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Im trying to find a Step!mania key download since I can't find one, I would love if someone can give me a download for the skin.
The first google result download link seems to work..? Also seems decent, hopefully this is what you're looking for: community/forums/topics/301621
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Thanks! but turns out I confused the name and I just got a name from the top of my head, , that link on the 24 seconds mark I think it the one im looking for since its easier for me to read and less confusing
ooo gotcha.

Uhh cant tell if youve found it or not by your reply sorry, but incase u havent found it yet, its in the description of the video u linked ^^
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I tapped the link, it did send me to a video, but it looked like it was deleted, but incase im wrong, I might have tapped the wrong link soooo, let me know if i did or not
THAT_otaku this one ^^

(was next to the skin name, instead of the vid link underneath it)

Then you jus clicku download and YEP
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I tapped on it, it looks very sketchy, I tapped download and it says error downloading your file, looks very sketchy though
Oh, you're right. Sorry, I swear it downloaded for me the other day buinefwmldfrebtgiufwndklmebitnerwkld. You might have to contact the creator of that edit (users/17753122) and see if they can provide a download link for it ;-; :?
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I don't know how to talk to them since I don't know what to say, can you maybe ask him, its ok if you can't
Contacted the creator and got this ^^

If you want the exact colours shown in the video you linked previously, the easiest method to change them to the correct colours would be to open your skin folder, open this skin, click the mania folder, then remove all of the arrows that are the colours you dont want. Then rename the remaining 4 arrows (probably the @2x ones, unless your osu doesnt support @2x which you will find out very quickly lol) to the correct names (down@2x.png, up@2x.png, left@2x, right@2x, make sure you are just renaming @2x ones to @2x, not renaming a non-@2x to @2x as that could mess things up).

Only reason for removing the other arrows from the folder is to make renaming them less of a hassle.

Hopefully thats not confusing
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it looks like the same sketchy website, still says error downloading your file
hmm..? drop box isnt sktechy i can tell you that, according to google there are 700million drop box users. This link works for me as i just downloaded it to test and look at the skin to make sure it was the same so it must be an issue on your end...

yeah now its not working for me either, perhaps drop box is having issues at the moment, might want to try again tomorrow ;-;

Edit 2: fuck it ill just reupload it somewhere else(to a private download lol, not gonna steal someones skin kekw) and send it the link to u
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ok got it, tell when you can get it done, thank you so much by the way!
check your dmsssss YEP
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it doesn't work..... It also kinda looked like it downloaded a virus, im not sure though, wish me luck that it didn't
Its literally mediafire? to qoute google:

MediaFire has 43 million registered users and attracted 1.3 billion unique visitors to its domains in 2012.
and yes it 1 million percent works now, its not a virus, you cant hide a virus in a skin file to our knowledge, I have this skin on my pc and i have just check now that it is still working.

At this point it is an issue on your end, sorry
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