
Do you use z/x or the mouse?

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Do you use the z/x keys or the mouse?

I always use z/x, clicking is for pansies
I sometimes use z/x for the insane beatmaps
I refuse to use z/x, mouse ftw
I didn't even know you could use anything but clicking
Total votes: 458
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We were having a sort of debate in osu chat today about using the z/x keys rather than mouse buttons. It seemed that the general opinion was that nobody in the top 25 or even top 50 really clicked anymore. I wanted to get a feel for how many users prefer the mouse or the keyboard, and some reasons why. I personally think it's impossible to do some insane maps without z/x, you can only click so fast when you're also moving your mouse...

Just for those who are new to osu, you can use the z/x keys on your keyboard instead of the left/right mouse buttons :)
Keyboard of course. Main reasons why it's better:

1) you can 'click' faster and more accurately by using keyboard. Clicking too fast with your mouse will result in your movement being affected.

2) Just think about it this way: If you use your mouse, you're making that hand do twice the work it should have to by clicking AND moving. It's a no brainer that by splitting movement and clicking that your performance is going to increase notably.
I use a tablet pen and largely prefer to use the tablet pen tapping exclusively if I can. I can hit quarter-beat note streams fairly accurately on songs under 150bpm I think, but during some messes I alternate pen taps with Ctrl - that's right screw z/x I am hardcore and different and use ctrl + pen. 95% of the time I am using just pen taps but that other 5% see the introduction of Ctrl with my left index finger.
I use my mouse and then z/x on parts where i cant click fast enough.
I didn't even know you could use the keyboard. :[ That explains... quite a lot.

So naturally I click. Well I got a tablet for xmas so now I use that but I still don't use the keyboard anyway.

When I used my mouse I'd use both mouse buttons for rapid click sections but never the keyboard (...because I didn't know about it)!

I wish I knew about the keyboard thing... would've made it so much easier. :[
I use the mouse, it feels so awkward using the keyboard, for streams like in wizards in winter, I alternate on right and left, and I can still get them fairly accurately.
I click.

A lot.

Only left-click, as well. With exception to stacks that are either too long/painful to do with left-click alone.
I started using Z/X as soon as it was implemented. Not only does it improve performance, but it spreads out the wear and tear onto both hands. Clicking and moving with the same hand is painful after a while. :P
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Z and X are evil, so I use the mouse. Feels so weird using the keyboard. :/
This is rather surprising...
I only use the z/x for INSANE click-a-tons, but even then, I mostly use the 2 mouse buttons, because I use both hands on the mouse to help stability, and leaving only one hand to fend himself in the beatmap feels awkward.
I just think it feels wierd to use the keyboard. When one hand's moving the mouse and the other is tapping, it feels awkward and dis-orientating to me.
Thanks to my awkward desktop setup, my left hand usually holds my mouse cord to prevent it from catching on the keyboard. When the cord catches, the mouse movement suddenly (without warning) is restricted in an unusual fashion. Keeps you on your feet, but for the most part, annoying.

So I've never used the keyboard for osu!, to answer the topic. This may explain my poor ranking, but I'm afraid it might not.
Wow, I did not know that you could use z/x. Now that I've tried using them, I find that my left hand is not strong/fast enough to push both buttons on extremely fast parts. I'm trying to get used to left clicking/x, but it might take a while to adjust. What I usually did was just move from left clicking to right clicking with my right hand and left with my left.

If it wasn't for seeing this topic, I would not of learned this :D Ty!
I use a tablet, makes spinners really damn easy.
Yes it does. Amen to that.

Though, to go off topic, the tablet (or at least me using one) comes with its own package of difficulties. I can never get a consistently comfortable grip, and my hand needs to stay resting on my tablet for the most part, which makes hitting the bottom right corner VERY difficult.
Well, I guess that's good. There's no way to properly cheat using a tablet.
Though, to go off topic, the tablet (or at least me using one) comes with its own package of difficulties. I can never get a consistently comfortable grip, and my hand needs to stay resting on my tablet for the most part, which makes hitting the bottom right corner VERY difficult.
I actually have the same trouble with my mouse. My wrist rests on the pad and I just pivot from there...which leads to some painful cramps and I often miss beats because my hand is out of whack and I need to readjust. I've tried playing without resting my wrist, but I just end up with my wrist back down on the pad a few seconds in, anyway.

Saturos wrote:

Though, to go off topic, the tablet (or at least me using one) comes with its own package of difficulties. I can never get a consistently comfortable grip, and my hand needs to stay resting on my tablet for the most part, which makes hitting the bottom right corner VERY difficult.
I actually have the same trouble with my mouse. My wrist rests on the pad and I just pivot from there...which leads to some painful cramps and I often miss beats because my hand is out of whack and I need to readjust. I've tried playing without resting my wrist, but I just end up with my wrist back down on the pad a few seconds in, anyway.
I do the same, but I have my two hands on the mouse, it really helps with stability, but I always get messed up when there's a segment right after a spinner, because I have no time to adjust from the spinner, and I end up uncomfortably with only half of my hand on the mouse and trying to find a good way to place my other hand on it, while clicking away.
Huh... I had no idea you could use the keyboard, or even the right mouse button. Yea, I've been left-clicking this entire time (and doing pretty well at it too for a newb!). About the only difficulties I have is the small space in which I have to move my Bluetooth mouse - excellent for spinners, okay for tight areas, horrible for quick movement (Still Alive, anyone?). However, I downright suck when I have to use a larger area for some reason - my hand keeps catching on nonexistent items, and my spinning gets out of whack.

I'll have to give the other methods a try later on. When I have a chance to put my laptop down on solid plastic for the monitor hookup and my Bluetooth items are gtg.

Saturos wrote:

I click.

A lot.

Only left-click, as well. With exception to stacks that are either too long/painful to do with left-click alone.
This surprised me. I was almost for certain you used the keyboard.

I've been using the keyboard all along except for the first couple of days. One of Peppy's quick tips let me know I could use Z/X... and I've been using them all the time now. Quick sliders and large areas sometimes mess me up when X is half pressed. >:(
Check my Accuracy.

I use the Mouse to Click.
Mouse, and my acc is great =33
I usually don't use mouse, but when I do, I just use the two mouse buttons repeatedly.

Most of the time, I use tablet. It is seriously five times easier to spin than a mouse. I have pretty good control most of the time. I keep my left hand just over z and x in case of any insanely fast parts! ;)

so I just chose that I sometimes use z/x for the insane beatmaps.
I usually mix it up, usually z/x but clicking sometimes :X
... tablet pen tapping... because I don't have a mouse mat and my desk seems to be a bit sticky. Weird top layer, my old desk didn't have the same problem. Usually not annoying, but with the speed osu! needs...

I only use x with really fast rows (sometimes at the same spot), preferably ending with a tablet pen tap if the last one is a slider because I find the sliding gives me more direct control over where I'm going than 'hovering'.

The only time I also throw in z for 'tap x tap z tap x tap z' etc. is that retarded bit in Marisa [Hard]. I believe I did the long bit without missing a single one once, or at the very least nearly without any misses, so I guess it works.

Download: #osu-20100228-104309.osu
you can use x/y?
got to try that...
...and that after abusing my g5 ;_;
I mouse through everything ;)

aquabluu wrote:

I mouse through everything ;)

Mouse through this, then.
ok.. tried it... not really mine... it's nice alternating x and y on those fast stationary drum like ones (and nice for taiko mode :] )... but i'm staying with my mouse xD
I use a combination of z/x and mouse clicks when necessary, but otherwise, it's left/right clicking.
For some reason, my cursor stops when I click, so it gets kinda hard with some beatmaps. Though I've only used the keyboard maybe, like, 5 times across the course of the month.
It depends on my mood really.

If I'm playing something (even relatively) hard, you'll probably see me z/x'ing. On easy maps, though, I might click just to have a little variety.

I prefer z/x'ing because of a few reasons. For one, my fingers don't rebound off the mouse very well, so I'll end up stalling through fast parts. Second is that my mouse, under such stress, won't move as smoothly if I'm trying to hit a fast part. Third and finally, it feels awkward to be using one hand and having the other dangling uselessly at my side.
First time I played I got very put off with picking the beats with the mouse button. It didn't feel natural at all. I quickly made the switch to z & x keys but with only actually using the z key. For the past week I've been using z and x and I can't think of another way I'd rather play this game. For me using only the mouse felt like DDR:ing with only one leg. Using the z key only feels like DDR:ing but only using one of the legs as support, not using it for the rythm at all. Kinda...ish.

I left mouse solely for easy sections.
For fast sections, I alternate click with mouse1/2.
Extremely fast stacks I use z/x.

I used to keyboard fast sections with a lot of mouse movement, but I can alternate most of them fine now.
So all in all, I'm an alternateclicking mouse user who uses keyboard only when necessary.
It depends on the beatmap's difficulty~if
the dons and katsus are alternated quite
often,I use z/x as my hands are not fast enough
to alternate between my stylus' buttons.

If it's an easy map,I try using the mouse.*coughTaikomodagaincough*
using z and x feels weird..... *shudder*
oh loving you
Yeah, as a new player. I am trying to figure out to use mouse with single tapping or double tapping. I can feel the rhythm for single tapping but not fast enough for insane or sometimes hard maps. Double tapping is very complex, my mind will get confuse as to use z or x first though it's my only way to hit super super fast hit. But i started with single tapping for the first week and started using z/x this few days, maybe with time, i am able to master z/x. Overall, my opinion is that z/x is better than mouse clicking since you can use two hands.
F m L_old

oh loving you wrote:

Yeah, as a new player. I am trying to figure out to use mouse with single tapping or double tapping. I can feel the rhythm for single tapping but not fast enough for insane or sometimes hard maps. Double tapping is very complex, my mind will get confuse as to use z or x first though it's my only way to hit super super fast hit. But i started with single tapping for the first week and started using z/x this few days, maybe with time, i am able to master z/x. Overall, my opinion is that z/x is better than mouse clicking since you can use two hands.

Nice necro
F m L the necropolice
F m L_old

IppE602 wrote:

F m L the necropolice
like a boss
I use, the mouse.

LunaticMara wrote:


kriers wrote:

LunaticMara wrote:


kriers wrote:

LunaticMara wrote:

mouse only. I tried it z/x a few times and it was really really hard to get the timing right. Probably I'm just too used to mouse, so yea I stick to mouse.
I had to start using keyboard. S+D. Comfortable position as It's the same hand position for WASD in FPS's.

4-5 star maps ask way too much in click speed to stay on mouse. Transition for me was hard and I recommend anyone who hasn't already, switch now.
to all mouse only users in this thread: Keep on with what you're doing! :)
We are a dying play style :o especially among those few who excell in it...
Just know that there is hardly any limit to how good you can become. There are few qualities about tablet and keyboard that cannot be achieved, in fact, I'd go as far as to say that only the very best tablet players unlock skills that are unreachable. ;)
i cant play with keyboard, my left hand is sooo RGUWRUWRHTHWD
I cant play with mouse D:
i tried but i cant, but i can play with tablet a little :3

cococococo wrote:

i cant play with keyboard, my left hand is sooo RGUWRUWRHTHWD
And I thought you have been streaming with the [C] and [O] keys, hence your nickname...

/me runs away :P
why are you so cool, cococococo! Long time bans AND mouse only. Ftw. hi5 o/
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