Oh, I almost forgot to shoot a star here o.o
Have your star :3
Have your star :3
Thanks for the mod![ Sana ] wrote:
Hi from my queue Hello
[f e a r's DASH]
00:07:485 (2) - make smootier Done
00:54:172 (1,2,3,4,5) - make same distance Done
01:06:547 (2) - change into circles Not changing, there is sort of a pattern with 3 sliders (2 1/2 sliders, and 1 1/1 slider)
Thanks a bunch!Moway wrote:
Hi cXu, going for a M4M. - Hi~
It might be a good idea to include a custom slidertick hitsound for places like 00:59:985 where there would normally be a strong hit on white line but there's no slider end or circle there. That way you can get some nicer hitsounding going. - I know what you mean, but generally slidertick hitsounds can be confusing for beginners, as they'll believe the sliders end before they actually do. Also, depends on the song, but usually I'm not too fond of slidertick sounds, so yeah![]()
00:15:735 - I think adding a circle here like you have at 00:18:735 would be nice, right now it feels too empty to me. - I just think that having longer pauses is something an Easy should have from time to time, so yeah. Might change this if more people complain about the gap, but yeah.
00:25:485 (1,2) - maybe too difficult for your Easy diff. If you change, probably just making the slider longer and deleting the circle would be fine. - Yeah, this is one of the points I talk about being hard. I tried to be as consistent as possible with it, but if more people think it's too hard, I'll change this around.
00:26:985 (4,5) - ^
00:28:485 (2,3) - ^
00:29:985 (5,6) - ^
00:33:735 - add circle for same reason as the one at 00:15:735 - Same.
00:55:110 (1) - maybe have the spinner end at 00:57:360 instead in order to give beginners more time to prepare for the next object. - ? It ends there already.
01:17:422 (2) - add a slider that ends at 01:17:985. I think it feels better polarity wise so it's less confusing for beginners and I think having too much empty space here doesn't fit as well. - Good point. Fixed (had to rearrange a bit).
01:09:172 (2,3,4) - nazi, but make these reflect across the y-axis - Oh wow they don't, haha thanks, fixed.
Not sure how I feel about all of the stacked circles on sliders in the kiai on this diff. It seems like a lot of a lot of clicking for a Normal, but you did say that the diffs are supposed to be harder than they normally are, so it's probably okay. - Well yeah, let's see![]()
00:48:360 (7,8) - I would prefer for this to jump rather than stack. The rapid movements before this make this stack feel out of place because the timing changes suddenly. I guess the other alternative would be to add a circle at 00:48:547 to make this feel more natural. - I disagree, I think the stopping fits well with how the melody of the piano (? I have no idea what instrument it is) plays here.
00:54:360 (3) - Maybe make this a repeating 1/8 slider to fit the music better. - Don't really think a 1/8 should be here tbh.
That's all. Good luck!
No changes, thanks for the mod c:Moway wrote:
[f e a r's DASH]
00:21:922 (1,2,3) - I don't think this triplet formation fits very well. There isn't really anything in the music to fit it and the hitsounding is a bit too much for this part. Same for the triplet following afterward. I'm fairly sure the first triplet fits the music, not changing that one. As for the second, it's opt to change, I might if it becomes a major problem.
00:22:860 (5) - remove finish from slider end There is a cymbal there, so why not enforce it? No change
00:32:610 (6,7) - this stacked note on the end breaks the flow, unstack this. It was meant to break it and restart at 00:33:547 (1)
00:33:360 - add a circle here There's no music here that would justify it imho
00:39:922 (2) - this SV decrease doesn't fit the music I agree this one is slightly funky, but as it is now, I won't change it as I felt the lyrics enforced sliderspeed changes.
That's all. Good luck!
Thanks a ton for the mod!Unsfamiliar wrote:
Hiya! Hello
f e a r's DASH
00:20:985 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - Neaten this up? i.e. make it regular. Not exaaactly sure what you meant by this. Make a new pattern? Move the current?
00:22:766 (6) - I don't think this note in the triplet is necessary. It's not in the song. Sounds better without it there. Agreed, it was kinda just there for the sake of my OCD, or something like that. Fixed
00:48:360 (2,3) - This is a fairly large gap and doesn't reflect what's in the timeline. Consider using the same spacing as you did with 00:47:985 (1,2). Or if this is intended to be a jump, it's very sneaky. The jump is justified by the music imo, and I also put a NC. (Plus a really personal bias since I love this one so I dont wanna change it T__T)
00:49:860 (3,4,5,6) - Neaten up these. Make them parallel or something. Tbh I kinda like this one aswell, but if it becomes a problem for other modders aswell, I will definitely change it!
01:06:547 (2) - Ctrl+Shift+r this and make the end (2) in line with the start of (3). Sure thing, I tried atleast.
01:07:485 (4,5,6,1,2) - Tidy up. e.g. (4) and (6) are on a different y coordinate. Same with (1) and (2) in the following combo. o god you're right
01:09:172 (4,5) - These two sliders are not perfectly in the same plane. I made a copy of (4) then Ctrl+H, Ctrl+J, (now (5) in the following screenshot) Proof: http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/889170. I have no idea how my eye caught that! This is true, but it was purely intentional. xD I didn't want a massivejumpofdeath.
01:20:985 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Tidy up please. e.g 01:20:985 (1,2,3) are further apart than 01:21:547 (4,5,6). Was this intentional? I kinda forgot orz. But I changed it to become a slight buildup so it should be completely fine now!
Done. No major issues, I'm just being pretentious I know![]()
These are all but mere suggestions, hope you find some of them helpful. Yeah, thanks a lot c:
Until next time
Thanks!Unsfamiliar wrote:
Hiya! From my queue thingo. This is mapped very well, so this will probably by meticulous and annoying.![]()
Anyway, let us begin:
Is stacking appropriate for this difficulty. I've had several people insist that there shouldn't be stacks in [Easy]. Oh well, you know what you're doing, so whatever. - Maaaaaybe not really.Anyhow, yes, stacking in general is discouraged in easier difficulties because they're hard to read and unexpected and whatnot. I do think that they're okay in moderation as long as they're used consistently within the difficulty. Well, if more people think the stacks are too hard, I'll fikusu~
00:57:360 (1,1) - I think you should separate these. Would flow better imo. - Hmm, Depends a bit on how you play maybe. I like the stop here, since I think "DAYS of DASH" is kind of like, "ready, steady, go" type of thing (badexplanations horray), so it makes sense for that part to be less flowy, kind of like a buildup/getready thing before the chorus. And you have time for sme cursor dancing, so yeah
Done. No major issues, I'm just being pretentious I know![]()
These are all but mere suggestions, hope you find some of them helpful.
Until next time
Text shown in red means unrankable stuff (you must fix it)[Easy]
Text shown in red means unrankable stuff (you must fix it)[Hard]
Thanks for taking a look, although I didn't change anything (yet).alvinheriadi wrote:
Text shown in red means unrankable stuff (you must fix it)[Easy]^ Mkay, more people complaining~~ Well, if there're more, I'll be changing this. Still want to keep it for now though.
- 00:25:485 (1,2) - A circle and a slider are hard for beginners, better change to a slider start from 00:25:485 and end at 00:26:235
- 00:26:985 (4,5) - ^
- 00:28:485 (2,3) - ^
- 00:29:985 (5,6) - ^
Text shown in red means unrankable stuff (you must fix it)[Hard]Overall: Your map is harder than others (Easy is normal-ish, Normal is hard-ish). Try to make it more easier
- 00:06:172 (2,3,4,5,6) - I don't allow streams in 160 BPM Hard map. Better change to repeating slider - But I allow streams in 160bpm hard maps, so take that!
- 01:09:735 (5,6,7,8) - ^
Thanks a bunch for modding!OniJAM wrote:
Mod req from my queue~
- Red - Unrankable
- Purple - Highly recommended
- Black - Just suggestion
- General
- Fine
Easy- Make this diff easier (there should be at least one difficulty around ~2.5/3 star difficulty level) - I think the upper limit is around 3.25~ iirc.
- 00:11:985 - 00:12:547 - delete these green lines - Done.
- 00:39:547 - whistle - I prefer the amount of whsitles I have already.
- 00:40:297 - ^
- 01:17:235 - add a circle overlapped 01:17:422 (2) - - I think 1/1 spacing between is easier tbh.
- 01:20:235 - ^
- 01:18:735 (5) - Sampleset Soft fits song better - Disagree, though I missed a normal at 01:17:985 - , maybe that's why.
Normal- 00:18:735 - Sampleset Normal - Intentional doublewhsitle.
- 01:18:360 - ^ or keep 01:17:985 (6,7,8) - soft and add whistle at 01:17:985 (6,7) - , just like you do in Easy diff - I think what I have is fine.
- Others are fine
Hard- 00:05:610 (1) - NC move to 00:06:172 (2) - then delete NC at 00:06:735 (1) - - Done.
- 00:32:422 - whistle
- 00:32:610 (1) - delete whistle
- 00:33:547 - whistle
- 00:35:422 - ^?
- 00:35:610 (1) - delete whistle?
- 00:38:422 (4) - whistle
- 00:38:610 (5) - delete whistle
- 00:39:547 - whistle - This and above I disagree. I think my whistle pattern works pretty fine.
- 00:40:297 - ^
- 00:41:047 - ^ - Done both of these
- 01:06:735 (5) - Additions Soft + whistle - I don't really like normal sampleset + soft whistle for the most part, unless it's for some special part. So yeah, I rarely think it fits, and I don't think it fits here.
- 01:18:360 - Sampleset Normal - Same as other diffs.
Oh, thanks for taking a look, and thanks for the star!sheela901 wrote:
00:05:610 (1,2) - These parts sound weird to me. Maybe change them? - Not sure what's so weird?
00:57:360 (1,2) - Try not to stack them because it'll confused with 00:58:672 (2,3) - Hmm, okay.
No more problems. Good Luck and star!
Legenda wrote:
→ Unrankable things, must fix
→ My human doubts, things to consider
→ Tips & Tricks to make your map better
♥ → Greetings
* → Just comments, not mods
Naked Lines → Mods
Thanks for the mod!OniJAM wrote:
Mod req from my queue~
- Red - Unrankable
- Purple - Highly recommended
- Black - Just suggestion
- f e a r's DASH
- 00:06:360 (2) - Additions Soft + whistle
- 00:15:922 (3) - delete whistle
- 00:20:797 - whistle
- 00:22:672 (5) - Sampleset Soft
- 00:25:110 (1) - , 00:25:860 - , 00:27:360 (4) - whistle
- 00:28:860 - , 00:30:360 (2) - whistle
- 00:32:422 - whistle
- 00:33:172 (7) - delete whistle
- 00:35:047 - whistle, then 00:35:235 - Additions Soft + whistle
- 00:38:422 (7) - missing whistle ^Fixed all
- 00:56:610 (1,2,3,1) - Sampleset Soft This felt kind of wrong so I didn't do this :I
- 01:00:922 (3) - missing whistle Oki
- 01:03:922 (3) - ^ ^
- 01:07:297 - whistle? I didn't do this, but added a few whistles
- 01:08:235 - Additions Soft + whistle
- 01:12:922 (5) - missing whistle
- 01:20:985 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - make them regular hexagon looks better Done
I mod hitsounds better.. hope my mod can help u It did help a lot c:
Nice map, good luck~![]()
Thanks, but no thanks; save yourself the trouble.alvinheriadi wrote:
Your map is unrankable because your easy is way too hard, so i will send you a true easy diff.
Startrick wrote:
00:50:610 (1) - remove NC? - Consistent with 00:43:110 (1,2,1,2) - . This did make me fix combo in easy though xD/b]
00:22:110 (4) -SPOILER[b]^Intentional, as you can see how all three sliders 00:21:547 (1,4,6) - point with their curvyparts inwards
how about this?
Thanks for modding!onepiece314 wrote:
HI HI Fear won a mod
[General Key]
Red is Unrankable
Green is Strong Suggestion
Pink is a Suggestion
you need 1 more taiko map - I know that don't worry, I just haven't gotten to mapping one yet
make this diff easier it has to be 2.5/3 stars it is unrankable - I'll probably try to either nerf this a bit sometime, or make an easier diff.
Key 00:11:235(3) make that slider go straight instead of curved - A curve looks better to me.
Key 00:37:860(2) that should be the same as 1 - Oh, I thought it was. fixed.
Key 00:41:422(4) either make that slider end at 00:42:735 or make a spinner their really is no point for those 2 circles - I change to the drums at 00:41:985 -
Key 00:55:110 make that spinner end at 00:56:985 - Sounds weird to keep "Days of" completely unmapped, which is why I end the spinner at "Days"
if you followed the above suggestion then place a slider here at 00:57:360 and end it at 00:57:735 - Not doing this as easy needs some recovery time after a spinner.
Key01:06:172(1,2) make them blanket - I prefer having this flow straight from the slider, intead of going down with the cursor.
that is all for easy
Key 00:46:860(2) dont put repeat then after repeat removed move tha slider to start on red tick - Flows much better with a repeat on this one, instead of following vocals only, as a 3/2 will feel more awkward to play.
wow nice diff
[Hard] its perfect nya
[f e a r's DASH]
Thx for the mod!rEdo wrote:
[f e a r's DASH]
00:04:110 (3) - this is quite far from previous slider. I'd rather you fixed that.
00:11:610 (1) - start it on the red tick
01:01:485 (1,2,3) - that triplet doesn't necessarily follow anything in the song, I'd rather you rearranged that part a bit. a suggestion: click! Fixed all, I love the suggestion btw.
Thanks for modding an muzu =w=brEdo wrote:
I'm sure you're aware of that, but you need an easier Taiko difficulty in order to get this ranked.omg you gave me a WIP map to mod even though my modding queue says not to so what kind of a shitty BAT you are unBAT CXu plsI feel like trying some Taiko mapping, so I could actually give it a try if you want me to, unless it's supposed to be a Norsk mapset, which I guess it is :P
poke me if you want a Taiko Muzukashii, though.
there's a unnecessary timing section of 88016, but I guess this doesn't matter at all :P - Uhm, what? where? xd
01:06:172 (1,2) - swap new combos? - Done.
00:21:922 (1) - this finish sounds quite overused. - Changed to whistle.
01:22:016 (1) - you already know what I wanna say about that hitsound at its end =w=b - Idk what =w=
00:57:360 (1) - that slider plays quite meh, why won't you make something similiar to Normal? click! - I kinda liked my slider thoughAnyhow fixed.
01:22:016 (1) - =w=b - =W=p
[Kinomi & CXu's Oni]
00:01:110 (1) - there's completely no need to use a large kat here, a small one is enough.
00:22:860 (104) - sounds a lot better if you delete that note
00:31:860 (151) - ^ - Done.
00:55:485 (266) - that plays pretty meh, why won't you use some kats there? (suggestion: kdddkddkk) - Because lazyNo but the drums sound pretty similar to me, so yeah, just going all don sounds/feels more right to me I guess.
00:58:110 (1) - not that big of a deal, but delete that NC here. - Lawl k.
I think CXu should change this one thing for me since it's not that complicated, lol. Thanks for the mod.rEdo wrote:
[Kinomi & CXu's Oni]
00:01:110 (1) - there's completely no need to use a large kat here, a small one is enough. That's not a big deal, but okay.
00:22:860 (104) - sounds a lot better if you delete that note Not removing since you can hear the bass drum at the song.
00:31:860 (151) - ^
00:55:485 (266) - that plays pretty meh, why won't you use some kats there? (suggestion: kdddkddkk)
00:58:110 (1) - not that big of a deal, but delete that NC here.
f e a r told me he's not chaning anything. Thanks for modding!Senbon wrote:
Hello from my queue.
very good maps
EasySPOILER01:01:110 (1) - replace with whistle? - I'm adding a finish every 2 stanza for the chorus... Well kinda :p
NormalSPOILER00:11:797 (2) - ugly slider imo i would curve it more rotate and make ends even - Idk what you mean with ugly, but I actually did fix it a bit. Not by curving it more though, but curving it less to get a slightly better blanket of (2).
01:06:922 (3) - pull middle pin to.. the middle haha and make it more even - Well sure done.
DASHSPOILER01:18:360 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - should pull back some circles to make it look more clean
sorry didn't find much, but that's good
Thanks for modding! And sorry for late replyUnderminE wrote:
Title needs "Tv Size" imo - Well, the rule is to not add these ifno official source has tagged the version with "Tv Size". If you have a reliable source for this, I'll gladly add it!
00:19:110 - use this slider 00:20:610 (6) - as reverse-slider, it follows the vocal better imo - I kinda want to include that downbeat. Just feels better to me. If someone else don't like this I'll change though.
01:19:110 (1,2) - like how you did in this pattern, use same sliders for here too 01:16:110 (1,2) - - Straight is cool
Also just saying this is kind of hard for Easy. - Yeah, I've been busy with some other maps, irl and some stuffs, so I haven't focused much on this one, but I'm definitely either nerfing this, or mapping an easier diff at some point.
00:12:735 (3) - too close - Ops fixed.
00:13:672 (2) - kind of far - No idea why this was on 1.3x. Fixed.
00:26:610 (1) - too far for Normal players - Naah, this should be fine, as it's easy to read as 2 symmetrical patterns, and identical rhythm in the song as well.
01:00:922 - remove NC and 01:01:485 - NC here? - Nah. The NC should be on the downbeat, but it looks ugly to have a different colored stack, which is why the NC is where it is
01:03:922 - remove NC and 01:04:485 - NC here
01:12:922 (1) - same idea ^
no problems with insane \:D/
Good luck, love this song
QFTCXu wrote:
Nanamin > Mashiron
DakeDekaane wrote:
QFT - \:D/CXu wrote:
Nanamin > Mashiron
Oh yeah, hi CXu, incoming mod for M4M. I hope it's useful for you /o/
If you care about true newbies, make a Beginner diff, nerfing the Easy would screw the spread unless you nerf Normal too. - Yeah, I'll think about mapping an easier diff. here.
Gonna focus in Taiko diffs as I can't see many issues in standards diffs.
[rEdo's Muzukashii][Kinomi & CXu's Oni]lazy rEdo wrote:
12:51 rEdo: in reply to Dake's mod (/savelog this and post with your post because I'm too lazy to make my own =w=b):
12:52 rEdo: 00:03:922 (9,10,11) - sure
12:52 CXu: =3=
12:52 CXu: such lazy
12:52 rEdo: 00:09:735 (36) - nope, this note is fine
12:52 rEdo: 00:24:641 - I like it the way it currently is
12:53 rEdo: 00:29:422 (114,115,116) - it's fine for me
12:53 rEdo: 00:34:110 (135) - sure, changed to don
12:54 rEdo: 00:52:110 (203,204,205,206) - these rolls give a nice emphasis that there's a chorus incoming, I like them this way
12:57 rEdo: 01:07:110 (249) - it's supposed to start on a huge white tick, not with vocals
12:58 rEdo: rejected every ddd/kkk suggestion
12:58 rEdo: and I like my dkd
12:58 rEdo: thanks for modding, though!
12:58 CXu: lel
12:58 rEdo: http://puu.sh/7CwPE.osu
12:58 rEdo: =w=b
12:58 CXu: man you'
12:58 CXu: re lazy
00:03:735 (9) - Maybe remove this, I think it's better to stick with the beats the music is offering here.
00:04:860 (16) - Use a don here, it fits better with the instrument you're following here.
00:06:360 (23,24,25,26,27) - Use ddkkd instead? Maybe it's just me but it plays better than kkkkd. Additionally you can add a don in 00:06:828.
00:09:735 (41,42,43,44,45) - Maybe kkddd? It sounds a bit noisy being kkkkd imo.
00:16:110 (73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83) - This part feels a bit weeird as it's not clear what are you following here. I think ddkddkdkkdk fits better with the instrumental here.
00:24:922 (114) - A kat would play nice here.
00:30:641 (144) - Maybe move it 1/4 beat back? Feels a bit weird as the song doesn't have these rhythm with 1/4 doubles and similar.
00:31:672 (151,152) - Maybe use both as don? It fits better for the vocals imo. If you do, you can move 00:32:703 (156) to 00:32:516, to make this part fit even better. - Yes.
00:34:672 (164,165) - ^
00:36:453 (173) - Maybe remove this? - Done.
00:37:672 (180,181) - Change both to don, same reason as a bit above. - Done.
00:40:203 (191) - Move this to 00:40:391, so it keeps certain consistency with the previous patterns. - Yes.
00:42:922 (205,206) - Inverse the color of these notes (keep the finisher in (206)). I think it plays better, or maybe just change the color of the (206). - Changed 206 to d.
00:46:766 (222) - Remove.
00:53:047 (250,251) - Changing these to don would emphasize the vocals in 00:53:610 (253) better. - Done.
01:01:391 (293) - Remove.
01:04:391 (312) - ^
01:07:953 (334) - Move 1/4 beat back and change to a don, these 1/4 doubles doesn't fit at all with the song, imo.
01:10:391 (347) - Remove. - k
01:12:172 (358,359,360,361) - Either move (359) or (360) to form a 1/4 triple here. - Moved 01:12:360 (357) - to the left.
01:13:391 (365) - Remove. - Done.
01:18:360 (390,391,392,393,394) - kkddk plays better here imo. - Changed.
How to taikomap.
00:06:172 (2) - It'd be better if this begins in 00:06:360, as the drums are stronger there. Don't worry too much about the 3/2 as OD2 is very lenient in these cases. Also you could make a blanket here. - Good point, done.
00:18:735 (4) - Maybe remove this too keep the consistency in somehow following the vocal line? - Sure.
00:36:547 (4) - Same as above, you can play a bit with (3) either removing the repeat or moving it to 00:35:610 without the repeat. - Tried using a 2/1 slider.
01:06:172 (4,1) - This feels a bit weird as 01:05:610 (3) is for vocals, but these notes omits various parts and the vocals holding too, try a rhythm like this. Don't forget fixing the corresponding hitsounds. - Made the (1) blue slider as a 1/2 and note.
00:06:360 (2) - As in Easy. - Actually, I'll just map both. It's not like I don't use doubles in this map already.
00:29:610 (1) - Maybe use a 1/2 slider with one repeat here, as the guitar goes stronger here. - Sure.
00:34:110 (1) - Maybe make the curve of this open to the other side, for a smoothie flow. - Well, depends on which part. The current curve works well with (6,1), so I'd like to keep it.
00:44:610 (1) - Remove NC. - Done
00:50:610 (1) - ^
00:52:110 (1,2) - I'd use 1/1 sliders here, I felt the 3/2 ones a bit weird, or you can use circles like in Easy to not make many 1/1 sliders in a row - I'll think about these, but I'll leave it for now, as the vocals seems to end on the red tick.
00:55:110 (3) - Delete this and begin the spinner here, to keep consistency with the other difficulties. - ops.
00:58:110 (1,2,3,4) - I'm a bit afraid of these stacks, but I think they work fine given the spread, just a comment here. - I tried to make them as consistent as possible so hopefully they're fine.
01:15:922 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - These overlaps- Broke distance snap a bit. Hopefully looks better now.
01:19:110 (1,2,3,4) - ^
Use OD6 and HP6 for better spread in these settings. - Fair enough. This was supposed to be the hardest diff until f e a r mapped an insane.
00:06:735 (1) - Remove NC. - Done.
00:11:797 (7,1) - I think this would fit better in a single slider, the noisy instrument is a bit quiet, so better following the guitar. - Good point. Added note at 00:12:547 - for drum.
00:42:360 (4,5,6) - idk why this rhythm fits here >.> - Because drums \o\
That's all from my part good luck, fellow Nanamin lover \o/ - Nanamin is justice.
smallboat wrote:
Hi,Cxu,sorry my English just say some simple sentence. - Hi, and no worries, I understand you.
1.Your diff seems have no achieve rank standard 3.24 stars (Now is 3.27),because the rank rule says the lowest is 3.24 stars. - New star rating gives completely different values. I'm not quite sure what the RC says about star rating now. Anyhow, I'm thinking about mapping a beginner diff, so this shouldn't be an issue.
2.f e a r's DASH diff name should be change f e a r's Insane,because the rank rules,too. p/2725713 - Yeah, oldmap is old. Will fix.
00:15:360 (4) - Have a rhythm at here,add a note? - Decided to go with vocals only here. Same with below.
00:17:985 (3,4) - Change this rhythm ? I feel have a bit pause here before : 00:26:610 (3) - Perhaps you can turn up a bit ,make a curve. - Sure.
00:32:610 (4) - Change this rhythm ? I feel can fit the music ~! - I'm keeping the focus on vocals, so I'll keep it as is here as well.01:13:110 (1,2) - Change this rhythm ? - Hmm, I'd like to avoid 3/2 if I can help it, so keeping as-is.01:21:360 (1) - I think start (vocal) at 01:21:547 ,not here. - Actually, I'm using the drum here, mostly so I can use 1/1 instead of 3/2. Hopefully it works well like this.
00:02:985 (4) - Feel have a bit empty rhythm here, try this rhythm? (Medium add whistle) - It's intended to have a break here, since the main melody stops for a while~SPOILER00:21:360 (5) - Follow vocal? - Well, even with a repeat it still follows vocal nicely. The extra note at the start just helps with rhythm.http://puu.sh/7Cgfy.jpgSPOILER00:25:672 (2,1) - DS - Intended so I don't get ugly overlaps. I don't think it's so big that it's noticeable for people who play the map though.http://puu.sh/7CgqJ.jpg
00:43:110 (1) - Although this pattern so good,but the DS have a bit error. - Yeah it does. Well, as with above, as long as it doesn't really affect readability when playing it should be fine![]()
00:46:860 (2) - Try to stack 00:44:610 (1) ? - Oh sure.
00:02:985 (8) - The reason as the same normal,I think have rhythm here,add a note? - Same as normal.
00:03:360 (9) - ^ (Add whistle)
00:02:610 (7) - If use below idea,this set NC.(Add whistle)
00:15:547 (6) - Why is there have a pause point here? I think have a rhythm here,add a note? - I like having pauses in rhythm like this. Makes the rhythm less monotone![]()
00:36:735 (5) - Perhaps can stack 00:36:172 (4) end. - This one forms a diamond with (4,5,6,1), so no change.
00:48:172 (6) - Stack crooked off? - Tried restacking it.
01:03:922 (1,2,3) - If 01:03:547 (4) can make jump (follow vocal),the I think this slider can make jump,too. - Hmm, I think using triple puts enough emphasis on the next slider. I never use a jump into a triple in this map, so keeping as is.
01:12:922 (1,2,3) - ^
So good,star here~ ! (shoot- Thanks
Xinely wrote:
Hi ~ - Yo =3=
From CXu's queue
- i feel empty on kiai because the clap sounds just emphasize them with sampleset normal. how about use custom hitclap here http://puu.sh/7CjVW.wav ? - Hmm, don't think this one fits well with the song, sorry ;^;
- 00:06:172 (2) - hmm sound of drum on 00:06:735 - quite loud imo here, try to map this one http://puu.sh/7CjLn.jpg with this? and i prefer to make 00:07:110 - is clickable to emphasize cymbal. would be feel better for player - I decided to go with DakeDekaane's suggestion here.
- 00:14:610 (3) - nazi, how about move this circle to 132,128? somehow the flow feels better for me here - 148;140 seems to follow (2)'s curve a bit better.
- 00:15:735 - add note to follow vocal's breath here? since on this part you're following vocal (mostly) - I removed the other one later, so not adding this either
- 00:17:985 (3) - add whistle too for consistency with 00:18:735 (4) - . the music between them are similar imo so yeah, a little bit bothering me - Removed that (4), so it shouuuld work fine now.
- 00:19:110 (1) - remove finish here? no cymbal or strong vocal here. it sounds too noisy here. or if you want to keep at least reduce the volume - True. Done.
- 00:21:547 (1) - same as above - This is just to give more emphasis to the note. I think it's fine.
- 00:23:047 (2) - nazi, blanket could be better here. try move this one to 452,104 - loldone xd
- 00:25:485 (1) - i'm not really like with 1/2 space circle and slider like this because newbie would be confuse with this one imo, remove the circle to make it easier - They're intentional like that (I also use stacks in Normal). I'll map an easier diff for this mapset probably, so I'll keep this.
- 00:26:610 (3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6) - i'm stongly to recommend change these patterns because the 1/2 spaces are really hard for newbie. since you want to emphasize the guitar sounds on red ticks i would be suggest to change them become like http://puu.sh/7CkeA.jpg - I'll be using that for an easier diff instead, thanks!
- 00:32:610 (4) - since you're following piano sound on this circle, i feel little bit odd for skipping piano sound on 00:33:172 - because they're same piano sounds that needs to emphasize together after all, use http://puu.sh/7CkiD.jpg instead (or remove the repeat if you don't want to follow drum sound on 00:33:735 - ) - Sure. I guess it works well since this part is a bit more powerful than the previous, so not having breaks in rhythm would work.
- 00:35:422 (3) - imo the transtition of this slider could be better. design, flow too. i'm unsure but i will suggest http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/1434765 - This part has been reworked.
- 00:38:610 (3) - same mention on 00:32:610 (4) - http://puu.sh/7CkrC.jpg - Yepp, done.
- 00:43:110 (1) - it just my taste, actually i'm not really like to use 2 repeats on here because the flow might be confuse for newbie because repetitively. how about separate this one with 2 sliders instead? - I'll keep this in mind, but leave it for now. I like the feel of repeatsliders for this part.
- 00:44:610 (2) - if you agree, do for this one. and 00:49:110 (1,2) - too
- 00:48:735 (4) - nazi, blanket could be better here with move to 144,56 - hah, done.
- 01:14:610 (3) - nazi, blanket could be better too here. for this one looks a little bit odd for me so i need to mention this one http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/1434780 use approach circle would be fine :3 - Did something, idk if it made it look better xd
- 01:22:110 - add spinner and end to 01:23:235 - for consistency with Normal Hard? it really bothering me because Easy Normal Hard made by you but you did an inconsistent on your diffs. if you don't want use spin, use slider art instead (you're good for this one too lol) - Good question. Added spinner.
- 00:05:610 (1) - aa imo this slider is too curving. flow and design could be better than this one imo, i tried and found http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/1434788 , don't worry inconsistency spacing for next object is allowed now but if you want to make consistent again yeah it's up to you XD - Changed the next slider a bit, so went with http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/1435897.
- 00:10:110 (1,2) - almost overlap between them feel a little bit odd to see for me. try to arrange them a little bit far to avoid overlap? http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/1434792 (still consistent xD) - Done.
- 00:13:110 (1) - try to rotate this one 45 degree clockwise and arrange this slider into like http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/1434796 for better design and flow? - I think the current curve gives the best flow between both (3,1) and (1,2), so keeping.
- 00:19:110 (1) - feel free to reject since it just my taste, imo the slider is too curving here, try to make it smoother? http://puu.sh/7Cl1X.jpg - Looks consistent with the other 1/2 slider curves I use, so keeping.
- 00:23:235 (4) - my taste too here, move this circle to 456,256 to make it become circular flow for previous and next objects? - Sure.
- 00:29:610 (1) - similar with Dekaane's mention, i just posting here to said my opinion too :p - Yeah done.
- 00:37:110 (1) - maybe drag 2nd node here 1 grid up to make the blanket of 00:36:735 (7,8,1) - better to see - Fixed a bit on it. Should be better now.
- 00:40:485 (3) - maybe move to 480,212 to make the flow become a little bit circular. after all it just my taste ~ - I'd keep this as it is, since it works well with 00:41:235 (5) - .
- 00:44:610 (1) - remove NC to keep consistency because you NC'ed every 2 stanza before - Yeah done.
- 00:50:610 (1) - same as above
- 00:57:360 (1) - move to centre position (stacked with 00:58:110 (1) - 's head) instead since it feels too sudden to move on circle placed while the player who play this diff is Newbie - Hmm. If more people think so, I'll do that, but I think it'll be fine whenever I map that beginner diff.
- 00:58:672 (2) - hmm maybe remove this circle? the rhythm feels as Hard here. it would be better to give a little break (even 1/2 space only) for player
- 01:01:672 (2) - 01:04:672 (2) - , 01:06:735 (2) - 01:10:672 (2) - 01:13:672 (2) - 01:17:235 (4) - 01:20:235 (3) - 01:20:985 (5) - same as above - Same as above actually. Also, i really want to keep this, and I've tried to make it as consistent as possible.
- 01:07:860 (5) - since the sound of drum on head and the 01:08:235 - feel different for me, it's odd to make this one with 1/2 repeats slider like this, how about separate this become 2 of 1/2 sliders? - Good point, and probably makes it easier to read as well. Changed.
- HP 7 OD 7 feels as Insane setting here. try use HP 6 OD 6 instead - Yepp, done.
- 00:06:172 (1,2,3,4,5) - these feel too hard here. try to change them become 1/4 slider or reduce the distance each circles around 0,5x instead. would be better to play for player who want to try Hard diff after done to play Normal - Nah, I like these streams
There are only 2 anyway, so it should be fine.
- 00:14:422 (4,5) - i feel the flow between these a little bit forced since you did a different flow for this ones (become straight suddenly), how about keep the curving flow here as http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/1434819 - Actually, I tried to use a lot of triangles/diamonds/Distance snap and stuff in this map. I'm not sure, but this feels fine to me, and I don't want to change the note placements here unless I have to
- 00:24:641 (4,5) - just taste, how about use 0,7x or 0,8x for stream here? it played better and more neater for design imo - I like using the same DS for streams as notes, since then your cursor doesn't need to slow down at all. I think this is fine.
- 00:36:922 (6) - since the sound of this time only drum, how about sampleset drum with finish here for emphasize it? - Added normal-hitnormal, as that's what I use for drumsounds.
- 00:42:641 (5) - since the sound is become weak as red tick on 00:42:547 - , try remove this? and the rhythm here not really good to play for me. remove the circle or do like http://puu.sh/7Cm1i.jpg instead - It's more like a freestyle kind of mapping here, since this isn't the rhythm the drums are actually going, but I really like it, so I'm keeping it
- 00:46:110 (1) - the music on red tick is dissapear here. remove the whistle instead since only vocal appears here - Done.
- 00:55:110 (1) - move spin to 00:55:203 - and add note on 00:55:110 - as you did on Normal. bothering me for consistency lol - Actually, I changed normal to this, since Easy and Hard had the spinner on white tick. No change.
- 01:09:735 (5,6,7,8) - same as 00:06:172 (1,2,3,4,5) - - Yeah, same as that, keeping since I think with the fairly constant flow and generally few streams, it should be oookay. Hopefully.
- Cute flow <3
Sorry i can't mod taiko diffs :<
Kawaii map~ Good Luck ne ~ - Thanks!
Thanks for modding. There are some few things that I changed on my own, but they aren't really that big of a deal.DakeDekaane wrote:
QFTCXu wrote:
Nanamin > Mashiron
Oh yeah, hi CXu, incoming mod for M4M. I hope it's useful for you /o/
[Kinomi & CXu's Oni]
00:03:735 (9) - Maybe remove this, I think it's better to stick with the beats the music is offering here. Yes, I know. But I find it really odd to play kkkd so I'm just gonna stick with it for now.
00:04:860 (16) - Use a don here, it fits better with the instrument you're following here. Sure.
00:06:360 (23,24,25,26,27) - Use ddkkd instead? Maybe it's just me but it plays better than kkkkd. Additionally you can add a don in 00:06:828. I like the way it is.
00:09:735 (41,42,43,44,45) - Maybe kkddd? It sounds a bit noisy being kkkkd imo. I guess it could work.
00:16:110 (73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83) - This part feels a bit weeird as it's not clear what are you following here. I think ddkddkdkkdk fits better with the instrumental here. Changed it a bit on my own.
00:24:922 (114) - A kat would play nice here. Oh right.
00:30:641 (144) - Maybe move it 1/4 beat back? Feels a bit weird as the song doesn't have these rhythm with 1/4 doubles and similar. Changed it into a stream instead.
00:31:672 (151,152) - Maybe use both as don? It fits better for the vocals imo. If you do, you can move 00:32:703 (156) to 00:32:516, to make this part fit even better.
00:34:672 (164,165) - ^
00:36:453 (173) - Maybe remove this?
00:37:672 (180,181) - Change both to don, same reason as a bit above.
00:40:203 (191) - Move this to 00:40:391, so it keeps certain consistency with the previous patterns.
00:42:922 (205,206) - Inverse the color of these notes (keep the finisher in (206)). I think it plays better, or maybe just change the color of the (206).
00:46:766 (222) - Remove.
00:53:047 (250,251) - Changing these to don would emphasize the vocals in 00:53:610 (253) better.
01:01:391 (293) - Remove. Fine![]()
01:04:391 (312) - ^
01:07:953 (334) - Move 1/4 beat back and change to a don, these 1/4 doubles doesn't fit at all with the song, imo. Changed that part a bit on my own.
01:10:391 (347) - Remove.
01:12:172 (358,359,360,361) - Either move (359) or (360) to form a 1/4 triple here.
01:13:391 (365) - Remove.
01:18:360 (390,391,392,393,394) - kkddk plays better here imo.
That's all from my part good luck,fellow Nanamin lover \o/wow everybody knows that mashiron is the best
Go away.KinomiCandy wrote:
That's all from my part good luck,fellow Nanamin lover \o/wow everybody knows that mashiron is the best
Go away.KinomiCandy wrote:
That's all from my part good luck,fellow Nanamin lover \o/wow everybody knows that mashiron is the best
DakeDekaane wrote:
[f e a r's DASH]
You would know that custom diff names like this one aren't rankable anymore, rename to f e a r's Insane. - Yeah, but it spent so long in graveyard again it's allowed now
00:09:266 (2) - This note feels a bit weird, maybe remove it? - Done for all.
00:27:266 (3) - ^
00:38:141 (5) - ^
00:39:266 (3) - ^
00:39:735 (1,2,1,2) - These sudden speed downs doesn't fit very nice here, I'd suggest you to either increase the speed or make it the same as the rest of this part. - Did some slight tweaks to object-positions. Hopefully plays a bit better.
00:47:985 (1,2,3) - I highly suggest to use 1/2 sliders instead 3/4, they compliment the song better. - Tbh, I think these works fine.
00:55:485 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - Personally, double or squarish patterns would play better as each beat (white tick) has stronger emphasis. - Nah, the triangles are cool imo.
01:04:672 (2) - The jump to (3) doesn't feel very good as there's no big impact in the music, you better make it a bit closer, maybe something like this. If you do like in the screen, maybe move (4) to keep the spacing consistent as you have now. - Well the image doesn't exist anymoreAnyhow, it's kind of hard to explain, but it also feels like starting to "run" again after a breather on a long 1/1 slider 01:03:922 (3) . Well, if people think it sucks, I'll change it, but I'll let it be for now.
01:20:235 (4,5) - Maybe increase spacing here to create a bigger jump like in 01:17:235 (5,6). - Sure.
smallboat wrote:
[f e a r's DASH] Perhaps you can add slidrslide hitsound mute the sliderslide sound. - It doesn't really detract from the experience imo, so I'd like to keep the sliderslide.
00:07:110 (1) - Unsnapped here - Fixed.
00:08:235 (4) - Stack 00:07:110 (1) ? - Sure
00:10:485 (2) - Use ctrl+h,wiil found have a bit crooked off. - Not sure what you mean here, but they look the same to me?
00:11:797 (1) - I think you can make the spinner end mute the sound,have good effect. - Shortened the spinner and added a note. A nice effect imo.
00:14:985 (2) - Stack 00:16:110 (5) end? - Not that noticeable, and would ruin some of the curves, so keeping.
00:17:235 (2) - (202|331)? Feel fit the music. - Sure.
00:43:860 (3) - Make jump here? Because you have make jump at 00:43:110 (1,2) (follow vocal),so I think this can make jump here. - This is fine. (1,2) doesn't really feel like a jump at all, considering slider leniency.
00:49:110 (1) - Stack crooked off. - Looks fine to me?
01:04:860 (3) - Have a bit not flow,ctrl+g here? And 01:05:235 (4) move (334|83),I feel flow better. - I dont think the flow is that bad between (2,3) tbh, and the flow would be worse between (3,4,5) if I changed this, so keeping.
01:08:422 (2) - Stack 01:07:672 (5) can fit the music. - That would make this part really close together, and not feel intense, so not changing.
01:12:172 (3) - End stack 01:11:422 (6) ? - Sure.
01:14:047 (2,3) - Make pentagon? - Late so puush doesn't exist anymore. Anyhow, I think the current pattern is fine?SPOILER01:14:610 (4) - Feel ctrl +g is better flow. - Would make awkward flow netweem (3,4) imo.http://puu.sh/7Cip9.jpg
01:20:422 (5) - The vocal is start 01:20:797 here,so I think this rhythm is better : - Again, puush doesn't exist anymore, but I'm assuming you mean starting the circes here. Anyhow, the current pattren works fine as it is imo, following drums.SPOILERhttp://puu.sh/7CiyP.jpg
Xinely wrote:
fear's Dash
- change the name of diff become f e a r's Insane because peppy doesn't allow mappers to use custom diff names now. it's become unrankable now - And became rankable again while this was graved
- 00:04:297 (4) - odd jump here because music is relax and feel too sudden. use normal ds instead - Sure.
- 00:09:266 (2) - overmapped here. no music or vocal so yeah remove it - Yepp.
- 00:07:672 - tbh for this part the main vocal of music is guitar and you skipped the guitar sound one on here, actually really bothering me but if you want to fix this i would give suggestion to change slider become http://puu.sh/7Cmrg.jpg - Yepp, puush doesn't exist anymore. Anyhow, I'm assuming he mapped this way intentionally following drums rather than guitar, so not going to change this for now.
- 00:10:485 (2) - same as above
- 00:15:360 (3) - the drum sound is quite weak here. jump feels too sudden and forced here. reduce the distance for fix it - Sure.
- 00:19:110 (1) - finish doesn't fit on this time since no cymbal/hard music/strong vocal here. remove instead - Agreed, changed to whistle.
- 00:27:735 (1) - there is vocal on slider's repeat time here. the repeat can't emphasize the vocal as well. it feels odd for me so i would to suggest http://puu.sh/7Cmy7.jpg to follow vocal with properly and better rhythm to play - Again, I think this is more following drums than anything. Keeping for now.
- 00:35:422 (6,1) - how about swap the NC here to keep a consistency of NC - Sure.
- 00:38:141 (5) - overmapped here too - Yeah
- 00:46:485 (2) - no music on 00:46:672 - and i'm unsure to follow vocal here. it would be better if you skip to map this time and use circle only on 00:46:485 - - It follows the guitar, ending the guitarsound with a silent end. I think it works fairly well.
- 00:47:985 (1,2,3) - actually this ones are cool for me, nice <3 - Yeah they're cool.
- 01:00:547 (2) - can you reduce the spacing maybe move around 380,236? this one is really killing player imo - Haha, well. Gonna keep this for now, as it's how he mapped it, but if more people complain, I'll chang ethis.
- 01:04:672 (2) - highly suggest to reduce the spacing of this circle. to previous and next is really feel forced because the music not really loud until need a huge jump like this - Same as above, I'll chang this if more people think it's bad.
- 01:17:235 (5) - forced flow here, i just have this suggestion for you http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/1434854. if you agree, make sure to reduce spacing 01:17:985 (7,8) - for better play - I'm not sure what you mean by forced flow? It's more a zig-zag pattern more than anything else, imo, and it works with the stronger beats here. Keeping for now, and the screenshot doesn't work either because old
Naitoshi wrote:
Mod from queue~ -*is late*- I was asked to mod this oO . . . can't mod taiko
11th time modding something. I didn't lose the mod this time ...
[Beginner]It's probably me just not understanding stuff lol but are the ds inconsistencies ok? (I understand that if you use constant ds while undermapping this much then some things can't fit on the screen) <-- answer? It's just cause I've never seen it before cause I don't play or have ever modded beginner diffs.- You can think of it like this. Most beginners probably won't notice those inconsistencies. As long as the patterns and mapping itself makes it clear, it should be fine, even for beginners, and might even help with reading if it makes your map look cleaner.
00:41:422 (4) - too far away from the other slider/circle? - Yea haha, moved 1 grid up.
01:07:110 (2) - finish instead? I guess it's fine cause it's in the other diffs as a whistle as well - There's no cymbal crash in the music here, so I'll keep the whistle.
01:11:985 (4,1) - make them the same distance apart as the ds is? you could make a triangle? - Sure.
01:16:110 (1) - a bit ugly Like this?: or make it so that they don't touch? - Good point, fixed.
00:07:485 (1) - ds a bit inconsistent? - Fixed.
Sorry to be a nazi >.> But here's some imperfect blankets: 00:11:235 (3) - slider follow circle doesn't match slider - I dont think that matters that much tbh. , 00:16:110 (1,2) - approach circle doesn't match slider , 00:21:547 (1,2) - , 00:32:610 (4,1) - annndd some more throughout the diff (style thing?) I'll stop touching on it
00:25:485 (1) - stack properly? just 1px off (super nazi mode activate) - Oh, fixed.
00:41:047 (3) - inconsistent ds? - Fixed.
00:43:110 (1,2) - these seem a bit hard for easy - I think it's fine to use more repeaters than 1 on a slider in an easier diff, as it introduces the concept to the player. Keeping for now.
01:00:735 (4,1) - maybe make these a blanket? - Would make this part a bit more awkward to play. I kinda like the symmetrical pattern anyway, so keeping![]()
[Normal]00:26:610 (1) - Doesn't this seem a little far from the previous slider?- Yes it is, but it's intentional.
00:28:110 (1,2) - avoid slight overlap? just ds it without grid snap on - Sure.
01:21:735 (7,8) - up until here they've all been stacks. This could be a bit hard maybe? If you're going to keep this then ds 8 without gridsnap so that it's not touching 7? It kinda looks like they're touching (could be my skin though) - Stacking would make it look kinda ugly because it'd end up overlapping (4). Also I don't think it's that much harder to move the cursor, considering the diff already is slightly harder than normal normals. Anyhow, fixed the slight overlap.
00:31:110 (1,2) - make these sliders the same? copy-paste symmetry? - This whole pattern is tilted a bit, so copy-pasting wouldn't look good imo.
[f e a r's DASH]
00:28:672 (2) - curve maybe? - I think that would break flow a bit, so keeping as it is for now.rawr
hehe this mod's probably useless to you :> I feel like I've forgotten something...
Nice song ya got there. Sorry for my bad modding skills >.> ... and good luck to you~
Nanamin all the way = = ehem...
Nanamin best.xChippy wrote:
Thanks![I]MMoRTal[S] wrote:
From my queueKinomi & CXu's Oni00:06:266 (23) - add d
00:25:860 (119) - add d
00:28:860 (136) - add d
00:36:735 (178) - d - Done.
01:04:297 (313,314,315) - ddk
Good Luck ~![]()
Thanks for modding![I]MMoRTal[S] wrote:
Kinomi & CXu's Oni00:06:266 (23) - add d Alright.
00:25:860 (119) - add d No.
00:28:860 (136) - add d No.
00:36:735 (178) - d
01:04:297 (313,314,315) - ddk Alright.
Good Luck ~![]()
Thanks for the mod!wcx19911123 wrote:
cancel wildscreen to all diffs
you'd better change the tag "f e a r" to "fear" and "f_e_a_r" instead, single letter won't work for web search
set lead-in to 0 for Beginner and Easy
^All done.
the SV is higher than what I thought.. - Well, it's just 1.00, and tbh, I think this is closer to an easy than a true beginner diff. I sometimes do 5 diff spreads like these.
00:23:047 (3,1) - use normal spacing here? would be easier to read - Mm, he song is 160bpm and there's enough of a gap inbetween so that players focus on the approach circle of the next note imo.
00:43:110 - from here, you used too many normal-hitnormal imo.. the drums are only at 00:43:485 - , 00:44:235 - , 00:44:985 - and so on. the extra normal-hitnormal sounds odd to me - Probably from using hitsound copier. Fixed.
00:49:110 - ^
00:52:860 (2,3) - symmetrical? - Fixed.
01:13:485 (1) - out of screen - Ops.
01:14:610 (2,1) - blanket better? - I think this is better now?
00:32:610 (4,1) - blanket better? - Done.
00:39:547 (1,2) - the spacing is regular but the edges of the 2 sliders are very near, looks not that good imo. how about change the direction of 00:39:547 (1) - a bit? - Done.
01:20:422 (2,1) - blanket better? - Moved 01:21:360 (1) - down a bit.
some 1/2 beats in this diff(at 00:25:110 - 00:30:172 - ) are too hard for an Easy diff imo.. maybe you can use some simple rhythm instead - Actually, the main reason I mapped a beginner diff was because of these. Both Easy and Normal might have some harder things (like Normal having stacks with different number of beats during kiai). But I still think the spread overall is okay because of the Beginner diff, kind of spreading E/N over B/E/N, so the original E and N's would be between BE and EN.
00:36:735 (7,8) - this stack is a bit hard for this part imo, I suggest you to change it into a slider - As explained in Easy. Anyhow, if you think this really should be changed, I'll change it.
00:43:110 (1) - ctrl+2 and 1 gird left? looks better - Done.
00:47:985 - 00:48:735 - missed the normal-hitnormal here? - Ops.
00:54:360 - if you want to follow the song accurately, you should start the triple clicks from here but not 00:54:172 - - Good point.
00:55:110 - add a note with finish and start the spinner later? would fit the song much better imo - Sure.
01:18:360 - normal-hitnormal fits the song here better than whistle imo - Sure.
[f e a r's DASH]
hope you can make the newcombo more regular, it's a bit mess imo - Did some changes. Hopefully it's better now.
00:39:735 (1,2) - hope you can use normal spacing here(same distance as 00:39:360 (3,4) - , don't check spacing cuz the sv is changed here) - Actually, the reason I use lower spacing here is to give an indication to the slower slider. By spacing it regularily, it would be harder to read the slowdown imo.
00:40:485 (1,2) - 00:41:235 (1,2) - if you fixed ^, you may need to make this 2 jump bigger than the current distance, to fit the song