thought it doesnt looks too awful so might as well release it
really sorry I had to commit the crime of not embeding screenshot but the post will explode if I do so
read me
- It blew my mind that I had to explain this but no, you do not need to download this to use the skin
- Message me if you need source file for other aspect ratio
- If you for some reason have fancier monitor ratio,just ask me to do it instead of trying yourself
- I tried to make it as easy to understand as possible but its psd afterall
today(11/11) is Azusa's birthday which coincidentally is also the day I started skinning
kinda crazy to think that its been a whole year
thanks alot to people that supported me throughout this entire year whether it be good or bad way
this is most likely my last skin but eh, who knows

kinda crazy to think that its been a whole year
thanks alot to people that supported me throughout this entire year whether it be good or bad way
this is most likely my last skin but eh, who knows
this post was locked by my request and would not be featured anywhere else