
[confirmed] osu!market permissions conflict on some browsers

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- Marco -
Problem Details:

If i search for something the result page will be blank

Chrome 30.0.1599.28 beta-m
The result page appears fine for me on latest Chrome (though not beta.) Sure you don't have an extension that interferes with Google websites somehow?
Topic Starter
- Marco -
Disabled all extention but still blank page :(

With Firefox it works... looks like a chrome bug, will submit this bug to chrome developers...
I think this is due to a different in security between the two pages (some browsers aren't happy with this). Will look into it.
I tried searching with firefox vs 23 and none of the searches will go through.

If you are using Firefox 23+, you'll have to "Disable protection on this page":

(URL on the pic is osu! Amazon Store because I just quoted my post from the Amazon Store thread <_<)

Edit: to permanently disable this "protection", follow these instructions:

1. In the address bar, type "about:config" and press Enter. 2. Click the "I'll be careful, I promise!" button. 3. In the search field, type "block_active". 4. Set the value for the one search result ("security.mixed_content.block_active_content") to "false".

XPJ38 wrote:

If you are using Firefox 23+, you'll have to "Disable protection on this page":

(URL on the pic is osu! Amazon Store because I just quoted my post from the Amazon Store thread <_<)
From what I can find, pages affected by this issue are:
  1. Every page that has Disqus contents (Changelog, Beatmap Pages, etc.)
  2. Web IRC chat (qwebirc client)
  3. Amazon Store content
  4. Google Custom Search contents
In short, contents coming from third party sites are blocked.

Marking [confirmed] for now.
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- Marco -
On 30.0.1599.37 beta-m this problem is solved :D

Edit: Now you need to click on the sheild and press load unsecure script
Moving to low priority. Most browsers are unaffected, and the ones that are can be worked around easily.
Bump. Chrome pushed out an update at some point that caused this to start happening to me. Not using the beta or anything.
Maan, you spam.

Also yes, it is annoying as hell on chrome now.
I can't replicate this on chrome canary or safari. Couldyou post a screenshot/copypaste of the message you are seeing in as much detail as possible? All mentioned reosurces are already being loaded via https as far as I can tell.

Upper right-hand corrner: "This page contains scripts from untrusted sources" And that little link button "wczytaj niezabezpieczony skrypt" Allows me to make it work, but I have to do this everytime...

Anything else I can add to this?
I don't think you can safely load content via this method with https according to Chrome.

Once you override it seems to work after that, but the https is crossed out.

It stays crossed out for the entire domain when you set this.
In addition to the above, I get the following message in console on Chrome version 30.0.1599.69m:

[blocked] The page at ... k&cof=FORI… ran insecure content from ... &cof=FORID%…
And this one on IE9:
SEC7111: HTTPS security is compromised by ... 26q%3Dtest
Firefox 14 just warns you about an unencrypted connection when you try to use the search box at all, and clicking Continue causes everything to work normally.
Topic Starter
- Marco -
On the latest beta

I just tried to search on FireFox version 24 and it let me search. Can someone check to see if it works in other browsers? I only have IE and Firefox installed on this computer.
Chrome fine too.

Just tried again, and doesn't work properly, I guess I had a good luck when trying for first time.
I'm not sure what happened. The first time I accessed the website I wasn't in https. Now that I triggered https it doesn't allow me to continue unless I allow it. Unlike Chrome I can unblock just the google search page. The rest of the site still remains secure. I wonder if Chrome has an option to unblock just a single webpage too.
I'm not sure this is fixable. Unless there is a way to make the google page http instead of https or a way to cache the searched content on an https secure area before it is displayed, I don't think it is possible to display insecure content through https without the user allowing it to be displayed. I'm going to move to low priority for now.
I just saw this:

I can confirm Google Search has been fixed on all of my browsers, but not osu!market. I am still having a blank page in Chrome and the "only secured content is displayed" message in IE11 (screenshot). Even after clearing the cache and pressing ctrl+F5.
Updated misleading topic title.
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- Marco -
I think it's now resolved since we have a new osu!market (also change the old one on the homepage) ;)

marcostudios wrote:

I think it's now resolved since we have a new osu!market (also change the old one on the homepage) ;)
The market and the store are two different things.
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