I'm going to reply to this.

I just played the song. So it's time for me to criticize it. There are good points to this song, but let's cover the bad areas first, in no specfic order.
1) Your circle combos should generally not be this large, especially at timings that are simplistic like fourths and the occasional eighth. If you never played the DS versions, I can see why you done this, but typically it is a small number below 10 (There are exceptions, but this is the usual).
2) The timing is actually a little off. Well, I don't believe the timing is off, rather that of the beat snapping is. For example, the ones that were simple fourths (Such as the first notes, which is on Second 7), are off of the intended beat but are on the correct beat the song is. Actually, this is a bad example since note 1 is actually off of the beat as well, but very little (You can consider this a Great in DDR or a 100 or a 300 in the Ouendan thing). Though the eighths are my main issue here, not the fourths. Snapped, the eighths I believe would be on the beat, or closer than what you have it at the point. My example would be note 4 and 5. It sounds like a sixteenth where it should be an eighth. Of course, I'm not sure if the timing is correct or not, since you did not snap the grid. But I reckon it might.
3) Lastly, the circles are randomly placed. Aside from the sliders, which are interestingly formed (That's not bad), the circles look splatted on like a game of darts. Though this would be not a major issue, I am a huge symmetrical freak, and the original game did rather have possible beat areas with the cursor. Of course, this is possible, but some are extremely far away. You can consider distance snapping if you want, unless you hate that absolutely.
Other than that, I like the song, especially like Kingdom Hearts, and I can't remember where this is from. It's not going to rankable at the point in my opinion, but it does have a good surefire sign of attempt and a majority or close to the right area of accuracy. The spinner was long at first, but oh well, who's to complain, it turned fun at the end.
And if you want to make the song hard, you can use sliders to your advantage, there's lots of gaps that can be filled if you set it fast enough. Of course, this is your decision.