
Brain teaser game

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It is an interesting game :) Easy rules:

First, I will ask a brain teaser.
Then, someone who answered it correctly, after confirmed (or 24hrs without response while the answer is beyond dispute), can ask a brain teaser, and the cycle repeats.

A brain teaser that can be explained in non-specific languages is preferable. For example,
Q: Why does Tom run faster than a moving train?
A: Because he runs really fast.

Q: There are two monsters, green-faced and red-faced. Green-faced monster has to be killed with two shots while red-faced monster has to be killed with just one shot. How can I kill both monsters with two shots?
A: First, kill the green-faced moster with one shot. Then face of red-faced monster will turn green due to scary, so I can kill it with another shot.

:) Now comes the question:
Each can of Coke costs $1. There is a discount that you can exchange a new can of Coke with two empty can. You now have $20. How many cans of Coke can you drink?

Edit: add rule (24hrs without response)
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No 39 :D Think further

kookookook wrote:

How many cans of Coke can you drink?
As many as your stomach allows for.

Now where is my prize?
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boat wrote:

kookookook wrote:

How many cans of Coke can you drink?
As many as your stomach allows for.

Now where is my prize?

Okay... the question now is how many cans can you buy/exchange :(
39, with a remainder of 1 empty can.
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Consider the remaining can ;)
Well, there are only 39 cans total.
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Don't you think it is a little bit waste when remaining one empty can... What can you do with such can?
Kick it? If you can refill the cans then the answer is infinity.
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mathexpert9981 wrote:

Yes it is 40
Please explain and it's your turn :)
Like what, you share a can with another guy? 39.5?

Then you find 2 more guys and share a can between 4 people, 39.75

This goes on to infinity and the end result is 40 like what mathexpert said
lol it's much more simple than that dude

Inital: 20 cans
20 + 10+ 5 + 2 +1 = 39;
but, there was an extra can from the 5 -> 2. Adding this can with the last +1 would mean 2 empty cans. thus, the real answer is 40.


20 + = 40

I'll post mine soon~

mathexpert9981 wrote:

20 + 10+ 5 + 2 +1 = 39;
38, not 39.
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Let me explain :)
you will get
20+10+5+2(1 empty can)+1(1 empty can)+1=39
For the remaining empty can, ask someone to lend you an empty can, then exchange a new can, and after drinking, give it back to him/her.
So the answer is 40. :D
Somebody can take my turn, I don't really have any good logic puzzles; the ones I do have involve too much math as opposed to logic stuff~
But whoever gave you the can would essentially be giving up half a drink. Why would they do that? :P

mathexpert9981 wrote:

Somebody can take my turn, I don't really have any good logic puzzles; the ones I do have involve too much math as opposed to logic stuff~
i would have just purchased a bunch of recycled cans and exchange them in turn bankrupting the coke business or causing them to rethink their promotions
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Let me ask again :)
A man and a woman dated in a restaurant.
The man asked,' How old are you?'
The woman said nothing but got a piece of lemon from her lemon tea and put it on the table in front of the man.
How old was she?

Edit:Sorry for my poor English :) Thanks miharu
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mathexpert9981 wrote:

lol it's much more simple than that dude

Inital: 20 cans
20 + 10+ 5 + 2 +1 = 39;
but, there was an extra can from the 5 -> 2. Adding this can with the last +1 would mean 2 empty cans. thus, the real answer is 40.


20 + = 40

I'll post mine soon~

I prefer this one :)
Neither of those works in the context of this problem.
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NarrillNezzurh wrote:

Neither of those works in the context of this problem.
yum :D
what does this even mean?

kookookook wrote:

The woman said nothing but fished up a piece of lemon in front of the man.
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Sorry for my poor English. Oh I forgot to tell the main point :?
I would like to express that the woman get a piece of lemon from her lemon tea and put it on the table in front of the man.
also how old was her should be changed to how old was she ,english is confusing and redundant sometimes having all these words with the same or similar meanings
lol let me guess without thinking too much (?)
29 maybe? lol
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Not 10
Not 29
Hint: LEMON :D

source : google sensei. It's the amount of calories in 58gr lemon
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You got one digit correct :)
But sorry, I think google cannot help answer this question.
okay it's 27.
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Sorry not 27
LEMON <---you can see something here

LEMON inverted is (approx.) NOW37

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Bingo :) your turn
I don't want to ask again, either. So anyone?
Meh, here's an easy one.

You need to roll a ball from Point A to Point B on a field without overshooting. The two points are 20m apart.
However, you can only roll it 2m, 3m, 5m, 7m, or 11m each time

What is the minimum number of rolls you need to use?
1. I only have one ball :<
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Take Move Point B as to Point A. They overlap so 0 rolls :D
If I only have one ball and can only roll it to a maximum distance of 11m each time then I'll never reach point B. So 0.
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salted_nuts wrote:

If I only have one ball and can only roll it to a maximum distance of 11m each time then I'll never reach point B
I think he means 11+11-2 or 11+2+7

kookookook wrote:

Take Move Point B as to Point A. They overlap so 0 rolls :D
Fixed points on the field

kookookook wrote:

salted_nuts wrote:

If I only have one ball and can only roll it to a maximum distance of 11m each time then I'll never reach point B
I think he means 11+11-2 or 11+2+7
In a way, like that. You can roll 1 ball multiple times.
oh ._. then 3
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So I ask a question :D
I think of a tough question. I even wonder if I am wrong, so I share here.
There are three coins, one with both sides silver, one with both sides gold, and one with one side silver and one side gold.

I randomly choose one coin, and it is given that the face of the coin I see is gold.
What is the probability that the other side of the coin is gold too?
Hold your horses, 3 is wrong. The answer is pretty obvious now, so the key is to explain it.
50% is the obvious answer, but I feel like it's not that.

Also JInxy, it's two.
Roll it twice 11 times then just stop the ball as you reach 20.
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I am thinking of 1/3, but I seem haven't answer JInxyjem's question correctly yet :)


NoHitter wrote:

50% is the obvious answer, but I feel like it's not that.

Also JInxy, it's two.
Roll it twice 11 times then just stop the ball as you reach 20.
Oh I arrive the answer now. It is two. I roll two times 11 with different angles, so the vector sum is 20.
Yeah, the points are on a field, so you can roll in any direction.

kookookook wrote:

Oh I arrive the answer now. It is two. I roll two times 11 with different angles, so the vector sum is 20.
Oh dear how could I have forgotten to think in three dimensions.
Still, I think my answer is acceptable to some degree xD

kookookook wrote:

So I ask a question :D
I think of a tough question. I even wonder if I am wrong, so I share here.
There are three coins, one with both sides silver, one with both sides gold, and one with one side silver and one side gold.

I randomly choose one coin, and it is given that the face of the coin I see is gold.
What is the probability that the other side of the coin is gold too?

kookookook wrote:

I am thinking of 1/3, but I seem haven't answer JInxyjem's question correctly yet :)
Isn't it 50%? The moment you see the coin is gold, it's either gold coin or gold-silver coin already.

Edit: Nevermind. Looks like Monty Hall's has tricked me again.
Your question is a variety of the Monty Hall's problem. The answer is 2/3.
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NoHitter wrote:

kookookook wrote:

So I ask a question :D
I think of a tough question. I even wonder if I am wrong, so I share here.
There are three coins, one with both sides silver, one with both sides gold, and one with one side silver and one side gold.

I randomly choose one coin, and it is given that the face of the coin I see is gold.
What is the probability that the other side of the coin is gold too?

kookookook wrote:

I am thinking of 1/3, but I seem haven't answer JInxyjem's question correctly yet :)
Isn't it 50%? The moment you see the coin is gold, it's either gold coin or gold-silver coin already.
I think the probability of choosing a both-side-gold coin is different from that of one-side-gold-one-side-silver coin.
both-side-gold_________________ Gold_______ Gold

Obviously the chance of getting a both-side-gold is 2/3 and chance of getting a one-side-gold-one-side-silver coin is 1/3.

Sorry I forgot the figure. Yes, it is 2/3
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