
Graphics Factory ✿ by mirchi | open!

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Rules for Requesting

· use the forms below

· do not provide low quality images

· every 4 weeks you are allowed to request:
one avatar + one signature + one userpage

· do not post the same request on other threads

· do not re-edit my works


Avatar Form

Request: Avatar
Extra info:


Signature/Userpage Form

Request: Signature/Userpage
Extra info:

Avatar Examples
Signature Examples
Userpage Examples
Im interested in this one And, could you please find a compatible Signature with this? If you have some time. And can I have it? Oh and Who's her name btw?
Topic Starter

Raiken45 wrote:

Im interested in this one And, could you please find a compatible Signature with this? If you have some time. And can I have it? Oh and Who's her name btw?
uhm ''have it'' as in, using the avatar without anyone else using it? in that case i could delete it from the collection if you want.
i'm not that good with signatures, but i'll give it a shot. don't expect too much ;w;
and her name is Suzu, but i don't know where she's from.

Mirchi wrote:

Raiken45 wrote:

Im interested in this one And, could you please find a compatible Signature with this? If you have some time. And can I have it? Oh and Who's her name btw?
uhm ''have it'' as in, using the avatar without anyone else using it? in that case i could delete it from the collection if you want.
i'm not that good with signatures, but i'll give it a shot. don't expect too much ;w;
and her name is Suzu, but i don't know where she's from.
Yeah I mean using the avatar without anyone else using it. I want it I want itt~
Okay okay. :)
Suzu? Hee, Interesting. If you have some time please make the Sig kay? The size is 472 x 132 with border :3
Image: ... 5owgtt.png
Size: 1x 128x128 and 1x 150x150 if possible ^^
Text: Dew
Text type: clipped
Border type: square
Background: Yes
Extra info: -/-
If it's too difficult to make a Suzu signature, you can use Yatogami Tohka for the signature. If you use it, please give a "Raiken45" with a little dark purple color. If it's still Suzu, use a bright blue for the font.

Found a pic of her, but the quality is too-
If you make my Tohka pic, please add a Glass Effect, and my name with a nice font. And also please make 2 ver. Oh and make a blunt corner with a black border, dont make the border too bold. The first one with "Raiken" Words, the second one with "45" number. Kthxbye. :)
Image: ... 66-768.jpg
Size: 128x128
Text: CalignoBot
Text Type: Stroked
Border Type: N/A
Background: Yes
Extra Stuff: If my username takes up too much space, splitting it up to "Caligno" and "Bot" on top and bottom works well too.

Danke :)
Topic Starter
yay, my first requests are done!
if there's anything you want me to change, don't be afraid to ask ♥

omgsh i already made the signature before your last post ;; i just didn't post it yet so i could do some touch ups as soon as i woke up. is it ok like this? you don't have to use it if you don't like it. i do this for fun after all :>

//i hate borders

mmh, this was kind of difficult to work with. i hope it looks ok?

Image: ... 604kj3.png
Size: 128x128
Text: Dumie
Text Type: Clipped
Border Type: N/A
Background: no
Extra Stuff: thanks~
Topic Starter
actually mirchi-san, can you make the text stroked :3, it's kinda hard to see the text. sorry bout it =w=ll
Topic Starter

Dumie wrote:

actually mirchi-san, can you make the text stroked :3, it's kinda hard to see the text. sorry bout it =w=ll
yes, of course! i mixed both text types in one. does it look better now? ^^
(the avatar is updated on my previous post. if you don't see any changes you have to wait a few minutes for it to update.)

oh also!
welcome to the community Raiken and Dumie ♥

Mirchi wrote:

mmh, this was kind of difficult to work with. i hope it looks ok?

Looks good. Thanks :)

Mirchi wrote:

Thank You i like it :3
yes, of course! i mixed both text types in one. does it look better now? ^^
(the avatar is updated on my previous post. if you don't see any changes you have to wait a few minutes for it to update.)

oh also!
welcome to the community Raiken and Dumie ♥

Thanks ^3^, i looks great :D

Mirchi wrote:

yay, my first requests are done!
if there's anything you want me to change, don't be afraid to ask ♥

omgsh i already made the signature before your last post ;; i just didn't post it yet so i could do some touch ups as soon as i woke up. is it ok like this? you don't have to use it if you don't like it. i do this for fun after all :>

//i hate borders

mmh, this was kind of difficult to work with. i hope it looks ok?

That's cool! Thank you, Let me use it as my sig. :)

PS : Wait for my next request! :3
Hi Mirchi! I have a request for u! :B


• Image:
• Size: 128x128
• Text: Bluerevein
• Text type: Clipped
• Border type: Square
• Extra info: ///

Thx! :3
Topic Starter
if there's anything you want me to change, don't be afraid to ask ♥

Anyaa! New Request~



PS : You can crop it
• Size: 640 x 320.
• Text: Raiken
• Text type: Clipped.
• Border type: No border
• Background: (yes/no. only optional if the image is a render)
• Effects: (e.g. color effects, sparkles) Something interesting for the Fox!
• Rounded corners: Nope.
• Extra info: Just make it interesting~

PS : Can I request for 2nd version? the 2nd one's pic is same as this request. But the size is different 472 x 132. with Rounded corners and border. If you have some time, make the 2nd one too pwease. Thank you. :3
Topic Starter
omgsh this is supposed to be an avatar requests thread ;;
i do have fun while making signatures tho, i just don't think they're really good :<
b-but if you really want them .. my pleasure ~

tell me if you want anything changed :3

• Image: ... sample.jpg
• Size: 128x128
• Text: AbusedBurrito
• Text type: clipped
• Border type: square
• Background: no
• Effects: no
• Rounded corners: no
• Extra info: no ;_;

Thanks in advance!
it's perfect, thx! :3
Topic Starter
if there's anything you want me to change, don't be afraid to ask ♥

• Image:
• Size: 128x128
• Text: Tadaneko
• Text type: clipped
• Border type: square
• Background: no
Topic Starter
• new free avatars! (female, miscellaneous, couple&group)

if there's anything you want me to change, don't be afraid to ask ♥

Edit: added a version with better visible text, just in case :3

Mirchi wrote:

omgsh this is supposed to be an avatar requests thread ;;
i do have fun while making signatures tho, i just don't think they're really good :<
b-but if you really want them .. my pleasure ~

tell me if you want anything changed :3

Whoa, Perfect. Wait for my 3rd time! But I think I'll request an avatar later, just wait just wait. Nyahaha.
• Image:
• Size: 128x128
• Text: Attack! (and one without text, if it possible)
• Text type: Clipped
• Border type: square
• Background: yes
• Effects: -
• Rounded corners: -
• Extra info: -

thanks ^^
Yasen Baka
I like one of your free images, so may I make a request with it?

Image: ... la/006.png
Text: MGSnake
Text type: Clipped
Border type: Square
Effects: Something cool

Mirchi wrote:

if there's anything you want me to change, don't be afraid to ask ♥

Looks awesome, thanks! if you could, can you change the text type to make it a bit more visible? maybe stroked perhaps? Sorry for the trouble :S that was my fault for asking it to be clipped
Topic Starter
mmh, visibility of the text seems to be an issue here owo
i personally think it's prettier when the text doesn't pop out too much, but i guess i'm one of the few hehe :3
i'll try to make them more visible from now on then! :>

tell me if you want me to delete the avatar from the collection, so no one else will use it ^^

don't worry about it! i'd change anything you want ~
does it look better now? ^^

Raiken45 wrote:

Whoa, Perfect. Wait for my 3rd time! But I think I'll request an avatar later, just wait just wait. Nyahaha.
hehe i'll be looking forward to your request :3
requests are once every two days, don't forget! ^^
thank you :)
Yasen Baka
Thank you very much for the avatar.
I suppose you could delete if from the collection.
Looks great! Thank you so much! C:
Omg, you're graphics are so kawaii ♥
If you don't mind can i request two things

• Image: ... 65hh5b.png
• Size: 128x128
• Text: Keiti (One with and without please)
• Text type: Clipped
• Border type: -
• Background: No
• Effects: -
• Rounded corners: -
• Extra info: -

• Image: ... 20saru.jpg
• Size: 472x132
• Text: Keiti (One with and without)
• Text type: Clipped
• Border type: One without a border and one with a rounded border.
• Background: (yes/no. only optional if the image is a render)
• Effects: Sparkles and maybe color effects, not bothered aslong as it matches my icon
• Rounded corners: Same as border type.
• Extra info: Make it match my icon you're making me? C:

Gah, once again, sorry for asking for so much but you're graphics are so pretty i can't help it
Take your time
Topic Starter
omg you-
your own graphics are so much prettier ;w; but of course i don't mind ♥
i wasn't really sure how to match the icon with the siggie other than changing up the colors a bit..
don't be afraid to ask if you want anything changed ~


Mirchi wrote:

omg you-
your own graphics are so much prettier ;w; but of course i don't mind ♥
i wasn't really sure how to match the icon with the siggie other than changing up the colors a bit..
don't be afraid to ask if you want anything changed ~

Lies, i suck.
Anyway that was so quick, i haven't posted in my thread for a while because i'm being lazy and cant be bothered to finish them.
They're perfect <3
Hello Mirchi it's me again, this time i want a Signature ^^

Image: ... png.45970/
Size: 400x125
Text: Dew
Text type: clipped
Border type: Rounded
Background: Yes
Effects: Some colors
Rounded corners: 10px
Extra info: -/-

hope it's no problem for you ._.
Also if you don't mind can i claim this avatar?

if yes please add my name on it, your text is so cute
• Image: ... &id=632442 (without the "Len" name please)
• Size: 128x128
• Text: Miyneko (One with and without please)
• Text type: Clipped
• Border type: -
• Background: One with and without PLEASE!!
• Effects: - mmm no idk.. (not something blurry) I prefer a clean avatar
• Rounded corners: -
• Extra info: I don't know make it good, I trust of your work.. I love your style ^^

• Image: (do the download for high quality, I hope you know)
• Size: 472x132
• Text: Miyneko
• Text type: Clipped
• Border type: Rounded
• Background:yes
• Effects: somenthing cool!
• Rounded corners: 10px
• Extra info: -

• Image: All the Miscellaneous
• Size: Avatar size
• Text: Strength-
• Text type: As you like to i trust you
• Border: ...
• Background: it has background already no ?
• Effects: Sure whatevah if it will be pretty idont think so although
• Rounded corners: nah
• Extra info: uhm thx iguess
Hello, signature please C:

• Image:
• Size: Up to you c:
• Text: CsavarNat16 (I want to see both using and not using)
• Text type: Clipped
• Border type: Rounded
• Background: No
• Effects: Beautiful o3o
• Rounded corners: 10px
• Extra info: -

Thank you :D
Topic Starter
hi :3
sorry for the ones who have to wait ;w;
i lost all my creativity for today, so i'll work on them tomorrow :>

tell me if you want anything changed ♥

mmh, i hope this looks ok? ;w;

removed it from the collection too ~

Miyneko (Avatars)
sorry i'm really bad at rendering, so i can't remove the background ;;

Thank you Mirchi i like it :3 keep it up

Mirchi wrote:

hi :3
sorry for the ones who have to wait ;w;
i lost all my creativity for today, so i'll work on them tomorrow :>

tell me if you want anything changed ♥

mmh, i hope this looks ok? ;w;

removed it from the collection too ~

Miyneko (Avatars)
sorry i'm really bad at rendering, so i can't remove the background ;;

Oh nonono, Don't worry! Amazing work, I love it with background!.. but the only thing :'( I can't see the ears.. it was impossible to show them? a little bit? anyway no problem ^^ good job I prefer without text.. i don't know maybe the text only white with black border? and a little bit diagonal? I love the front btw..

Mirchi wrote:

hi :3
sorry for the ones who have to wait ;w;
i lost all my creativity for today, so i'll work on them tomorrow :>

tell me if you want anything changed ♥

mmh, i hope this looks ok? ;w;

removed it from the collection too ~

Miyneko (Avatars)
sorry i'm really bad at rendering, so i can't remove the background ;;

Once again it's amazing but i'd love it if you could raise the text up a bit more because its a bit too much near the edge and maybe left a bit more? C:
also can you add a dark pink border around it?
Topic Starter
don't be afraid to ask if you want anything changed ~

mmh does it look better now? ^^
told chu i wouldn't forget ♥


Mirchi wrote:

don't be afraid to ask if you want anything changed ~

mmh does it look better now? ^^
told chu i wouldn't forget ♥

I LOVE THE SIGNATURE ^^ THANKS. Oh.. I had a bad idea for the avatar..I believe It's better without ears!.. your first work was the best :) mm I think my nick is too long.. can you try to write only ''Miy'' on the first avatar? the one that I'm using.. maybe on the head (or where you think it's better np) and a little bit diagonal? 1 white with black border (simple) and one with clipped? I know that I'm bothering you :( but I really love your work! I want it to be perfect lol

Mirchi wrote:

don't be afraid to ask if you want anything changed ~

mmh does it look better now? ^^
told chu i wouldn't forget ♥

Topic Starter
tell me if you want anything changed :3

haha don't worry! it's oki ♥ at least you know what you want :3

omg your current siggie is so pretty ;;


Mirchi wrote:

tell me if you want anything changed :3

omg your current siggie is so pretty ;;

Yes I know, thanks to Miyu :3
But.. yeah, I like to change to change my avatar/signature when I feel like it (So, if people look at them, it wouldn't be the same / boring (no offense, pls ;; ))
And I appreciate everyone works. :)
Also, thank you for your hardwork :D
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