
Siestail - Magic Lip Service

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Hollow Wings
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2013年11月4日 at 10:35:27

Artist: Siestail
Title: Magic Lip Service
Source: Touhou
Tags: すぺらんかー spelunker 小宮真央 Komiya Mao Kirisame Marisa Love-Coloured Magic Magus Night Oriental Dark Flight c79
BPM: 185
Filesize: 14574kb
Play Time: 03:10
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (4.91 stars, 407 notes)
  2. HW'' (5 stars, 621 notes)
  3. Insane (5 stars, 609 notes)
  4. Normal (2.92 stars, 217 notes)
Download: Siestail - Magic Lip Service
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Magic Lip Sevice to u~ www 君に魔法のリップサービスを。。。❤
this is a SEVEN-BEAT RHYTHM song~ really cute~~~ enjoy~ >w<

diy design again, hope u like it :3

beatmap - done by me
bg - done by me
sb - done by me
thx for Flask's Normal - done by Flask
special thx to sherrie__fay

thx modding from
  1. Azure
  2. Max Black
  3. N E K O
  4. rezoons
  5. 【CSGA】Ar3sgice
  6. lkx_Shore
  7. RandomEffect
  8. Autumn
  9. Chloe
  10. baldrace
  11. pieguy1372
  12. Mako Sakata
  13. Awaken
  14. -RIKKA-
  15. luxoDeh
  16. Jemmmmy
  17. Nymph
  18. Playing
  19. ignorethis
  20. Blue Dragon
  21. EmingK
  22. ts8zs
  23. DnJeiser
  24. Azmato
  25. Natsu
  26. Fycho
  27. sjoy
  28. Flower
  29. smallboat
  30. 1PSA
  31. happy623
  32. P A N
  33. Xinely
  34. rinsukir
  35. Colin Hou
thx testing from
  1. 【CSGA】Ar3sgice
  2. Autumn
  3. Liselsia Cesarini
  4. Lunatic
  5. N E K O
  6. Nightcore Princess G
  7. Playing
  8. ShallICompareThee
  9. SuperContact
  10. wonders
  11. Zweib
  12. power002
  13. lkfo415579
  14. q1001a
  15. Donato Chi-
  16. Ldd-D
再摸圖之前我重複聽了這首歌很多次,怎麼說呢,我覺得編曲很神奇?(好像也不是) 感覺沒甚麼整體性,當然不是說這首歌不好聽甚麼的,只是在這首歌裡面vocal沒有特別明顯,如果要說主旋律嘛...好像也聽不出來=__=;;



  1. 為何不用CS3?
  2. slider折返遮擋很多很多,記得改掉
  1. 00:16:923 (1,2) slider折返遮擋是unrankable的 後面還有我就不說了
  2. 01:20:167 (6,7) ctrl+G?

  1. 00:03:140 (1,2,3) 這個超難,打不動>_>
  2. 00:42:869 (6) 移到中間那裏,然後這部分的排列錯開比較好讀
  3. 00:49:031 (1,1,2,1,1) 這裡也是超難讀
  4. 01:54:221 (1,2,1,2,3) ^
  5. 02:42:220 (1,2,3,4,5,6) ^
  6. 03:02:977 (3,4) ^
Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

Azure wrote:

再摸圖之前我重複聽了這首歌很多次,怎麼說呢,我覺得編曲很神奇?(好像也不是) 感覺沒甚麼整體性,當然不是說這首歌不好聽甚麼的,只是在這首歌裡面vocal沒有特別明顯,如果要說主旋律嘛...好像也聽不出來=__=;; 因为这是七拍子的曲子,你没看到?0.0



  1. 為何不用CS3? 为何要用cs3?
  2. slider折返遮擋很多很多,記得改掉 没有任何折返箭头被遮挡,如果有请指出
  1. 00:16:923 (1,2) slider折返遮擋是unrankable的 後面還有我就不說了 同没有任何箭头被遮挡,有请指出
  2. 01:20:167 (6,7) ctrl+G?nope

我認為這個難度的問題是間距很隨興導致很難讀,有種"為了排列好看而無視間距"的感覺... 这个问题也是很多tester提到的,不过他们在打了几遍这个图后就能知道哪里应该连打以及某些变速跳。我不知道读图难对rank的影响有多大,无视间距都视为梗的话其实也不过如此而已,至少rank1500以内的pro都能打这个图
  1. 00:03:140 (1,2,3) 這個超難,打不動>_> 大距离三连,185bpm
  2. 00:42:869 (6) 移到中間那裏,然後這部分的排列錯開比較好讀 nope
  3. 00:49:031 (1,1,2,1,1) 這裡也是超難讀 这些除了第三个tester都能接上,第三个属于变速跳,一般在打2-3pc就能接上
  4. 01:54:221 (1,2,1,2,3) ^
  5. 02:42:220 (1,2,3,4,5,6) ^
  6. 03:02:977 (3,4) ^
多找點mod吧,祝好運!thx for modding
Max Black_old
00:02:815 (8) - 这个贴着滑条尾的话可能影响读版
00:05:086 (8) - ^
00:03:140 (1,2,3) - 这里放跳怪怪的
00:30:221 (8,1) - 跳得有点远
00:32:491 (1,2) - Ctrl+G
00:49:356 (1,2,1,1,2) - 是我错觉还是摆的不够标准
00:50:329 (2,3) - 好奇怪的跳
01:50:653 (4,5,6) - 等距
02:15:950 (5,6,7,8) - 正方形(强迫症...

总评:这难度性感的滑条让我欲罢不能 但坑爹的跳让我痛苦不堪
Good Luck! :)求Mod!
Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

Max Black wrote:

00:02:815 (8) - 这个贴着滑条尾的话可能影响读版 因为完全叠在尾巴上所以绝对不会影响读图
00:05:086 (8) - ^
00:03:140 (1,2,3) - 这里放跳怪怪的 为了为之后三连作铺垫
00:30:221 (8,1) - 跳得有点远 不远
00:32:491 (1,2) - Ctrl+G nope
00:49:356 (1,2,1,1,2) - 是我错觉还是摆的不够标准 绝对的正五角星
00:50:329 (2,3) - 好奇怪的跳 是啊,但是很好玩
01:50:653 (4,5,6) - 等距 啥?
02:15:950 (5,6,7,8) - 正方形(强迫症... nope

总评:这难度性感的滑条让我欲罢不能 但坑爹的跳让我痛苦不堪 对pro来说这些跳没什么
Good Luck! :) thx for modding求Mod!你只mod一个难度,到底有没有诚意啊喂!w

HW'' N个PC都pass不了,最后才侥幸pass,感觉排列和间距比较hold不住,读起来困难比较大。
感觉都是坑初见的神器= =..



  • 00:28:923 (2,1) - 几处像这里一样的空拍,我打了几PC之后还是有点难受= =.感觉


    里有一下鼓点但是压的却不是这里,惯性思维就有点难受:3 但是习惯之后打起来还好

    00:54:382 (10,1) - 虽然NC了不过感觉还是错开一些比较好..被坑了

    02:12:221 (7) - 何不往上挪一点,照顾之前的话,我试了试这样也蛮不

    02:33:140 (1,2,3,4) - 考虑了半天感觉还是两两距离近了些。

  • 这个slider收尾相接的风格让我想起某些老图的最高难度,特眼熟.

    00:49:842 (8) - 推荐还是叠在00:50:167 (9) - 头上.否则读起来会有些奇怪.

    00:59:086 (4) - 个人感觉比较突兀..

    01:07:194 (2) - 或 01:42:545 (4) - 像这样贴上的地方,个人推荐还是不要互相有交集.不过不是大事

  • Good one,nothing to say.
good luck star :)
Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

N E K O wrote:


HW'' N个PC都pass不了,最后才侥幸pass,感觉排列和间距比较hold不住,读起来困难比较大。pass我随手,fc估计不行,读图困难我懂的嗯
中间有几个中间距的跳,虽然中间有空拍,但是可能因为要顾忌梗的形状所以就没有距离变化.虽然有NC但是... 虽然很坑但我的确很想这样摆
感觉都是坑初见的神器= =..

那些三连的间距..感觉到了恶意 185的拆间距连打,想试试0、0

其他部分确实看起来和打起来都蛮有意思的。 OVQ

  • 00:28:923 (2,1) - 几处像这里一样的空拍,我打了几PC之后还是有点难受= =.感觉


    里有一下鼓点但是压的却不是这里,惯性思维就有点难受:3 但是习惯之后打起来还好 除了高潮和非vocal的地方都是跟着鼓点走的,所以可能感觉有点奇怪。不过我想所有的diff都跟着vocal多没劲啊,所以还是想求点变化的,于是这里就这么摆了。

    00:54:382 (10,1) - 虽然NC了不过感觉还是错开一些比较好..被坑了 nope

    02:12:221 (7) - 何不往上挪一点,照顾之前的话,我试了试这样也蛮不

    错, 这个可以有,fixed

    02:33:140 (1,2,3,4) - 考虑了半天感觉还是两两距离近了些。fixed,ds改成了2.0, 调整了一下版面

  • 这个slider收尾相接的风格让我想起某些老图的最高难度,特眼熟. 我就那么复古吗,我根本没打过多少老图的说OVQ

    00:49:842 (8) - 推荐还是叠在00:50:167 (9) - 头上.否则读起来会有些奇怪. fixed。虽然原来的感觉也挺好,不过还是改了吧。

    00:59:086 (4) - 个人感觉比较突兀.. fixed,换了个其他的形状

    01:07:194 (2) - 或 01:42:545 (4) - 像这样贴上的地方,个人推荐还是不要互相有交集.不过不是大事 都是ds强迫症惹的,介于这种地方实在太多了,所以就让它这样吧233

  • Good one,nothing to say. F酱怎么那么厉害OVQ
加油,超棒的ww www
good luck star :) thx for modding and star~
Hi :),

Here is my mod, let's go:

I see that you still love the triangle patterns xD

  1. 00:13:680 (4,5) - I would suggest you to use this rythm instead for 2 reasons:

    First, because i think it fits better the music because we can crearly hear a note at 00:14:167 and i find it weird there was no note here while playing. Secondly, it will avoid this 3/2 gap which isn't very cool for beginner player.
    And since you repaeat the same rythm a lot of time i'd suggest you to apply this each time.
  2. 00:56:491 (2) - Why just a note here? Wouldn't it follow the music better if it was instead a 1 beat long slider starting at 00:56:167? And there are a lot of place like this.
  1. 00:29:896 (3) - Move the end point 2 grid up for better blanket.
  2. 00:50:167 (5,1) - You could have avoided this overlap.
  3. 01:07:518 (3) - Move the 2nd slider point 2 grid left for better blanket.
  4. 01:42:544 (3) and 02:02:815 (5,1) and 02:19:193 (2,3) - Same as their copy/paste antagonist.
  5. 03:02:653 (1,2) - Overlap.
  6. 03:07:842 (2) - Touches the HP bar.


45% of the diff is copy paste........

  1. 00:28:275 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Here, you often change the spacing between x0.75 and x1.00. I don't understand why and it feels weird while playing. Actually you did it a lot in the map and i can't really understand the logic in it.
  1. 00:09:950 (7,1) - Why this spacing of x0.5 between the triplet and the slider? It looks weird imo.
  2. 00:20:491 (3,1) - They don't blanket very well.
  3. 00:35:734 (6,7,8,9) - I find it confusing to play imo. Because 00:35:734 (6,7) are 1 beat apart and 00:36:383 (7,8,9) 1/2 beat but the position make them looks like they are all equally spaced in time.
  4. 01:01:680 (5,1,2,3,4,5) - All these stack + the straight line + they aren't all 1/2 = it was very confusing to play, even for AR8.
  5. 01:10:113 (2) - Add an arrow at the end of the slider because the sudden blank in the mapping feels weird since the music doesn't stop or even start being more quiet. In fact, the singer hold the note at 01:10:437 so it has to be a slider here.
  6. 01:15:464 (5) - I know they are a lot of overlap in the map and you map like this but this one where the note is under the slider doesn't look good.
  7. 01:19:031 (1,2) - Use this rythm instead:

    for the same reason as 01:10:113 (2).
  8. 01:50:004 (1,2,3) - You'd better bend them a little bit more in order to blanket them instead of the overlap.
  9. 01:56:815 (6) - CTRL+G? The flow would be better (even if you loose a jump, you'll have another one with 01:56:815 (6,7))
  10. 02:11:734 (5) - I asked a former BAT and he told me it was unrankable.
  11. 02:22:761 (2) - Same as 01:10:113
  12. 02:31:842 (2) - Same as 01:19:031
  1. From the start until 00:28:000 the length for your combo is nearly always lower than 5 then right after it's always around 10~12. I know your HP drain rate is small but i think you could easily add twice more NC here. At 00:31:194 (6) and 00:35:734 (6) and 00:40:275 (7) etc.... Each time the vocal start a new verse.
    (Even in the Insane the combo are lower than this)
  1. 00:21:140 (4) - You use 2 claps at 00:27:302 (3) and 00:22:761 (3) where the music is exactly the same.
  2. 00:18:220 (3) - You should also put 2 clap here like in the Insane diff and what you did after.
  3. 00:13:680 (3) - ^
  4. 03:11:248 (7) - Whistle on the last note? It's a strong note and seeing it without a hitsounds is weird imo. A finish is maybe too "powerful" but a whistle fits perfectly imo.
I find the diff a little bit too hard to read for a Hard.

  1. 00:29:572 - I think you should add a note here. I understand whay you mapped and i understand why you didn't put any here but the fact is that there is a vocal here and the main instrument play a note here so, for the player, it's wierd to not play anything here. That's why i would suggest you to add a note here. You did it in the Hard and HW" diff.
    And there are a lot of other place like this.
  1. 00:04:437 (6,7,8) - You have a perfect triangle here but the gap between the notes are 1/4 and 3/4.... That's weird.
  2. 00:37:356 (1,2,3) - ^
  3. 00:50:329 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,1) - Why all these straight line?
  4. 01:19:518 (4) - I would suggest you to bent it more in order to improve the flow of 01:19:031 (3,4) which is currently not very good imo.
  5. 01:22:275 (6) - CTRL+J then move it where it was (x=424 y=232) it will improve the flow of 01:22:275 (6,7).
  6. 01:49:842 (5) - Move it to x=336 y=168 because it should be equally spaced from 01:49:679 (4) and 01:50:004 (1).
  7. 02:08:004 (5) - Move the end point to x=104 y=192. It will be more clear than it's 1/4 between 02:08:004 (5) and 02:08:167 (1).
  8. 02:16:923 (9,10,11,12,1) - Move it to x=256 y=64 in order to follow the logic of the pattern 02:16:275 (5,6,7,8).
  9. 02:34:923 (6) - CTRL+G?

  1. 00:19:194 (1) - There is a whistle with the Finish here in your other diff.
  2. 01:15:302 (1,2,3,4) - These four claps in a row sounds a little bit weird imo. Maybe you could remove some of them. I don't remember seeing any other place in the map with this number of clap in a row.
  3. 03:11:248 (7) - Whistle?
  1. 00:47:410 (2,3) - Move them a little bit away from 00:46:437 (1) in order to keep the blanket but remove the overlap. Like you did for 00:50:977 (1,2).
  2. 00:50:653 (3) - CTRL+G?
  3. 00:57:788 (1,2) - Compare this to 01:00:059 (1,2). it the same thing sung and you used the same sapcing the gap of 00:57:788 (1,2) is 1/4 and of
  4. 01:00:059 (1,2) is 1/2. It's inconsistent and very confusing to have pattern like 00:57:788 (1,2) who need AR10 in order to be more readable. Sometimes in your map you have the 1/4 and sometimes the 1/2. Maybe there is a logic but i didn't find it. sorry.
  5. 01:13:680 (1) - Move it to x=94 y=24 in order to have a better triangle with the tail of 01:13:680 (1,2,3).
  6. 02:35:248 (7,8) - CTRL+G for a better flow of 02:34:923 (6,7). Very important the flow here because the x3 jump triangle 1/4 notes are very hard to play.
  1. 00:17:572 (4) - NC here in order to show the whange from 3/4 to 1/2.
  2. 00:26:653 (4) - ^
  3. 00:41:572 (1) - Why is there a NC here? It has no purpose. Besides, there wasn't any in the Insane and hard diff. (actually you used them at other point of your map so i don't really know what to think about)
  4. 00:49:031 (1,1,2,1,1) - Here too, i think you can remove some of the NC.
  5. 00:53:572 (1,1,2,1,1) - ^
  6. 02:01:680 (1,1,2,1,1) - ^
  7. 02:06:221 (1,1,2,1,1) - ^ (When they are a lot of NC like here it's usually to emphasize the music or to show a particular pattern hard to read without the NC. Here i don't see why you put them)
  8. 02:42:869 (4) - NC for the same reason as 00:17:572.
  9. 02:51:950 (4) - ^
  1. 02:12:221 (9) - Whistle?
  2. 03:11:248 (7) - Whistle?
All your diff (except the GD) are very original, very hard to read and very fun to play. But it seems that the "hard to read" was done on purpose so i think that some part of my mod are useless.
Anyway, get my star and good luck ranking it ^^
结果网好了我没传图 四暗刻


  1. 我觉得ar8比较好打, 就是01:13:416 - 那里不好读, 那地方能做简单点就好了233
  2. 00:07:031 (6,2) - 这一段滑条尾静音太不科学了, 点不中
  3. 00:54:382 (10,1) - 四暗刻
  4. 01:02:653 (3,4) - ^
  5. 我认为虽然说这歌是七拍子也没有必要去营造一种中间少了一拍子的气氛..
  6. 02:32:167 (4) - 这里y轴上拉开一点吧
  7. 02:35:410 (1,2,3) - 这样hitburst会把箭头挡住的
  8. 02:39:950 (1,2,3,4) - 没必要这样嘛, 稍微加点sv摆的就舒服了
  9. 03:02:491 (9) - x:216 y:304 叠着不好打
  10. 后面滑条静音的也有点不好打 不过我是开ar8打的 ar9的话应该就是可以读了

  1. 00:14:167 (4) - 你不能这样, hard都坑人
  2. 00:52:113 (4) - 移到00:52:113 (4) - 比较好吧
  3. 01:01:680 (5) - 不好
  4. 02:14:328 (5) - 不好
  5. 02:35:410 (1,2,3) - 这样hitburst会把箭头挡住的!
  6. 比较坑的梗有点多, 间距也比较随便, 不像是打hard的感觉 四暗刻

  1. 送一分
Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:

结果网好了我没传图 四暗刻


  1. 我觉得ar8比较好打, 就是01:13:416 - 那里不好读, 那地方能做简单点就好了233 这个diff用ar8绝对的难读,相信我。。。
  2. 00:07:031 (6,2) - 这一段滑条尾静音太不科学了, 点不中 无比科学啊,红线开打的连打罢了,不在意断尾就能接上,后面类似梗很多啊
  3. 00:54:382 (10,1) - 四暗刻 四暗刻
  4. 01:02:653 (3,4) - ^ ^
  5. 我认为虽然说这歌是七拍子也没有必要去营造一种中间少了一拍子的气氛.. 我只是跟鼓点而已,变ds的梗一时兴起搞出来的
  6. 02:32:167 (4) - 这里y轴上拉开一点吧 fixed,稍微移了一点,谱面整理了下
  7. 02:35:410 (1,2,3) - 这样hitburst会把箭头挡住的 fixed,换了顺序
  8. 02:39:950 (1,2,3,4) - 没必要这样嘛, 稍微加点sv摆的就舒服了 此处改sv会不会太突兀。。。而且这样似乎也是可以打的,这个稍微保留一下
  9. 03:02:491 (9) - x:216 y:304 叠着不好打 fixed, 不过跟7叠着了
  10. 后面滑条静音的也有点不好打 不过我是开ar8打的 ar9的话应该就是可以读了 没错

  1. 00:14:167 (4) - 你不能这样, hard都坑人 fixed,reverse后调整了下位置
  2. 00:52:113 (4) - 移到00:52:113 (4) - 比较好吧 你这mod完全看不懂w
  3. 01:01:680 (5) - 不好 不要光说不好啊给个建议啊233
  4. 02:14:328 (5) - 不好
  5. 02:35:410 (1,2,3) - 这样hitburst会把箭头挡住的! fixed,你为何这么刁!
  6. 比较坑的梗有点多, 间距也比较随便, 不像是打hard的感觉 四暗刻 纳尼,我要改diff名为hard+吗,顺便低难度果然不会做啊233

  1. 送一分 我要十分啊OVQ
thx for modding! OVQ
既然可以的話那就祝好運吧 :)
Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

Azure wrote:

既然可以的話那就祝好運吧 :)
明白这点的话,以后也可以尝试摆这种梗呀 :3
Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

rezoons wrote:

Hi :),

Here is my mod, let's go: www,sry for replied ar3 first coz lots of mods ur post has. :3

  1. 00:28:275 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Here, you often change the spacing between x0.75 and x1.00. I don't understand why and it feels weird while playing. Actually you did it a lot in the map and i can't really understand the logic in it. sry for weird playing u had, but i set objs have these ds just by feeling, and the logic of it maybe just "looks better" thou hard or even weird to play 0.0
  1. 00:09:950 (7,1) - Why this spacing of x0.5 between the triplet and the slider? It looks weird imo. u r right, already changed to another pattern
  2. 00:20:491 (3,1) - They don't blanket very well. fixed
  3. 00:35:734 (6,7,8,9) - I find it confusing to play imo. Because 00:35:734 (6,7) are 1 beat apart and 00:36:383 (7,8,9) 1/2 beat but the position make them looks like they are all equally spaced in time. of course u r right, already fixed and arranged ds
  4. 01:01:680 (5,1,2,3,4,5) - All these stack + the straight line + they aren't all 1/2 = it was very confusing to play, even for AR8. really? ok as i rarely played low diffs even hard, i felt nothing. but just like u said, it's hard to play. i've fixed it like moving some of them a bit, so that they won't stack at all and still keep this pattern. if u still think this is too hard plz reply :3
  5. 01:10:113 (2) - Add an arrow at the end of the slider because the sudden blank in the mapping feels weird since the music doesn't stop or even start being more quiet. In fact, the singer hold the note at 01:10:437 so it has to be a slider here. goooooooood!!! excellent!! fixed!
  6. 01:15:464 (5) - I know they are a lot of overlap in the map and you map like this but this one where the note is under the slider doesn't look good. fixed, stack one at 7 and change their order
  7. 01:19:031 (1,2) - Use this rythm instead:

    for the same reason as 01:10:113 (2). good suggestion! fixed, but i'll change 2 and 3 in ur rhythm to a slider
  8. 01:50:004 (1,2,3) - You'd better bend them a little bit more in order to blanket them instead of the overlap. fixed
  9. 01:56:815 (6) - CTRL+G? The flow would be better (even if you loose a jump, you'll have another one with 01:56:815 (6,7)) fixed, and this jump maybe too far in hard diff after fixing, so i stack 7 at 6's end, it's fine imo
  10. 02:11:734 (5) - I asked a former BAT and he told me it was unrankable. really? alright i'll fix this, thx a lot! D:
  11. 02:22:761 (2) - Same as 01:10:113 fixed
  12. 02:31:842 (2) - Same as 01:19:031 fixed
  1. From the start until 00:28:000 the length for your combo is nearly always lower than 5 then right after it's always around 10~12. I know your HP drain rate is small but i think you could easily add twice more NC here. At 00:31:194 (6) and 00:35:734 (6) and 00:40:275 (7) etc.... Each time the vocal start a new verse.
    (Even in the Insane the combo are lower than this)
    good u mentioned this! let me explain: u see this song is not a fast song, and i set objs this diff not in a compact state. so i didn't set much nc in this diff, so players can feel they're play an entire part. as for the insane's nc, there's too much objs in it, so it's like that. so i hope u catched my mind, but thx for ur suggestion anyway, u really amazing modder D:
  1. 00:21:140 (4) - You use 2 claps at 00:27:302 (3) and 00:22:761 (3) where the music is exactly the same. no they're not same, and i set clap hs very carefully, maybe u can metioned why i set clap like this when u look through the whole song. if u still want to ask why, like some ordinary style, then i just can tell u i like this. thx for ur suggestion anyway~ :3 (part1: 00:10:113 to 00:19:194, part2: 00:19:194 to 00:28:275, just two different way putting claps :3)
  2. 00:18:220 (3) - You should also put 2 clap here like in the Insane diff and what you did after.
  3. 00:13:680 (3) - ^
  4. 03:11:248 (7) - Whistle on the last note? It's a strong note and seeing it without a hitsounds is weird imo. A finish is maybe too "powerful" but a whistle fits perfectly imo. nope, coz the song's volume is low enough and no whistle hs here gives an up-down feelling when there's a whistle at the head of this slider. actually i set hs by this feeling as well. sry reject
I find the diff a little bit too hard to read for a Hard. that's the point, maybe i should call this diff name "Hard+"? D:

  1. 00:29:572 - I think you should add a note here. I understand whay you mapped and i understand why you didn't put any here but the fact is that there is a vocal here and the main instrument play a note here so, for the player, it's wierd to not play anything here. That's why i would suggest you to add a note here. You did it in the Hard and HW" diff.
    And there are a lot of other place like this.
    i didn't set anything here coz it's boring to give all diff a similiar rhythm just like following the vocal... so i DID want some changing in some diff. so here i set things following the drumbeat. maybe too strong impression the vocal gives to players and didn't mention the drum.
    however, anyway, this maybe a serious problem in rhythm, for playing indeed. if i add note here it'll just like a common diff, but maybe more better to play, less of fun thou.
    thx a lot D:
  1. 00:04:437 (6,7,8) - You have a perfect triangle here but the gap between the notes are 1/4 and 3/4.... That's weird. that's just for catching the rhythm while doing this triangle. because of a slider 8 is, it won't be a serious problem here while playing. testers feel nothing as well
  2. 00:37:356 (1,2,3) - ^ i think this is just fine
  3. 00:50:329 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,1) - Why all these straight line? maybe u can call them patterns? D:
  4. 01:19:518 (4) - I would suggest you to bent it more in order to improve the flow of 01:19:031 (3,4) which is currently not very good imo. good, fixed
  5. 01:22:275 (6) - CTRL+J then move it where it was (x=424 y=232) it will improve the flow of 01:22:275 (6,7). oh, here maybe there's no flow, i just set them for good shape like 5,6 are symm through 7,8,9, as the last pattern before break time which is easy to combo imo. sry reject
  6. 01:49:842 (5) - Move it to x=336 y=168 because it should be equally spaced from 01:49:679 (4) and 01:50:004 (1). actually i just did 2 regular triangles here, but yes u r right, it's better to fix.
  7. 02:08:004 (5) - Move the end point to x=104 y=192. It will be more clear than it's 1/4 between 02:08:004 (5) and 02:08:167 (1).
  8. 02:16:923 (9,10,11,12,1) - Move it to x=256 y=64 in order to follow the logic of the pattern 02:16:275 (5,6,7,8). nope, did u mentioned 02:07:356 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2) - are in symm state? :3
  9. 02:34:923 (6) - CTRL+G? nope, i set this slider like this on purpose D:

  1. 00:19:194 (1) - There is a whistle with the Finish here in your other diff. fixed, and 02:44:491 as well
  2. 01:15:302 (1,2,3,4) - These four claps in a row sounds a little bit weird imo. Maybe you could remove some of them. I don't remember seeing any other place in the map with this number of clap in a row. i did row like this here: 02:28:113 (2,3,4,5) - , maybe u r right, i'll consider this
  3. 03:11:248 (7) - Whistle? nope as i said before
  1. 00:47:410 (2,3) - Move them a little bit away from 00:46:437 (1) in order to keep the blanket but remove the overlap. Like you did for 00:50:977 (1,2). fixed
  2. 00:50:653 (3) - CTRL+G? nope, this is funny
  3. 00:57:788 (1,2) - Compare this to 01:00:059 (1,2). it the same thing sung and you used the same sapcing the gap of 00:57:788 (1,2) is 1/4 and of
  4. 01:00:059 (1,2) is 1/2. It's inconsistent and very confusing to have pattern like 00:57:788 (1,2) who need AR10 in order to be more readable. Sometimes in your map you have the 1/4 and sometimes the 1/2. Maybe there is a logic but i didn't find it. sorry. u just find the special example in this diff. i didn't do this except this, for a symm include: 00:57:788 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - . but let me tell u this: if u r a pro, it's easy to read the app circles and play maps when u know this song's rhythm. here 00:57:788 (1,2) the only problem is if the slider's end's combo could be missed. i've played this diff and i can have no miss in this part, and i think more pro can do this for this is not quite a difficult pattern here. there's lots of 1/4 different ds in other ranked maps even the one i've ranked. so maybe it's a problem but i think it won't be a serious one. :3
  5. 01:13:680 (1) - Move it to x=94 y=24 in order to have a better triangle with the tail of 01:13:680 (1,2,3). actually this diff have so many tiny overlap like this, for ds arranging. actually now 01:13:680 (1,2,3) is a regular triangle already. so maybe u can ignore these. :3
  6. 02:35:248 (7,8) - CTRL+G for a better flow of 02:34:923 (6,7). Very important the flow here because the x3 jump triangle 1/4 notes are very hard to play. ok u r right, it's difficult enough >w< fixed
  1. 00:17:572 (4) - NC here in order to show the whange from 3/4 to 1/2. this is the most confusing part in this diff, the nc problem here really beat me. i've considered the suggestion u gived: nc at (4), but when i test this it still feel a bit strange to play this. first i don't want to change this pattern, then i just want to know which nc works can be better for playing this diff. so i'll keep this after more tester give me suggestions. D:
  2. 00:26:653 (4) - ^
  3. 00:41:572 (1) - Why is there a NC here? It has no purpose. Besides, there wasn't any in the Insane and hard diff. (actually you used them at other point of your map so i don't really know what to think about) it is on purpose, same nc in other parts u can see D:
  4. 00:49:031 (1,1,2,1,1) - Here too, i think you can remove some of the NC. nope, they are helping reading.
  5. 00:53:572 (1,1,2,1,1) - ^
  6. 02:01:680 (1,1,2,1,1) - ^
  7. 02:06:221 (1,1,2,1,1) - ^ (When they are a lot of NC like here it's usually to emphasize the music or to show a particular pattern hard to read without the NC. Here i don't see why you put them) actually it's harder to read this pattern without nc, believe me
  8. 02:42:869 (4) - NC for the same reason as 00:17:572.
  9. 02:51:950 (4) - ^
  1. 02:12:221 (9) - Whistle? nope
  2. 03:11:248 (7) - Whistle? nope
All your diff (except the GD) are very original, very hard to read and very fun to play. But it seems that the "hard to read" was done on purpose so i think that some part of my mod are useless. most of ur mods are very useful! really! and "hard to read" is actually a problem in this map and i just want to solve it without changing the pattern in it. maybe nc is a good way as i said before.
Anyway, get my star and good luck ranking it ^^ thx for modding and star~
reeeeeeeeeeezoooooooons uuuuuu reeaaaalllllly eeeeexeeeeleeeeeent mooodderrrrrrrr!!!
when i didn't see some problem in my map, u still give lots of useful mods! maybe that's why we need mods! XD
really good job! >w<
to the first point you've pointed out: That would be much harder than a little 3/2 break (even I know it won't bug beginners that much, I still want to keep current pattern as it.)
to the second point: I don't want to place 1/1 rhythm anywhere actually.

Blankets are fixed, those overlaps are intention and readable.

osu file format v12

AudioFilename: magic lip service.mp3
AudioLeadIn: 1000
PreviewTime: 64437
Countdown: 0
SampleSet: Soft
StackLeniency: 0.3
Mode: 0
LetterboxInBreaks: 0
WidescreenStoryboard: 1

Bookmarks: 10113,14653,16923,19194,23734,26004,28275,31194,31842,32815,37356,41896,44167,46437,55518,58761,64599,72707,73680,74977,75950,77248,78221,79518,81788,82275,82761,87302,91842,98653,100923,103842,104491,105464,110004,114545,155410,157680,159950,162221,164491,166275,166761,168545,169031,170815,171302,172437,173572,178113,182653,187194,191248
DistanceSpacing: 0.9
BeatDivisor: 4
GridSize: 4

Title:Magic Lip Service
Creator:Hollow Wings
Version:Flask's Normal
Tags:flask すぺらんかー spelunker 小宮真央 Komiya Mao Kirisame Marisa Love-Coloured Magic Magus Night Oriental Dark Flight c79


//Background and Video events
0,0,"magic lip sevice.jpg",0,0
//Break Periods
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples
//Background Colour Transformations


Combo1 : 184,124,173
Combo2 : 241,226,216
Combo3 : 191,223,87
Combo4 : 254,225,101


Thanks for the mod.
  1. 首先...这种梗我不知道你为什么会想这么放,因为玩家们习惯了平时连打都不会叉这么开所以一般都会必定被坑
  2. 00:16:923 (1,2) - 然后这到底为什么要这么放?在前面几个连续的大跳以后再突然顿下来。我想这玩起来肯定很蛋疼
  3. 00:36:059 (2) - 嗯,这个的确看不到,请你确保这个滑条至少有30%的地方是露出来的
  4. 00:49:031 (1,1,2,1,1,2) - 看到这个我感觉你就是为了凑这个形状而已,


  1. 都是间距和漏音问题,我想你应该知道自己在哪漏了和哪间距乱下了...
  1. ...
[Flask's NM]
  1. 00:24:059 (1) - 漏clap了?
  2. 02:04:923 (2) - 滑条折返处加clap?
这么摆真的有趣吗 :o
Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

lkx_Shore wrote:

  1. 首先...这种梗我不知道你为什么会想这么放,因为玩家们习惯了平时连打都不会叉这么开所以一般都会必定被坑
    这到底是为了funny还是纯粹为了坑人呢?我很好奇 为了尝试新梗是否playble,所有tester告诉我的结果都是playble,于是我决定尝试rank这个梗
  2. 00:16:923 (1,2) - 然后这到底为什么要这么放?在前面几个连续的大跳以后再突然顿下来。我想这玩起来肯定很蛋疼 是啊,但是我想着玩起来肯定很有趣
  3. 00:36:059 (2) - 嗯,这个的确看不到,请你确保这个滑条至少有30%的地方是露出来的 fixed
  4. 00:49:031 (1,1,2,1,1,2) - 看到这个我感觉你就是为了凑这个形状而已,没错
你难道希望玩家来打这图的理由仅仅是为了fc一个难图吗,就和部分上古屎图一样 上古屎图我不太清楚到底是怎样的style,如果你指的是ds混乱的话那么ar的影响到底有多大还是未知,嗯,虽然我承认这个图确实很难读,但是依旧可以玩。至于打起来是否自然,那只有玩家自己清楚


  1. 都是间距和漏音问题,我想你应该知道自己在哪漏了和哪间距乱下了... 究竟怎样才算乱
  1. ...
    没想到你连hard也可以做hw和insane那种感觉.... 原来你会有这样的感觉
这么摆真的有趣吗 :o 相当有趣,多好玩呀>w<
thx for modding
From my queue~
Thanks for M4M!

[Flask's Normal]
  1. 00:49:356 (4) - end at 00:49:680
  2. 00:50:167 (5) - start at 00:50:004
  3. 00:51:950- add a note
  4. 00:53:896 (4) - end at 00:54:221
  5. 00:54:707 (5) - start at 00:54:545
  6. 02:02:004 (4) - end at 02:02:329
  7. 02:02:815 (5) - start at 02:02:653
  8. 02:04:599- add a note
  9. 02:06:544 (3) - end at 02:06:869
  10. 02:07:355 (4) - start at 02:07:194
  11. 03:02:653 (1) - start at 03:02:491
  12. 03:02:653 (1,2) - avoid overlap

  1. 00:07:031 (4,5,1) - this overlap is hard to find notes
  1. 01:13:275 (11,1) - this overlap is not good
  2. 01:56:004 (3,4,5) - ^
  1. 00:49:842 (1) - move to 00:49:680
  2. 00:50:167 (1) - move to 00:50:004
  3. 00:54:383 (1) - move to 00:54:221
  4. 00:54:707 (1) - move to 00:54:545
  5. 01:11:410 (1,2,3,4,5) - Nice Star!!!
  6. 02:02:491 (1) - move to 02:02:329
  7. 02:02:815 (1) - move to 02:02:653
  8. 02:07:032 (1) - move to 02:06:869
  9. 02:07:356 (1) - move to 02:07:194
  10. 02:33:140 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Nice Heart!!!
I've played SEVEN-BEAT RHYTHM map for the first time :)
very difficult but enjoyable!
I'm lokking foreward to SB ;)
~Good Luck~

Hollow Wings wrote:

reeeeeeeeeeezoooooooons uuuuuu reeaaaalllllly eeeeexeeeeleeeeeent mooodderrrrrrrr!!!
Thank you very much ^^ But my mod wasn't that great.The problem is that you have a very original way to map (whatever happens don't change it! It's awesome!) so it kind of disturbed me. Since i'm not used to this kind of mapping and failed to understand it until late in the mod and some enlightenement in your changelog, a lot of things i said were useless. But well, i've seen that it helped and i'm glad you like it. :D

I'm the only english modder in this thread XD Not anymore!

when i didn't see some problem in my map, u still give lots of useful mods! maybe that's why we need mods! XD
really good job! >w<
Well, mods are here to fix small issue (like failed blanket, failed symmetry etc...) and above all give other point of vue of the map. Since we all see the map differently it can help to have different point of vue in order to improve the map because other people can see somethings that we don't see.

that's the point, maybe i should call this diff name "Hard+"? D:
No, no need to call it that way. It would kill the difficulty spread and your map is definitely a Hard.

if u still think this is too hard plz reply :3
I'm not 100% sure but that seems good.

"hard to read" is actually a problem in this map and i just want to solve it without changing the pattern in it. maybe nc is a good way as i said before.
"hard to read" isn't "unreadable" so i think that you can keep it like this. It will be much harder to rank and a lot of people will hate you for this but if it's your mapping stye i want to say "keep it!". AR8 in Hard and AR9 in Insane makes it readable enough to be rankable imo.
The only diff i can't judge is HW" because of all the 1/4 spaced like 1/2 that i can't read at all. But since this map is beyond my level (I have FC'd your other HW"but this one i can't play it) i'm not a really good judge for it.

Anyway, good luck ;)

BTW, the bg you draw is awesome as always ^^
Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

RandomEffect wrote:

From my queue~
Thanks for M4M!

  1. 00:07:031 (4,5,1) - this overlap is hard to find notes there're same notes in the end, i think this is just fine
  1. 01:13:275 (11,1) - this overlap is not good hmm, but some kind of fun did it? 0.0
  2. 01:56:004 (3,4,5) - ^ ^
  1. 00:49:842 (1) - move to 00:49:680 all nope D:
  2. 00:50:167 (1) - move to 00:50:004
  3. 00:54:383 (1) - move to 00:54:221
  4. 00:54:707 (1) - move to 00:54:545
  5. 01:11:410 (1,2,3,4,5) - Nice Star!!! www
  6. 02:02:491 (1) - move to 02:02:329
  7. 02:02:815 (1) - move to 02:02:653
  8. 02:07:032 (1) - move to 02:06:869
  9. 02:07:356 (1) - move to 02:07:194
  10. 02:33:140 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Nice Heart!!!
I've played SEVEN-BEAT RHYTHM map for the first time :)
very difficult but enjoyable! i'm glad u like it
I'm lokking foreward to SB ;) well, wait and see XD
~Good Luck~
thou all rejected, still helped in some part any way. thx for modding!
Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

rezoons wrote:

Hollow Wings wrote:

reeeeeeeeeeezoooooooons uuuuuu reeaaaalllllly eeeeexeeeeleeeeeent mooodderrrrrrrr!!!
Anyway, good luck ;)

BTW, the bg you draw is awesome as always ^^
all in all, it really helped. and maybe u can look forward the sb as well XD

唔 我只是比较好奇Magic lip service是神马意思..

  1. 00:03:140 (1,2,3) - Did U learn it from Blue Dragon?(思考
    对于这样的间距我只能说 要是我,四分拍都会毫不犹豫地叠在一起 ╮(╯▽╰)╭
  2. 00:02:815 (8) - 我对这样的四分拍有overmap的偏见..习惯了滑条直接脱到这里
  3. 00:16:923 (1,2) - 换成一个减速滑条还好,目前的比较confusing
    02:42:220 (1,2) - ^
  4. 00:23:248 (9) - NC
    01:46:761 (5) - NC.主要考虑这里的跳跃比较容易MISS,,设置一个回血点
    00:43:194 (7) - ^
  5. 00:50:977 (1) - stack.X=267 Y=231
    02:17:248 (1) - stack.X=238 Y=250
  6. 01:53:896 (7,8) - Ctrl+G plz。这里遮挡已经很厉害了,如果不设置相同的跳跃模式就会很难读

  1. 00:38:653 - Add
    00:31:842 - ^
    00:40:923 - ^
    00:43:194 - ^
  2. 01:59:734 (2) - stack X=401 Y=198
  3. 02:14:329 (5,6,7,8) - 我觉得放开一点比较好,容易被误认为4分拍
  4. 02:35:410 (1,2,3) - 唔 原则上滑条尾部的折返箭头是不能被挡住的,这里有点危险,虽然可以听出来但请留心一下

滑条的衔接使图比较难读 不过我觉得反而是个乐趣
  1. 01:18:221 - Clap?
  2. 01:22:761 (11) - Try NC
  3. 02:08:815 (2) - 往上移一点减少遮挡
    02:11:086 (2) - 往下移一点
  4. 02:25:356 (8) - 第二个折返箭头被挡住了


Take my star

对不起你的图很神 我都找不出什么 怎么办 还是M4M ;_;

真心对不起啦 只能默默射星了 >_<
Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

Autumn wrote:

唔 我只是比较好奇Magic lip service是神马意思.. 你可以理解成魔法小咒语,其实我也不太清楚
有一点H的柑橘 是啊

  1. 00:03:140 (1,2,3) - Did U learn it from Blue Dragon?(思考 NO, i do this all in my own opinion
    对于这样的间距我只能说 要是我,四分拍都会毫不犹豫地叠在一起 ╮(╯▽╰)╭ 所以我来不毫不犹豫一发
    后面所有类似排列同上.感觉这是最大的问题了,如果你坚持那我只能建议你找蓝龙来看看到底行不行(我是认真的 好,我会考虑
  2. 00:02:815 (8) - 我对这样的四分拍有overmap的偏见..习惯了滑条直接脱到这里 这不算overmap
    当然你这样的风格其实也可以,但我觉得不能滥用 这不是滥用
  3. 00:16:923 (1,2) - 换成一个减速滑条还好,目前的比较confusing 对,这是全图最confusing的地方,不过我insist this
    02:42:220 (1,2) - ^ ^
  4. 00:23:248 (9) - NC nope
    01:46:761 (5) - NC.主要考虑这里的跳跃比较容易MISS,,设置一个回血点 nope, 此跳并不容易miss,除非此梗太超越player水平。事实上能none打到这里的人应该都能轻松接这个跳,除非pro路人或者noob人品
    00:43:194 (7) - ^ ^
  5. 00:50:977 (1) - stack.X=267 Y=231 fixed
    02:17:248 (1) - stack.X=238 Y=250 fixed
  6. 01:53:896 (7,8) - Ctrl+G plz。这里遮挡已经很厉害了,如果不设置相同的跳跃模式就会很难读 nope, 这就是梗

  1. 00:38:653 - Add all nope, 直到更多人提出
    00:31:842 - ^
    00:40:923 - ^
    00:43:194 - ^
  2. 01:59:734 (2) - stack X=401 Y=198 fixed
  3. 02:14:329 (5,6,7,8) - 我觉得放开一点比较好,容易被误认为4分拍 nope
  4. 02:35:410 (1,2,3) - 唔 原则上滑条尾部的折返箭头是不能被挡住的,这里有点危险,虽然可以听出来但请留心一下 没有任何折返箭头被挡住
    另外请Stack好..关掉GridSnap仔细拖一拖 我已经很仔细地拖了,漏了几个没办法。。。

滑条的衔接使图比较难读 不过我觉得反而是个乐趣 www
  1. 01:18:221 - Clap? nope, 音效方面完全靠feeling,此处个人认为不加好听
  2. 01:22:761 (11) - Try NC ok,fixed
  3. 02:08:815 (2) - 往上移一点减少遮挡 这里倒是无所谓
    02:11:086 (2) - 往下移一点
  4. 02:25:356 (8) - 第二个折返箭头被挡住了 没有任何折返箭头被挡住,你要知道,即使之后的滑条出现,它依旧显示在折返箭头下面


其实我很喜欢H和I难度里旋转30/60/120度分组摆放滑条+遮挡的风格以及旋转型的flow。[HW'']虽然鬼畜了一点但也能看出这一趋势 是嘛www,不过我还是感觉略显单调,以后做图我想尝试一些变化
我自己也一直在学习这一风格 好吧233
做得很棒 噗ww
Take my star
thx for modding and star~
Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

mintong89 wrote:


对不起你的图很神 我都找不出什么 怎么办 还是M4M ;_;

真心对不起啦 只能默默射星了 >_<
thx for the star~
irc with mapper in 2 diffs , good luck , I don't like this map, is it skystar???

17:56 Hollow Wings: 哭天抢地球mod
18:19 Hollow Wings: 肿么可以无视我!OVQ
18:19 Chloe: oh
18:19 Chloe: 啥图
18:20 Chloe: 让我看看呗
18:20 Chloe: 本来妮妮送泡我才又装了
18:20 *Hollow Wings is listening to [ Siestail - Magic Lip Service]
18:20 Hollow Wings: 跪求mod
18:20 Chloe: 结果还被戳了 又想删了
18:20 Hollow Wings: ...
18:23 Chloe: irc咋样
18:23 Hollow Wings: 好啊~~
18:24 Chloe: 00:03:140 (1,2,3) -
18:24 Chloe: 这个
18:24 Chloe: HW难度
18:24 Hollow Wings: 嗯嗯?
18:24 Chloe: 这间距不行啊
18:25 Chloe: 我理解你的想法 但恐怕这个过不了
18:25 Chloe:
18:26 Hollow Wings: 我开图巨慢
18:26 Hollow Wings: 为什么过不了233
18:26 Hollow Wings: 此图全是这梗,你没看完么。。。
18:27 Chloe: 好头痛啊
18:27 Hollow Wings: OVQ
18:27 Chloe: 我觉得这有点毫无意义
18:28 Chloe: 如果你觉得行那我也没啥意见
18:28 Hollow Wings: 为何这么说
18:28 Chloe: 如果这是1/3
18:29 Chloe: stack倒没啥 1/4和1/2 我感觉完全不应该采用完全stack
18:29 Chloe: 你想像一下
18:29 Chloe: 我先1/2单点摆一个圆圈
18:30 Chloe: 再来一组1/4 同样的地方
18:30 Hollow Wings: 是啊,这个图最大的问题就是这个了
18:30 Hollow Wings: 但是此梗我非常想保留
18:30 Hollow Wings: 即等距不等时的梗
18:30 Chloe: 00:05:572 (1) -
18:31 Chloe: 这个 我建议CTRL G
18:31 Hollow Wings: no,此梗非常容易combo
18:31 Chloe: 00:03:302 (3,4) - 和 00:05:572 (1,2) -
18:32 Chloe: 没理由不用相近的DS
18:32 Hollow Wings: 理由1:好看
18:32 Hollow Wings: 理由2:非常容易combo
18:33 Hollow Wings: 此图ds
18:33 Hollow Wings: 被喷成乱七八糟
18:33 Chloe: 好
18:33 Chloe: 00:06:545 (4) -
18:33 Hollow Wings: ds确实很乱,这是因为我map的时候有等距不等时的思路
18:33 Chloe: 我认为这个应该放在131 151
18:33 Hollow Wings: 这和现在等时不等距的map
18:33 Hollow Wings: 思路有点不同
18:33 Chloe: better flow
18:33 Hollow Wings: 嘛,就先说明一下w
18:34 Chloe: 或者至少
18:34 Chloe: 00:06:383 (3,4) - 这俩到5的距离保持一致 for better design
18:35 Hollow Wings: 我用的是00:05:896 (2,3,4) - 同一ds
18:35 Hollow Wings: 4到5的ds变小为了缓和大跳
18:36 Chloe: 那动一下5如何
18:36 Hollow Wings: 怎么动
18:36 Chloe: 因为234的间距大 人们不怎么会关注
18:36 Chloe: 但是345比较近
18:37 Chloe: 让5的开头到3/4的距离相同
18:37 Hollow Wings: 让我想一下
18:37 Chloe: 00:13:113 (4) -
18:37 Hollow Wings: 可以,我去换个排版
18:37 Chloe: 哦不
18:37 Chloe: 00:12:221 (5) -
18:38 Hollow Wings: 嗯?
18:38 Chloe: 392 206
18:38 Chloe: 00:12:221 (5,1,2,3) -
18:38 Chloe: 因为这样
18:39 Chloe: 然后再改一下00:12:059 (4) - 的位置和00:11:410 (3,5,1) - 组合成一个菱形
18:39 Hollow Wings: 噗,好吧,nope,我来解释一下
18:40 Hollow Wings: 00:10:113 (1,2,3,4,5) - 这是一组,4和5是一个穿越三个滑条的大跳
18:40 Chloe: 00:21:950 (2,3,4) - 和00:23:248 (9,10,11) - 有啥理由不一样的DS么?
18:40 Hollow Wings: 00:12:383 (1) - 只是跟着flow而已
18:41 Hollow Wings: 他们之间的ds都是3.0,只不过放的有点偏差
18:41 Hollow Wings: 我放放好
18:42 Chloe: 咦 这个...
18:42 Chloe: 怎么是DS一样的 目测的时候有误差
18:42 Chloe: 啊
18:43 Hollow Wings: 哎??
18:43 Chloe: 不过我还是要提一下
18:43 Chloe: 前面那个地方 你指的穿越三个滑条的大跳 我觉得这梗不咋样
18:44 Hollow Wings: 只是为了统一风格而已。。。后面还有很多这样的大跳。。。
18:44 Hollow Wings: 而且本来就是想两个note大跳后再大跳的
18:45 Hollow Wings: 嘛,不怎么样还真是抱歉呢OVQQQ
18:45 Chloe: haiyou
18:45 Chloe: 00:21:464 (1) -
18:45 Chloe: 类似这种三连之前的滑条
18:45 Chloe: 我觉得是可以减速的
18:45 Chloe: 不过这需要大改
18:45 Chloe: 只是一种思路而已 以后作图也可以用到的
18:46 Hollow Wings: 减速,可以考虑
18:46 Hollow Wings: 我想想
18:46 Hollow Wings: 可以啊,我觉得完全可以试试
18:46 Hollow Wings: 这个建议非常好,我之后好好琢磨一下
18:47 Chloe: 00:34:761 (9,1,2) -
18:47 Chloe: 这边好像有点乱
18:47 Chloe: 啊
18:47 Hollow Wings: 先继续说吧OVO
18:47 Hollow Wings: 那么2摆到1的右边如何?
18:48 Hollow Wings: 1的话稍微顺时针传一点
18:48 Hollow Wings: 2和9关于1中间中心对称什么的噗
18:48 Chloe: 右边的话好像不太好
18:48 Chloe:
18:49 Chloe: 我觉得这样就行
18:49 Chloe: 关键是现在这2太近了
18:49 Hollow Wings: 我开图慢233
18:49 Chloe: 。
18:49 Chloe: 不急
18:49 Hollow Wings: 本来是想1的尾和2的头stack的
18:49 Chloe: 00:36:383 (3) - 这个离00:36:059 (2) - 可以作为1/2大跳来放的
18:49 Chloe: stack也比现在好点
18:50 Chloe: 00:37:356 (1,2,3) -
18:50 Chloe: 这个
18:50 Hollow Wings: 等等OVQ
18:50 Chloe: 好
18:50 Hollow Wings: 向上stack的话因为遮挡所以改掉了
18:50 Hollow Wings: 啊看到图了,好啊我就放那里吧
18:51 Chloe: 不不不。。 我只是随便放了下 我建议你还是考虑一下/.\
18:51 Chloe: 00:37:356 (1,2,3) -
18:51 Chloe: 这个
18:51 Hollow Wings: 啊不
18:51 Chloe: 上下上
18:51 Hollow Wings: 那里不行,太远了OVQ
18:51 Chloe: 00:38:004 (4,5,6) - 这个下上下
18:51 Chloe: 等等 这个说起来有点难... 请容我跳过这里
18:52 Hollow Wings: 这里的梗我觉得没问题
18:52 Hollow Wings: 基本都能接
18:53 Chloe: 00:44:815 (4) - add?
18:53 Chloe: copy 2
18:54 Hollow Wings: add是啥意思OVQ
18:54 Chloe: 加NOTE
18:54 Hollow Wings: 塞进空拍吗?
18:55 Hollow Wings: no
18:55 Chloe: 是啊
18:55 Chloe: 我觉得这跟VOCAL不太好啊
18:55 Chloe: 不不 我觉得你应该塞进去 然后test一段试试
18:56 Hollow Wings: note放在哪呢
18:56 Chloe: 00:59:734 (10) - 这边也是
18:56 Chloe: 原先那个复制前面那个2
18:57 Hollow Wings: 噗那太难了orz
18:58 Chloe: 还好吧 后面还是空了1/1
18:58 Hollow Wings: 其实我本来想3跳在4的头上的,就跟后面类似part一样
18:58 Chloe: 01:16:923 (4,5,6) -
18:58 Chloe: 这梗被破坏了啊
18:58 Hollow Wings: 但是这里因为4是对着跳的方向往回走的,所以我觉得就这样吧0.0
18:59 Chloe: 要梗还是要flow 你可以自己决定0.0
18:59 Hollow Wings: 破坏??
18:59 Chloe: 这是啥desgin
18:59 Chloe: 这俩滑条的尾巴和那NOTE
18:59 Chloe: 不觉得非常那个吗
19:00 Hollow Wings: 456,467,6789三组
19:00 Hollow Wings: 0,0
19:00 Hollow Wings: 错了第二组567
19:00 Hollow Wings: 第一组245
19:01 Hollow Wings: 245,567,6789
19:01 Chloe: 这我知道
19:02 Chloe: 但是前面是这样的 后面是那样的 这组又是这样的和那样的集合
19:03 Chloe: 02:26:977 (3,4,5) - 这3的滑条尾这样我个人觉得非常2
19:03 Chloe: 可以组一个3角
19:03 Hollow Wings: 233,这个。。。噗。。。
19:03 Chloe: 如果是头这样排那还行
19:03 Hollow Wings: 我觉得集合什么的我倒是没考虑太多噗
19:05 Hollow Wings: 02:27:626 (5) - 我把这个换成其他形状
19:05 Chloe: 。
19:05 Chloe: 好
19:06 Chloe: 好像没啥了
19:06 Hollow Wings: 唔,换成了一个放在下方,头在右尾在左凸向上的圆弧
19:06 Chloe: 后面要挑也只能硬挑nazi了
19:06 Hollow Wings: 好~~
19:06 Hollow Wings: OVQ
19:06 Chloe: good luck
19:07 Chloe: ...
19:07 Chloe: 老实说这样的图感觉像星爷的一些jb图一样
19:07 Chloe: 我不太喜欢...
19:07 Hollow Wings: 其他diff不看了吗
19:07 Hollow Wings: 好吧噗
19:07 Hollow Wings: 星爷的图我基本上没摸过233
19:07 Hollow Wings: 只打过他的rank图orz
19:07 Chloe: 请容我skip..
19:08 Chloe: 我还欠着一个IRC 跪了啊
19:08 Hollow Wings: 其他diff都是正常向的
19:08 Hollow Wings: 好吧
19:08 Hollow Wings: OVQ
19:08 Chloe: 那我粗略扫一下
19:08 Hollow Wings: 多谢irc
19:08 Hollow Wings: orz
19:09 Chloe: 00:04:275 (5) - stack 00:03:221 (2) -
19:09 Chloe: 00:04:437 (6) - 然后这个近一点
19:10 Chloe: 00:29:572 (3) -
19:10 Chloe: 这边需要加点啥
19:10 Chloe: 太突兀了
19:10 Hollow Wings: 233,5是故意放在尾上的,4对着5
19:10 Chloe: 还有00:31:842 (9) -
19:10 Hollow Wings: 此处跟的是鼓点
19:10 Hollow Wings: 鼓点*2
19:10 Chloe: 不不不 我感觉你不能想当然的觉得正对着的就是flow
19:11 Chloe: 偏一点打的爽
19:11 Chloe: 日本流的图打得都爽 为啥
19:11 Chloe: 我觉得开editor看一下 就能看出特典来
19:12 Hollow Wings: 唔,我也不太清楚啥日本流的,因为摸的图还太少
19:12 Chloe: 既然你坚持跟鼓点 那我就不挑红线了
19:12 Hollow Wings: 正对只是感觉而已。。。
19:12 Hollow Wings: 嗯OVQ
19:12 Chloe: 不过我想说
19:13 Chloe: 你这样一会白线一会红线
19:13 Chloe: 再鼓点也不好玩啊
19:13 Chloe: 你可以找2个player试试
19:13 Hollow Wings: 哎,不好玩吗
19:13 Chloe: 自己觉得好是没有用的
19:13 Hollow Wings: tester找了很多啦
19:13 Hollow Wings: 都说好玩啊
19:13 Chloe: 好 那就好
19:14 Hollow Wings: 目前喷我的一个是lkx
19:14 Hollow Wings: 另一个就是你啦
19:14 Hollow Wings: OVQ
19:14 Chloe: 不得不说拉拉姐之前狂喷我我很不服 后来发现还是对的
19:14 Hollow Wings: 估计还要被狂喷一波
19:14 Hollow Wings: 已然变成抖M噗
19:14 Chloe: 01:13:356 (1) -
19:15 Chloe: 这个有点看不清
19:15 Chloe: 能不能包01:14:004 (4) -
19:15 Chloe: 01:16:275 (6,7,8) -
19:15 Chloe: 这3 都可以倒一倒
19:16 Hollow Wings: 第一个2想接3所以no
19:16 Hollow Wings: 第二个感觉没必要no
19:16 Hollow Wings: 是啊喷我的人我从来没觉得他们是错的
19:16 Hollow Wings: 因为说的都很有道理
19:17 Hollow Wings: 只不过做猎奇图总归是要被喷的
19:17 Hollow Wings: 谁叫我想要rank呢OVQ
19:17 Chloe: 02:51:301 (1,2) -
19:17 Chloe: 你看这俩
19:17 Chloe: 尾巴凑在一起
19:17 Chloe: 02:50:328 (3,5,7) - 就像这3
19:18 Chloe: 02:50:977 (7) - 所以我建议这个和02:51:301 (1) - 靠近 并且包一下尾巴
19:18 Hollow Wings: 好,我02:51:301 (1,2,1) - 一起排了
19:19 Chloe: 没啥了
19:19 Chloe: 8888888888
Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

Chloe wrote:

irc with mapper in 2 diffs , good luck , I don't like this map, is it skystar??? no it's not

17:56 Hollow Wings: 哭天抢地球mod
18:19 Hollow Wings: 肿么可以无视我!OVQ
18:19 Chloe: oh
18:19 Chloe: 啥图
18:20 Chloe: 让我看看呗
18:20 Chloe: 本来妮妮送泡我才又装了
18:20 *Hollow Wings is listening to [ Siestail - Magic Lip Service]
18:20 Hollow Wings: 跪求mod
18:20 Chloe: 结果还被戳了 又想删了
18:20 Hollow Wings: ...
18:23 Chloe: irc咋样
18:23 Hollow Wings: 好啊~~
18:24 Chloe: 00:03:140 (1,2,3) -
18:24 Chloe: 这个
18:24 Chloe: HW难度
18:24 Hollow Wings: 嗯嗯?
18:24 Chloe: 这间距不行啊
18:25 Chloe: 我理解你的想法 但恐怕这个过不了
18:25 Chloe:
18:26 Hollow Wings: 我开图巨慢
18:26 Hollow Wings: 为什么过不了233
18:26 Hollow Wings: 此图全是这梗,你没看完么。。。
18:27 Chloe: 好头痛啊
18:27 Hollow Wings: OVQ
18:27 Chloe: 我觉得这有点毫无意义
18:28 Chloe: 如果你觉得行那我也没啥意见
18:28 Hollow Wings: 为何这么说
18:28 Chloe: 如果这是1/3
18:29 Chloe: stack倒没啥 1/4和1/2 我感觉完全不应该采用完全stack
18:29 Chloe: 你想像一下
18:29 Chloe: 我先1/2单点摆一个圆圈
18:30 Chloe: 再来一组1/4 同样的地方
18:30 Hollow Wings: 是啊,这个图最大的问题就是这个了
18:30 Hollow Wings: 但是此梗我非常想保留
18:30 Hollow Wings: 即等距不等时的梗
18:30 Chloe: 00:05:572 (1) -
18:31 Chloe: 这个 我建议CTRL G
18:31 Hollow Wings: no,此梗非常容易combo
18:31 Chloe: 00:03:302 (3,4) - 和 00:05:572 (1,2) -
18:32 Chloe: 没理由不用相近的DS
18:32 Hollow Wings: 理由1:好看
18:32 Hollow Wings: 理由2:非常容易combo
18:33 Hollow Wings: 此图ds
18:33 Hollow Wings: 被喷成乱七八糟
18:33 Chloe: 好
18:33 Chloe: 00:06:545 (4) -
18:33 Hollow Wings: ds确实很乱,这是因为我map的时候有等距不等时的思路
18:33 Chloe: 我认为这个应该放在131 151
18:33 Hollow Wings: 这和现在等时不等距的map
18:33 Hollow Wings: 思路有点不同
18:33 Chloe: better flow
18:33 Hollow Wings: 嘛,就先说明一下w
18:34 Chloe: 或者至少
18:34 Chloe: 00:06:383 (3,4) - 这俩到5的距离保持一致 for better design
18:35 Hollow Wings: 我用的是00:05:896 (2,3,4) - 同一ds
18:35 Hollow Wings: 4到5的ds变小为了缓和大跳
18:36 Chloe: 那动一下5如何
18:36 Hollow Wings: 怎么动
18:36 Chloe: 因为234的间距大 人们不怎么会关注
18:36 Chloe: 但是345比较近
18:37 Chloe: 让5的开头到3/4的距离相同
18:37 Hollow Wings: 让我想一下
18:37 Chloe: 00:13:113 (4) -
18:37 Hollow Wings: 可以,我去换个排版
18:37 Chloe: 哦不
18:37 Chloe: 00:12:221 (5) -
18:38 Hollow Wings: 嗯?
18:38 Chloe: 392 206
18:38 Chloe: 00:12:221 (5,1,2,3) -
18:38 Chloe: 因为这样
18:39 Chloe: 然后再改一下00:12:059 (4) - 的位置和00:11:410 (3,5,1) - 组合成一个菱形
18:39 Hollow Wings: 噗,好吧,nope,我来解释一下
18:40 Hollow Wings: 00:10:113 (1,2,3,4,5) - 这是一组,4和5是一个穿越三个滑条的大跳
18:40 Chloe: 00:21:950 (2,3,4) - 和00:23:248 (9,10,11) - 有啥理由不一样的DS么?
18:40 Hollow Wings: 00:12:383 (1) - 只是跟着flow而已
18:41 Hollow Wings: 他们之间的ds都是3.0,只不过放的有点偏差
18:41 Hollow Wings: 我放放好
18:42 Chloe: 咦 这个...
18:42 Chloe: 怎么是DS一样的 目测的时候有误差
18:42 Chloe: 啊
18:43 Hollow Wings: 哎??
18:43 Chloe: 不过我还是要提一下
18:43 Chloe: 前面那个地方 你指的穿越三个滑条的大跳 我觉得这梗不咋样
18:44 Hollow Wings: 只是为了统一风格而已。。。后面还有很多这样的大跳。。。
18:44 Hollow Wings: 而且本来就是想两个note大跳后再大跳的
18:45 Hollow Wings: 嘛,不怎么样还真是抱歉呢OVQQQ
18:45 Chloe: haiyou
18:45 Chloe: 00:21:464 (1) -
18:45 Chloe: 类似这种三连之前的滑条
18:45 Chloe: 我觉得是可以减速的
18:45 Chloe: 不过这需要大改
18:45 Chloe: 只是一种思路而已 以后作图也可以用到的
18:46 Hollow Wings: 减速,可以考虑
18:46 Hollow Wings: 我想想
18:46 Hollow Wings: 可以啊,我觉得完全可以试试
18:46 Hollow Wings: 这个建议非常好,我之后好好琢磨一下
18:47 Chloe: 00:34:761 (9,1,2) -
18:47 Chloe: 这边好像有点乱
18:47 Chloe: 啊
18:47 Hollow Wings: 先继续说吧OVO
18:47 Hollow Wings: 那么2摆到1的右边如何?
18:48 Hollow Wings: 1的话稍微顺时针传一点
18:48 Hollow Wings: 2和9关于1中间中心对称什么的噗
18:48 Chloe: 右边的话好像不太好
18:48 Chloe:
18:49 Chloe: 我觉得这样就行
18:49 Chloe: 关键是现在这2太近了
18:49 Hollow Wings: 我开图慢233
18:49 Chloe: 。
18:49 Chloe: 不急
18:49 Hollow Wings: 本来是想1的尾和2的头stack的
18:49 Chloe: 00:36:383 (3) - 这个离00:36:059 (2) - 可以作为1/2大跳来放的
18:49 Chloe: stack也比现在好点
18:50 Chloe: 00:37:356 (1,2,3) -
18:50 Chloe: 这个
18:50 Hollow Wings: 等等OVQ
18:50 Chloe: 好
18:50 Hollow Wings: 向上stack的话因为遮挡所以改掉了
18:50 Hollow Wings: 啊看到图了,好啊我就放那里吧
18:51 Chloe: 不不不。。 我只是随便放了下 我建议你还是考虑一下/.\
18:51 Chloe: 00:37:356 (1,2,3) -
18:51 Chloe: 这个
18:51 Hollow Wings: 啊不
18:51 Chloe: 上下上
18:51 Hollow Wings: 那里不行,太远了OVQ
18:51 Chloe: 00:38:004 (4,5,6) - 这个下上下
18:51 Chloe: 等等 这个说起来有点难... 请容我跳过这里
18:52 Hollow Wings: 这里的梗我觉得没问题
18:52 Hollow Wings: 基本都能接
18:53 Chloe: 00:44:815 (4) - add?
18:53 Chloe: copy 2
18:54 Hollow Wings: add是啥意思OVQ
18:54 Chloe: 加NOTE
18:54 Hollow Wings: 塞进空拍吗?
18:55 Hollow Wings: no
18:55 Chloe: 是啊
18:55 Chloe: 我觉得这跟VOCAL不太好啊
18:55 Chloe: 不不 我觉得你应该塞进去 然后test一段试试
18:56 Hollow Wings: note放在哪呢
18:56 Chloe: 00:59:734 (10) - 这边也是
18:56 Chloe: 原先那个复制前面那个2
18:57 Hollow Wings: 噗那太难了orz
18:58 Chloe: 还好吧 后面还是空了1/1
18:58 Hollow Wings: 其实我本来想3跳在4的头上的,就跟后面类似part一样
18:58 Chloe: 01:16:923 (4,5,6) -
18:58 Chloe: 这梗被破坏了啊
18:58 Hollow Wings: 但是这里因为4是对着跳的方向往回走的,所以我觉得就这样吧0.0
18:59 Chloe: 要梗还是要flow 你可以自己决定0.0
18:59 Hollow Wings: 破坏??
18:59 Chloe: 这是啥desgin
18:59 Chloe: 这俩滑条的尾巴和那NOTE
18:59 Chloe: 不觉得非常那个吗
19:00 Hollow Wings: 456,467,6789三组
19:00 Hollow Wings: 0,0
19:00 Hollow Wings: 错了第二组567
19:00 Hollow Wings: 第一组245
19:01 Hollow Wings: 245,567,6789
19:01 Chloe: 这我知道
19:02 Chloe: 但是前面是这样的 后面是那样的 这组又是这样的和那样的集合
19:03 Chloe: 02:26:977 (3,4,5) - 这3的滑条尾这样我个人觉得非常2
19:03 Chloe: 可以组一个3角
19:03 Hollow Wings: 233,这个。。。噗。。。
19:03 Chloe: 如果是头这样排那还行
19:03 Hollow Wings: 我觉得集合什么的我倒是没考虑太多噗
19:05 Hollow Wings: 02:27:626 (5) - 我把这个换成其他形状
19:05 Chloe: 。
19:05 Chloe: 好
19:06 Chloe: 好像没啥了
19:06 Hollow Wings: 唔,换成了一个放在下方,头在右尾在左凸向上的圆弧
19:06 Chloe: 后面要挑也只能硬挑nazi了
19:06 Hollow Wings: 好~~
19:06 Hollow Wings: OVQ
19:06 Chloe: good luck
19:07 Chloe: ...
19:07 Chloe: 老实说这样的图感觉像星爷的一些jb图一样
19:07 Chloe: 我不太喜欢...
19:07 Hollow Wings: 其他diff不看了吗
19:07 Hollow Wings: 好吧噗
19:07 Hollow Wings: 星爷的图我基本上没摸过233
19:07 Hollow Wings: 只打过他的rank图orz
19:07 Chloe: 请容我skip..
19:08 Chloe: 我还欠着一个IRC 跪了啊
19:08 Hollow Wings: 其他diff都是正常向的
19:08 Hollow Wings: 好吧
19:08 Hollow Wings: OVQ
19:08 Chloe: 那我粗略扫一下
19:08 Hollow Wings: 多谢irc
19:08 Hollow Wings: orz
19:09 Chloe: 00:04:275 (5) - stack 00:03:221 (2) -
19:09 Chloe: 00:04:437 (6) - 然后这个近一点
19:10 Chloe: 00:29:572 (3) -
19:10 Chloe: 这边需要加点啥
19:10 Chloe: 太突兀了
19:10 Hollow Wings: 233,5是故意放在尾上的,4对着5
19:10 Chloe: 还有00:31:842 (9) -
19:10 Hollow Wings: 此处跟的是鼓点
19:10 Hollow Wings: 鼓点*2
19:10 Chloe: 不不不 我感觉你不能想当然的觉得正对着的就是flow
19:11 Chloe: 偏一点打的爽
19:11 Chloe: 日本流的图打得都爽 为啥
19:11 Chloe: 我觉得开editor看一下 就能看出特典来
19:12 Hollow Wings: 唔,我也不太清楚啥日本流的,因为摸的图还太少
19:12 Chloe: 既然你坚持跟鼓点 那我就不挑红线了
19:12 Hollow Wings: 正对只是感觉而已。。。
19:12 Hollow Wings: 嗯OVQ
19:12 Chloe: 不过我想说
19:13 Chloe: 你这样一会白线一会红线
19:13 Chloe: 再鼓点也不好玩啊
19:13 Chloe: 你可以找2个player试试
19:13 Hollow Wings: 哎,不好玩吗
19:13 Chloe: 自己觉得好是没有用的
19:13 Hollow Wings: tester找了很多啦
19:13 Hollow Wings: 都说好玩啊
19:13 Chloe: 好 那就好
19:14 Hollow Wings: 目前喷我的一个是lkx
19:14 Hollow Wings: 另一个就是你啦
19:14 Hollow Wings: OVQ
19:14 Chloe: 不得不说拉拉姐之前狂喷我我很不服 后来发现还是对的
19:14 Hollow Wings: 估计还要被狂喷一波
19:14 Hollow Wings: 已然变成抖M噗
19:14 Chloe: 01:13:356 (1) -
19:15 Chloe: 这个有点看不清
19:15 Chloe: 能不能包01:14:004 (4) -
19:15 Chloe: 01:16:275 (6,7,8) -
19:15 Chloe: 这3 都可以倒一倒
19:16 Hollow Wings: 第一个2想接3所以no
19:16 Hollow Wings: 第二个感觉没必要no
19:16 Hollow Wings: 是啊喷我的人我从来没觉得他们是错的
19:16 Hollow Wings: 因为说的都很有道理
19:17 Hollow Wings: 只不过做猎奇图总归是要被喷的
19:17 Hollow Wings: 谁叫我想要rank呢OVQ
19:17 Chloe: 02:51:301 (1,2) -
19:17 Chloe: 你看这俩
19:17 Chloe: 尾巴凑在一起
19:17 Chloe: 02:50:328 (3,5,7) - 就像这3
19:18 Chloe: 02:50:977 (7) - 所以我建议这个和02:51:301 (1) - 靠近 并且包一下尾巴
19:18 Hollow Wings: 好,我02:51:301 (1,2,1) - 一起排了
19:19 Chloe: 没啥了
19:19 Chloe: 8888888888
thx for modding~
00:03:140 (1,2,3) - 这是185BPM的1/4跳,而且是note-note,我只能读成270的单点,BPM从185突然变成270多,我没有从BGM里面听出需要做这种强烈的变化的地方,的确BGM有这个三连音的时候你都是这么摆的,但是我觉得这不合曲。如果要读成连打,三角形加这个间距这个BPM真是恶俗
00:03:626 (3,4) - 如果是我,我会拉开这两个物件的间距,一方面这是slider-slider,另一方面4有一个较前面那个三连音突出的上扬的音,所以这里放1/4跳,会配合音乐和0.75的SV产生一种急跳后急停的感觉。
01:04:599 (1,2) - 这种的可以看看泡泡翻译的那个flow帖子,这大概是椭圆,不过你这样用的3/4条,由于1/4跳,并且1.5SV,拉前一个滑条没拉到底就会看到下一个物件的圈快缩完,这时玩家会下意识去点下一个滑条的头,移动轨迹会强行变成直线,很容易断尾
01:11:410 (1,2,3,4,5) - 这个五角星的感觉也挺微妙。

00:54:707 (1) - 虽然你nc了。。但是还是不建议这么摆,间距这么小的空拍读起来不舒服
00:56:815 (3,4,5,6,7) - 后面三个建议NC、
02:10:112 (7) - 为何是在这里。。不是在x176 y168吗,更好看,如果stack前面那没啥必要。。
02:14:329 (5,6,7,8) - 这也是,相同地方都是,没有滑条什么缓冲容易读错的
02:35:410 (1) - 没叠好

00:34:923 漏音了这里是跟鼓的吧
02:25:356 (8) - 这个相当坑爹最好ctrl g

Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

baldrace wrote:

00:03:140 (1,2,3) - 这是185BPM的1/4跳,而且是note-note,我只能读成270的单点,BPM从185突然变成270多,我没有从BGM里面听出需要做这种强烈的变化的地方,的确BGM有这个三连音的时候你都是这么摆的,但是我觉得这不合曲。如果要读成连打,三角形加这个间距这个BPM真是恶俗
另外这个梗挺破坏谱面整体的难度平衡。。 如果你要看成单点,这不是270的单点,是370的单点。我想就连niko的手速370单点连戳5个就吃不消了吧,一般手速狗单戳这三个note也很难全部300,所以我说此梗只能看成185的三连。这个间距很恶俗我知道,这也是我想尝试rank这个梗的原因。至于破坏谱面整体难度平衡,一张谱面最难的部分决定着此图难度,所以你看到的谱子就是这个难度的级别了,也就是说其他梗都比这个简单
00:03:626 (3,4) - 如果是我,我会拉开这两个物件的间距,一方面这是slider-slider,另一方面4有一个较前面那个三连音突出的上扬的音,所以这里放1/4跳,会配合音乐和0.75的SV产生一种急跳后急停的感觉。由于00:03:302 (3) - 是个1/1滑条,sv也不高,所以觉得没必要分太开。至于急跳后停的说法,是对于能轻松接上前面三连的人而言的,一般player会集中注意在前面的三连,所以我觉得之后接的跳不能太大
01:04:599 (1,2) - 这种的可以看看泡泡翻译的那个flow帖子,这大概是椭圆,不过你这样用的3/4条,由于1/4跳,并且1.5SV,拉前一个滑条没拉到底就会看到下一个物件的圈快缩完,这时玩家会下意识去点下一个滑条的头,移动轨迹会强行变成直线,很容易断尾
01:11:410 (1,2,3,4,5) - 这个五角星的感觉也挺微妙。
不知道是不是我双刀的读图问题,这几个滑条基本都断尾 作为单双我表示这些滑条我一个键就能完全不断尾。

00:29:410跟鼓这里漏音,跟vocal00:29:572这里漏音 很轻,可以无视
00:54:707 (1) - 虽然你nc了。。但是还是不建议这么摆,间距这么小的空拍读起来不舒服 that's what i want
00:56:815 (3,4,5,6,7) - 后面三个建议NC、nope
02:10:112 (7) - 为何是在这里。。不是在x176 y168吗,更好看,如果stack前面那没啥必要。。 no but changed
02:14:329 (5,6,7,8) - 这也是,相同地方都是,没有滑条什么缓冲容易读错的 不能多书
02:35:410 (1) - 没叠好 fixed

00:34:923 漏音了这里是跟鼓的吧 hard跟的是vocal
02:25:356 (8) - 这个相当坑爹最好ctrl g nope,ctrl g会unrankble
thx for modding
hi :D

good diff but I can't read it at all even tho it seems readable lol
00:21:464 (1,2,3,4) - I always miss this cause 00:21:464 (1,2) - is 1/2 but it has the same spacing as the 1/4s, mb change it?
01:11:248 (6) - stack on (4)? plays way better IMO o.o
01:21:788 (1) - add finish on start to match cymbal
01:22:599 (3,4,5) - stack (4) on 01:21:140 (3) - seems to make more sense
01:43:193 (1) - blanket can be improved a bit imo, mb this?
01:53:896 (7,8) - ctrl+G plays way better for me cause it keeps the same pattern as before. mb it's just me tho
02:09:788 (6) - whistle on start too?
02:11:734 (7) - whistle on start like before, also add whistle at 02:12:221 (9) -
02:34:437 (5) - add finish same idea as before
just this cause I have to go for now LOL, I'll be back tomorrow with the rest

amazing map and cute song =w= so I'll leave star for now
no kds if you prefer to wait for next post
Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

pieguy1372 wrote:

hi :D

good diff but I can't read it at all even tho it seems readable lol yes, i think this diff is just for pros lol
00:21:464 (1,2,3,4) - I always miss this cause 00:21:464 (1,2) - is 1/2 but it has the same spacing as the 1/4s, mb change it? there's lots of patterns like this in this map. as i said before, i've mapped this diff in "same ds with different ts" style. that means u need to know what the songs' rhythem really is rather than just click notes when time floating in reading. mb it appeared in old maps or even eliminated patterns, but i think it's just fine when players have played this diff for about 3pc.
01:11:248 (6) - stack on (4)? plays way better IMO o.o nope, i think this is just a tiny pattern.
01:21:788 (1) - add finish on start to match cymbal nope. i've thought about this and eventually didn't add finish here, for song's low volume hardly caught by players with that cymbal sound here, and if i add finish hs it feels a bit noisy. so reject, still thx a lot anyway
01:22:599 (3,4,5) - stack (4) on 01:21:140 (3) - seems to make more sense ok, fixed and arranged ds
01:43:193 (1) - blanket can be improved a bit imo, mb this? ok, why not? fixed, thx a lot
01:53:896 (7,8) - ctrl+G plays way better for me cause it keeps the same pattern as before. mb it's just me tho nope, this is just a pattern.
02:09:788 (6) - whistle on start too? nope, but remove the whistle at the head of 00:57:140 (6) - as well
02:11:734 (7) - whistle on start like before, also add whistle at 02:12:221 (9) - fixed, thx a lot! D:
02:34:437 (5) - add finish same idea as before as i said before as well, still a good idea thou, reject
just this cause I have to go for now LOL, I'll be back tomorrow with the rest 0,0

amazing map and cute song =w= so I'll leave star for now www
no kds if you prefer to wait for next post oh i've gave ur kd... that means u won't finish this mod? D:
u good hs modder! D:
thx for modding and star~
01:09:950 (3) - add clap like in 2nd kiai?
02:27:950 (1) - add clap like before
02:41:410 (4) - x: 160 y: 216 for perfect diamond

00:13:680 (3) - add claps like in higher diffs?
00:18:220 (3) - ^
02:38:977 (3) - same as before
02:43:518 (3) - ^

[Flask's Normal]
01:03:626 (6) - mb add whistle on start?
01:03:626 (6) - better blanket?
01:42:544 (3) - move 3rd point 1 grid right and 1 grid down for better blanket?
02:16:274 (6) - same as before

that's it I think
no kds
good luck :D
Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

pieguy1372 wrote:

01:09:950 (3) - add clap like in 2nd kiai? good, fixed
02:27:950 (1) - add clap like before no but removed the 1st kiai's one's clap, thx a lot
02:41:410 (4) - x: 160 y: 216 for perfect diamond fixed

00:13:680 (3) - add claps like in higher diffs? nope, i just want different hs style in dfferent diffs, thx anyway :3
00:18:220 (3) - ^
02:38:977 (3) - same as before
02:43:518 (3) - ^

that's it I think
no kds
good luck :D
thx for modding again! :3
Hi M4M from my queue :)
Sorry late, a bit busy lately


[Flask's Noraml]

00:07:356 (5,1) - A bit tricky, I almost didn't see there was a slider
02:08:491 (11) - Make this slider like this it's neater imo
02:10:437 (1) - Same as above

00:29:572 - 00:31:842 - 00:34:113 - 00:36:383 - 00:38:653 - 00:40:923 - 00:43:194 - Do you miss a circle here or on purpose? sounds very odd for me
01:42:221 - 01:44:491 - 01:46:761 - 01:49:031 - 01:51:302 - 01:53:572 - 01:55:842 - Same as above
02:39:950 (1,2) - This overlap looks weird, why not move this slider 02:40:599 (2) - to x:224 y:264 like this [HW"]

That's all, some overlap looks weird and a bit confused while play your map, but it still fun to play anyway~
Good luck

00:21:950 (2,3,4) - 你为何这么鬼畜 建议改成小间距
02:39:463 (7,8,9) - ^
00:23:248 (9,10,11) - ^
02:47:247 (2,3,4) - ^
02:48:545 (9,10,11) - ^
02:53:085 (3,4,5,1,2,3) - ^
00:23:248 (9) - 也许可以NC?
00:35:085 (1) - 略丑 建议和2的滑条轨迹一样
00:39:626 (1) - 这个可以穿过9和10
00:49:031 (1,1,2,1,1) - 略难读啊..可能是我太弱
00:53:572 (1,1,2,1) - ^
01:17:572 (6) - 可以移到x328y224
02:32:491 (5,6,7,8) - 试试改成顺时针的四方
02:44:004 (3,4,5) - 这排列略屌


02:25:356 (8) - 折一次比较好吧..
01:12:707 (8) - ^
01:21:788 (9) - 可以NC
01:43:842 (6) - ^
01:53:571 (8) - ^
02:08:815 (2) - 试试移到x232y72
02:11:086 (2) - ^ x224y312

00:47:734 (3) - 可以试试包住2
02:00:383 (3) - ^
01:50:004 (1) - 试试让1的尾巴和01:47:734 (4)的尾巴stack
03:01:031 (6) - 这个不如直接复制4..
03:10:112 (6) - ^

That's all
Good Luck
Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

Mako Sakata wrote:

Hi M4M from my queue :)
Sorry late, a bit busy latelythat's alright :3


[Flask's Noraml]

00:07:356 (5,1) - A bit tricky, I almost didn't see there was a slider hmm... it maybe a problem, but i think it's fine to playing. let's see if other modder mentioned this, thx for ur suggestion~
02:08:491 (11) - Make this slider like this it's neater imo fixed
02:10:437 (1) - Same as above fixed

00:29:572 - 00:31:842 - 00:34:113 - 00:36:383 - 00:38:653 - 00:40:923 - 00:43:194 - Do you miss a circle here or on purpose? sounds very odd for me yes it's on purpose, and that's odd for lots of people, but i insist this coz it just follow the drumbeat.
01:42:221 - 01:44:491 - 01:46:761 - 01:49:031 - 01:51:302 - 01:53:572 - 01:55:842 - Same as above
02:39:950 (1,2) - This overlap looks weird, why not move this slider 02:40:599 (2) - to x:224 y:264 like this hmm, i just regard this as a pattern, maybe it's weird but some kind of fun maybe :3 [HW"]

That's all, some overlap looks weird and a bit confused while play your map, but it still fun to play anyway~ i do map a weird map, and it's exactly why it's funny imo :3
Good luck
thx for modding~
Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

Awaken wrote:


00:21:950 (2,3,4) - 你为何这么鬼畜 建议改成小间距 all nope
02:39:463 (7,8,9) - ^
00:23:248 (9,10,11) - ^
02:47:247 (2,3,4) - ^
02:48:545 (9,10,11) - ^
02:53:085 (3,4,5,1,2,3) - ^
00:23:248 (9) - 也许可以NC? 这里以及这种地方我考虑过很久,还是不nc了
00:35:085 (1) - 略丑 建议和2的滑条轨迹一样 稍微调整了下形状
00:39:626 (1) - 这个可以穿过9和10 nope
00:49:031 (1,1,2,1,1) - 略难读啊..可能是我太弱 不难读
00:53:572 (1,1,2,1) - ^
01:17:572 (6) - 可以移到x328y224 nope
02:32:491 (5,6,7,8) - 试试改成顺时针的四方 nope but arranged ds
02:44:004 (3,4,5) - 这排列略屌 ...

如果后面已经有一个最高难度的话建议这个难度AR-1 nope
主歌这节奏很容易一开始很容易误判啊[思考 坑1pc而已,不是不能打

02:25:356 (8) - 折一次比较好吧.. 我坚持两次
01:12:707 (8) - ^ ^
01:21:788 (9) - 可以NC nope
01:43:842 (6) - ^ ^
01:53:571 (8) - ^ ^
02:08:815 (2) - 试试移到x232y72 ^
02:11:086 (2) - ^ x224y312 ^

That's all
Good Luck
thx for modding~

baldrace wrote:

我也這麼覺得 但是壓星好難啊 看看有沒有人再噴再想想辦法=m= Thanks everybody, fix most of your mod~
Hi from M4M ~ :)

I mod Insane & HW''.

you should think about this map's spacing.
I recommend that I repair it.
this time, I mod about NC.

・00:05:329 (9) - NC
・00:05:572 (2) - remove NC
・00:07:356 (8) - NC
・00:07:842 (1) - remove NC
・00:08:491 (6) - NC
・00:10:113 (1) - remove NC
・00:12:059 (7) - NC
・00:16:923 (1) - remove NC
・00:17:167 (8) - NC
・00:18:221 (1) - remove NC
・00:18:707 (8) - NC
・00:19:194 (1) - remove nC
・00:21:140 (7) - NC
・00:21:464 (1) - remove NC
・00:26:004 (1) - ^
・00:26:248 (8) - NC
・00:27:302 (1) - remove NC
・00:27:788 (8) - NC
・00:28:275 (1) - remove NC
・00:32:491 (1) - ^
・00:37:031 (1) - ^
・00:40:923 (5) - NC
・00:41:572 (1) - remove NC
・00:46:113 (1) - ^
・00:49:356 (1) - ^
・00:49:842 (1) - ^
・00:50:167 (1) - ^
・00:53:897 (1) - ^
・00:54:383 (1) - ^
・00:54:708 (1) - ^
・01:04:275 (1) - ^
・01:13:680 (1) - ^

・01:40:923 ~  ⇒  ( like 00:01:032 (1) ~ 01:22:761 (5) )

・00:05:329 (8) - spacing too near
・00:31:842 (x) - add note?
・00:36:383 (x) - ^ ?
・00:40:923 (x) - ^ ?
・01:44:491 (x) - ^ ?
・01:49:031 (x) - ^ ?
・01:53:572 (x) - ^ ?
・00:54:707 (1) - this note repeat on 00:54:382 (10)
・01:02:977 (4) - spacing too near

Nice map :)

Okay, mod finished! :D
Hi! M4M from my queue! :)


00:47:734 (3) - what if you make a blancket with 00:47:410 (2) - ?
01:03:302 (5,6) - blancket better
02:00:383 (3) - same as 00:47:734 (3) -
02:15:950 (5,6) - same as 01:03:302 (5,6) - (did you copy/paste all the first part and then just flipped it? -.-
02:33:788 (4,3) - stack them


00:21:140 (4,1) - try to make them not touch
00:36:383 (7,8) - I don't know if this ir really well intuitive. I testplayed it and I didn't expect the jump here, this because the distance between 00:35:734 (6,7) - is very similar to the distance between 00:36:383 (7,8) - so I think that or you increase the sitance of 00:35:734 (6,7) - or you reduce the distance of 00:36:383 (7,8) -
00:49:031 (6,7) - stack perfectly
02:36:707 (3,4) - ^


00:29:572 - add a note here
00:31:842 - ^
00:34:113 - ^ in all this part: from 00:29:572 - to 00:46:437 - I feel like there are some missing notes I think you should add. for example taking 00:34:113 -: what you did after in this part: 00:34:275 (1,2,3,4,5) - is following the vocal, so, since the vocal start at 00:34:113 - you should add a note here, or it won't be much intuitive to hit the next one... this is an insane diff but I think you should always take care of these things.
01:06:869 (5) - delete the clap at the beginning?


00:21:140 (4) - add a clap?
good diff, I couldn't find other things.

that's all, good map! and GL for rank! ;)
Topic Starter
Hollow Wings
to -RIKKA- and luxoDeh:

i'm busy on something recently... i'll check your mod when i'm free D:

thx for modding in advance~

Zweib wrote:

Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

-RIKKA- wrote:

Hi from M4M ~ :)

I mod Insane & HW''.

you should think about this map's spacing.
I recommend that I repair it. hmm, it's just like this imo
this time, I mod about NC.

・00:05:329 (9) - NC all nope... maybe just some kind of nc style...
・00:05:572 (2) - remove NC
・00:07:356 (8) - NC
・00:07:842 (1) - remove NC
・00:08:491 (6) - NC
・00:10:113 (1) - remove NC
・00:12:059 (7) - NC
・00:16:923 (1) - remove NC
・00:17:167 (8) - NC
・00:18:221 (1) - remove NC
・00:18:707 (8) - NC
・00:19:194 (1) - remove nC
・00:21:140 (7) - NC
・00:21:464 (1) - remove NC
・00:26:004 (1) - ^
・00:26:248 (8) - NC
・00:27:302 (1) - remove NC
・00:27:788 (8) - NC
・00:28:275 (1) - remove NC
・00:32:491 (1) - ^
・00:37:031 (1) - ^
・00:40:923 (5) - NC
・00:41:572 (1) - remove NC
・00:46:113 (1) - ^
・00:49:356 (1) - ^
・00:49:842 (1) - ^
・00:50:167 (1) - ^
・00:53:897 (1) - ^
・00:54:383 (1) - ^
・00:54:708 (1) - ^
・01:04:275 (1) - ^
・01:13:680 (1) - ^

・01:40:923 ~  ⇒  ( like 00:01:032 (1) ~ 01:22:761 (5) )

・00:05:329 (8) - spacing too near this repeating slider is start from a blue line, so i set it like this and i think it's fine
・00:31:842 (x) - add note? all nope
・00:36:383 (x) - ^ ?
・00:40:923 (x) - ^ ?
・01:44:491 (x) - ^ ?
・01:49:031 (x) - ^ ?
・01:53:572 (x) - ^ ?
・00:54:707 (1) - this note repeat on 00:54:382 (10) uh... i can't catch ur mind...
・01:02:977 (4) - spacing too near like what i said maybe that's some kind of style...

Nice map :) 0,0

Okay, mod finished! :D thou reject all... thx for modding anyway :3

luxoDeh wrote:

Hi! M4M from my queue! :)


00:21:140 (4,1) - try to make them not touch why?
00:36:383 (7,8) - I don't know if this ir really well intuitive. I testplayed it and I didn't expect the jump here, this because the distance between 00:35:734 (6,7) - is very similar to the distance between 00:36:383 (7,8) - so I think that or you increase the sitance of 00:35:734 (6,7) - or you reduce the distance of 00:36:383 (7,8) - fixed, changed to an other pattern
00:49:031 (6,7) - stack perfectly fixed
02:36:707 (3,4) - ^ hmm, this would be a big work if i want to perfect it, so i think this is just fine


00:29:572 - add a note here
00:31:842 - ^
00:34:113 - ^ in all this part: from 00:29:572 - to 00:46:437 - I feel like there are some missing notes I think you should add. for example taking 00:34:113 -: what you did after in this part: 00:34:275 (1,2,3,4,5) - is following the vocal, so, since the vocal start at 00:34:113 - you should add a note here, or it won't be much intuitive to hit the next one... this is an insane diff but I think you should always take care of these things. nope. i just wanna follow different thing in different diff, here i follow drum beat
01:06:869 (5) - delete the clap at the beginning? no, why?


00:21:140 (4) - add a clap? nope, that's a part of hs style in this diff
good diff, I couldn't find other things. ok

that's all, good map! and GL for rank! ;) thx for modding!
00:21:464 (1) - 跟00:20:491 (3,4) - 隔开一条缝
00:35:085 (5,6) - 分开点或者头重合
01:12:707 (8) - 减少一个折返
02:25:356 (8) - ^
01:51:950 (5,6,7) - 最好能空出一条缝
02:31:679 (1) -

00:05:329 (8) - nc
00:05:572 (1) - 取消nc
00:29:572 - 加个note 后面挺多的,,,空拍感觉不太好
00:54:382 (10,1) - 重叠或给点距离。

00:42:545 (4) - nc
00:43:194 (7) - ^
02:48:058 (7) - ^
02:54:221 (4) - ^

加油啦 :)
Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

Jemmmmy wrote:

00:21:464 (1) - 跟00:20:491 (3,4) - 隔开一条缝 我觉得现在这样也没什么问题
00:35:085 (5,6) - 分开点或者头重合 nope,why?
01:12:707 (8) - 减少一个折返 ^
02:25:356 (8) - ^ ^
01:51:950 (5,6,7) - 最好能空出一条缝 233其实这样没什么问题的说
02:31:679 (1) - no but arranged ds

00:05:329 (8) - nc nope, 我想让nc统一
00:05:572 (1) - 取消nc
00:29:572 - 加个note 后面挺多的,,,空拍感觉不太好 nope i insist this
00:54:382 (10,1) - 重叠或给点距离。^

00:42:545 (4) - nc 重新整理了一下此图的nc
00:43:194 (7) - ^
02:48:058 (7) - ^
02:54:221 (4) - ^

加油啦 :)
thx for modding~
00:16:923 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 感觉改成滑条更好些

01:10:923 (6,7,8,1) - 这里的间距变大的有点突然~

另外,两个难度的KiaiTime都很喜欢,支持 8-)
Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

Playing wrote:

00:16:923 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 感觉改成滑条更好些 换了个梗

01:10:923 (6,7,8,1) - 这里的间距变大的有点突然~ 同上

另外,两个难度的KiaiTime都很喜欢,支持 8-)
irc mod
2013-09-16 12:04 Hollow Wings: 玩过了嘛~~
2013-09-16 12:05 Playing: 嗯
2013-09-16 12:05 Hollow Wings: 挖这图你上榜了0.0.0.0
2013-09-16 12:05 Playing: SB好萌啊
2013-09-16 12:05 Hollow Wings: 233
2013-09-16 12:05 Playing: 都是你一个人做的吗?
2013-09-16 12:05 Hollow Wings: 待会儿再球
2013-09-16 12:06 Hollow Wings: 是啊而且都是我画的哦0,。0
2013-09-16 12:06 Hollow Wings: 字也是哦噗
2013-09-16 12:06 Playing: 哇
2013-09-16 12:06 Playing: 大触手!
2013-09-16 12:06 Hollow Wings: 待会儿再球试试,因为改了很多
2013-09-16 12:06 Hollow Wings: 233
2013-09-16 12:07 Playing: 。
2013-09-16 12:07 Playing: 现在试试
2013-09-16 12:07 Hollow Wings: 好~
2013-09-16 12:11 Hollow Wings: 唔
2013-09-16 12:11 Playing: 3连变简单了
2013-09-16 12:11 Hollow Wings: 是啊,你觉得如何呢0.0
2013-09-16 12:11 Hollow Wings: 因为给狗看过了
2013-09-16 12:11 Hollow Wings: 说读图实在太难
2013-09-16 12:11 Playing: 那个有变奏的地方还是俺不好
2013-09-16 12:11 Playing: 狗?
2013-09-16 12:11 Hollow Wings: 就是那个蓝线三连么
2013-09-16 12:12 Hollow Wings: 狗=权限狗=bat 噗
2013-09-16 12:12 Playing: soga。。
2013-09-16 12:12 Hollow Wings: 00:16:923 (1,2,3,4,5) -
2013-09-16 12:12 Hollow Wings: 你是说类似这里吗?
2013-09-16 12:13 Playing: 嗯没错
2013-09-16 12:13 Hollow Wings: 哎,这里我也不知道怎么改才好了,因为改了很多次
2013-09-16 12:13 Hollow Wings: 你有啥好点子么噗
2013-09-16 12:13 Playing: 改成滑条?
2013-09-16 12:13 Hollow Wings: 00:16:923 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 比如这串
2013-09-16 12:14 Hollow Wings: 23并成一个滑条,56并成一个滑条
2013-09-16 12:14 Hollow Wings: 怎样?
2013-09-16 12:14 Playing: 我改一下看看
2013-09-16 12:14 Hollow Wings: 2的位置为头,尾巴指向3的位置,节奏不变
2013-09-16 12:15 Playing: 嗯,这样就好多了
2013-09-16 12:15 Hollow Wings: 好~
2013-09-16 12:15 Hollow Wings: 我待会儿去改,还有个问题
2013-09-16 12:15 Hollow Wings: 我其实觉得三连的三角改的间距有点太小了,想稍微再调大点
2013-09-16 12:16 Hollow Wings: 就是因为2分拍的三个单点和三连的ds间距实在太像了,所以故意改小了三连的ds
2013-09-16 12:16 Hollow Wings: 不过现在的三连ds感觉有点太小了
2013-09-16 12:16 Hollow Wings: 所以想问一下再大点如何
2013-09-16 12:17 Playing: 再大也许就会少一些趣味性了
2013-09-16 12:17 Playing: 因为现在这个间距也不简单~
2013-09-16 12:17 Hollow Wings: 好的我知道了
2013-09-16 12:17 Playing: 话说刚才那个位置,我还有个主意
2013-09-16 12:17 Hollow Wings: 我待会儿改,你现在试试再打打看insane,因为insane也改了很多
2013-09-16 12:17 Hollow Wings: 好球说0.0
2013-09-16 12:19 Playing: 白色5,6,黄1 这三个间距改小,2-3 和4-5的间距变大
2013-09-16 12:20 Hollow Wings: 噗,只是我很想保留白56和黄12这两个大跳哎。。。
2013-09-16 12:20 Playing: ==我刚改了滑条数字可能不对应了
2013-09-16 12:20 Hollow Wings: 么事我懂你的意思
2013-09-16 12:20 Hollow Wings: 那么把变速三个单点的ds再变大点如何?
2013-09-16 12:21 Hollow Wings: 依旧是23并成滑条,只不过和1的距离再拉大一点
2013-09-16 12:22 Playing: 改成滑条的话
2013-09-16 12:22 Playing: 间距再大也合适
2013-09-16 12:22 Hollow Wings: 好,我改完你再看看
2013-09-16 12:22 Playing: ok
2013-09-16 12:22 Hollow Wings: 你可以去thread发一帖了
2013-09-16 12:22 Hollow Wings: 给你kd噗
2013-09-16 12:22 Hollow Wings: 不过先test insane吧0.0
2013-09-16 12:23 Playing: 嗯
2013-09-16 12:23 Hollow Wings: 升级了吗0.0
2013-09-16 12:27 Playing: 整体感觉略简单..
2013-09-16 12:27 Playing: 可能单点方面可以做点花样?
2013-09-16 12:27 Hollow Wings: insane嘛。。。刷分的难度。。。
2013-09-16 12:27 Hollow Wings: insane嘛。。。刷分的难度。。。
2013-09-16 12:27 Hollow Wings: 唔单点吗
2013-09-16 12:27 Playing: 嘛~
2013-09-16 12:28 Hollow Wings: 哪里要改你帮我看一下?
2013-09-16 12:28 Playing: 也会有人喜欢这样的吧
2013-09-16 12:28 Hollow Wings: 因为自己实在拿捏不好难度,不是做太难就是做太简单
2013-09-16 12:28 Playing: 就是那些
2013-09-16 12:28 Playing: 重叠在一起的
2013-09-16 12:28 Hollow Wings: 那些啊,其实也不简单的
2013-09-16 12:28 Hollow Wings: 对读图和稳定都有一定要求
2013-09-16 12:28 Hollow Wings: 你不也出了几个100么
2013-09-16 12:29 Hollow Wings: 虽然排版有点屎就是了orz
2013-09-16 12:29 Playing: 30秒的时候第一次出这个单点
2013-09-16 12:29 Playing: 我以为是连打所以按快了几个
2013-09-16 12:29 Hollow Wings: 嗯嗯
2013-09-16 12:30 Hollow Wings: 这在老外眼里就是ds乱七八糟了
2013-09-16 12:30 Playing: 不过也挺好~
2013-09-16 12:30 Hollow Wings: 不过我觉得也挺好玩的就这样吧~
2013-09-16 12:30 Playing: 还有个地方
2013-09-16 12:30 Playing: 感觉略难
2013-09-16 12:30 Hollow Wings: 哦哦,哪里
2013-09-16 12:30 Hollow Wings: 你断的地方么?
2013-09-16 12:30 Hollow Wings: 有个stack
2013-09-16 12:31 Playing: 1分11秒
2013-09-16 12:31 Playing: 那里
2013-09-16 12:31 Hollow Wings: 对
2013-09-16 12:31 Hollow Wings: 好我想一下改掉
2013-09-16 12:31 Hollow Wings: 其他还有吗
2013-09-16 12:32 Playing: 其实与其说是难
2013-09-16 12:32 Playing: 倒不如说跟前面一小段的不协调..
2013-09-16 12:32 Hollow Wings: 嗯嗯
2013-09-16 12:32 Playing: Kiaitime 感觉很好
2013-09-16 12:32 Hollow Wings: 哦哦
2013-09-16 12:32 Hollow Wings: 好

thx for modding~

This post is generated by EK's osu modpost generator.
Red=unrankable issue
Purple=Emphasis suggestion
Gray=Feel free to ignore
00:22:275 (5) - 往右弯?
00:47:734 (3) - 这个可以包得更好些
00:52:275 (3) - ^
00:59:086 (7) - x216 y112
01:22:680 (4,5) - 互换位置

02:21:302 (10,1) - 差一点儿叠好

00:12:059 (4) - 可以稍微再调弯一些._.
01:43:193 (5) - 稍微调整一些包好._.

nice ._.

Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

EmingK wrote:

HW早~ 好早OVQ

This post is generated by EK's osu modpost generator.
Red=unrankable issue
Purple=Emphasis suggestion
Gray=Feel free to ignore
间距坑坑坑坑坑 哭瞎,逆大流者果然是作死的节奏
00:22:275 (5) - 往右弯? no,我只是想让它对着6
00:47:734 (3) - 这个可以包得更好些 fixed
00:52:275 (3) - ^ 稍微改了下
00:59:086 (7) - x216 y112 no,why??
01:22:680 (4,5) - 互换位置 其实都行,不过我比较喜欢现在这样

神排列。。 233333无法言喻此刻感受
02:21:302 (10,1) - 差一点儿叠好 哎,这个其实3个滑条都是同一个复制来的,但最后首尾还是没法完全重叠,唔,但也不太想单独调整形状,所以就这样吧

00:12:059 (4) - 可以稍微再调弯一些._. 稍微调了一下
01:43:193 (5) - 稍微调整一些包好._. fixed

nice ._.

QAQ神图看不懂 再次哭瞎233 OVQ
thx for modding~

00:01:680 稍微往下摆一点
00:04:275 叠在尾部不好看
00:08:491 这个遮挡应该算unrank吧
00:13:194 效果不如 ctrl+g再拉远一点
00:20:491 和前面一个slider靠太近了
00:25:680 ctrl+g
00:27:302 换成两个note,这一段收尾一下
00:29:572 一开始正常间距比较好,下同
00:45:788 4,5摆开点好了
00:57:140 NC
00:58:437 NC
01:05:086 x:128 y:32
01:10:923 NC

00:07:356 unrank的吧 所有的slider带回转箭头绝对不能有任何遮挡,切记。下同

[flask's normal]
Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

wonders wrote:


00:01:680 稍微往下摆一点 为啥。。。?
00:04:275 叠在尾部不好看 fixed
00:08:491 这个遮挡应该算unrank吧 怎么可能。。。
00:13:194 效果不如 ctrl+g再拉远一点 故意这么摆的
00:20:491 和前面一个slider靠太近了 123是三角形
00:25:680 ctrl+g 嗯,这个不错,fixed
00:27:302 换成两个note,这一段收尾一下 唔,还是就这样吧
00:29:572 一开始正常间距比较好,下同 我倒是觉得先让玩家有个准备比较好,再观望一下
00:45:788 4,5摆开点好了 我把23摆开了点
00:57:140 NC 整张图的nc都调整了一下
00:58:437 NC
01:05:086 x:128 y:32 nope
01:10:923 NC
吐槽一下,你又摆high了,要压难度啊 还不够压吗,很简单啊这个图

00:07:356 unrank的吧 所有的slider带回转箭头绝对不能有任何遮挡,切记。下同 这个箭头哪里被遮挡了,此图没有任何回转箭头被遮挡,如果有请指出
thx for modding!
大触作图 毫无人性._.
00:31:842 (5,6) - 离远一点吧(截图win8不知道上传到哪里了)._.
02:44:004 (1,2,3) - 12换一下?
01:02:977 (1) - Ctrl+G
01:50:004 (1,2,3) - 别重叠啊._.
01:52:275 (6) - ……你是认真的么……算了不要在意细节了._.
00:46:437 (1,3) - 包2包得有点奇怪
01:59:085 (1,2,3) - 这个就比较好?
Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

ts8zs wrote:

大触作图 毫无人性._. 我不是人233
00:31:842 (5,6) - 离远一点吧(截图win8不知道上传到哪里了)._. fixed,放在了203,85
02:44:004 (1,2,3) - 12换一下?不了,换了的话123的flow感觉和后面的白1就靠的太近了
感觉最近mod水平降低了._. 你状态不在吧大概,而且还让你摸这么蠢的图
01:02:977 (1) - Ctrl+G nope...
和hw完全一个级别的._. 这个简单多了,基本上都能fc
clap听起来有点突兀 是么。。。
01:50:004 (1,2,3) - 别重叠啊._. fixed,调整了这一整段的ds
01:52:275 (6) - ……你是认真的么……算了不要在意细节了._. 稍微调了一下,应该不是什么大问题吧

SB不错._. 随便做做
thx for modding!
volume more

many free white ticks
a lot of things with no rhythm

Many of the compounds sliders. Me hate.
01:01:680 (5,1,2) - difficult
01:09:140 (7) - rotate and reduce the rate of
01:57:302 (7,8) - this bad pause
02:25:356 (8) - remove Arrow
02:31:842 (2) - too low
02:40:599 (2,3,4,5,1) - difficult
Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

DnJeiser wrote:

volume more i think the song it self is quiet so i used the silence hs, and i don't think it's a good idea to change the song's volume for it's from original disc

Many of the compounds sliders. Me hate. 0.0
01:01:680 (5,1,2) - difficult not quite
01:09:140 (7) - rotate and reduce the rate of what??
01:57:302 (7,8) - this bad pause hmmm, it's just like this
02:25:356 (8) - remove Arrow nope, but i'll consider to change it, let's see if other modders mention this
02:31:842 (2) - too low that's not a problem imo
02:40:599 (2,3,4,5,1) - difficult not quite to most players playing this diff thou
thou none accept... thx for modding!
[Flask's Normal]

00:40:599 (5) - x396 y344
00:59:086 (6) - I thinks this location is hard for newbies.. I suggest you to down this slider
01:02:329 (4) -
01:07:518 (3) - x296 y324
01:40:923 (1) - same reson as 00:59:086 (6)
01:53:247 (5) - x120 y48
02:14:977 (4) - same as 01:02:329 (4)


00:31:194 (6) - NC
00:35:085 (5) - ^
00:40:275 (7) - ^
01:17:248 (1) - ^
01:20:491 (1) - ^
01:43:842 (6) - ^
02:11:410 (3) - I think this part dosen't need jump
02:33:139 (7) - NC


00:36:059 (9) -



HW,INSANE,HARD need to reduce NC... too long circle number

Sorry for my poor modding... but I can't find error anything.. :?
Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

Azmato wrote:


00:31:194 (6) - NC redo all nc issues
00:35:085 (5) - ^
00:40:275 (7) - ^
01:17:248 (1) - ^
01:20:491 (1) - ^
01:43:842 (6) - ^
02:11:410 (3) - I think this part dosen't need jump just do a symm with 02:08:815 (2,3) - :3
02:33:139 (7) - NC


00:36:059 (9) - hmm, i just miss the beat on purpose, thou ur suggestion is good as well, i want to keep mine. thx anyway


I CAN'T FIND ERROR... omglol

HW,INSANE,HARD need to reduce NC... too long circle number
fixed most of ur mods

Sorry for my poor modding... but I can't find error anything.. :? that's ok, ur nc mods reminds me some important things :3
thx for modding!
HI~ Hollow Wings M4M from my queue

  1. Unused Image Files:

  1. HP 7 for better diff spread
  2. 00:02:167 well I wiil told yo this im not a fan of extended sliders they dont fit with the music but is just my opinion.
  3. 00:02:167 (3,4) - stack this perfect
  4. 00:04:437 (6) - turn off grid snap and try to make it more curved actually look kinda forced imo
  5. 00:12:221 remove the clap sound really bad
  6. 00:25:518 (6,7) - not a big fan of this unexpected jump I really preffer if you use the previous distance for flow and playability
  7. 00:31:194 (7) - this need new combo to make the jumps readables
  8. 00:40:923 (1,2,3,4) - they four fit realy nice the vocals but they 00:41:572 (5,6) - dont so I suggest you to convert this 00:41:572 (5,6) - in a slider sound alot better with the music
  9. 00:50:329 (3,4,5,6) - I dont like how this straight line play try to make it a little curved so the cursor move natural when you hit they imo
  10. 00:59:815 (9,11) - that two beats are overmaped I suggest you to remove they :l
  11. 01:10:437 (5,1) - reduce the distance here 3.0 is kinda x_X combo breaker hue
  12. 01:22:761 this have to be NC
  13. 01:42:221 (1,2) - Try another pattern here the actually is really confuse what is the head and what is the tail of the slider? x_x
  14. 01:46:761 (1,2) - same as above
  15. 01:51:302 (1,2) - ^ and alot of symilars ones
  16. 02:19:517 (5) - NC will fit alot here since for the stanza change and for he slider combo pattern
  17. 02:20:815 (9,10,1) - turn off gridsnap and stack they perfect

  1. AR 7 HP 6 OD 6 for better diff spread actually the jump from normal to hard is kinda big x_x
  2. 00:07:031 (4,5,1) - this is not rankable the overlap is not readable also the repeat slider is hard to notice try to make this clean
  3. 00:15:950 (3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - im not a fan of this kind of patterns it make the map harder to read x_x
  4. 00:13:680 (3,4) - try to use atleast 1.20 distance
  5. 00:18:220 (3,4) - same as above ^ is kinda akward play this at 0.75 after the previous jumps x_X
  6. 00:21:464 (1,2,3) - move all the pattern atleast 1 grid up so previous slider dont touch it
  7. 00:19:194 this dont fit the music properly 00:19:518 this down beats should be mapped 00:16:923 (1,2) - symilar case and more
  8. 00:22:761 (3) - previous slider almost cover this try to move it to other place
  9. 00:44:815 this should be mapped add atleast a circle or 1/2 slider
  10. 00:49:031 (1,2) - turn off grid snap and stack this perfect
  11. 01:01:680 this double repeat dont play nice and is almost unreadable in first try cuz the others repeat generaly got just 1 repeat so I suggest you to add 1 repeat and a circle will be better for the gameplay
  12. 01:04:275 maybe add new combo here to make the stream more readable?
  13. 01:41:572 (2,3) - Use a properly distance here plz is almost unreadable imo
  14. 01:57:788 NC to make the antijump more readable?
  15. 02:16:923 symilar case to 01:04:275
  16. 02:18:544 (3,5) - stack this perfect
  17. 02:50:328 (3,4,5,1) - uh add atleats 0.10 or more distance axtually is kinda hard to play when I was testing I was thinking was a 1/4 but is 1/2 x_X
  18. 02:59:896 is kinda hard to see this repeat try to move it a little up?

  1. 00:12:383 add a circle here? the downbeat is kinda strong is a little weird to ignore it imo
  2. 00:28:923 ^
  3. 00:33:788 (2,3) - fix the distance here
  4. 00:40:599 (5,6) - same as above
  5. 00:41:572 (1,2) - swap NC like you did on 00:32:491 (7,1) - and others symilar places
  6. 00:38:977 add clap in slider head
  7. 01:53:247 (5,6) - distance
  8. 02:04:599 also add a circle here axtually that vocal should be mapped imo
  9. 02:31:842 add NC and remove it from 02:32:166 look better also is consistent with your combo pattern
  10. 02:52:599 remove NC i dont see the sense of it orz

GL with this :P

Black: Suggestions
Blue: Importance.You might consider
Red:Unrank issues. You Must Fix



可以多跟点鼓点啊,有些段纯跟人声不舒服例如00:46:437 (1,2,3) –
  • 00:01:032 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) –这边排的感觉有点乱,我也想不到什么好排列,最好改改干净
    00:09:788 (1,2,3) –真鬼畜
    00:12:383 (1) –大跳之后要来个空拍才爽,试这个节奏,
    00:16:923 (1) -^
    00:18:545 –不跟鼓?
    00:18:707 (1,2,3) –这里可以放串子啊,七连
    03:11:248 (7) –别stack下去,放远点弄个跳


  • 00:47:896 (4,5) – 节奏建议
    01:03:464 (2) –长滑条漏音了
    01:08:653 (10,1) –略乱啊,间距大点
    01:17:734 (12,1) –同样间距大点,01:18:221 –这里是重音,小间距打了也不舒服
    01:48:707 (9) –漏音啊,很不舒服,故意的话就算了吧我也看不懂233
    02:40:599 (2,3,4,5,6) –看起来不neat分开点


  • 00:27:626 –add note,突然来个空拍除了坑人感觉没什么作用了,打着不爽
    00:46:437 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) –好难抓,00:47:086 (2,3) – 这两个放远点啊,那么近,00:47:572 (4) –这里加个nc也好,根本读不了。
    00:59:734 – add note,undermap无意义
    01:01:680 (5) –双折返巨坑无比,本身AR8,这里是减速段,突然折一下1PC miss.
    01:04:275 (6) – add NC
    01:12:707 (8) –巨坑
    01:17:248 (5,6,7) –overlap得不好看
    01:54:545 (1,2,3,4,5) –排排完美?stack什么的,显得乱
    02:11:734 (5) –我想到o~chin了
    02:33:139 (7) –nc下,难读


  • 00:50:167 (5,1) - 擦到一起了
    01:06:221 - add note
    01:15:302 - ^
    03:07:842 (2) - 太上了吧,下来点
good luck~
Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

Natsu wrote:

HI~ Hollow Wings M4M from my queue

  1. Unused Image Files:
    sb\lyrics\lyric11-4.png fixed
    sb\lyrics\lyric15-1.png ^, omg how did u find this! 0.0

  1. HP 7 for better diff spread hmm? i think hw'' diff is more difficult to play with
  2. 00:02:167 well I wiil told yo this im not a fan of extended sliders they dont fit with the music but is just my opinion. ok, i just do this in my own way
  3. 00:02:167 (3,4) - stack this perfect fixed
  4. 00:04:437 (6) - turn off grid snap and try to make it more curved actually look kinda forced imo hmm but i do this slider without gs opening... and i think this is just fine 0.0
  5. 00:12:221 remove the clap sound really bad no fixed but changed the claps' set
  6. 00:25:518 (6,7) - not a big fan of this unexpected jump I really preffer if you use the previous distance for flow and playability ok, changed to anther pattern
  7. 00:31:194 (7) - this need new combo to make the jumps readables fixed, and same notes after this, thx a lot!
  8. 00:40:923 (1,2,3,4) - they four fit realy nice the vocals but they 00:41:572 (5,6) - dont so I suggest you to convert this 00:41:572 (5,6) - in a slider sound alot better with the music hmm... all patterns like here r done like this, and i think this won't be a problem even with 1234 following the vocal
  9. 00:50:329 (3,4,5,6) - I dont like how this straight line play try to make it a little curved so the cursor move natural when you hit they imo nope... i do this on purpose 0,0
  10. 00:59:815 (9,11) - that two beats are overmaped I suggest you to remove they :l hmm, then maybe my map is overmapped everywhere... thou u r right, so i'll keep them and let's see what others would say about this
  11. 01:10:437 (5,1) - reduce the distance here 3.0 is kinda x_X combo breaker hue no this won't cause a combo break but easy to miss the slider's end's combo only
  12. 01:22:761 this have to be NC ok~
  13. 01:42:221 (1,2) - Try another pattern here the actually is really confuse what is the head and what is the tail of the slider? x_x hmm, but i think this is acceptable with fun :3
  14. 01:46:761 (1,2) - same as above ^
  15. 01:51:302 (1,2) - ^ and alot of symilars ones ^
  16. 02:19:517 (5) - NC will fit alot here since for the stanza change and for he slider combo pattern alright fixed~ and same parts in this diff as well :3
  17. 02:20:815 (9,10,1) - turn off gridsnap and stack they perfect fixed

  1. AR 7 HP 6 OD 6 for better diff spread actually the jump from normal to hard is kinda big x_x ar7 is more difficult than ar8 to read this map, and hp5 is for lowing down the dfficult
  2. 00:07:031 (4,5,1) - this is not rankable the overlap is not readable also the repeat slider is hard to notice try to make this clean alright fixed
  3. 00:15:950 (3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - im not a fan of this kind of patterns it make the map harder to read x_x no it's not hard to read to most players
  4. 00:13:680 (3,4) - try to use atleast 1.20 distance fixed all patterns like this
  5. 00:18:220 (3,4) - same as above ^ is kinda akward play this at 0.75 after the previous jumps x_X sry for this x_X
  6. 00:21:464 (1,2,3) - move all the pattern atleast 1 grid up so previous slider dont touch it fixed
  7. 00:19:194 this dont fit the music properly 00:19:518 this down beats should be mapped 00:16:923 (1,2) - symilar case and more hmm, i just follow the electric melody here, not drum beats
  8. 00:22:761 (3) - previous slider almost cover this try to move it to other place hmm i think it troubles nothing
  9. 00:44:815 this should be mapped add atleast a circle or 1/2 slider nope, all objs follow the vocal here, i don't want to make a map which has full of white lines set by objs
  10. 00:49:031 (1,2) - turn off grid snap and stack this perfect fixed
  11. 01:01:680 this double repeat dont play nice and is almost unreadable in first try cuz the others repeat generaly got just 1 repeat so I suggest you to add 1 repeat and a circle will be better for the gameplay alright, some modder mentioned this before, i'll fix this
  12. 01:04:275 maybe add new combo here to make the stream more readable? ok fixed
  13. 01:41:572 (2,3) - Use a properly distance here plz is almost unreadable imo i think this is just fine
  14. 01:57:788 NC to make the antijump more readable? hmm? what??
  15. 02:16:923 symilar case to 01:04:275 fixed
  16. 02:18:544 (3,5) - stack this perfect fixed
  17. 02:50:328 (3,4,5,1) - uh add atleats 0.10 or more distance axtually is kinda hard to play when I was testing I was thinking was a 1/4 but is 1/2 x_X i've considered this as well, hmmm, ok, i'll reverse 3 and 5 to change this pattern
  18. 02:59:896 is kinda hard to see this repeat try to move it a little up? fixed

GL with this :P
thx for modding!
Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

Fycho wrote:

我的双kd,这就是delay的下场。。吗 这就是delay的下场。。 吗

Black: Suggestions
Blue: Importance.You might consider
Red:Unrank issues. You Must Fix

滑条静音弄了吗,我也没重下 弄了嗯


可以多跟点鼓点啊,有些段纯跟人声不舒服例如00:46:437 (1,2,3) –
本身7/4打起来节奏就难抓了..这样undermap柑橘不好 初衷是因为排列已经很难了,undermap吗我倒是没这个概念,只是想让玩家有个休息的地方,效果我也不知道怎么样,因为觉得放太多滑条和单点会和之前之后的超大ds搞混,所以干脆就弄简单点
间距上好坑,读图也难 只是一个尝试,并且想坚持到底
  • 00:01:032 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) –这边排的感觉有点乱,我也想不到什么好排列,最好改改干净 很乱吗orz
    00:09:788 (1,2,3) –真鬼畜 做此图的动力来源
    00:12:383 (1) –大跳之后要来个空拍才爽,试这个节奏, “大跳之后要来个空拍才爽”这句我记住了,多谢!你这个节奏确实不错,不过这个节奏我觉得用在这里不太好和之后的大跳三连排版,更重要的原因是这个大跳本身就有点莫名,如果再接单点徒增难度,所以我觉得现在这样也不错。不过以后我多多注意OVO00:16:923 (1) -^
    00:18:545 –不跟鼓? fixed,本来确实不太想跟,不过既然你说了那就跟吧,还有02:44:167 (3) - 也改了一下
    00:18:707 (1,2,3) –这里可以放串子啊,七连 nope,这图压根不打算放串,你看这图一个串都没,三连全都是三角233
    03:11:248 (7) –别stack下去,放远点弄个跳


  • 00:47:896 (4,5) – 节奏建议 你为何这么屌。。。虽然我这么摆只是为了坑hd玩家而已,不过节奏其实我也只是去跟的鼓,嗯,先就这样吧
    01:03:464 (2) –长滑条漏音了 fixed
    01:08:653 (10,1) –略乱啊,间距大点 fixed
    01:17:734 (12,1) –同样间距大点,01:18:221 –这里是重音,小间距打了也不舒服 “重音间距小了打着不舒服”我也记住了,至于此处,由于之前的滑条形状太过奇葩,我想很多人打这个滑条的时候光标在上面会顿一顿,所以下一个滑条不太想放太远。。。这里就先这样,以后我多注意0.0
    01:48:707 (9) –漏音啊,很不舒服,故意的话就算了吧我也看不懂233 这里漏音?这个有问题吗?如果是指01:49:031的话那么我只想说我不太想做完全塞满的图,包括完全塞满长白线,为什么长白线的beat不能miss?这里打起来感觉又没啥问题啊?难道这也是逆大流的一种吗?orz
    02:40:599 (2,3,4,5,6) –看起来不neat分开点 故意的,话说不neat是啥。。。


  • 00:27:626 –add note,突然来个空拍除了坑人感觉没什么作用了,打着不爽 nope,这也坑?什么音都没听到,为了塞满好打而不空拍吗。。。感觉不科学
    00:46:437 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) –好难抓,00:47:086 (2,3) – 这两个放远点啊,那么近,00:47:572 (4) –这里加个nc也好,根本读不了。2和4放了nc,ds调远了,hard根本不打,所以也根本不会做orz
    00:59:734 – add note,undermap无意义 嗯。。。这里其实个人认为不加也无所谓不过还是改了吧,无意义什么的绝对是没有的事,undermap无意义和overmap不被接受的界限变得越来越模糊,对此我不得不感到困扰
    01:01:680 (5) –双折返巨坑无比,本身AR8,这里是减速段,突然折一下1PC miss. 这个改掉了
    01:04:275 (6) – add NC fixed,nc都调整了一下,现在似乎流行频繁nc来划分梗。。。
    01:12:707 (8) –巨坑 改成了折返一次+一个note,后同
    01:17:248 (5,6,7) –overlap得不好看 整段都改了
    01:54:545 (1,2,3,4,5) –排排完美?stack什么的,显得乱 整段stack都调整好了,不可避免的出现了overlap,只能忽略
    02:11:734 (5) –我想到o~chin了 把tama往右移了点
    02:33:139 (7) –nc下,难读 已fixed

good luck~
thx for modding!
02:26:004 (5) - 换成1/2滑条?
02:52:599 (1) - 感觉可以去掉NC
03:11:248 (1) - 换成1/2滑条?
00:09:788 (5,6,7) - 可以加上 DRUM音效
00:49:518 (2) - 没遮好
00:54:059 (2) - ^
01:22:275 (4) -尾巴 建议叠到 01:21:140 (2) - 的尾巴 顺便调整3的位置
01:57:302 (2) - 没遮好
02:06:707 (2) - ^
02:12:221 (6,7) - ^
00:02:815 (4) - 没遮好
00:08:491 (3,4,5) - 从上到下不是挺好的么
00:09:788 (7,8,9,10) - 可以加上 DRUM音效
00:36:059 (3) - 节奏有些奇怪 建议2个1/2 或者 1个1/2+2 note
00:54:221 (9,10) - 叠到 00:52:437 (4,6) - 的地方?
00:59:572 (7) - 没遮好
01:22:599 (7,8,1) - 我觉得用REPEAT SLIDER比较好
01:48:707 (3) - 建议2个1/2 或者 1个1/2+2 note
02:10:112 (3) - 感觉可以变成滑条 02:08:815 (2) - ctrl+h+j
02:55:356 (4) - 没遮好
02:57:626 (7) - ^
03:01:031 (3) - ^
03:02:004 (7) - ^
03:04:437 (4) - ^
03:06:707 (7) - ^
03:11:248 (7) - ^
建议看右上角的 prev 0.00表示完美遮挡
00:26:653 (3) - 我建议尾巴叠到00:26:004 (1) - 头
00:43:194 (7) - NC
01:03:464 (6) - 建议拆成单点比较有打击感
01:16:923 (4,5) - 分别ctrl+g?
01:17:247 (5) - NC?
02:04:437 加个NOTE 1的尾巴
02:11:410 (5,6) - 强烈建议CTRL+G
02:47:328 (3,4) - ctrl+g?
图和SB很有想法 射个星好了
Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

sjoy wrote:

00:09:788 (5,6,7) - 可以加上 DRUM音效 为了统一我就不加了,音效方面其实觉得自己还是挺薄弱的
00:34:923加一个NOTE? nope。。。柑橘没意义。。。这难道就是传说中的undermap么噗
00:49:518 (2) - 没遮好 fixed
00:54:059 (2) - ^ fixed
01:22:275 (4) -尾巴 建议叠到 01:21:140 (2) - 的尾巴 顺便调整3的位置 好的
01:57:302 (2) - 没遮好 fixed
02:06:707 (2) - ^ fixed
02:12:221 (6,7) - ^ fixed
HD要哭了 你们都是怎么发现没有完美stack的,这都什么神棍眼力。。。
建议改名Lunatic 噗。。。这还没到lun的水准柑橘
00:02:815 (4) - 没遮好 fixed
00:08:491 (3,4,5) - 从上到下不是挺好的么 有道理,我俗了,fixed
00:09:788 (7,8,9,10) - 可以加上 DRUM音效 为统一就不改了
00:36:059 (3) - 节奏有些奇怪 建议2个1/2 或者 1个1/2+2 note 只是想空根长白线而已orz,我再观望一下
00:54:221 (9,10) - 叠到 00:52:437 (4,6) - 的地方?不了,那样ds会很难弄
00:59:572 (7) - 没遮好 fixed
01:22:599 (7,8,1) - 我觉得用REPEAT SLIDER比较好 三连也不错,主要是之前都是滑条啊单点什么的,想丰富一下0.0
01:48:707 (3) - 建议2个1/2 或者 1个1/2+2 note 同之前说的
02:10:112 (3) - 感觉可以变成滑条 02:08:815 (2) - ctrl+h+j 这里倒没啥问题,就这样吧
02:55:356 (4) - 没遮好 神棍眼力你好,all fixed。。。不过我想说的是我保存了以后再进去又变回原样了,这是肿么回事,不信你试试看-。=
02:57:626 (7) - ^
03:01:031 (3) - ^
03:02:004 (7) - ^
03:04:437 (4) - ^
03:06:707 (7) - ^
03:11:248 (7) - ^
HD哭惨了 同哭瞎,不过遮挡不完美才能不激活auto stack系统,那样才有遮挡的意义的说233
建议看右上角的 prev 0.00表示完美遮挡 叙述下吧,我有些遮挡是无能为力的啊orz
00:26:653 (3) - 我建议尾巴叠到00:26:004 (1) - 头 不了,这断我改了无数次,如果没有必要改,或者因为读图的问题必须改的话,我想这段就保持这样吧
00:43:194 (7) - NC nope,之前之后都是这个combo节奏,柑橘没必要
01:03:464 (6) - 建议拆成单点比较有打击感 nope,这里打击感倒并没有太重要,毕竟跟的是vocal
01:16:923 (4,5) - 分别ctrl+g? nope,现在这样没问题
01:17:247 (5) - NC? nope,why?
02:04:437 加个NOTE 1的尾巴 不了,统一节奏下,总之柑橘也没什么必要
02:11:410 (5,6) - 强烈建议CTRL+G 强烈建议不改,ctrl+g不但flow全毁难度也变大了。。。
02:47:328 (3,4) - ctrl+g? nope,这种三连很依赖段落感,弄成钝角反而增加难度
没有让人感觉是3连的感觉 这是一个尝试,所以这图我单点真是绞尽脑汁想要和连打在读图上区分,可惜好像还是做得不够好
我觉得间距相切比较适宜 相切就没意思了
图和SB很有想法 射个星好了 多谢星星
thx for modding!


24白线用drum sample + soft addition效果大概会比较好,原曲里就有鼓

00:08:167 (2) - 这个打了无数次都没看出是3/4。不如改成1/2,本来这里3/4就有点奇怪。或者这样,看你喜欢。
00:09:788 (7,8,9,10) - 改成drum sample,还有00:09:626 - 这里。之后的很多五连以此类推都改成drum sample+soft addition。
00:13:194 (4) - 折返箭头被00:12:221 (5) - 挡住了部分,最好考虑一下,简单的方法是ctrl+g或者移动
00:23:572 - 加个note?
00:28:113 (3,1) - 这个间距太远了,或者说只是我弱,把00:27:788 (1,2,3) - 移动到x:132 y:191会好一些
00:37:031 (3,4) - 我觉得这个也比较吃食,如图所示
00:44:167 (6,7,8,9) - 这个一直连续的单点让人喘不过气,或许你会试试这个:(删掉8)
00:55:356 (5) - 你知道我要说什么了。建议放到x:40, y:145,并且原地旋转180度
01:13:356 (1,2) - 这个我不知道怎么改更好……但是这个也是很吃食的没flow。这边由于藏在串后面基本上糊成一团,或许你会考虑把2叠在1的下面。
01:42:221 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 及类似梗:第一次几乎全都会看成1/4。由于这个不是最高难度,鉴于可读性最好考虑下要不要分开。
01:48:707 (3) - 拆成1/1+一个note会比较好
01:49:679 (3,4) - 这个遮挡也是十分的服气 试试这样
02:01:194 (6) - 叠在02:01:356 (1) - 的上面
02:11:086 (2) - whislte
02:11:734 (6,8) - 由于auto stack,8会向左下偏移 建议手动stack
02:16:113 (2,3,4,5,6) - 这个实在是太吃食了 简直不想多书
02:27:950 (1,2,3,4) - 这个跳也是十分的自信 还不如把4放到x:253 y:247
03:02:167 (8,9,1) - 这个相当不好读 不如把03:02:491 (9,1) - 移出来
03:03:788 (3) - 缩短1/4的感觉更好
03:09:788 (2) - 这个3/4也是十分服气

首先是这个低SV下的跳,要说一下,SV一低就有凝滞感,你放跳打着就不爽。很多跳放起来都太过随意,打着就硌碜。比方说00:12:059 (4,5) - ,给人的感觉就是“我想坑人,那就当一回鼻孔哥放个对角跳吧”,然后打着不爽。本来只有两个单点的跳也不难,你目的也没达到,但就是不爽。
00:28:275 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 这个你要坑人可以看看六兆年的Rin难度,第一个break后面跟你的梗类似。
00:42:545 (4,5,6) - 这个真是狂坑,不过反正你要坑人我就不说啥了。
03:02:491 (9,1,2,3,4,5,6) - 这个地方狂坑,我觉得是全曲最坑的地方,为什么最后要玩尾杀。

03:02:491 (6) - 这啥玩意

我觉得有必要多交流,记得捉到我的时候in game找我说这个图。
Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

Flower wrote:


说实话我打这图的时候打着打着心情就不好了只好去吃奥利奥。 我果然应该去吃点屎
总结一下。整个图的基调是几乎完全不使用flow,透露着相当的为难而难的感觉,在最高难度下尤其明显。本来不想说的我还是说说吧……图是能rank的,wonders又在悲观主义了。 能rank当然最好。。。不过刚才大致看了一下你的mod发现又涨了很多姿势,感觉自己果然能力还是太欠缺,所以能修我就再好好修一下

这个clap请你吃电视。找个好玩一点的吧,比如说用打响指的看看。 233我倒是觉得这个clap没啥问题的说。。。听了你的这个感觉略显微妙。。。不过嘛听着也确实蛮好玩的,所以就换成你那个吧0.0
24白线用drum sample + soft addition效果大概会比较好,原曲里就有鼓 这hs玩法还真是没用过,待会儿我好好试试 不过24白线都要加的话那岂不是要累死?orz

00:08:167 (2) - 这个打了无数次都没看出是3/4。不如改成1/2,本来这里3/4就有点奇怪。或者这样,看你喜欢。好的,用了你的排列,不过稍有不同
00:09:788 (7,8,9,10) - 改成drum sample,还有00:09:626 - 这里。之后的很多五连以此类推都改成drum sample+soft addition。还有这种玩法,改了,不过也不知道有没有改全,而且感觉听上去差别不大的说orz
00:13:194 (4) - 折返箭头被00:12:221 (5) - 挡住了部分,最好考虑一下,简单的方法是ctrl+g或者移动 这个不构成遮挡吧orz,似乎没必要改?
00:23:572 - 加个note? 为了统一就这样吧orz
00:28:113 (3,1) - 这个间距太远了,或者说只是我弱,把00:27:788 (1,2,3) - 移动到x:132 y:191会好一些 改了,不过我把它们移到了108,158
00:37:031 (3,4) - 我觉得这个也比较吃食,如图所示
flow稍微好一点,但是我还是建议再想想别的排列。 改了,没改排列因为觉得嘛就这样吧,我就单独把3的尾巴拖到了145,220. 因为摆短滑条的时候由于个人playing的习惯全都是当单点来摆的,以后我多注意
00:44:167 (6,7,8,9) - 这个一直连续的单点让人喘不过气,或许你会试试这个:(删掉8) 哎,这里很犹豫呢。。。你这样改也很好但是我觉得改了也没啥问题。。。容我再观摩一下。。。
00:55:356 (5) - 你知道我要说什么了。建议放到x:40, y:145,并且原地旋转180度 好的,不过其实短滑条当单点摆张力感觉很大,比如这个滑条就算放在最右下角我也觉得自己打的时候不会出100.。。不过嘛果然还是顺手点的比较好
01:13:356 (1,2) - 这个我不知道怎么改更好……但是这个也是很吃食的没flow。这边由于藏在串后面基本上糊成一团,或许你会考虑把2叠在1的下面。 唔,这里我倒觉得没什么问题。flow的话其实感觉也挺顺手的,就是1被挡住了而已,nc了一下应该不会看不清楚
01:42:221 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 及类似梗:第一次几乎全都会看成1/4。由于这个不是最高难度,鉴于可读性最好考虑下要不要分开。 之前也有modder提到这个问题,嗯,果然对读图影响很大,那么我就稍微分开点好了,所有的类似梗都改了2的位置
01:48:707 (3) - 拆成1/1+一个note会比较好 好吧前面也有人这么建议,改了,00:36:059 (3) - 也改了
01:49:679 (3,4) - 这个遮挡也是十分的服气 试试这样 跪服,麻麻我又学到新梗了
02:01:194 (6) - 叠在02:01:356 (1) - 的上面 这里为了统一就不改了,专注坑hd。不过想到了你说的毁灭flow的排列,我把黄色的1和2的折返滑条分别反向,那样似乎就好得多,嗯
02:11:086 (2) - whislte fixed and 00:58:437 (2) - as well
02:11:734 (6,8) - 由于auto stack,8会向左下偏移 建议手动stack 手动stack是啥orz,另外修正的应该是上面的objs也就是说偏移的应该是6,而且方向是左上才对。既然如此8后面的串应该没什么影响。至于6偏移的话感觉就是对之后串的读图稍有影响吧,看起来不是大问题
02:16:113 (2,3,4,5,6) - 这个实在是太吃食了 简直不想多书 233这里确实放的随意了点,我换个梗
02:27:950 (1,2,3,4) - 这个跳也是十分的自信 还不如把4放到x:253 y:247 改了,和你说的稍有不同
03:02:167 (8,9,1) - 这个相当不好读 不如把03:02:491 (9,1) - 移出来 好的,都放在了252,344
03:03:788 (3) - 缩短1/4的感觉更好 虽然意义不明不过还是改了吧
03:09:788 (2) - 这个3/4也是十分服气 orz叠到2尾巴下面去了

首先是这个低SV下的跳,要说一下,SV一低就有凝滞感,你放跳打着就不爽。很多跳放起来都太过随意,打着就硌碜。比方说00:12:059 (4,5) - ,给人的感觉就是“我想坑人,那就当一回鼻孔哥放个对角跳吧”,然后打着不爽。本来只有两个单点的跳也不难,你目的也没达到,但就是不爽。哎。。。不爽吗。。。其实我的本意就是要打到这种平稳移动的flow夹杂大跳的说。。。难道这个做图理念也跟这图里的大跳三连是逆大流的东西吗orz,以后我再研究研究。。。
00:28:275 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 这个你要坑人可以看看六兆年的Rin难度,第一个break后面跟你的梗类似。这里摆那种梗感觉有点怪,因为那边三个单点重点在第一个,这里重点在第三个,所以嘛就不改了。。。不过又学到新梗了嗯orz
00:42:545 (4,5,6) - 这个真是狂坑,不过反正你要坑人我就不说啥了。 狂坑么?orz
03:02:491 (9,1,2,3,4,5,6) - 这个地方狂坑,我觉得是全曲最坑的地方,为什么最后要玩尾杀。233这里也坑,好吧,这里整块pattern全都改了一下。。。
打了下acc比Insane低2左右,基本都是被3/4和三连坑的,稍微顺溜一点的话也不会不爽了。 三连应该是不会去动了毕竟就是想这么做,3/4的话其实我觉得stack在尾上确实不是个好主意,但是图已经这样了那也没办法,以后我多考虑一下flow的问题

03:02:491 (6) - 这啥玩意 咦orz怎么了orzzz

我觉得有必要多交流,记得捉到我的时候in game找我说这个图。 挖!多谢花花!OVQQQ
加油~ 一个reject的mod都没。。。神modder不能多书。。。哭瞎了
thx for modding!
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