
RO-KYU-BU! - Rolling! Rolling! (TV Size)

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can't catch anything on these diffs :<


00:38:365 (2,3) - using 1.1x DS is purposed instead 1.2x DS?
00:53:794 (1) - delete NC and add it 00:54:308 (3) - here
01:24:137 (3) - add finish on end instead clap


00:27:737 (1) - delete NC for consistence
00:59:108 (5) - considering ctrl g here plays better imo
00:26:451 (3) - move this slider to 00:26:423 - here (1/6 snap) and add some repeats like this?
00:56:365 (4) - NC for consistence

nice diffs xD good luck for rank~
Topic Starter

HelloSCV wrote:

from my queue


can't catch anything on these diffs :<


00:38:365 (2,3) - using 1.1x DS is purposed instead 1.2x DS? OK
00:53:794 (1) - delete NC and add it 00:54:308 (3) - here ok
01:24:137 (3) - add finish on end instead clapI follow the music's drum here


00:27:737 (1) - delete NC for consistence OK
00:59:108 (5) - considering ctrl g here plays better imo This don't break the flow,I think it is good
00:26:451 (3) - move this slider to 00:26:423 - here (1/6 snap) and add some repeats like this? Now it fit the rhythm in music
00:56:365 (4) - NC for consistence ok

nice diffs xD good luck for rank~
Thank you for modding~~
miao~(小学生最高 好吧我想多了

00:04:937 (3,1,2,3) - a square pattern is more decent (move (1,3) plays not that bad
00:09:051 (1,2) - rotate these two and move back like this?
00:11:451 (1) - use slider to follow the vocal and finish sound at the same time makes it plays not really well, consider split it up
00:14:537 (3) - a normal spacing to form an anti-jump would be nice IMO, but its up to u
00:14:623 (1) - the sound you follow ends at 00:15:908, consider the spinner starts not exactly the point (not at 00:14:537), it should be better if you follow it to the end
00:18:651 (1,3) - unstack these two for they are not the same pitch? (a triangle pattern is more reasonable to me) you may stack 00:20:708 (3,5) to keep your pattern
00:23:965 (6) - eh, move it a grid right
00:25:165 (3,4) - i see no specific pattern here, place these two horizontal? miao
00:29:280 (4) - eh, move it a grid right
00:29:623 (1,2,3,4) - 为什么不是上下左右啊啊啊 往左的哪里去了啊啊啊(歇斯底里的强迫症你够了pia
00:35:623 (1,2,3) - if your jumping pattern have more anti-jump, it may have more possibility, miao, nothing more than suggestion
00:37:851 (1) - seems it follows nothing :? why not follow the vocal .-.
00:40:765 (2,4) - personally, i think it plays better without these two
00:45:394 (3,4,5,6) - what a crowded corner.. consider rearrange this pattern
00:46:080 (1) - rhythm is strange here. break is not suit here IMO
00:58:594 (2,3,4) - star pattern? (move 2,4 like this)
00:59:451 (6,7) - 我死了!(well, can't upload screenshot to puush, i just want a better pattern
01:00:823 (4,1,2,3) - square? (3)-> x:224 y:316
01:04:423 (3,6,2) - it would be nice if you make these three related in position, or 01:05:108 (6) - move to x:92 y:152
00:48:823 - add a green line to reduce the volume? or just reduce the 1/4 tick note, whistle is a bit loud
00:47:965 (2) - add clap to slider head

00:28:594 (2) - jump a bit more may avoid the overlap
00:38:365 (2) - keep 1.2*ds is enough IMO, 1*looks not very good
00:52:080 (5) - suggestion on pattern
00:55:508 (1,2) - make it more like a circle?
01:13:680 (1) - why slider here? 01:13:851 - here is a better place for a slider IMO

00:28:251 (4,5) - 三角形摆好点啊啊啊(pia
01:07:337 (4) - 其实个人感觉这边节奏和前面保持一致会比较好 不管1/2还是1/1 而且01:07:508 - 这边似乎可以加clap 建议这边还是1/2

00:25:508 (2) - 稍微rotate一下?
没啥问题倒是 高难度排列也能这样注意点细节就好了 (
Topic Starter

Banana wrote:

miao~(小学生最高 好吧我想多了

00:04:937 (3,1,2,3) - a square pattern is more decent (move (1,3) plays not that bad本意不是正方形啊
00:09:051 (1,2) - rotate these two and move back like this? [color=#FF0000那样还有flow可言吗[/color]
00:11:451 (1) - use slider to follow the vocal and finish sound at the same time makes it plays not really well, consider split it up 不想动了
00:14:537 (3) - a normal spacing to form an anti-jump would be nice IMO, but its up to u up to me
00:14:623 (1) - the sound you follow ends at 00:15:908, consider the spinner starts not exactly the point (not at 00:14:537), it should be better if you follow it to the end感觉不怎么样
00:18:651 (1,3) - unstack these two for they are not the same pitch? (a triangle pattern is more reasonable to me) you may stack 00:20:708 (3,5) to keep your pattern 没理解;w;
00:23:965 (6) - eh, move it a grid right k
00:25:165 (3,4) - i see no specific pattern here, place these two horizontal? miao
00:29:280 (4) - eh, move it a grid right k
00:29:623 (1,2,3,4) - 为什么不是上下左右啊啊啊 往左的哪里去了啊啊啊(歇斯底里的强迫症你够了pia 吃记喵喵拳
00:35:623 (1,2,3) - if your jumping pattern have more anti-jump, it may have more possibility, miao, nothing more than suggestion 暂时不想大改动了..
00:37:851 (1) - seems it follows nothing :? why not follow the vocal .-.曲子节奏变弱,加点空拍
00:40:765 (2,4) - personally, i think it plays better without these twonazi
00:45:394 (3,4,5,6) - what a crowded corner.. consider rearrange this pattern
00:46:080 (1) - rhythm is strange here. break is not suit here IMO k
00:58:594 (2,3,4) - star pattern? (move 2,4 like this)改了,其实本意不是五角
00:59:451 (6,7) - 我死了!(well, can't upload screenshot to puush, i just want a better pattern 在来次截图
01:00:823 (4,1,2,3) - square? (3)-> x:224 y:316 k
01:04:423 (3,6,2) - it would be nice if you make these three related in position, or 01:05:108 (6) - move to x:92 y:152
00:48:823 - add a green line to reduce the volume? or just reduce the 1/4 tick note, whistle is a bit loudk
00:47:965 (2) - add clap to slider head 有点别扭

00:28:594 (2) - jump a bit more may avoid the overlap k
00:38:365 (2) - keep 1.2*ds is enough IMO, 1*looks not very good K
00:52:080 (5) - suggestion on patternI keep original pattern
00:55:508 (1,2) - make it more like a circle? 本意不是圆
01:13:680 (1) - why slider here? 01:13:851 - here is a better place for a slider IMO 跟着乐器

00:28:251 (4,5) - 三角形摆好点啊啊啊(pia 哪来的三角形?!0.0
01:07:337 (4) - 其实个人感觉这边节奏和前面保持一致会比较好 不管1/2还是1/1 而且01:07:508 - 这边似乎可以加clap 建议这边还是1/2k

00:25:508 (2) - 稍微rotate一下?k
没啥问题倒是 高难度排列也能这样注意点细节就好了 (
as your request


  1. 00:25:508 (2,1,2) blanket

  1. 00:28:251 (4) DS
  1. 00:01:508 (2) ctrl+G
  2. 00:41:280 (3) ^ and move to x276, y160

  1. 00:08:365 (3,4,5) try this, the flow will be better
  2. 00:26:423 (3) end on red line
  3. 00:29:965 (2,3) try this
  4. 00:31:851 (2,3,4) DS
  5. 00:38:880 (4) move to
  6. 01:16:423 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) ugly >_>
Topic Starter

Azure wrote:

as your request


  1. 00:25:508 (2,1,2) blanket

  1. 00:28:251 (4) DS OK
  1. 00:01:508 (2) ctrl+G 意义不大
  2. 00:41:280 (3) ^ and move to x276, y160 ^

  1. 00:08:365 (3,4,5) try this, the flow will be better 原本就有flow,但是改了后就不是跳了
  2. 00:26:423 (3) end on red line 白线六分拍跟音乐多好
  3. 00:29:965 (2,3) try this 原本1,2,3都存在flow,改后2,3之间还有flow吗0.0
  4. 00:31:851 (2,3,4) DS ok
  5. 00:38:880 (4) move to 好想法
  6. 01:16:423 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) ugly >_>
Thank you for modding~ sorry for using Chinese to reply
Megurine Luka
  1. No better BG? I feel strange when looking at those name tags lol
  2. 00:51:394 (1) - If I'm not wrong you'd better not to start kiai on a red line is in the guideline. And this expands your timing problem. You should add a red timing line on 00:51:394 (1) - to adjust the downbeat and 00:54:308 (2) - to adjust back. Same as 01:02:365 (1) - here

  1. 01:20:365 (1) - Move the red tick left a bit to make the slider symmetric


13:02 Megurine Luka: Normal没啥问题0.0
13:02 Megurine Luka: Hard这里
13:02 Megurine Luka: 00:39:223 (1) - 这里开始感觉可以试试看
13:02 Megurine Luka:
13:03 Megurine Luka: 这样的排列,音效上也可以和00:37:851 (1,2,3) - 保持统一
13:03 Megurine Luka: 不然感觉略怪
13:04 Fycho: 好的
13:06 Megurine Luka: 01:06:137 (2) - 好像没stack好
13:07 Megurine Luka: 00:47:451 (1) - ^
13:07 Megurine Luka: 啊这个是Insane
13:08 Megurine Luka: 没其他的了 /w\

其他的就 /w\ 不看了
Topic Starter

Megurine Luka wrote:

  1. No better BG? I feel strange when looking at those name tags lol
  2. 00:51:394 (1) - If I'm not wrong you'd better not to start kiai on a red line is in the guideline. And this expands your timing problem. You should add a red timing line on 00:51:394 (1) - to adjust the downbeat and 00:54:308 (2) - to adjust back. Same as 01:02:365 (1) - here

  1. 01:20:365 (1) - Move the red tick left a bit to make the slider symmetric


13:02 Megurine Luka: Normal没啥问题0.0
13:02 Megurine Luka: Hard这里
13:02 Megurine Luka: 00:39:223 (1) - 这里开始感觉可以试试看
13:02 Megurine Luka:
13:03 Megurine Luka: 这样的排列,音效上也可以和00:37:851 (1,2,3) - 保持统一
13:03 Megurine Luka: 不然感觉略怪
13:04 Fycho: 好的
13:06 Megurine Luka: 01:06:137 (2) - 好像没stack好
13:07 Megurine Luka: 00:47:451 (1) - ^
13:07 Megurine Luka: 啊这个是Insane
13:08 Megurine Luka: 没其他的了 /w\

其他的就 /w\ 不看了
All fixed
Thank you very much~
- Delete the timing points at 00:51:394 (1) - 00:54:308 (2) - & 01:02:365 (1) - 01:05:280 (1) - . Feels like you only added these to keep the vocals on the "main beat" or something. If you delete the red lines and hear closely, the whole map sounds fine without them. The drums are always there on the downbeat and shouldn't be altered to the vocals.

00:00:822 (1,2) - if you want, you can center these using the y-axis lol
01:14:880 (1,2) - ^ random grid off /shot
great diff~

00:08:023 (1) - Delete NC, similar to 00:02:194 (3) -
00:38:537 (2) - Try extending this to the red tick this slider will "lift" up with the vocals if that's what you were mainly following here
01:07:337 (4) - Add repeat, it'll compliment 01:08:708 (2) - nicely

00:01:508 (2) - Ctrl + G, great opportunity for some oval flow here imo

00:02:880 (4,5) - What's the reason for this antijump? i suggest you space these out more to give a more exciting feel to the song intro
00:05:108 (1,3) - make sure these have equal spacing as (2,4) makes a nicer parallelogram shape
00:26:423 (3) - Extend by 3 reverses. if you hear closely, the bgm keeps going and the current slider just creates a gap in that
00:36:308 (1,2) - might be just me, but this pattern reminds me of a 1/4 rhythm, mainly because of the way (2)'s tail is positioned. The player just came off from big jumps could be tempted to interpret the smaller distance as a shorter rhythm ; Try spreading them out like

nice map <3
Feel free to call me back after a couple mods :D
来晚了 不过感觉用不上我了 撤
Topic Starter

LunarSakuya wrote:

- Delete the timing points at 00:51:394 (1) - 00:54:308 (2) - & 01:02:365 (1) - 01:05:280 (1) - . Feels like you only added these to keep the vocals on the "main beat" or something. If you delete the red lines and hear closely, the whole map sounds fine without them. The drums are always there on the downbeat and shouldn't be altered to the vocals.

00:00:822 (1,2) - if you want, you can center these using the y-axis lol
01:14:880 (1,2) - ^ random grid off /shot
great diff~

00:08:023 (1) - Delete NC, similar to 00:02:194 (3) -
00:38:537 (2) - Try extending this to the red tick this slider will "lift" up with the vocals if that's what you were mainly following here
01:07:337 (4) - Add repeat, it'll compliment 01:08:708 (2) - nicely

00:01:508 (2) - Ctrl + G, great opportunity for some oval flow here imo

00:02:880 (4,5) - What's the reason for this antijump? i suggest you space these out more to give a more exciting feel to the song intro I stacked them at the same position
00:05:108 (1,3) - make sure these have equal spacing as (2,4) makes a nicer parallelogram shape
00:26:423 (3) - Extend by 3 reverses. if you hear closely, the bgm keeps going and the current slider just creates a gap in that I changed this slider to some notes,I think it more suitable than reserve slider
00:36:308 (1,2) - might be just me, but this pattern reminds me of a 1/4 rhythm, mainly because of the way (2)'s tail is positioned. The player just came off from big jumps could be tempted to interpret the smaller distance as a shorter rhythm ; Try spreading them out like

nice map <3
Feel free to call me back after a couple mods :D
All fixedThank you very much~ :)


00:11:451 (3) - 对齐中线

00:10:937 (2,3) - 对齐中间
00:12:823 (4,5) - 同上
01:28:251 (1) - 同上

00:32:880 (2,3) - 叠在一起
00:34:765 (5,1) - 同上
00:36:308 (1) - 这串感觉能再摆好一点
00:38:880 (4) - 放到00:39:354
01:26:880 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - 我会这样摆

小学生は最高だぜ~~智花俺の嫁!! :)
Topic Starter

Mei_coN wrote:

00:11:451 (3) - 对齐中线 Fixed

00:10:937 (2,3) - 对齐中间 这个没改了保持间距
00:12:823 (4,5) - 同上^
01:28:251 (1) - 同上233

00:32:880 (2,3) - 叠在一起 这样有flow
00:34:765 (5,1) - 同上 ^
00:36:308 (1) - 这串感觉能再摆好一点 Fixed
00:38:880 (4) - 放到00:39:354 前后节奏对称
01:26:880 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - 我会这样摆 我觉得这样乐趣变低了

Thanks for modding~

00:04:937 (3,1,2,3) - 弄成正方形?
00:11:451 (1) - (建議)感覺弄2x會比較爽
00:13:165 (1,2,3) - 不是正三角
00:20:708 (3,4,5,6) - 感覺5應該這樣放

00:22:251 (3,4,5) -
00:23:451 (3,4,5,6) - 這樣00:23:451 (3,5) - 跟00:23:623 (4,6) - 平衡了比較好看同時00:23:794 (5,6,1) - 組成了比較好看的三角形
00:33:394 (4,2) - 沒搭好
00:53:108 (1,2,3) - 這個也是沒擺好
00:51:051 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - 個人認為這裡pattern之間間距漸少不太合音樂...
01:24:480 (1) - 這slider奇醜啊,換這種

其實以上的摸可以無視 star~
Topic Starter

Regou wrote:


00:04:937 (3,1,2,3) - 弄成正方形? 本意不是正方形,甚至本来都没打算用长方形,后来改的
00:11:451 (1) - (建議)感覺弄2x會比較爽 怕改了
00:13:165 (1,2,3) - 不是正三角 改成正三角了
00:20:708 (3,4,5,6) - 感覺5應該這樣放 位置改了

00:22:251 (3,4,5) - 恩好的
00:23:451 (3,4,5,6) - 這樣00:23:451 (3,5) - 跟00:23:623 (4,6) - 平衡了比較好看同時00:23:794 (5,6,1) - 組成了比較好看的三角形
00:33:394 (4,2) - 沒搭好 ok改了
00:53:108 (1,2,3) - 這個也是沒擺好 这里怕改了,觉得无关紧要
00:51:051 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - 個人認為這裡pattern之間間距漸少不太合音樂...
01:24:480 (1) - 這slider奇醜啊,換這種 好的

其實以上的摸可以無視 star~
Thanks for modding and star~
Maybe This year is for all new mappers grow up execpt me =w=. Go! Go! Fycho-chan :)
Topic Starter

Oyatsu wrote:

Maybe This year is for all new mappers grow up execpt me =w=. Go! Go! Fycho-chan :)
Don't so say,Thank you ~
Hi! I'm sorry for the delay, here's the mod:

00:04:937 (2) - maybe you could try to change the shape for better flow? it also doesn't so nice imo and
00:24:137 (1) - this shape looks ugly (and it's not only me thinking that), so I think you could change it to something nicer:
00:36:308 (2) - maybe you could raise the end point of the slider? so that it will be a better blanket: (also you can easily replace 00:37:851 (1) - a little bit for correct spacing afterwards)
00:58:080 (2) - I believe you can improve this shape:
01:18:994 (3,1) - change (1)'s shape a little bit? put the end point of the slider down so that they don't reach: -->
01:22:080 (2) - this slider should start earlier in my opinion, she starts singing on the red tick, and the beat is also on the red tick: - it sounds wrong otherwise, since it sounds like you're late with hitting the beat

00:36:480 (5,6) - these sound really off, because the piano starts on the red tick, so I would suggest you to change it to something like this:
01:21:394 (4) - I think a simple hit circle would be enough here, because of the lyrics

There is not else to say, it is a nice difficulty.

00:04:080 (2) - remove hit circle, I think it is unnecessary, the beginning is still calm so removing it would be better
00:04:594 (4) - change this to a hit circle, because of the previous reason ^ it fits better to the lyrics too, aslo, if you remove it, I think the upcoming objects will sound better too, because it will somehow get a bigger emphasizes, so it will sound good in my opinion :3
00:21:908 (2) - why don't you put this a few grids down? (1) will be a blanket then, and it will look nice:
00:23:108 (2,3) - the distance here is a bit bigger than usual and it doesn't look so good, so why not put (2) closer a bit?
01:00:823 (4) - try to stack this perfectly: --> (turn off grid and distance snap for this)
01:25:680 - add hit circle maybe? because of the piano sound, it sounds like there are 3 bigger piano sounds there, so that's why you should add one more hit circle

00:00:822 (1,2) - put these a bit further from the center, so that they will not reach the slider on the middle:
00:02:880 (4) - this was actually quite confusing to me, because it comes too slow in time, but it is stacked, so I thought I should hit it soon after (3), and it also sounds like she starts singing on the red tick, so you could try to change this:
I tried to remake that pattern if it troubles you about how to changed it, but it is really just an example:
00:27:394 (3,4) - put a little bit to the left, because of this:
01:21:565 (6,1) - I think this anti-jump breaks the flow, I think you should replace it to emphasize the break in time
01:24:480 (1) - make this a better blanket:

Very nice difficulties, good luck! I hope my mod is useful X_X
Topic Starter

Mystyk wrote:

Hi! I'm sorry for the delay, here's the mod:

00:04:937 (2) - maybe you could try to change the shape for better flow? it also doesn't so nice imo and I think it ok
00:24:137 (1) - this shape looks ugly (and it's not only me thinking that), so I think you could change it to something nicer: OK
00:36:308 (2) - maybe you could raise the end point of the slider? so that it will be a better blanket: (also you can easily replace 00:37:851 (1) - a little bit for correct spacing afterwards) Fixed
00:58:080 (2) - I believe you can improve this shape: OK
01:18:994 (3,1) - change (1)'s shape a little bit? put the end point of the slider down so that they don't reach: --> OK
01:22:080 (2) - this slider should start earlier in my opinion, she starts singing on the red tick, and the beat is also on the red tick: - it sounds wrong otherwise, since it sounds like you're late with hitting the beat There is also a vocal at white tick

00:36:480 (5,6) - these sound really off, because the piano starts on the red tick, so I would suggest you to change it to something like this: just follow the drum rhythm
01:21:394 (4) - I think a simple hit circle would be enough here, because of the lyrics Ok

There is not else to say, it is a nice difficulty.

00:04:080 (2) - remove hit circle, I think it is unnecessary, the beginning is still calm so removing it would be better ok
00:04:594 (4) - change this to a hit circle, because of the previous reason ^ it fits better to the lyrics too, aslo, if you remove it, I think the upcoming objects will sound better too, because it will somehow get a bigger emphasizes, so it will sound good in my opinion :3
00:21:908 (2) - why don't you put this a few grids down? (1) will be a blanket then, and it will look nice: OK
00:23:108 (2,3) - the distance here is a bit bigger than usual and it doesn't look so good, so why not put (2) closer a bit? ok
01:00:823 (4) - try to stack this perfectly: --> (turn off grid and distance snap for this) ok
01:25:680 - add hit circle maybe? because of the piano sound, it sounds like there are 3 bigger piano sounds there, so that's why you should add one more hit circleI don't think so :o .There is a break time

00:00:822 (1,2) - put these a bit further from the center, so that they will not reach the slider on the middle: ok
00:02:880 (4) - this was actually quite confusing to me, because it comes too slow in time, but it is stacked, so I thought I should hit it soon after (3), and it also sounds like she starts singing on the red tick, so you could try to change this:
I tried to remake that pattern if it troubles you about how to changed it, but it is really just an example:no changed,I think it's ok
00:27:394 (3,4) - put a little bit to the left, because of this: ok
01:21:565 (6,1) - I think this anti-jump breaks the flow, I think you should replace it to emphasize the break in time nope,flow isn't broken
01:24:480 (1) - make this a better blanket: ok

Very nice difficulties, good luck! I hope my mod is useful X_X
Thank you very much~
Topic Starter

LunarSakuya wrote:

Thank you~

GOGOGO fycho
這個(TV Size)是官方的title麼? 雖然很蠢但是rule說了

Do not alter the song's title. This includes adding any marker to describe the cut of the song such as "Short Ver.", "TV Size" and so forth unless those markers are part of the official song title as listed by a reputable source.
Topic Starter

kanpakyin wrote:

這個(TV Size)是官方的title麼? 雖然很蠢但是rule說了

Do not alter the song's title. This includes adding any marker to describe the cut of the song such as "Short Ver.", "TV Size" and so forth unless those markers are part of the official song title as listed by a reputable source.
TV版写TV Size不是一直以来的惯例吗,可以把引用原帖给我看下吗
Oh God!
Topic Starter
when next BAT comes I will upload my diff :)
It isn't necessary now^^
minor note changes


Edit: pop bc idk about tv size yet

Edit2: rebub

Fycho wrote:

TV版写TV Size不是一直以来的惯例吗,可以把引用原帖给我看下吗
Note positions in Hard were minorly changed. Moved one note in Insane back by 1/2, and removed a redundant new combo.

02:18 NoHitter: hello
02:19 Fycho: hey~
02:19 NoHitter: what was that discussion in the thread about the title not having TV Size?
02:20 Fycho: I don't know well.Maybe some rules changed
02:20 NoHitter: does the song official have (TV Size) in the title?
02:20 Fycho: no~
02:20 NoHitter: well it does have a full version though
02:20 Fycho: yes
02:20 NoHitter: does it have something like little busters with -TV animation ver.- ?
02:21 Fycho: no:<
02:21 NoHitter: I think it's safe to assume that it's TV Size then
02:21 Fycho: In the video
02:22 NoHitter: ?
02:23 Fycho: In the video it writes Rolling!Rolling!
02:23 Fycho: not with TV Size
02:23 NoHitter: hmm yes, but usually they differentiate the sizes by adding TV version or something
02:23 NoHitter: the OST isn't out yet, so we can't really be sure
02:23 Fycho: So what can I do?
02:23 NoHitter: just leave it as is
02:24 Fycho: ok~
02:24 NoHitter: anyway, let's go to Insane? D
02:24 NoHitter: xD
02:24 Fycho: yap~
02:24 NoHitter: 00:53:794 (1,2,3) - ok it bothered me here that they have inconsistent spacing
02:24 Fycho: This is a jump
02:25 NoHitter: either increase (1)'s spacing, or lower (3)'s
02:25 Fycho: (1) to (2)'s jumping?
02:26 NoHitter:
02:26 NoHitter: or
02:26 NoHitter:
02:27 Fycho: Let me have a test~
02:27 Fycho: Ok~
02:28 NoHitter: 01:04:765 (4) - new combo here for consistency?
02:28 NoHitter: you did the same at 00:53:794 (1) -
02:28 Fycho: ollright
02:28 Fycho: alll*
02:29 NoHitter: 01:14:194 (1) - new combo here is unneeded IMO, but if you want to keep it I guess it's fine
02:29 Fycho: I think (13) is too long
02:29 NoHitter: ok
02:31 NoHitter: 01:25:851 (1,2,3,4,5) - why not make into a pentagon instead xD
02:31 NoHitter: instead of a incomplete hexagon
02:32 Fycho: I think pentagon is not more beautiful than incomplete hexagon
02:32 NoHitter: ok
02:32 NoHitter: ok hard
02:32 Fycho: When playing ,this shape will bring more interset
02:33 NoHitter: 00:39:223 (1,2,3) - nitpick here. the spacing is inconsistent
02:33 NoHitter: in Hard
02:33 Fycho: OK fixed~
02:34 NoHitter: ar-1? ar8 for hard is a bit too much IMO
02:34 Fycho: I try AR7 and AR8 , AR8 fit more
02:35 Fycho: In some pattern ,AR7 is hard to read
02:35 NoHitter: ok
02:41 NoHitter: ok last comment
02:41 NoHitter: back in Insane
02:41 Fycho: ok~
02:41 NoHitter: 00:02:194 (3,4,5) - this plays a bit bland IMO. I suggest something like
02:42 Fycho: I move (4) to red tick
02:43 NoHitter: but you don't add?
02:43 NoHitter: that's fine
02:43 Fycho: 00:03:051 - but not add note here
02:43 NoHitter: ok
02:43 NoHitter: update :)
02:44 Fycho: updated^^
02:44 NoHitter: ok let me check xD
02:45 NoHitter: in Hard, 00:39:223 (1,2,3) - I was expecting you to increase (1)'s spacing xD
02:45 Fycho: Insane?
02:45 NoHitter: to match (3-4)'s spacing
02:45 NoHitter: Hard
02:45 NoHitter:
02:46 Fycho: o.o
02:46 Fycho: ok~
02:46 NoHitter: update again
02:46 NoHitter: Insane is fine already
02:47 Fycho: ok~
02:48 Fycho: updated~
Topic Starter
Thanks ~NoHitter-san and everyone~
3nd3rd rank gratz 8-)
roil roil!

happy623 wrote:

3nd rank gratz 8-)

Zero__wind wrote:

happy623 wrote:

3nd rank gratz 8-)
Gratz, realy funny one :D
恭喜desu! :)

Nemis wrote:


Nemis wrote:

Oh God Congratz! Fycho-chan :D
Megurine Luka
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