Aquamarine wrote:
chelly wrote:
An in-progress sub-forum would mostly lead to an entire section dedicated to abandoned skins.
Not only that, but creating such a sub-forum will encourage users to post incomplete skins, making the forum messier.
I'm not sure I understand your reasoning. Actually it doesn't make sense to me at all.
The main forum is filled with mentioned abandoned skins, plus requests, questions, etc. So... toss them all into that subforum... and everything will be more tidy.
Ah, sorry if it looks weird at a glance. It sounded better in my head.
What I meant was:
Right now, there is no rule going against "incomplete" skins, so we're at a neutral here. It's up to the skinner to decide whether or not they should post their thread. Were we to add an "In-Progress" subforum, we would be leaning toward "it's okay to post incomplete skins as long as they're right here". True, it won't clutter the main section, but it's still encouragement towards incomplete skinning.
Your suggestion in the OP doesn't quite stop people from posting dead skins, it just tells them to "post them somewhere else".