
zts Compilation (tracks from Umineko)

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Topic Starter
La Cataline


List of project participants and contributors
including those who are yet to play their parts

kiai is bold

  1. 00:00:000 - goldenslaughterer (136 BPM) [La Cataline (intro only), Nyquill, Ayu, Vass_Bass, GladiOol, Reiji-RJ]
    part division
    00:00:00 - 00:57:947 - LC
    00:57:947 - 01:12:066 - Reiji-RJ
    01:12:066 - 01:40:305 - Vass Bass
    01:40:305 - 01:54:424 - break
    01:54:424 - 02:08:544 - Vass Bass
    02:08:544 - 02:22:663 - Ayu
    02:22:663 - 02:37:224 - GladiOol
    02:37:224 - 02:51:343 - break
    02:51:343 - 03:08:992 - GladiOol
    03:08:992 - 03:23:112 - Reiji-RJ
    03:23:112 - 03:37:231 - Nyquill
  2. 03:37:231 - the executioner (137 BPM) [tieff, EvilElvisV2, Nyquill, Rue]
    part division
    03:37:231 - 04:05:470 - Nyquill
    04:05:470 - 04:33:709 - Nyquill
    04:33:709 - 05:03:504 - Rue
    05:03:504 - 05:31:971 - EvilElvisV2
    05:31:971 - 05:52:992 - EvilElvisV2
    05:52:992 - 06:14:004 - Rue
    06:14:004 - 06:42:033 - tieff
  3. 06:42:033 - liberatedliberater (~137-138 BPM) [tieff, RLC, Ayu, Rue]
    part division
    06:42:033 - 07:38:091 - Ayu
    07:38:091 - 08:33:970 - Rue
    08:33:970 - 09:15:709 - tieff
    09:15:709 - 09:58:888 - RLC
  4. 09:58:888 - resurrectedreplayer (~139-141 BPM) [La Cataline, Charles445, GladiOol, Reiji-RJ]
    part division
    09:58:888 - 10:26:514 - GladiOol
    10:26:514 - 10:54:140 - Reiji-RJ
    10:54:140 - 11:21:766 - GladiOol
    11:21:766 - 11:34:193 - break
    11:34:193 - 12:02:704 - LC
    12:02:704 - 12:16:321 - break/Charles, start wherever you want
    12:16:321 - 12:29:938 - Charles445
    12:29:938 - 12:43:555 - Charles445
    12:43:555 - 12:57:172 - Reiji-RJ
    12:57:172 - 13:24:418 - LC
  5. 13:24:418 - death (~141 BPM) [EvilElvisV2, La Cataline, Vass_Bass, GladiOol, Reiji-RJ]
    part division
    13:24:418 - 14:05:280 - LC
    14:05:280 - 14:18:893 - EvilElvisV2
    14:18:893 - 14:46:127 - Vass Bass
    14:46:127 - 15:13:372 - GladiOol
    14:46:127 - 15:38:905 - Reiji-RJ
    15:38:905 - 15:42:310 - definitely break
    15:42:310 - 15:55:928 - Reiji-RJ
    15:55:928 - 16:09:546 - GladiOol
    16:09:546 - 16:23:164 - EvilElvisV2
    16:23:164 - 16:36:782 - LC
  6. 16:36:782 - dreamenddischarger(~141 BPM) [RLC, Nyquill, Ayu, Rue, Charles445]
    part division
    16:36:782 - 18:00:192 - Charles445
    18:00:192 - 18:27:428 - Rue
    18:27:428 - 19:08:707 - RLC
    19:08:707 - 20:09:995 - Ayu
    20:09:995 - 20:50:848 - Nyquill
  7. 20:50:848 - worldenddominator (~141 BPM) [tieff, RLC, EvilElvisV2, Vass_Bass, Charles445]
    part division
    20:50:848 - 21:31:702 - Vass_Bass
    21:31:702 - 22:12:555 - EvilElvisV2
    22:12:555 - 22:26:175 - break
    22:26:175 - 22:53:417 - tieff
    22:53:417 - 23:07:889 - Vass_Bass
    23:07:889 - 23:48:743 - RLC
    23:48:743 - 24:24:510 - Charles445
  8. 24:24:510 - lastendconductor(~141 BPM) [everyone, I'm mapping all the breakdowns and the very last part]
The original BPMs of the songs differ, I changed them for the sake of mix consistency.

Collab rules:
Me and tieff will nazi the parts like mad until the map looks perfect and meets the requirements.

  1. One of the collab members on a song provides the BG. Widescreen.
  2. Each track is a four-five person collab (depending on the song length), excluding lastendconductor - this one is for all members of the project.
  3. You can choose up to three tracks.
  4. Part length and part placement for each song is decided separately, between the mappers collabing it. My only wish is, keep it consistent.
  5. Your style should fit to the general flow of the collab. However good you are, if the transition to your part feels unnatural, remap it.
  6. Hitsounds. Must. Be. Good. In addition, they must not be boring and too repetitive.
  7. No custom hitsounds. Play with the volume instead.
  8. NO 1/4 INSTEAD OF 1/6
  9. ABSOLUTELY NO SYMMETRY ABUSE! That said, NO MORE THAN ONE y-axis symmetrical patterns in a row, unless ABSOLUTELY nesessary. Avoid them in general.
  10. Overmapping will be treated with suspicion. If something is there just to make the map harder, it shouldn't be there.
  11. It's ok to copypaste the parts from your non-ranked maps, if you mapped anything from the list, but only if you never plan to get those ranked.
If you realized your hitsounds aren't that good, do not hesitate to ask me to put them for you, but please just try first.

Whoever got the collab invitation, please confirm in this thread. Cheers!
confirming :3

I'd like dreamenddischarger, liberatedliberater, and worldenddominator
Topic Starter
La Cataline
This is gonna be soooo epic. :3 I'll do my best.
ooioioioiioioioioiiooioioiiiiiiiiii i love all of you confirming etc

goldenslaughterer liberatedliberator and dreamenddischarger if that is possible

а че без мирейджкоординатора-то :(

ааээ, i'll take liberatedliberator + the exec + dreamenddischarger
This. A kitten is dying every time you use 1/4 instead of 1/6.
Topic Starter
La Cataline

Rue wrote:


а че без мирейджкоординатора-то :(

ааээ, i'll take liberatedliberator + the exec
ибо долбанных 150 бпм, а у меня тут 141 максимум ):
Natteke desu
asd, я бы еще доминатор взял, если можно конечно.
Topic Starter
La Cataline
ok, guys collabing the executioner and liberatedliberater, now you can split the parts and stuff
Executioner: 06:14:004 (1) - 06:42:033 (1)
liberatedliberater: 08:33:970 (1) - 09:15:709 (1)

I'm very sorry, but I'm taking those epic parts.
Topic Starter
La Cataline
You guys decide as you wish, Just give me the .osu files when you're finished.
I guess tieff will nazi them, right tieff? :D
Natteke desu
Executioner: 05:03:504 - 05:31:971 (1) -
exec: 04:33:709 - 05:03:504
lib: 07:38:091 - 08:33:970

ps: Настя, докинь меня в дримэнд пжста
Can I help? :3/
Just tell me what should I do.

newpage why

La Cataline wrote:

You guys decide as you wish, Just give me the .osu files when you're finished.
I guess tieff will nazi them, right tieff? :D
Oh, yeah, I'll do it.
need storyboarders you say?
Natteke desu

tieff wrote:

La Cataline wrote:

You guys decide as you wish, Just give me the .osu files when you're finished.
I guess tieff will nazi them, right tieff? :D
Oh, yeah, I'll do it.
Topic Starter
La Cataline

inverness wrote:

Can I help? :3/
Just tell me what should I do.

newpage why

[Dellirium] wrote:

need storyboarders you say?
Yes! Yes yes yes!
You can team up and collab on storyboard, or whatever.

Bg/nickname transitions are essential, but if you do cool and creative stuff as well, I love you <3

La Cataline wrote:

Bg/nickname transitions are essential, but if you do cool and creative stuff as well, I love you <3
Ну ты знаешь, я могу сделать всё что угодно, а вот с фантазией у меня так себе, поэтому тут надо подумать.
Topic Starter
La Cataline

[Dellirium] wrote:

La Cataline wrote:

Bg/nickname transitions are essential, but if you do cool and creative stuff as well, I love you <3
Ну ты знаешь, я могу сделать всё что угодно, а вот с фантазией у меня так себе, поэтому тут надо подумать.
Бабочки. Особенно в треках из первого мьюзикбокса (голден/ворлденд/дрименд).
На эксекьюшнере было бы круто поиграть с кошачьими глазами на черном фоне.
В страшных частях можно кровищи там, и всего такого прочего.
Пока больше идей нет.

Translating in case anyone wonders:
Butterflies. Especially in the tracks from the first musicbox (golden/worldend/dreamend).
Would be cool to play with cat-eyes on a black bg in executioner.
For scary tunes - blood and stuff.
No more ideas yet.
Natteke desu
Деллириум, если будешь заниматься сб сделай мой ник без "V2" \:D/

La Cataline wrote:

Бабочки. Особенно в треках из первого мьюзикбокса (голден/ворлденд/дрименд).
На эксекьюшнере было бы круто поиграть с кошачьими глазами на черном фоне.
В страшных частях можно кровищи там, и всего такого прочего.
Пока больше идей нет.
Если всё это уже есть, и останется только порезать и заанимировать, то всё ок!

Деллириум, если будешь заниматься сб сделай мой ник без "V2" \:D/
Ну да, будет логично.
Good luck guys!
I'm going to keep an eye on this project.
I wonder what inverness could do for this, since inverness is obviously the best storyboarder.

lib: 07:10:062 - 07:38:091 -
claiming this little part because it's alskefmaslkm mine.
worldenddominator и death! дадад
а, ну и goldenslaughterer, наверное
1й кирпич го
Natteke desu
второй пошел
^два файла (один с нормал вистлами, другой без)
UPD: свел обе части, и подогнал на своей св:
UPD2:еще есть такое
This is going to be one of the greatest map ever
I'll map the intro until whenever you guys start mapping @exec, because I think you guys need to rework your parts a little. We need around 45 seconds for each person.
Hopping in resurrectedreplayer, worldenddominator, dreamenddischarger...

It kinda looks like the whole 3 song-pick thing is filling up the songs really fast.
Everybody has a part, right?
liberated: 09:15:709 - to 09:58:888 -

it looks like dreamenddischarger is also filled, so i guess i'll start claiming for that too?

18:27:428 - to 19:08:707 - /runs

edit: dominator too:

23:35:126 - to 24:24:510 -
let's see how this splits first, i guess
Natteke desu
worldenddominator splits would work well with these values I think?
22:12:555 - (EvilElvisV2)
22:39:796 - (kiai open)
23:07:889 - (open)
23:35:126 - (open)
24:02:371 - (Charles445)

I'd like 24:02:371 on worldenddominator to 24:24:510.

I don't know what to do for dreamenddischarger X_X
but what about all the rest of that song from 20:50:848 - D:
dreamenddisc: 18:00:192 - 18:27:428
Dominator: 22:39:796 (1) - 23:07:889 (1)

[Warning!]Something epic is coming![/Warning!]

RLC wrote:

but what about all the rest of that song from 20:50:848 - D:
rofl whoops I messed up

I have no idea how to divide it anymore
Uhh, maybe...

20:50:848 - (41 sec)
21:31:702 - (41 sec)
22:12:555 - EvilElvisV2 (27 sec)
22:39:796 - tieff (56 sec)
23:35:126 - (49 sec)

Last two parts would be the longest ones.
Thoughts on this? Maybe something else could be done to even it up for elvis (although it looks like elvis is happy with the current choice)

[DBF] wrote:

[Warning!]Something epic is coming![/Warning!]
Yep. Best of the luck for the project!

tieff wrote:

Dominator: 22:39:796 (1) - 23:07:889 (1)

gimme that part, please
or i won't collab any of parts
Topic Starter
La Cataline
latest .osu anyone?
also if you guys can't decide who takes the epic part, use randomchooser and stuff :D
seems I'm a little late with dreamend, I guess I'll be fine with the last part that will remain open.
Natteke desu

Charles445 wrote:

RLC wrote:

but what about all the rest of that song from 20:50:848 - D:
rofl whoops I messed up

I have no idea how to divide it anymore
Uhh, maybe...

20:50:848 - (41 sec)
21:31:702 - (41 sec)
22:12:555 - EvilElvisV2 (27 sec)
22:39:796 - tieff (56 sec)
23:35:126 - (49 sec)

Last two parts would be the longest ones.
Thoughts on this? Maybe something else could be done to even it up for elvis (although it looks like elvis is happy with the current choice)
21:58:937 (1) - 22:39:796 (1) - i could take that part if you want me to

UPD: Anyway, we need some breaks here(i mean all lgth.) , dont you think?
if there's still a spot vacant, just put me in. i'm okay with anything
Topic Starter
La Cataline

GladiOol wrote:

if there's still a spot vacant, just put me in. i'm okay with anything
there's a spot on resurrectedreplayer/death/goldenslaughterer!
Once you guys are done, please don't hesitate to ask me for a mod.
zts + Umineko :D
Я тут. Слишком слоупочно, но тут :С
Беру все части, что есть :D
I already kinda lost track lolololololololol

also the russian language is strong in this thread
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