I've been really trying to think about and emphasize consistency and mapping concepts in my own maps lately, and I was wondering:
When trying to get collaborations ranked, do the different parts mapped by the different mappers need to be consistent within themselves or within the whole map? Like if a collab is done between two people, do they both have to use the same or similar concepts to be considered "ranked" quality? Or can they just map their own sections with their own sense of consistency and concepts?
I've been really trying to think about and emphasize consistency and mapping concepts in my own maps lately, and I was wondering:
When trying to get collaborations ranked, do the different parts mapped by the different mappers need to be consistent within themselves or within the whole map? Like if a collab is done between two people, do they both have to use the same or similar concepts to be considered "ranked" quality? Or can they just map their own sections with their own sense of consistency and concepts?