
[resolved] Playing Osu on a flashdrive, it no work

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I heard that playing Osu! on a flash drive would be no problem.
But when I go to my school's computer lab I load it up on the flash drive and when I open Osu it crashes instantly without showing even a window pop up.
I am unsure what exactly is causing this problem, but I would love some help with it.

Extra info
OS: Windows 7
Permissions: Hardly able to do shit, can't even right click.
Running directly from the flash drive.

How to reproduce this.
1. Move the main osu directory to a flash drive.
2. Go to any of the computers at my school's computer lab.
3. Try to run Osu and watch it crash.
Perhaps they have put up restrictions so that it would automatically kill unnecessary processes, or something is wrong with the computer's configurations.

I have been playing osu! often on either my flash drive or my external HDD, and they work fine.
If you're having permissions issues even right clicking on things, it's extremely unlikely that you'll be able to run osu! from the flash drive either. Some schools have different computer policies than others - i'm unable to run osu! at my school as well, but other people on osu! have no issues at all running it at school. It's mostly down to how the IT department have configured it.
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Update: Someone else in my school got it to work, so it is not the configuration of the computer.
So now, how do I get it to run from a flash drive?
Copy what they did, possibly?
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kingking9 wrote:

Copy what they did, possibly?
I don't know what they did, I just heard that some kid was playing osu in the computer lab.
He is in the class before me, and I don't know him so I can't ask him.
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Sigh, still looking for help.
If permissions are locked down that much, I'm not sure there's anything you can do. Try making sure osu! has all the necessary config files on the flash drive so it doesn't have to try and create anything.
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MillhioreF wrote:

If permissions are locked down that much, I'm not sure there's anything you can do. Try making sure osu! has all the necessary config files on the flash drive so it doesn't have to try and create anything.
There is enough permissions, some kid at my school was playing Osu right in front of me.
When I asked him how he got it to work he flicked me off and walked away...I'm still confused.
The config files thing didn't work btw.
PS: I am now going to attempt straight up running the installer, if that doesn't work I will try to install .net framework.
.NET Framework doesn't have anything to do with restrictions but that might resolve osu! crashing.

Before you install it, Try to check it first at "Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features" if there is already there.
The required version of .NET Framework was 3.5 so if its lower then install it. But if its higher like 4.5, then no need for downgrading.
WHy has the error not been provided yet. Seriously?

xSpacex wrote:

when I open Osu it crashes instantly without showing even a window pop up.
My classmate gave a copy from osu! directly from his USB. Ran everything well and no problems at all. The problem might be in your computer. :3

Winshley wrote:

xSpacex wrote:

when I open Osu it crashes instantly without showing even a window pop up.
How did he/she knew that it crashes even it doesn't show a pop-up window? o.o

Hmm. How about trying to open another game on that computer? I guess it can help confirm the restrictions.
( Well the game should be also inside the flash drive. )
There has to be an error of some kind. If not, something on the system is dismissing it or hiding it. If you are not seeing any error, a video of what happens may be able to give us some hints.
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peppy wrote:

There has to be an error of some kind. If not, something on the system is dismissing it or hiding it. If you are not seeing any error, a video of what happens may be able to give us some hints.
Sorry for the delayed response, let me clear the confusion.
I get the "Osu! has stopped working." pop up, but nothing else.
PS: I tried to run the installer and it put the cursor into some weird glitch state of the loading cursor, then normal, then loading, and so on. No error message or anything, and then the screen went black.
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Still looking for help guiz
The only time osu! gives me trouble on a usb is when I don't have access to system files, but that's obvious.

Your situation is strange.
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OzzyOzrock wrote:

The only time osu! gives me trouble on a usb is when I don't have access to system files, but that's obvious.

Your situation is strange.
I'm well aware, that's why I am looking for help ._.
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Still looking. :?
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Still need help, I guess no one has any ideas.
Are you sure your copy of osu! isn't corrupted? Tried putting osume.exe in a folder and running it to redownload everything?
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XPJ38 wrote:

Are you sure your copy of osu! isn't corrupted? Tried putting osume.exe in a folder and running it to redownload everything?
I have tried this several times.
So osume works correctly?
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peppy wrote:

So osume works correctly?
Osume works at home, and so does osu.
The problem is that when I bring it to the computer lab it no longer works.
Does osume run from the flash drive
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peppy wrote:

Does osume run from the flash drive
Yes it does, it is blocked while at school, though.
While at home I can run Osume and update it, which I have done multiple times. While at school, Osume will run, but not update.
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Have you tried playing on the computer where the other person got it work?
Its possible that the computer has no restrictions or he/she removed it by himself/herself.
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Nathanael wrote:

Have you tried playing on the computer where the other person got it work?
Its possible that the computer has no restrictions or he/she removed it by himself/herself.
Permissions are defined by your account.
Your account has the same permissions on all computers.
I tried different computers, and it was the same result.
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Bump again.
Bumping ain't gonne get you anywhere unless you provide more information. Trust me.
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peppy wrote:

Bumping ain't gonne get you anywhere unless you provide more information. Trust me.
I have tried to provide as much information as possible.
I can attempt to make a video of it with my phone, but if I do that I won't talk in it because there's like 50 people in there.
I want to get this resolved extremely badly, so I will make the video tomorrow and upload maybe later tomorrow.
When you said you carried over your osu! folder through USB to the Computer in a Computer lab, it might be that the computers there were secured by the OS or any other app that rejects any access to the USB. The computer may recognize and identify the device, but restricts access to the files inside your device meaning you can't do anything after that. I had this in my University i'm attending. We tried adding some games from my friend's usb to play when bored or the professor isn't around but we failed.
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Fr33z3R wrote:

When you said you carried over your osu! folder through USB to the Computer in a Computer lab, it might be that the computers there were secured by the OS or any other app that rejects any access to the USB. The computer may recognize and identify the device, but restricts access to the files inside your device meaning you can't do anything after that. I had this in my University i'm attending. We tried adding some games from my friend's usb to play when bored or the professor isn't around but we failed.
Then explain how someone else got osu! to work. I am going to try something new. I will make my own installer for osu, and then I will attempt to run it because the osu installer doesn't work on their computers but other installers do work.
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Problem fixed!
I have no idea what fixed the issue.
I just opened osu like I was before and it worked!
Thanks for trying to help, but it seems there was nothing to fix.
try using the desktop shortcut. if that doesnt work, then it is impossible. me? im at school now and its working fine.

P.S: if you use a school provided take home pc, then you can play osu where ever you are, its just that you cant do multiplayer.
don't bump 3 year old threads. it's already been resolved :p
Just change the installation route to your flash drive and your done. Hoped it helped :D

Puffleman765 wrote:

Just change the installation route to your flash drive and your done. Hoped it helped :D

Pawsu wrote:

don't bump 3 year old threads. it's already been resolved :p
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