Hey there, what's up?
*Sorry if I'm posting in the wrong category*
I'm new in beatmapping (and my english sucks, I know), but I came here to ask you for some compliments, suggestions and something like that for this song that I've been mapping recently.
For now, I want to make just this difficulty, and trying to make at minimum 6 stars and maximum at 7 stars (the song have low BPM for more than six stars, I think...), I can make other diffs with 5 or maybe 4 stars, but it will be for future projects.
Well, the rest is with you. Thanks!
Beatmap: https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1558122#osu/3182858
*Sorry if I'm posting in the wrong category*
I'm new in beatmapping (and my english sucks, I know), but I came here to ask you for some compliments, suggestions and something like that for this song that I've been mapping recently.
For now, I want to make just this difficulty, and trying to make at minimum 6 stars and maximum at 7 stars (the song have low BPM for more than six stars, I think...), I can make other diffs with 5 or maybe 4 stars, but it will be for future projects.
Well, the rest is with you. Thanks!
Beatmap: https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1558122#osu/3182858