
fripSide - eternal reality - TV Size -

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Sorry for not noticing before, but the title is actually wrong according to

Please change the title to "eternal reality - TV size -" and then call me back so I can rebubble this.

EDIT: Re-Bubbled~
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Andrea wrote:

Sorry for not noticing before, but the title is actually wrong according to

Please change the title to "eternal reality - TV size -" and then call me back so I can rebubble this.

EDIT: Re-Bubbled~
okay, Re-Bubbled~

Thanks!! Andrea
shouldn't it be (TV Size) like always? orz

EDIT: nvm saw other mapsets too, they have the same title sorry

Chewin wrote:

shouldn't it be (TV Size) like always? orz
See post of Andrea plz :o
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[ Zzz ]

Chewin wrote:

shouldn't it be (TV Size) like always? orz

EDIT: nvm saw other mapsets too, they have the same title sorry


Andrea To Query =
- TV size - ( Correct! = Re Bubbled )


랭크시켜주세요 현기증난단 말이에요!! 미사카 미코토 다이스키 !!!
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17VA wrote:

랭크시켜주세요 현기증난단 말이에요!! 미사카 미코토 다이스키 !!!

ㅠㅠ ... 저도 랭크시키고싶어요 .. 현기증난단 말이에요 !! ...

빨리 랭크시켜야 .. 맵 2개 더 올릴수있음 ;; ...
2번째 금방 될듯!

Good luck! :D
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sKZy wrote:

2번째 금방 될듯!

Good luck! :D
랭크랭크 기대할게여 >_< :)
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[ Karen ] wrote:

랭크랭크 기대할게여 >_< :)
넹~ 저도 랭크 빨리됬으면 좋겟지만.. ㅠㅠ 뱃이 언제올지 모르겟네요 ㅠㅠ...
I really hope this song gets accepted its mah favorite :D
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[ Zzz ]

firefoxover9000 wrote:

I really hope this song gets accepted its mah favorite :D
Thanks!! Star!!
by themselves, the difficulties are pretty good and well made. as a mapset, i can't really say the same.

  1. 01:04:532 - I would personally do a re-kiai time here, but not a big deal if you don't want to.
Can't say I'm a fan of the difficulty spread. Normal is full of 1/1 with the occasional 2/1 as well as constant distance spacing everywhere. Jump between Hard and Insane is pretty big as well, considering the fact that Hard is mainly 1/2 and 1/1 while Insane is 1/2 and 1/4 streams, but not as fussed about that.

Also consider the slider velocity used in the diffs:

Easy: 0.70
Normal: 1.00
Hard: 1.60
SC's Insane: 1.80

There's a fair 0.30 difference between Easy and Normal and a small 0.20 difference Hard and SC's Insane. However between Normal and Hard, there is a whopping 0.60 difference. That's twice as much as Easy/Normal, and three times as much as Hard/Insane. This could normally be solved easily by increasing SV of Normal to say 1.20, but then because of how easy Easy already is, there'll be a problem there instead.

I dunno, I really don't know how to fix this with as little effort as possible. I've asked 2 BATs + 1 alumni about this (UnitedWeSin, Niva and Shiro), and they all had different opinions to give, so I suppose I'll discuss this more with the rest of the BAT in the meantime. Also have my thoughts on your diffs. with difficulty spread aside.

  1. If there's anything I don't like about this difficulty, it's how you often don't make good use of the available mapping area.
00:08:256 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - For instance, you have put these beats all on the right side of the playing area, for a full 11 seconds to boot. There's nothing wrong in making your sliders blanket each other and the beats, but please do look at the whole map when not just object by object. I highly suggest remapping this section and use the left side of the screen more.
00:23:153 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6) - Why you have copy and pasted this whole section is beyond me. Well at least overall with this and the section afterwards before the spinner, you make better use of the available mapping area.
00:49:636 (1,1) - Seeing how this easy is very easy with every beat being spaced 2/1 apart, I do think that the (1) beat afterwards comes too soon in comparison. However, just leaving it blank wouldn't be very nice as well. I suggest removing the spinner and mapping out the small section where the spinner was. You can do two hitcircles, a 2/1 slider or a 2/1 slider with a repeat to keep consistency with the rest of the diff.
00:52:118 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - Again, for a good 15 seconds or so, you've predominantly stuck to the top right hand corner of the field. I again highly suggest remapping this section to make the map move around the playing field more.
01:11:153 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - An example of how you quite easily moved from one side of the map to the other.

  1. Better in that you move around the field a bit more, but still some areas which bug me.
00:17:360 (4,1,2,3) - You've just come down from the top right of the map into the middle left area, so why go back up (and down) this side? Move down instead of going back up. The bottom right of the screen is feeling a bit neglected too, so move there a little.
00:34:325 (2) - No reason to stack with (4), pointlessly returning to the same spot. How about moving it so it's 180 degrees above (4) at x:384 y:72? Small change, quite a difference.
00:41:360 (3,4) - Again, you just came from the left side, why move back there? Well, you move around better afterwards, so this one isn't as bad.
00:58:325 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - Again, the issue of staying around in the same area of the screen.
01:08:670 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Sticking around the top right of the screen.

  1. Apart from the fact that you use the same patterns over and over and over again (e.g. 00:02:877 (2,3) , 00:08:670 (2,3) and 00:09:911 (5,6) ), the difficulty was quite pleasant to play. But that's all, pleasant. Using a lot more varying patterns and rhythms would have made the difficulty a lot better and interesting.
SC's Insane:
  1. Probably the best diff. in the mapset. Not particularly good, but at least it makes good use of the playing area and is pretty fun to play.
  2. I do think that the soft-hitnormal is too soft, but it just might be my sound settings.
  3. But that bass drum sound can be annoying, e.g. at 00:35:567 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) . Should be used sparingly, like you mainly do throughout the diff.
Popping until further discussion with BATs, to prevent accidental ranks and the like.
Okay a mod before it gets bubbled.

Not much else to say. I found some very small spacing flaws, but they aren't really worth mentioning. The one thing I did find was only thing that is really noticeable while playing.

00:47:153 (4) - This is spaced further away than the other side of the pattern. Bring it back down to 0.70 or increase first pattern to match this spacing.


00:01:636 (1) - This should be hitsounded.
00:24:601 (1,2,3) - I'm not a fan of oversimplification. More of the beat could be filled in here. Only my opinion though. I feel there should be more substance.
00:39:704 (1,2) - Why not make this blanket similar to other blankets in the map?

A lot of inconsistent blankets. I highly recommend cleaning up your shapes.

00:25:222 (6,7,1) - The shapes aren't aligned. You will need to shift the points around to fix. I had to move the last point to x 411, y 151, the next slider needs to start at that coordinate. 2nd point -> x 398 y 188, Last point x 407 y 227
00:31:429 (5) - Center the blanket by moving to x 58 y 28?
00:40:532 (3,4) - The left side breaks the blanket spacing. It is kind of ugly. Move 4 to x 121 y 192. it will be on the horizontal line and the blanket is more balanced.
00:47:153 (2) - This is 4 units higher than 00:43:842 (2) - despite being the exact same transition.
00:49:429 (1,2,3,4) - This could be a lot cleaner if you properly centered the sliders around the object. <- the best i got without adjusting the slider shapes. There will be a 1.03 spacing on one end. You could possibly reduce this.
00:54:601 (1) - This can certainly wrap better around the center. Coordinates 2nd: x 424 y 280, last point x 396 y 312 <- This should reduce the off centered appearance of the slider afterwards, which is intended to be centered. Bringing the last point up a bit may be even better.
00:57:911 (1) - ^ Same issue. Use a similar slider as the first part with the adjusted changes or i came up with these coordinates: 2nd: x 392 y 324, last point x 364 y 356
00:59:567 (4) - Last point y 170 (This and the slider at 57.911 might look better if they had the same type of blanket. This blanket is closer to the center than the blankets seen earlier. That being said, the object it wraps around appears more centered. Maybe it will have that appearance when applied to the other blankets.
01:01:222 (1,2) - Bad blanket shape.
01:07:842 (1) - Same issue i mentioned earlier. It doesn't wrap perfectly around the center.
01:19:429 (5) - Same issue as in 31 seconds.
01:21:084 (1) - ends a bit too close to the center IMO. Last point x 220 y 254 is about right.


00:08:256 (1,2,3) - Equal spacing here.
00:31:429 (1,2) - I don't agree with this flow, but it's fine as a transition.
00:43:842 (2) - Curves around 1 quite poorly. This can be better.

That's all.
you can delete "s" from とある科学の超電磁砲s in Tags I think, because most of people who search this song will type only とある科学の超電磁砲 (or add a space between 超電磁砲 and s). and I suggest you adding "season 2" instead. "2" has already been added in Tags. so if you fix as I suggested, don't forget to delete it! well it's just me, so up to you whether to fix ;p GL~
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[ Zzz ]

TheVileOne wrote:

Okay a mod before it gets bubbled.

Not much else to say. I found some very small spacing flaws, but they aren't really worth mentioning. The one thing I did find was only thing that is really noticeable while playing.

00:47:153 (4) - This is spaced further away than the other side of the pattern. Bring it back down to 0.70 or increase first pattern to match this spacing.
( Done ) 0.74>0.70 I had forgotten it. Thanks~

00:01:636 (1) - This should be hitsounded. ( Done )
00:24:601 (1,2,3) - I'm not a fan of oversimplification. More of the beat could be filled in here. Only my opinion though. I feel there should be more substance. ( no... ) I want to as it is now.
00:39:704 (1,2) - Why not make this blanket similar to other blankets in the map?
( no... ) I don't fix it.
A lot of inconsistent blankets. I highly recommend cleaning up your shapes.

00:25:222 (6,7,1) - The shapes aren't aligned. You will need to shift the points around to fix. I had to move the last point to x 411, y 151, the next slider needs to start at that coordinate. 2nd point -> x 398 y 188, Last point x 407 y 227 ( Done ) Complete change00:31:429 (5) - Center the blanket by moving to x 58 y 28? Little has changed here too. Pass it on.
00:40:532 (3,4) - The left side breaks the blanket spacing. It is kind of ugly. Move 4 to x 121 y 192. it will be on the horizontal line and the blanket is more balanced. no ... I now prefer the look ...
00:47:153 (2) - This is 4 units higher than 00:43:842 (2) - despite being the exact same transition. ( no... ) Does not change.
00:49:429 (1,2,3,4) - This could be a lot cleaner if you properly centered the sliders around the object. <- the best i got without adjusting the slider shapes. There will be a 1.03 spacing on one end. You could possibly reduce this. ( ㅇ_ㅇ ) From my point of view, the gap is 1.01 ... To, change 0.98 to 0.99.
00:54:601 (1) - This can certainly wrap better around the center. Coordinates 2nd: x 424 y 280, last point x 396 y 312 <- This should reduce the off centered appearance of the slider afterwards, which is intended to be centered. Bringing the last point up a bit may be even better. ( no... ) Does not change.
00:57:911 (1) - ^ Same issue. Use a similar slider as the first part with the adjusted changes or i came up with these coordinates: 2nd: x 392 y 324, last point x 364 y 356 ( no... ) ^ Does not change.
00:59:567 (4) - Last point y 170 (This and the slider at 57.911 might look better if they had the same type of blanket. This blanket is closer to the center than the blankets seen earlier. That being said, the object it wraps around appears more centered. Maybe it will have that appearance when applied to the other blankets. ( no... ) Does not change.
01:01:222 (1,2) - Bad blanket shape. ( Done ) Been changed!
01:07:842 (1) - Same issue i mentioned earlier. It doesn't wrap perfectly around the center. ( Done ) Been changed!
01:19:429 (5) - Same issue as in 31 seconds. ? 21 seconds.? If 21 seconds ( Done ) Been changed!
01:21:084 (1) - ends a bit too close to the center IMO. Last point x 220 y 254 is about right.
( Done ) Been changed!

00:08:256 (1,2,3) - Equal spacing here.
00:31:429 (1,2) - I don't agree with this flow, but it's fine as a transition.
00:43:842 (2) - Curves around 1 quite poorly. This can be better.

That's all.
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[ Zzz ]
Thanks!! TheVileOne

Sorry kudosu. KSHR T_T...
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[ Zzz ]

YGOkid8 wrote:

by themselves, the difficulties are pretty good and well made. as a mapset, i can't really say the same.

  1. 01:04:532 - I would personally do a re-kiai time here, but not a big deal if you don't want to.
( no... ) I do not want .
Can't say I'm a fan of the difficulty spread. Normal is full of 1/1 with the occasional 2/1 as well as constant distance spacing everywhere. Jump between Hard and Insane is pretty big as well, considering the fact that Hard is mainly 1/2 and 1/1 while Insane is 1/2 and 1/4 streams, but not as fussed about that.

Also consider the slider velocity used in the diffs:

Easy: 0.70
Normal: 1.00
Hard: 1.60
SC's Insane: 1.80

There's a fair 0.30 difference between Easy and Normal and a small 0.20 difference Hard and SC's Insane. However between Normal and Hard, there is a whopping 0.60 difference. That's twice as much as Easy/Normal, and three times as much as Hard/Insane. This could normally be solved easily by increasing SV of Normal to say 1.20, but then because of how easy Easy already is, there'll be a problem there instead. ( Your horse I understood. But my style ... And therefore, will not change ... Sorry..... )
I dunno, I really don't know how to fix this with as little effort as possible. I've asked 2 BATs + 1 alumni about this (UnitedWeSin, Niva and Shiro), and they all had different opinions to give, so I suppose I'll discuss this more with the rest of the BAT in the meantime. Also have my thoughts on your diffs. with difficulty spread aside.

  1. If there's anything I don't like about this difficulty, it's how you often don't make good use of the available mapping area.
00:08:256 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - For instance, you have put these beats all on the right side of the playing area, for a full 11 seconds to boot. There's nothing wrong in making your sliders blanket each other and the beats, but please do look at the whole map when not just object by object. I highly suggest remapping this section and use the left side of the screen more. ( no... ) I understood what you say. But I will not change ...
00:23:153 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6) - Why you have copy and pasted this whole section is beyond me. Well at least overall with this and the section afterwards before the spinner, you make better use of the available mapping area. (No. ..) does not change.
00:49:636 (1,1) - Seeing how this easy is very easy with every beat being spaced 2/1 apart, I do think that the (1) beat afterwards comes too soon in comparison. However, just leaving it blank wouldn't be very nice as well. I suggest removing the spinner and mapping out the small section where the spinner was. You can do two hitcircles, a 2/1 slider or a 2/1 slider with a repeat to keep consistency with the rest of the diff. (No. ..) does not change.
00:52:118 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - Again, for a good 15 seconds or so, you've predominantly stuck to the top right hand corner of the field. I again highly suggest remapping this section to make the map move around the playing field more. (No. ..) does not change.
01:11:153 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - An example of how you quite easily moved from one side of the map to the other. (No. ..) does not change.

  1. Better in that you move around the field a bit more, but still some areas which bug me.
00:17:360 (4,1,2,3) - You've just come down from the top right of the map into the middle left area, so why go back up (and down) this side? Move down instead of going back up. The bottom right of the screen is feeling a bit neglected too, so move there a little. (No. ..) does not change.
00:34:325 (2) - No reason to stack with (4), pointlessly returning to the same spot. How about moving it so it's 180 degrees above (4) at x:384 y:72? Small change, quite a difference. ( Done ) x384 y72 change
00:41:360 (3,4) - Again, you just came from the left side, why move back there? Well, you move around better afterwards, so this one isn't as bad. (No. ..) does not change.
00:58:325 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - Again, the issue of staying around in the same area of the screen. ^ (No. ..) does not change.
01:08:670 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Sticking around the top right of the screen. (No. ..) does not change.

  1. Apart from the fact that you use the same patterns over and over and over again (e.g. 00:02:877 (2,3) , 00:08:670 (2,3) and 00:09:911 (5,6) ), the difficulty was quite pleasant to play. But that's all, pleasant. Using a lot more varying patterns and rhythms would have made the difficulty a lot better and interesting.
(No. ..) does not change.

SC's Insane:
  1. Probably the best diff. in the mapset. Not particularly good, but at least it makes good use of the playing area and is pretty fun to play.
  2. I do think that the soft-hitnormal is too soft, but it just might be my sound settings.
  3. But that bass drum sound can be annoying, e.g. at 00:35:567 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) . Should be used sparingly, like you mainly do throughout the diff.
Popping until further discussion with BATs, to prevent accidental ranks and the like.

TheVileOne wrote:


00:08:256 (1,2,3) - Equal spacing here. solved!
00:31:429 (1,2) - I don't agree with this flow, but it's fine as a transition.
00:43:842 (2) - Curves around 1 quite poorly. This can be better.

That's all.
Thanks for modding!

YGOkid8 wrote:

SC's Insane:
  1. Probably the best diff. in the mapset. Not particularly good, but at least it makes good use of the playing area and is pretty fun to play.
  2. I do think that the soft-hitnormal is too soft, but it just might be my sound settings.
  3. But that bass drum sound can be annoying, e.g. at 00:35:567 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) . Should be used sparingly, like you mainly do throughout the diff.

    solved all!
Popping until further discussion with BATs, to prevent accidental ranks and the like.
Thanks for modding!
hitsounds from 00:23:153 - to around 00:28:842 - are way, waaaay too soft. i changed my sound settings back to normal without bass, reduce music volume to 30%, and after all that, i can only just make out the soft-hitnormals. in fact, i cannot hear the soft-hitnormals at all except for during the last kiai time, and even then i can barely hear them.

for the soft section which is currently at 25%, i say increase it to around 50%.

00:36:394 - for the timing point here, 60% if you want a gradual increase. in terms of volume, it's not that much different compared to the kiai time section.

00:29:773 - i know in the other difficulties you have the bass drum sound on pretty much every white tick, but since there's not much going on in normal, i think it'd be better to only have that sound on white ticks 1 and 3.

sc's insane:
for the intro and the kiai section, i don't mind if you put the bass drum sound on every white tick. gives it much more needed oomph.

will rebubble once all is done, since most BATs seem to agree that difficulty spread is fine.
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[ Zzz ]

YGOkid8 wrote:

hitsounds from 00:23:153 - to around 00:28:842 - are way, waaaay too soft. i changed my sound settings back to normal without bass, reduce music volume to 30%, and after all that, i can only just make out the soft-hitnormals. in fact, i cannot hear the soft-hitnormals at all except for during the last kiai time, and even then i can barely hear them.

for the soft section which is currently at 25%, i say increase it to around 50%. ( Done ) 25% > 50% Complete change

00:36:394 - for the timing point here, 60% if you want a gradual increase. in terms of volume, it's not that much different compared to the kiai time section.
( Done ) 55% > 60% Complete change

00:29:773 - i know in the other difficulties you have the bass drum sound on pretty much every white tick, but since there's not much going on in normal, i think it'd be better to only have that sound on white ticks 1 and 3. ( Done ) 1 and 3. Complete change

sc's insane:
for the intro and the kiai section, i don't mind if you put the bass drum sound on every white tick. gives it much more needed oomph.

will rebubble once all is done, since most BATs seem to agree that difficulty spread is fine.

YGOkid8 wrote:

sc's insane:
for the intro and the kiai section, i don't mind if you put the bass drum sound on every white tick. gives it much more needed oomph.

Don't have change.
thanks for modding!
everything looking good except for one thing... soft-slidertick2.wav

since you change to S:C2 from S:C1 on ticks in easy and normal, i assume you meant to have the clap sound on them, but there's none of that in the song folder :P

get that fixed up so we can finally rebubble this!
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[ Zzz ]

YGOkid8 wrote:

everything looking good except for one thing... soft-slidertick2.wav

since you change to S:C2 from S:C1 on ticks in easy and normal, i assume you meant to have the clap sound on them, but there's none of that in the song folder :P ok ( Done ) s:c2 > s Been changed!

get that fixed up so we can finally rebubble this!
deleted unnecessary inherited sections as there's no longer a soft-hitclap2.wav, and now rebubbled.
01:21:084 (3) - missed finish hitsound on ending (to make it consistent with 'Hard' and 'Insane')

01:21:911 (2) - missed finish hitsound (to make it consistent with 'Hard' and 'Insane')

00:57:704 (6) - add clap here? You used the double claps for this part later on @01:04:325 (6) - (either remove the clap from the 2nd or add it on the 1st)
01:10:946 (6) - ^if you added the clap, add it here as well to make it consistent
00:54:601 (1) - do NOT use claps on the blue ticks here. The claps should go on the white '2' and '4' ticks (like 00:58:325 - ). You don't map the white ticks and follow the vocals instead therefore the use of the clap hitsound on the blue tick makes no sense and often will throw players off the beat (it feels like your map is stumbling over something). I highly recommend to remove the clap from the turning point and only use the whistle hitsound for this!
00:57:911 (1) - ^same
00:59:567 (4) - ^same
01:01:222 (1) - ^same
01:04:532 (1) - ^same
01:06:187 (4) - ^same
01:07:842 (1) - ^same

[SC's Insane]
00:54:394 (1,2,3) - this completely breaks the follow you used before (and after) this point. I can see why you used the stream transistions for the later drumrolls but I can't hear anything here. In fact, the song suggests a 1/2 beat here and NOT a 1/4 triplet. I recommend you remove 00:54:498 (2) - to match the song and your previously used patterns.

There are some major timing/beatplacement errors you should focus on:
01:16:532 (7,8,1) - you start the mapping of the drumroll too late. The drumroll starts @01:16:532 (7) - in the song and you should also map it like this (otherwise your map would not reflect the song/beat)
01:16:946 (1,2,3) - wrong timing! This part of the drumroll is in 1/6 but you mapped 1/4. I already talked to YGOkid8 about this and I will do what I always do in these situations: I recommend changing this to something that is something players can expect/anticipate on the first play (1/6 changes are NOT something you would expect here) but still fit the song. You should fix the missing notes of the drumroll from the previous point anyway so you could just cover the 1/6 with a 1/2 slider to connect the two drumroll streams. Suggestion:
You can come up with your own solution if you want (even if you want to map the 1/6 notes).
Topic Starter
[ Zzz ]

p3n wrote:

01:21:084 (3) - missed finish hitsound on ending (to make it consistent with 'Hard' and 'Insane')

01:21:911 (2) - missed finish hitsound (to make it consistent with 'Hard' and 'Insane')

00:57:704 (6) - add clap here? You used the double claps for this part later on @01:04:325 (6) - (either remove the clap from the 2nd or add it on the 1st)
01:10:946 (6) - ^if you added the clap, add it here as well to make it consistent
00:54:601 (1) - do NOT use claps on the blue ticks here. The claps should go on the white '2' and '4' ticks (like 00:58:325 - ). You don't map the white ticks and follow the vocals instead therefore the use of the clap hitsound on the blue tick makes no sense and often will throw players off the beat (it feels like your map is stumbling over something). I highly recommend to remove the clap from the turning point and only use the whistle hitsound for this!
00:57:911 (1) - ^same
00:59:567 (4) - ^same
01:01:222 (1) - ^same
01:04:532 (1) - ^same
01:06:187 (4) - ^same
01:07:842 (1) - ^same

Easy , Normal ,Hard Mod !! All ok~ Done!!

[SC's Insane]
00:54:394 (1,2,3) - this completely breaks the follow you used before (and after) this point. I can see why you used the stream transistions for the later drumrolls but I can't hear anything here. In fact, the song suggests a 1/2 beat here and NOT a 1/4 triplet. I recommend you remove 00:54:498 (2) - to match the song and your previously used patterns.

There are some major timing/beatplacement errors you should focus on:
01:16:532 (7,8,1) - you start the mapping of the drumroll too late. The drumroll starts @01:16:532 (7) - in the song and you should also map it like this (otherwise your map would not reflect the song/beat)
01:16:946 (1,2,3) - wrong timing! This part of the drumroll is in 1/6 but you mapped 1/4. I already talked to YGOkid8 about this and I will do what I always do in these situations: I recommend changing this to something that is something players can expect/anticipate on the first play (1/6 changes are NOT something you would expect here) but still fit the song. You should fix the missing notes of the drumroll from the previous point anyway so you could just cover the 1/6 with a 1/2 slider to connect the two drumroll streams. Suggestion:
You can come up with your own solution if you want (even if you want to map the 1/6 notes).

p3n wrote:

[SC's Insane]
00:54:394 (1,2,3) - this completely breaks the follow you used before (and after) this point. I can see why you used the stream transistions for the later drumrolls but I can't hear anything here. In fact, the song suggests a 1/2 beat here and NOT a 1/4 triplet. I recommend you remove 00:54:498 (2) - to match the song and your previously used patterns.

There are some major timing/beatplacement errors you should focus on:
01:16:532 (7,8,1) - you start the mapping of the drumroll too late. The drumroll starts @01:16:532 (7) - in the song and you should also map it like this (otherwise your map would not reflect the song/beat)
01:16:946 (1,2,3) - wrong timing! This part of the drumroll is in 1/6 but you mapped 1/4. I already talked to YGOkid8 about this and I will do what I always do in these situations: I recommend changing this to something that is something players can expect/anticipate on the first play (1/6 changes are NOT something you would expect here) but still fit the song. You should fix the missing notes of the drumroll from the previous point anyway so you could just cover the 1/6 with a 1/2 slider to connect the two drumroll streams. Suggestion:
You can come up with your own solution if you want (even if you want to map the 1/6 notes).
Solved all!

Thanks for modding and easy code.
[SC's Insane]
00:54:498 (2) - this overmapped note is still here :( Either explain to me why you need to overmap this triplet or remove this note.

I'll be online for some time today so just catch me ingame as soon as you decide what to do ;)

p3n wrote:

[SC's Insane]
00:54:498 (2) - this overmapped note is still here :( Either explain to me why you need to overmap this triplet or remove this note.

I'll be online for some time today so just catch me ingame as soon as you decide what to do ;)
Ok, I see.
I will fix it by 1/2beat.
Ok, fixed the Title and Source...that looks better now ^^

Good job, have this (>^_^)>
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p3n wrote:

Ok, fixed the Title and Source...that looks better now ^^

Good job, have this (>^_^)>


Thank you p3n!!
Dark Fang
:o congratz :3/
랭크 축하드립니다 :3

Title was fixed, now is wrong once again.
Raging Bull

oh crap didn't know it was ranked.

Congrats also.
p3n, are you sure about the title? all other ranked versions (of which there are quite a few) have the other. i haven't searched it up myself, but it might've been officially released as that name.

edit: yeah see Andrea's post above.
Changed the title back. There is only one source with the "- TV Size -" title but I don't mind either way ;)
2번째 랭크 ㅊㅋㅊㅋ
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HelloSCV wrote:

2번째 랭크 ㅊㅋㅊㅋ
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Oyatsu wrote:

축하드려요~~ :)
Gratz!!~ :D
Gratz :3/
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Thank you Everything
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