heya! o/ here is the map link - beatmapsets/1567246#osu/3200104 still a beginner in mapping so don't expect good stuff from it made 3 diffs cous why not thank you in advance
beatmapsets/1566853#osu/3199214 Hey! This is my first beatmap, it has 6 diffs from easy to expert. There are a lot of things I need to learn,hoping you can leave your suggestions to help me improve my skill, thanks!
Finished 2; If you haven't replied to mods who posted on your map please reply to them first before requesting If you don't have any mods then feel free to drop your maps. OPEN ^_^
Am still working on Lunatic which is low 5 star, but would appreciate anything you can mod for that and possibly the other diffs if you have time, thanks!