
Your osu! stats!

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Changed "Chaos" to "Slider" and made the graphic look a bit better.
Feel free to re-post with the new graph if you've already posted one.

The thought "I wonder what my osu! attribute points would be" came to me recently, and so I went on, in my boredom, to make this:

(If you are using paint, or if your graphics program screws up imported transparency, then use this: )

Self explanatory, I think.
You can fill it in in paint if you don't have GIMP or Photoshop or something else.

Mine would look something like this, in my opinion:

I consider myself really good with jumps, in the sense that I actually look foward to maps with challenging jumps, though I lack the ability to read confusing patterns (chaos), and I can barely maintain 400rpm spinning.

Let's see yours!
Something like this I guess?

I'm really good at stacks, so-so at spinning, and pretty good at everything else.
I suck at spinning, am relatively good at stacks and jumps, somewhat good at Chaos and okay at streams.


Pretty good with stacks and jumps, decent with streams and spinning, and kinda meh with chaos.
wtb The GIMP.

I'll do this once I'm on my computer again. =[
I'm doing this before anyone else does.

This is because I can't draw it properly.


JarJarJacob wrote:

I'm doing this before anyone else does.

This is because I can't draw it properly.
I can barely see your stats. Yikes.
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Too lazy to make it look nicer

Fuck yeah cool DDR style graphs.

Does that look accurate to everybody? (yes stack is slightly off the grid. Just happened to do that after adding an outline to the green area.)

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Mine's similar to LH's, I'm pretty terrible at streams

- I can keep up with most of the streams, but I rarely SS them.
- Stacks are pretty same as streams, I think.
- I love spinners! :D
- I'm not bad at jumps.
- I don't remember too much maps that are really confusing.
Card N'FoRcE
Here's mine :D

Streams 8/10: I improved a lot in streams, but if they are cruel i will often get a random X
Stacks 8.5/10: a bit better than streams, since it doesn't involve mouse moving xD
Spin 4/10: oh yeah, i so suck at spinners that sometimes i got 100 only on them and SS'd the rest of the map
Jumps 6/10: heh, i can't say i love extreme jumps, since i always fuck up, anyway, i'm not bad in "normal" jumps
Chaos 9.5/10: my strongest point, i'm great at reading maps, i don't mess up usually (but my mouse does xD)

Mystearica wrote:

I suck =(
Topic Starter

Auto-generate these based on historical statistics, please!
I'd rather see these applied to individual maps. And rating user playing ability out of 10 is hard enough, never mind dividing it into categories. ;___;

Yes, the "Stack" part seems off. Forget about that and look at my awesomeness.

Yes, I suck at streams.

Yes, I'm pro at spins.

Yes, I put your ssssssssss.
im getting confused easily

im kinda good at streams

same goes to stacks

i spin fast

i kinda suck at jumps D:

lol,proportions may be off D:


Daru wrote:


Auto-generate these based on historical statistics, please!
Would you mind telling miss how this is possible? It's not like it can look at how you did in a beatmap and see that you missed a jump but got some good streams. In fact, the only one it might be able to measure is spinners.

rust45 wrote:

Daru wrote:


Auto-generate these based on historical statistics, please!
Would you mind telling miss how this is possible? It's not like it can look at how you did in a beatmap and see that you missed a jump but got some good streams. In fact, the only one it might be able to measure is spinners.
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It was a spur-of-the-moment post that I just kinda typed up.
Hence it's conspicuous absence from the Feature Requests forum.

Though, I've had this idea in my head for quite a while, that maps could have measurable attributes based on certain factors. For instance, osu! could scan a map, and separate it into different sections based on spacing between hits, time between those hits, and organization of those circles. There would be a threshold for each attribute; a jump would be considered any two beats more than 3 spaces apart and with less than 30ms between them, for example, or a stream would be any string of notes less than 3 spaces apart. It would then assess how hard a section is, based on the aforementioned factors of spacing, time, and organization, and calculate a rating based on how well a player performs on that section.

Of course, I have no idea if this is even possible or practical, not knowing a bit of coding outside of basic HTML and Java myself.

It'd be nice if it was implemented, though, even on songs themselves instead of players.


^ Is that worth posting in Feature Requests, or will I get yelled at by Peppy for asking for such an unreasonably hard to code feature?
I would expect massive yelling.

Daru wrote:

any two beats more than 3 spaces apart and with less than 30ms between them
Topic Starter

Daru wrote:

..., for example ...
[deleted user]
Here are my stats:

Stream: Hmm, i can handle streams with 20-25 hit circles... but if there are more, i am dead meat.
Stack: i am pretty good at stacks.
Spin: God, i just love spinners!
Jump: So-so.
Chaos: No, that is nothing for me at all.

Overall: Well, just, how want it to be.
You all are ease.

The thing is, that thing's mostly true ^

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Daru wrote:

It occurs to me now that there is no "slider" attribute.

Should I add another side to the chart, or would a hexagonal chart look odd?
Perhaps combine stack and stream as one?

You might consider dropping chaos for slider, since chaos is probably the most ambiguous stat of the present hexagon.
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Good point, though I wanted an aspect of "sightreading" in it, though I suppose complicated streams/jumps/sliders would just count more toward those categories, instead of toward chaos.
I'd make the stream negative if I could, but that would make it look weird.

My paint sucks, i can't copy the words and the BG turns black so don't blame me =[
(I didn't do ''slider'' since I think ''chaos'' is wàày bettah~)
Chaos, Jumps & Spinners r the best.

[deleted user]
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[deleted user]
Here are my stats:

My spinning sux and is waaaaaay below average and I sliderbreak in streams with beatz 'n sliderz

the blue means negative. yes im good at stacks and streams and im decent at sliders, but i suck at jumps

behold my paint skills print screen powers.

Try 2~

I gave myself too much credit last time ;X

I think I'm good at sliders/jumps; I'm decent with spins/stacks; I suck at streams. Give me one longer than 5 notes and I panic X3
Im realy bad at stacking :|


Mystearica wrote:

I suck =(
i am sucker(i doubt that is this word really exist :p)
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This png is too big for me

Yea, something like this. My biggest weakness; deathstreams.

Meh.. I consider myself decent


Looks about right.
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