
ALiCE'S EMOTiON - Gods Garden

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Tuesday, December 03, 2013 at 8:38:15 PM

Title: Gods Garden
Source: Touhou
Tags: nitori kawashiro th10 mountain of faith gensokyo gods loved 3L redalice forlane rei
BPM: 130
Filesize: 6473kb
Play Time: 03:43
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2.15 stars, 188 notes)
  2. Hard (4.77 stars, 507 notes)
  3. Luna Luna (5 stars, 221 notes)
  4. Normal (3.81 stars, 281 notes)
Download: ALiCE'S EMOTiON - Gods Garden
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

-Original: 神々が恋した幻想郷 / The Gensokyo the Gods Loved
New Lunatic WIP (Luna Luna). RIP old Lunatic
Hi hi Randon mod (#modreqs)

General:(in all diffs)

1 - I do not know much about multiple sessions of BPM over here 00:16:691 should have another red section of BPM 130 as without it the rhythm WHOLE map is wrong the hits are off the beat
2 - try putting the notes stacked so best not to get too disorganized beatmap
3 - try creating other rhythms with hit sounds, I saw very few Finish or whistle on your map and you can place and many

00:01:230 - I put this section with the lowest volume (example 30%) the rhythm of this music very calm and quiet in the beginning and decrease in the section to the slide velocity x0,75 like you did here 03:13:230
00:13:460 (5) - an example of what I said above (general) try to put the hit stacked to not get too disorganized as so many have much over the map will not quote all

00:01:230 - I put this section with the lowest volume (example 30%) the rhythm of this music very calm and quiet in the beginning and decrease in the section to the slide velocity x0,75 like you did here 03:13:2301

no comments

completed the mapping and then see what I can suggest ok

your mapping style is very good and fun :)
see some more beatmaps ranked and try use a little like references will greatly help in your Beatmap
Heyah, great mapset you have there!

I just have a few minor suggestions. ~
  1. 00:02:845 (1,1) - remove NC
    It's great that there are no too long combos but in the beginning it might be easier to read
  2. 00:06:537 (1,1) - same here, might want to make NC here though: 00:08:845 (5) and remove it from 00:10:691 (1,1) as well
  3. 00:08:845 (3) - the end is a bit too far off from the circle, move it more to the left
    unless that was intentional |D
  4. 00:12:537 (3) - Ctrl+J? that way it follows up the direction of the slider before
  5. the break might bit a bit to long, try to reduce it
  6. 00:58:230 (1,1) - maybe it's better to reduce the spinner length to have more time to find the following slider
  7. 01:13:460 (3,1) - change the curves to bend 3 more 'outwards' and 1 more 'inwards'?
  8. 01:57:307 (1) - same with the spinner as before
  9. 02:12:537 (3,1) - same as before as well
  10. 02:43:922 (1) - starting at this point there are a lot of similar sliders, alternate them
    02:47:614 use the same objects as it's the same beat as before? or replace 02:48:076 (1,2) with one long slider maybe: example
  11. the break definitely is too long. plus there is a break just before, try to map parts of it
  1. break is too long as well v.v
  2. 00:46:230 (1,2,3) - align 1 and 2 better 'around' 3
    like this
    and maybe place 4 where 1 starts (I like patterns that end where they started off. >u<
  3. 01:30:537 - 01:37:922 this part is mappable, consider doing that
  4. 03:41:153 (1) - use a curved slider to match the one before
  1. 00:13:922 (1,2,3,4) - use another pattern here
    you could for example reduce the spinner length and place a fith circle at 00:14:152, then create polygon circles? example
  2. 01:24:999 (1,2,3,4,5) - could use polygon pattern here as well
  3. 01:30:537 (2) - move to x252 y277? and 02:29:614 (4) to x240 y114
  4. 03:13:229 - 30% volume is imo a bit too low, increase it a bit

Didn't find anything in Insane. .o.
Good luck with your map!
Also got here from #modreqs.
Nice song~


  1. Offset should be 1992. Make sure to resnap all notes after.
  1. Two inheriting sections at the same place in Easy at 03:13:230 -, delete one. Also, 30% of the volume there is kinda low indeed, better increase to 40%. That should be changed on the entire mapset.


  1. 00:01:230 (1) - Could've used a little more of symmetry. I mean, all those nodes are quite unnecessary to make this kind of slider. Currently, the left side of it goes downwards much more than the right side, and that should be improved. Take a look:
  1. 00:09:768 - This shouldn't be left unmapped. The "clap" you hear on the song is so strong, I'd love if there was something at that time. You could add just a circle if you want something more simple anyways. Also, the same goes for 00:11:614 - .
  1. 00:40:691 (3) - Move the last two nodes just a little bit down (until the last one matches the x-axis of its head start for symmetry: x:316), it'll smooth the slider up. Here take a look:
  1. 00:58:230 (1) - Spinner should start at 00:59:153 -. It's where the vocals change a bit and you notice it being prolonged. It You could try adding a slider to fill that gap up from 00:58:229 - to 00:58:691 - , which I think would be very nice, since you could make it to the center of the grid, and so making easier to play the upcoming spin:
  1. 01:00:999 (1) - I'd love if there was a finish on the beginning, it sounds great for the kiai. Also consider doing that for the other sliders that are related to the kiai in 02:00:076 (1) - and 03:28:230 (1) - (in the end of slider here).
  1. 01:03:768 (4,1) - Try a blanket between them, it'll play better:
  1. 01:44:384 (3) - Try moving a bit up. Doing that will improve the flow a bit, and you can also make it a little more curved, also being able to do a blanket:
  1. 01:52:691 (1) - Move a bit down just for a better placement, it'll turn something clearer, since it won't be under the fading of 01:50:845 (3) - . Give it a check:
  1. 01:57:307 (1) - Well, if you considered changing that previous spinner I said before on 00:58:230 (1) - you should probably do here for consistency. It's still the best place in my opinion.
  1. 02:06:076 (2) - Should have a clap here.
  1. 02:06:537 (3) - Hmm, you could try matching the curve of the slider before at 02:03:768 (1) - so it won't look something a bit random. You can try making variations placing it up or down too. Here:
  1. 02:07:460 (1,2,3) - Have you considered doing symmetry with them? I think it'll look nice, and in fact I pretty much think that is the point here at all, it just looks that kind of thing that should be changed anyways:
  1. 02:11:153 (2) - You could try making a more deeper curve on the end of it, the blanket with 02:12:537 (3) - would look much better:
  1. Feels more consistent if there was a circle with a finish here, it's better for the break.
  1. 03:41:153 (1) - Spinner should start at 03:41:614 - .


I'd prefer AR at 5. The Normal is currently 4 and the Hard is at 7, and that gap should be decreased a little.
  1. 01:57:999 (1) - This doesn't sound right hmm. It should have something at 01:58:576 - to match even more with the instruments. I'd suggest you to change the pattern here, I honestly think it plays better than your currently one, even if it's 1/3:
  1. 02:01:922 (1,2,3) - Could do symmetry here. Just move (2) aligned to the vertical line and move (3) to match up with (1):
  1. 03:13:922 - Should have a circle here to make a better place for the break, just like in Easy.
  1. 03:28:691 (2) - NC because of kiai, right?
I don't really see any huge issues here. Patterns are great, I just think you could've worked a bit more on the shape of the sliders. Would be nice if there were more blankets.


  1. 00:08:383 - I believe there should be a circle here. I mean, it's where the piano finishes playing its part, would be great if you followed that up.
  1. 00:18:537 (1) - Make a deeper curve, this way you can make a better blanket. You could try just moving a bit up for that though, but I don't like that being under the slider:
  1. 00:29:383 - Feels like you could have rushed until here to match a bit better with the flute. Try replacing the circle at 00:29:153 (5) - for a slider, it's the best pattern you can do here I think:
  1. 00:40:460 (1,2) - Could you make the slider curved a bit more? I'd like if the blanket here was very smooth since the slider is quite long and it looks much better for the map.
  1. 00:58:922 (1) - The spinner at this place doesn't look the best option hmm. I mean, you followed up the vocals, and that's good, but I think the instruments at 01:00:537 - should have a better emphasis. There's already a circle, but yeah, the spinner would do that job a bit better I think. So here, take a look on the new pattern, see if you agree:
  1. 01:47:153 (3) - You should make the curve a little more deeper, it'll make a nice inverted blanket. And it works a lot better for the flow. Give it a check:
  1. 03:11:153 (1,2,3) - Kinda nazi, but if you do a ctrl+h at 03:11:153 (1) - you'll notice they aren't really symmetric. Anyways, just move 03:11:614 (3) - to x:152 y:124 to fix that up.
  1. 03:11:845 (1) - I agree with Squirrel that 30% here is kinda low. Better increase to 40%.
  1. 03:23:153 (1,2,3) - You sure about not doing symmetry with them here? Their placement looks kinda random, would be nice if 03:24:076 (3) - followed up with the first circle (x:100 y:192).
  1. 03:38:153 (2,3) - Would look much better if (3) was "stacked" with 03:37:230 (2) - , just for consistency of the flow. Keep in mind that you'll have to move up a bit 03:38:153 (2) - in order to do that:


  1. 00:21:076 (1) - Consider moving the ending node to the right, that way the slider won't be "off" on the grid.
  1. 01:23:153 (3) - Try following the curve of 01:22:230 (5) - so you can improve the flow:
  1. 03:19:230 (6) - Hmm, I don't know, it doesn't really look nice placing on the center of those circles. I think it'll run smoother if you "closed" those circles.
Lovely Insane, but also feels like some sliders could've been worked a bit better, but nothing that compromise the flow of the diff, which I think it's great.

I like your mapset. Keep going and you'll earn the heart, I'm sure of it.
See ya.
Topic Starter

Squirrel wrote:

Heyah, great mapset you have there!

I just have a few minor suggestions. ~
  1. 00:02:845 (1,1) - remove NC Done
    It's great that there are no too long combos but in the beginning it might be easier to read
  2. 00:06:537 (1,1) - same here, might want to make NC here though: 00:08:845 (5) and remove it from 00:10:691 (1,1) as well Done
  3. 00:08:845 (3) - the end is a bit too far off from the circle, move it more to the left Done
    unless that was intentional |D
  4. 00:12:537 (3) - Ctrl+J? that way it follows up the direction of the slider before Done. Looks better IMO as well
  5. the break might bit a bit to long, try to reduce it Thinking about what to do with it
  6. 00:58:230 (1,1) - maybe it's better to reduce the spinner length to have more time to find the following slider Shortened the length
  7. 01:13:460 (3,1) - change the curves to bend 3 more 'outwards' and 1 more 'inwards'? I don't know what outwards means but I made the 3 bend the opposite way and 1 bend more inward toward the center
  8. 01:57:307 (1) - same with the spinner as before Shortened length
  9. 02:12:537 (3,1) - same as before as well Made same change, kind of
  10. 02:43:922 (1) - starting at this point there are a lot of similar sliders, alternate them Made it so it kinda seems like they wrap around each other (forgot the name for it)
    02:47:614 use the same objects as it's the same beat as before? or replace 02:48:076 (1,2) with one long slider maybe: example Changed into a long slider
  11. the break definitely is too long. plus there is a break just before, try to map parts of it Thinking about what to do with the break
  1. break is too long as well v.v
  2. 00:46:230 (1,2,3) - align 1 and 2 better 'around' 3
    like this Done but I'm not sure if I did it right
    and maybe place 4 where 1 starts (I like patterns that end where they started off. >u< Done and did the same with the pattern right after. Changed the long slider and the repeat slider positioning as well
  3. 01:30:537 - 01:37:922 this part is mappable, consider doing that Mapped
  4. 03:41:153 (1) - use a curved slider to match the one before Curved
  1. 00:13:922 (1,2,3,4) - use another pattern here I just replaced 3 and 4 with a slider because I feel content with the spinner beginning
    you could for example reduce the spinner length and place a fith circle at 00:14:152, then create polygon circles? example
  2. 01:24:999 (1,2,3,4,5) - could use polygon pattern here as well Made it into a pentagon-ish shape
  3. 01:30:537 (2) - move to x252 y277? and 02:29:614 (4) to x240 y114 Moved to x252 y276 and x240 y112 according to my client
  4. 03:13:229 - 30% volume is imo a bit too low, increase it a bit Set it to 40% and adjusted the changes after it (applied to all difficulties)

Didn't find anything in Insane. .o.
Good luck with your map! Thanks for the mod~ :3
Topic Starter

Wolf wrote:

Also got here from #modreqs.
Nice song~


  1. Offset should be 1992. Make sure to resnap all notes after. Changed to 1922. I kind of get at where you want me to set the offbeat at but at, 1992 it was slightly off the beginning of the piano-ish start. (Tested multiple times with 25% speed)
  1. Two inheriting sections at the same place in Easy at 03:13:230 -, delete one. Also, 30% of the volume there is kinda low indeed, better increase to 40%. That should be changed on the entire mapset. Didn't notice that. Thanks for the catch


  1. 00:01:230 (1) - Could've used a little more of symmetry. I mean, all those nodes are quite unnecessary to make this kind of slider. Currently, the left side of it goes downwards much more than the right side, and that should be improved. Take a look:
    TIL that curve sliders can be made that way. Changed
  1. 00:09:768 - This shouldn't be left unmapped. The "clap" you hear on the song is so strong, I'd love if there was something at that time. You could add just a circle if you want something more simple anyways. Also, the same goes for 00:11:614 - . Added more notes
  1. 00:40:691 (3) - Move the last two nodes just a little bit down (until the last one matches the x-axis of its head start for symmetry: x:316), it'll smooth the slider up. Here take a look:
    Moved down to x316
  1. 00:58:230 (1) - Spinner should start at 00:59:153 -. It's where the vocals change a bit and you notice it being prolonged. It You could try adding a slider to fill that gap up from 00:58:229 - to 00:58:691 - , which I think would be very nice, since you could make it to the center of the grid, and so making easier to play the upcoming spin:
    Added slider and moved spinner back
  1. 01:00:999 (1) - I'd love if there was a finish on the beginning, it sounds great for the kiai. Also consider doing that for the other sliders that are related to the kiai in 02:00:076 (1) - and 03:28:230 (1) - (in the end of slider here). Used whistle instead of finish since I've been using it for all the other diffs
  1. 01:03:768 (4,1) - Try a blanket between them, it'll play better:
    Blanketed the note
  1. 01:44:384 (3) - Try moving a bit up. Doing that will improve the flow a bit, and you can also make it a little more curved, also being able to do a blanket:
    Tried the best I can do copy that image
  1. 01:52:691 (1) - Move a bit down just for a better placement, it'll turn something clearer, since it won't be under the fading of 01:50:845 (3) - . Give it a check:
    Moved it down more
  1. 01:57:307 (1) - Well, if you considered changing that previous spinner I said before on 00:58:230 (1) - you should probably do here for consistency. It's still the best place in my opinion.
    Added a note, slider, moved spinner to a later timing and shortened it
  1. 02:06:076 (2) - Should have a clap here. Added the clap
  1. 02:06:537 (3) - Hmm, you could try matching the curve of the slider before at 02:03:768 (1) - so it won't look something a bit random. You can try making variations placing it up or down too. Here:
    That bottom image looks really good so I'm gonna try to copy that
  1. 02:07:460 (1,2,3) - Have you considered doing symmetry with them? I think it'll look nice, and in fact I pretty much think that is the point here at all, it just looks that kind of thing that should be changed anyways:
    Copied 1 and flipped horizontally to bring symmetry.
  1. 02:11:153 (2) - You could try making a more deeper curve on the end of it, the blanket with 02:12:537 (3) - would look much better:
    Curved for better blanket
  1. Feels more consistent if there was a circle with a finish here, it's better for the break.
  1. 03:41:153 (1) - Spinner should start at 03:41:614 - . Replaced last note with a slider and moved spinner forward


I'd prefer AR at 5. The Normal is currently 4 and the Hard is at 7, and that gap should be decreased a little.
  1. 01:57:999 (1) - This doesn't sound right hmm. It should have something at 01:58:576 - to match even more with the instruments. I'd suggest you to change the pattern here, I honestly think it plays better than your currently one, even if it's 1/3:
    Changed but I'm not sure about the positioning of note right after the repeat slider
  1. 02:01:922 (1,2,3) - Could do symmetry here. Just move (2) aligned to the vertical line and move (3) to match up with (1):
    It says 3 was already on the same line as 1. Moved 2 to meet with the verticle line
  1. 03:13:922 - Should have a circle here to make a better place for the break, just like in Easy. Added the note and moved the positioning of the note before
  1. 03:28:691 (2) - NC because of kiai, right? Put in a new combo
I don't really see any huge issues here. Patterns are great, I just think you could've worked a bit more on the shape of the sliders. Would be nice if there were more blankets.


  1. 00:08:383 - I believe there should be a circle here. I mean, it's where the piano finishes playing its part, would be great if you followed that up.Added a note
  1. 00:18:537 (1) - Make a deeper curve, this way you can make a better blanket. You could try just moving a bit up for that though, but I don't like that being under the slider:
    Added the note
  1. 00:29:383 - Feels like you could have rushed until here to match a bit better with the flute. Try replacing the circle at 00:29:153 (5) - for a slider, it's the best pattern you can do here I think:
    Replaced the circle with a slider
  1. 00:40:460 (1,2) - Could you make the slider curved a bit more? I'd like if the blanket here was very smooth since the slider is quite long and it looks much better for the map.
    Curved it for a better blanket
  1. 00:58:922 (1) - The spinner at this place doesn't look the best option hmm. I mean, you followed up the vocals, and that's good, but I think the instruments at 01:00:537 - should have a better emphasis. There's already a circle, but yeah, the spinner would do that job a bit better I think. So here, take a look on the new pattern, see if you agree:
  1. 01:47:153 (3) - You should make the curve a little more deeper, it'll make a nice inverted blanket. And it works a lot better for the flow. Give it a check:
    Inverted blanket looks nice
  1. 03:11:153 (1,2,3) - Kinda nazi, but if you do a ctrl+h at 03:11:153 (1) - you'll notice they aren't really symmetric. Anyways, just move 03:11:614 (3) - to x:152 y:124 to fix that up. Put 3 on the same horizontal line as 1
  1. 03:11:845 (1) - I agree with Squirrel that 30% here is kinda low. Better increase to 40%.
  1. 03:23:153 (1,2,3) - You sure about not doing symmetry with them here? Their placement looks kinda random, would be nice if 03:24:076 (3) - followed up with the first circle (x:100 y:192). I like it better this way with it leading down then a slider facing up
  1. 03:38:153 (2,3) - Would look much better if (3) was "stacked" with 03:37:230 (2) - , just for consistency of the flow. Keep in mind that you'll have to move up a bit 03:38:153 (2) - in order to do that:
    Moved it so it stacks


  1. 00:21:076 (1) - Consider moving the ending node to the right, that way the slider won't be "off" on the grid. Moved the two single notes before so that it can fit on the grid
  1. 01:23:153 (3) - Try following the curve of 01:22:230 (5) - so you can improve the flow:
    Did what the image showed
  1. 03:19:230 (6) - Hmm, I don't know, it doesn't really look nice placing on the center of those circles. I think it'll run smoother if you "closed" those circles.
    Looks better than what I have atm
Lovely Insane, but also feels like some sliders could've been worked a bit better, but nothing that compromise the flow of the diff, which I think it's great.

I like your mapset. Keep going and you'll earn the heart, I'm sure of it.
See ya. Thanks for the high quality mod~
Hi from my queue:
00:01:230 ~ 00:31:460 I suggest you can add some whis
you should work more time on hitsounds ;)
whis and fin is good for this map :)

00:31:922 (1) - NO need NC
01:00:999 (1) - add fin
02:00:076 (1) - ^
02:43:922 (1) -
03:28:230 (1) -

01:00:999 (1) - add fin
02:27:768 (1) - ^
02:43:922 (1) - ^
03:28:691 (1) - ^ and no NC
03:41:614 (1) - add fin
00:06:306 (4) - you can change it to triplet
00:25:230 (1) - ^
00:35:614 (3) - make a right blanket
00:36:537 (1) - you can copy with 00:35:614 (3) after you fixed
01:00:999 (1) - add fin
01:09:191 add a note
01:23:960 add a note
02:00:076 (2) - add fin
03:14:729 add a note
Insane:(I suggest change it to the Lunatic just for touhou diff)
you can add fin as another diff
00:08:845 (1,2,3) - this triplet is late
03:23:845 (4) - you can stack with 03:24:076 (5) -

good luck 8-)
Topic Starter
sjoy's Mod

sjoy wrote:

Hi from my queue:
00:01:230 ~ 00:31:460 I suggest you can add some whis
you should work more time on hitsounds ;)
whis and fin is good for this map :)

00:31:922 (1) - NO need NC Removed the NC but placed a NC on the note before it and removed NC at 00:33:306 (1) -
01:00:999 (1) - add fin Added
02:00:076 (1) - ^ ^
02:43:922 (1) -
03:28:230 (1) -

01:00:999 (1) - add fin Added
02:27:768 (1) - ^ Added
02:43:922 (1) - ^ Added
03:28:691 (1) - ^ and no NC Added / Removed NC
03:41:614 (1) - add fin
00:06:306 (4) - you can change it to triplet Ok
00:25:230 (1) - ^ Changed to triplet
00:35:614 (3) - make a right blanket Tried my best to blanket
00:36:537 (1) - you can copy with 00:35:614 (3) after you fixed Copy pasted + Flipped horizontally
01:00:999 (1) - add fin Added
01:09:191 add a note Added a note
01:23:960 add a note Added a note
02:00:076 (2) - add fin Added finish
03:14:729 add a note Added a note
Insane:(I suggest change it to the Lunatic just for touhou diff) I'll think about it
you can add fin as another diff
00:08:845 (1,2,3) - this triplet is late Added a note right before it so now it's a stream
03:23:845 (4) - you can stack with 03:24:076 (5) - Stacked 4 with 5.

good luck 8-)
Thanks for the mod~
juz asking... still accept GD now ? ~
Topic Starter
I'm pretty content with the mapset already, sorry
Don't let it go grave :c
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