Nobody Interested to Translate Indonesian Language to English Language, so i will remake this to English Language :/
Status: Closed for now, sorry
Indonesian Language
Peraturan Normal Modding
Peraturan Modding 4 Modding *M4M*
- Saya sedang sibuk sekolah, jadi jangan berharap untuk mendapatkan mod yang cepat 8)
- Kamu hanya dapat mengepos beatmap kamu sendiri & 1 beatmap per pos
- Banyaknya slot tergantung keinginan saya 8)
Tuliskan sebuah persamaan dari perjumlahan untuk meyakinkan kamu membaca peraturan ini, misalnya 6 + 8 = 14Ucapkan "hello~" tanpa tanda kutip~ - Saya hanya dapat mod diff standard, jangan harap saya bisa mod diff Taiko, Catch the Beat, apalagi osu!mania xD
- Prioritas saya, BPM 201+ > BPM 191~200 > BPM 181~190 > BPM 171~180 > BPM 161~170, dan seterusnya 8)
- Saya akan mengabaikan beatmap yang dibawah BPM 140, kecuali jika lagu itu adalah lagu DJ Okawari atau Dubstep
- Selalu baca pos terakhir saya untuk melihat peraturan tambahan *jika ada*
- Saya minta maaf jika saya lupa untuk mod beatmap kamu, soalnya aku seorang pelupa xD
Peraturan Modding 4 Modding *M4M*
- Peraturan berlaku sama seperti "Normal Modding", tapi abaikan peraturan nomor 4 & 6
- Beatmap untuk M4M => Aoi Eir - INNOCENCE
English Language
Normal Modding Rules
Rule Modding 4 Modding *M4M*
- I'm busy with school, so do't expect to get a fast mod 8)
- You can only post your own beatmap & 1 beatmap per post
- The number of slots dependent my desire 8)
Write a equation from summation to convince you to read these rules, for example 6 + 8 = 14Say " hello ~" without the quotes ~ - I just can mod standard diff, I can't mod Taiko diff, Catch the Beat, moreover osu!mania xD
- My priority, BPM 201+ > BPM 191~20 > BPM 181~190 > BPM 171~180 > BPM 161~170, and so on 8)
- I would ignore beatmap that under BPM 140, except that song is from DJ Okawari or Dubstep genre
- Always read my last post to see additional rules *if any*
- I'm sorry if I forgot to mod your beatmap, i'm a forgetful xD
Rule Modding 4 Modding *M4M*
- Rules apply like "Normal Modding", but you can ignore rule number 4 & 6
- Beatmap for M4M => Aoi Eir - INNOCENCE
Modding List
yuikonnu - Otsukimi Recital ([Navy]) ~ BPM 195 *M4M Priority*
Last Note. - Setsuna Trip (theramdans) ~ BPM 290
Pinocchio-P - Mushroom Mother (YunoFanatic) ~ BPM 168
Sweez - The Doll Maker of Bucuresti (Light Usagi) ~ BPM 99.5*i don't know why i accept this, but okay*
Last Note. - Setsuna Trip (theramdans) ~ BPM 290
Pinocchio-P - Mushroom Mother (YunoFanatic) ~ BPM 168
Sweez - The Doll Maker of Bucuresti (Light Usagi) ~ BPM 99.5*i don't know why i accept this, but okay*
Status: Closed for now, sorry