
Get Your Custom Hitburst Animation

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Hello there

I'm a kinda bored programmer and i have been doing some image processing with code lately.

What i would like to offer is a service to create animated hitburst images for people who are too lazy or incapable to do them by hand.
All i need is an image(or a set of images) and a description how the animation should look like.

Due to my insufficient means of creating GIFs please note that the animationspeed is faster ingame

My Works:


Original Hitbursts by MatthewRobo (GlasslineHD)

Download Here(Mediafire)


Original Hitbursts by Xiao (Nexus Slate)

Download Here(Mediafire)


Original Hitbursts by Shinde (Deep Sea)

Download Here(Mediafire)

Every download comes with a complete set of Hitbursts animated like the sampleGIFs.
Since I'm working with code i can animate every image with every animation that I already did. So if you want your personal Hitbursts animated just send them to me and i will take care of it.

Custom Requests

For Yoshi_green:

Don't know how to add this to your skin?
If you already have a skin just extract the RAR-File into your Skin-Folder
For Example: Osu/Skins/YourSkinName
You might have to delete the old Hitbursts from the folder (look for files with the name hit0.png, hit50.png etc.)

Note that my possibilities are limited but never be afraid to ask for unconventional stuff :)

I'm looking forward to some interesting requests!
those look so cool... i wish they were files so i can input them into the skins i have xD
I want to get it *Q*
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Mute_Gaming wrote:

I want to get it *Q*

Angel0fBeats wrote:

those look so cool... i wish they were files so i can input them into the skins i have xD
If you want exactly these you can download them now.
I can also animate your current Hitbursts if you like.
Try to make a sakura hitburst! The current ones look great btw! :D
Some pictures you say :
id like one to but dont know how to add in skin 'w' lol
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Yoshinon wrote:

Try to make a sakura hitburst! The current ones look great btw! :D
Some pictures you say :
Haha that picture didnt help much. I was thinking of pictures of existing hitbursts or how the animation should look like.
Still liked your request it was fun working with particles.
I added it to my works if you want to see it.

YunoFanatic wrote:

id like one to but dont know how to add in skin 'w' lol
I added information on that if you stilll need help just ask :)
could you do something creepy? PLEASE!

(like black and purple swirls and dust and stuff) ]
Hey, I can help out with your "shop" here :3
I myself create hitburst animations :3
It is easier to do it through a program called after effects or flash so try learning it too :D

Animated Hitbursts Library
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SillyKatt wrote:

could you do something creepy? PLEASE!

(like black and purple swirls and dust and stuff) ]
I'll see what i can do

DJNightmare wrote:

Hey, I can help out with your "shop" here :3
I myself create hitburst animations :3
It is easier to do it through a program called after effects or flash so try learning it too :D

Animated Hitbursts Library
Well, since im doing this for the fun of coding. A programm that does the work for me is not what im looking for.
You'd be suprised how easy(but fun) it is to code that stuff
thanks for the tip though :)
Oh, its done through coding? Sound complicated XD
But I can tell that the work will be easier to achieve :3
Good luck then! 8-)
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SillyKatt wrote:

could you do something creepy? PLEASE!

(like black and purple swirls and dust and stuff) ]
Finally finished it. gave me apretty hard time because its monochrome and stuff. i hope you like it since i couldnt include everything(i pretty much onyl did the dust but hey! :oops: )
you can download it now
Holy shit man, you used my skin? That's amazing! Thanks!

oh my god someone used something i made

That being said, someone already made a set of animated hitbursts with a different font.

DJNightmare wrote:

Hai :D I animated the hitbursts that you have and just added animation :3 Just simple resizing only :X
It's rendered to have @2x also so it is quite alot of photos :X

Anyways, I'm making a new skin. It's in my userpage because I don't want to release it fully hyuk hyuk.

You think you can try something like DJNightmare did or is that too much work?

Font is Myriad Pro, 143.75pt.
Is it possible to use these for other game modes ? They look great.

Edit : just my opinion but I think you could make the "creepy" ones look like they spread more randomly instead of converging to one point. Or make it so it "flows" down, fading. As they are now they're pretty but don't look that "creepy" :p

Edit 2 : No, in fact they are creepy until the particles start converging. :p
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MatthewRobo wrote:

Holy shit man, you used my skin? That's amazing! Thanks!

oh my god someone used something i made

That being said, someone already made a set of animated hitbursts with a different font.

DJNightmare wrote:

Hai :D I animated the hitbursts that you have and just added animation :3 Just simple resizing only :X
It's rendered to have @2x also so it is quite alot of photos :X

Anyways, I'm making a new skin. It's in my userpage because I don't want to release it fully hyuk hyuk.

You think you can try something like DJNightmare did or is that too much work?

Font is Myriad Pro, 143.75pt.
first of all im glad you like what i did to your hitbursts :P

but i didnt quite get what i should do for you...
should i make something simular to DJNightmare's animations or should i animate the new hitbursts in a simular manner?
or maybe something completely different?

PyaKura wrote:

Is it possible to use these for other game modes ? They look great.
hypothetically you can use them in every gamemode

i tested it and found out that mania-hitbursts dont stay on-screen long enough to be animated (you only see one or two frames of the animation)
and while taiko-hitbursts stay longer they also overlap because they appear in the same spot and in such quick succession...

well, nobody is going to stop you from using these in other gamemodes you just(!) have to add "taiko-" or "mania-" in front of the names of every image...

PyaKura wrote:

Edit : just my opinion but I think you could make the "creepy" ones look like they spread more randomly instead of converging to one point. Or make it so it "flows" down, fading. As they are now they're pretty but don't look that "creepy" :p

Edit 2 : No, in fact they are creepy until the particles start converging. :p
thank you for pointing that out. i wasnt really sure if i got it right since creepy is a pretty abstract concept and percepted differently by different people.
i will probably release varing versions of this to match as many tastes as possible.
woah, exciting :)
Hi, do you think you can animate my hitbursts for me? I would do it myself, but I can't find the time to ><

I'll let you animate them in any way you see fit.
Thanks a lot!

my hitbursts -->
@Diceycle : okay, thanks for the trick, I appear to have a software wich can rename every file at once with a prefix. So I'm still going to use them. :D
And yeah, you're totally right about the "creepy" part.
you can animate hitbursts now? wooooooooooooooooooooooowwwww

thats awesome :D
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