Quite some time ago, we had a newsletter for the community called the osu! monthly. After a prolonged period of downtime, the old monthly is back in a new fashion as the osu! news. We've decided to eliminate the scope of monthly releases and the magazine design in exchange for a more flexible release schedule and a simple, fluid design! Keep this page bookmarked, as we'll be releasing new articles often!
The news team is always open to your suggestions/critique on how we're doing things! If you have anything to share, please don't hesitate to shoot any of us a forum PM, or e-mail me directly at dkun@ppy.sh!
The news team is always open to your suggestions/critique on how we're doing things! If you have anything to share, please don't hesitate to shoot any of us a forum PM, or e-mail me directly at dkun@ppy.sh!