap preservation instead of recreation.

Anyways, an update for this thread might take some time tho, but expect something in at least a week
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No update happened a week after my last post in the end, how sad...
I'm happy to announce that the first pack is now finally done!

It includes 20 beatmaps made between September and October of 2007 which haven't been posted on the beatmap listing
Some of the songs are: What's Up, Heaven, Jumpin Jack Flash and Bad Boy
Maps have only been altered in a few ways: audio file names, timings to fit the new audio files and no BGs
The rest is all original!
I decided that the remakes/fixes of maps I made before aren't gonna be available on the Google Disk anymore, instead, on the discord server.
As for additional updates to the thread, I'll make those soon.

Now, what do you think? Which one would you rate if you were able to back in 2007? I'd personally give a chance to the NicoNicoDouga map, as well as Outlaw and Countdown :p

Thanks For Reading!!
will check em out soon, thanks for the effort here, super cool stuff. I remember browsing old forum posts and coming across these in a similar way but you're going the extra mile =)
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Updated the spreadsheet (well, the way it's presented)
Now I don't have to add maps from the oldest to the newest + maps can be downloaded individually
Also, added 2 more maps, to demonstrate alternate difficulties of maps
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Finally, we have the first map to be added here that isn't in the osu standard game mode!
A Taiko difficulty is available for the map La Di Da. It's even got its own background :O

Anyways, in case you know about any map with bonus difficulties that aren't a part of ranked mapsets, please let me know

Meanwhile, I'll be gone for a bit again because I wanna commit factory settings on my laptop
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New Update, a lot more GDs have now been added!

Now there's a difficulty for the third osu game mode: Catch The Beat
Other than that, I also found a new type of map, one with an unused storyboard! (an unfinished one but it seems to have had a lot of potential for it)
And if you notice for some maps, there are multiple GD Mappers for one map, so I combined their maps for downloads but wrote them in separate rows on the spreadsheet

Lastly, I wanna give the biggest thanks to zachub03 for his contributions to the project, for helping to search threads and find many bonus difficulties. You're awesome! <3
it's this thread for posting links of old maps and trying to recover them?i'm interested in old maps stuff and Lost media
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Rigbyuis wrote:

it's this thread for posting links of old maps and trying to recover them?i'm interested in old maps stuff and Lost media
Yea, it is. Nice that you're interested in that sort of stuff ^^
Satoko Hojo
lost media maps includes mania or other mods?
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Satoko Hojo wrote:

lost media maps includes mania or other mods?
Of course, so far we've found a bunch of taiko maps and a ctb map, it's not just osu standard
Haven't found any mania maps yet, but it's mostly because we've been looking at maps up to 2012 so far, once someone takes a look at newer maps, I be someone find/send something from mania as well :p
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Update again
More maps added, thanks to other mappers supplying interesting beatmaps for you all to try out
After bothering them about it in messages
Also, added a table for different versions of osu and one for the current helpers for Losu
Thanks everyone, even if it was just one map, I still appreciate it a lot!
Satoko Hojo

Kurboh wrote:

I be someone find/send something from mania as well :p
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Satoko Hojo wrote:

Kurboh wrote:

I be someone find/send something from mania as well :p
Damn, I had no brain and was tired when I said that, apologies xp
Wanted to say, when someone takes a look at these newer threads, will add them, and if you find anything, just let me know
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New Update, a special one this time
Let's call it: Losu! Competitive
Leaderboards have been added! Sadly, nothing is automated, so, updates for the leaderboard won't be frequent
To test out leaderboards, 10 maps have been selected to be used as test subjects of how leaderboards would function
For other stuff related to the leaderboard, a thread update will be made asap!
Hopefully you'll find participation in this fun and enjoyable! ^^
my "incredible" contribution to this it's this map that doesn't have an MP3 file
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Rigbyuis wrote:

my "incredible" contribution to this it's this map that doesn't have an MP3 file
Sorry, but the map seems to be ranked.
This project is supposed to be one for maps that aren't ranked, because there are already other places that offer downloads for ranked maps
I appreciate you trying to help tho ^^

these 4 maps of my favourite mapper seems to not downloadable, i'd love to see if there's any way that someone can recover one of these maps (especially the tunak tunak tun mapset)
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Aranel wrote:


these 4 maps of my favourite mapper seems to not downloadable, i'd love to see if there's any way that someone can recover one of these maps (especially the tunak tunak tun mapset)
Haha, seems like you like mtmcl, I'll get back to work with archiving next week after I'm done with this one which is really busy for me -w-
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Month of inactivity due to work, next week I don't work and that means I'm on the grind!
Also, reviving the thread to say leaderboards form will be remove due to just one sign in for the leaderboard
Facuron Pan!
A map from 2008 made by the mapper awp that unfortunately is corrupted. The best solution being by logging in and then updating it...

So there's the simpler way of downloading it!

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Two new packs have been added:
- EiJi Challenge Pack - consisting of 9 mapsets, featuring many EiJi maps, mostly those of a higher star range
- Sleep Powder Variety Pack - consisting of 9 mapsets featuring a variety of different maps created by animask aka Sleep Powder

Other than that, I've removed the leaderboard feature because nobody used it :c

Updates will now be more frequent again, aiming for at least one a week

As always, if you've got any requests for potential maps we can search for, let us now

Thanks for reading ^^
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Smaller update for this week (soon reaching 200 total maps)

For next week I'm going on vacation, cya later ppl :p
a taiko map that get deleted
Okay I made the Facuron Pan! link more accesible I guess idk...
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MrMcMikey22 wrote:

Facuron Pan!
A map from 2008 made by the mapper awp that unfortunately is corrupted. The best solution being by logging in and then updating it...

So there's the simpler way of downloading it!


MrMcMikey22 wrote:
Okay I made the Facuron Pan! link more accesible I guess idk...
I just realized that the map here is ranked. I'm looking for maps that are unranked as ranked maps usually have an easy download, if not from this site, then through alternate methods like map packs

Here's the link to the map then:
Yes I know I just wanted players to download in easier way, but YOU HAVE TO BACKUP ZEKIRA'S GRAVEYARDS PLZ >_<
There must be some sort of way to back that up!

MrMcMikey22 wrote:

Yes I know I just wanted players to download in easier way, but YOU HAVE TO BACKUP ZEKIRA'S GRAVEYARDS PLZ >_<
There must be some sort of way to back that up!
I'm actually working on undownloadable map revival as I write this! When I get around to working on his stuff I'll archive what I can and let you know ^^
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No spreadsheet update this week
Here's a replay instead:

In case anyone wants to submit replays of their plays on maps submitted on Losu! feel free to by sending me a replay file of one of the maps or even record the replay and send me the recording
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Update this week includes:
  1. Star Rating included on the spreadsheet
  2. More maps ofc (250+ now!)
  3. And not much else lol
Have fun :p

Edit: Taiko players, next week is your time to have fun :3

Edit2: zachub03 replay :3
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Update for the week:
  1. New map pack for taiko maps, containing maps by flyboy87!
  2. Renamed Sleep Powders Pack to animask's as the mapper made all their maps under that name
  3. More maps added as usual
  4. Update to the first post
  5. Lastly, new replay video

That's all for this week, posted early cuz I'll be pretty busy for the rest of the week.

Thanks for reading!
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Losu Update to make up for last weeks absence:
  1. More maps like usual
  2. Changed the order sorting from oldest-newest date to a-z artist
  3. Assistance in the form of descriptions (still not finished)
  5. 100 more maps
  6. Many of them from 2013/14
  7. Most recent entry from 2018
And probably the biggest addition yet, 2 HUGE sources of unsubmitted maps!

For players interested in playing many taiko maps made from 2009 onwards, theres a huge list of 600+ taiko maps, all made by one mapper, lepidopodus.

And for those who wanna experience a lot of DDR maps made from all different releases across its entire history, through osu!mania, a list of around 5000+ recreation of maps exists, all made by 31Gabe.

That's all for this week (or two)

Have fun!
is the beatmap: Virtual Star Embryology included?

moosje2003 wrote:

is the beatmap: Virtual Star Embryology included?
Adding the link to the beatmap page, since I am also curious how this turns out: beatmapsets/6707#osu/30012
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maybeAghost wrote:

moosje2003 wrote:

is the beatmap: Virtual Star Embryology included?
Adding the link to the beatmap page, since I am also curious how this turns out: beatmapsets/6707#osu/30012
Figured it out, will send you the download
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Apparently, all the links on the spreadsheet are broken, and nobody noticed...
Making the spreadsheet private until it's fixed, and instead, feel free to access all maps I saved on my Google Drive where I've saved maps, makes it much simpler to access these maps
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