
What was the last dream you had?

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Forgive me if there's already a topic like this; I don't browse the forums very often. ;;
Anyway, the title speaks for itself~

I can't remember the dream I had last night, but the one I had the night before involved me having a tour around a college/university with a group of students. Amongst those students was an OC of mine, but in my dream he turned out to be gay and had a boyfriend with him. The two of them were often quite intimate with each other in front of others and I recall telling them several times to get a room or something. xD I also remember seeing a girl who was interested in him, but despite her best efforts he showed no interest in her whatsoever (for obvious reasons, I guess).

I've been having a lot of strange dreams these past few nights, but I seem to remember this one the most for some reason.
I had one where my teeth were falling out, it was really scary beacuse when I saw my self in the mirror and open my's wasn't even one tooth in my mouth
(in the dream) after that dream I woke up sweating all over my body.

I guess im not the only who had that dream -_-

Nya-nyan wrote:

I had one where my teeth were falling out, it was really scary beacuse when I saw my self in the mirror and open my's wasn't even one tooth in my mouth
(in the dream) after that dream I woke up sweating all over my body.

I guess im not the only who had that dream -_-
This is a common dream that we all always have XD. They are a bit unpleasant :roll:
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Nya-nyan wrote:

I had one where my teeth were falling out, it was really scary beacuse when I saw my self in the mirror and open my's wasn't even one tooth in my mouth
(in the dream) after that dream I woke up sweating all over my body.

I guess im not the only who had that dream -_-
Funnily enough, I had this very same dream about a week ago. xD I remember checking my mouth the moment I woke up just to see if all my teeth were still there.

Apparently, a dream about teeth falling out means that you're concerned about your health in some way... if you believe in those kinds of things. :3
I thought this is enough t/108237

But yeah okay, let's quote this one from that thread as it's the latest one I still remember:

Static Noise Bird wrote:

I saw a dream taking place in modified Kulosaari (a common theme in my dreams; modified subway stations and station's neighbourhood/suburb/whatever-area). It was the first time I got lost in one of those stations after it got modified, unlike usually, the modification has always been the original station in that dream. So yeah, I got lost, and I was just as shy as usual, couldn't ask anyone the way out, which is a thing unusual in my dreams, as I'm shy in real life, when usually I'm not shy at all in my dreams. I walked around while listening to Paramore, and acting like how I act in real life, which is another thing unusual, as mentioned, acting how I act in real life, listening to music in public, especially an existant band's music, especially my favourite one's. So it felt like it wasn't a dream at all.
After running around for a while, I ran into my crush, and she noticed I was lost and worried, told me to follow and said "don't worry sweetie, just follow me and everything will be fine". I probably had the biggest smile at that moment, but in the dream I was just blushoverloading like I would have done in real life. Though it would have not happened in real life. And I'm still mad that it wasn't real life.
It was only the second time my crush has been in my dream, that I would remember. The first time was around 5 years ago, and the most pathetic thing is that it's still the same goddamn person. Someone please help me out.
Also when I woke up, my arm was in the most terrible position, numb, and looked like it was broken. Because I had taken a second pillow from somewhere and placed it onto my head and wrapped my arm around it in the most weird way ever. Genius.
But yeah, that's probably my favourite dream ever. I'll try to write here whenever I remember my dream. Even though this stuff will be TL;DR most of the time.
yes TL;DR :P

My dreams are mostly super random stuff orthings without any sense at all. The funny thing is i allways remember was i was dreaming and sometimes i even thought about writing a little story or something about what i just dreamed before, but i shortly forget about those random dreams anyways lol or sometimes i tell friends about them. :?
My last dream was me having a wonderful day, drinking beer and playing Osu! Like normal, but I was actually good at the game. Then my parents woke me up for my sisters birthday.
I don't have common dreams but common characteristics in them... Like being in a semi-blind state. When I look DIRECTLY in a certain direction I either see white empty spaces or blue lights.
that feel when you find lots of money, but you don't know where to go and everyone you've ever met wants some of it.
i hope i won't ever get rich in real life D:
My Laptop Broke and I can't do Anything of It because of Financial-Crisis
* I hope I won't get Any De-Ja-Vu about this in the future ever...
Most of my dreams are lucid, I don't know how I do ot but it always happens to me. I haven't had any dreams in a while and I have a bad memory so I'm just gonna write about a dream that scared me.

I had this dream 5/6 years ago ( I was 8 at that time ) and I still remember it. After watching The Ring ( I regretted watching it ), I went to sleep and woke up on my bed in my dream. I blinked and was transported to beside a carpark near my home. Right beside the carpark was a hill and on top of that hill was a girl who looked like a 9 year old, wore a white dress, had white skin and had long,black and messy hair.After I stared at her for a while, she sudddenly gave a sharp stare and screamed at me. Her hair started to grow longer and she was able to control her hair. She grabbed me by the legs and pulled my nearer to her. Her dress started to tear in the middle and the place where the stomach should be was replaced with a black gaping hole. When I was near enough for her to touch me, hands started to come out of her stomach and dragged deeper into the hole. The last scene that appeared was a third person view of my hand reaching for outside as I get sucked into the darkness in the hole.
After that I woke up. Still scares me everytime I think about it.
real life-like dreams recently ... Kind of boring
I've been having numerous remember-able dreams recently every sleep. Most of them are nightmares though...such as being in high school again (because college life OP), missing my plane to my home country from US, and such...


I've been having numerous remember-able dreams recently every sleep. Most of them are nightmares though...such as being in high school again (because college life OP), missing my plane to my home country from US, and such...
Maybe you're concerning too much about something in your daily life... That might reflect in your dreams in infinite ways, trust me, I've lived that before
The last one I remember was I was jacking off in the back of the car, among other weird places.

...It was weird.
Shohei Ohtani
I twerked on someone's yolo

about a lil girl with black clothes and long hair sitting alone on a chair in the coudly day, and she asked me if she could follow me. so i said yes and she took my hand with her cold lil hand, and we walked nowhere. (there was a bgm played, and it's kinda like this:
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So I've been playing the new Animal Crossing game a lot lately, and yesterday I forgot to play for some reason.
Then last night, I had a dream that I was in my town and found that all my residents were dead and there were weeds and monsters everywhere because I missed a day.

Kinda made me paranoid about my AC town afterwards. ;;
I was a guy and I found a rotting body of a girl in the river.
I moved house and didn't have the internet on so i had a dream that i had the internet on. It was beautiful.
I get a lot of money!
I can never remember my dreams orz
the one I remember most happened about a year ago or so. I had just walked through a rather large dungeon (mazes, enemies, etc. that kind of dungeon) and after going through the last door I was in the hallway of my house, except it was completely dark and it was dark outside too. then I went through the door directly across (that usually goes into the laundry room) and ended up in a storage room. there was a door on the other end blocked by a storage rack 0.0 so I moved it and went through that door into another storage room with a bunch of dust and dirt in it. I vividly remember, there was only one single flickering light bulb hanging from the ceining. There was a door on the opposite end covered by dirt so it was hardly visible, also it was blocked by a washer and drier (lolwut o.o), so I moved the washer and drier and entered the door. The door lead to the normal laundry room (which should have been there originally), except it had a weird black iron bar mesh shelf thing above the washer/drier that wasn't usually there and was lit up by a bright white fluorescent light.

now at this point I realized I was in a dream and so I turned it into a lucid dream. I wanted to be with Remilia Scarlet, so I made it so that she'd be in the next room. =w= I entered the door into a completely dark room, but I could feel it had a carpet floor. I could feel Remi standing right beside me and that she was about to bite me on the back of my neck. =w= but then, in the instant before she did, I heard a loud screeching sound and I woke up..

I was so ticked off after that, especially now since I've never got another lucid dream after that night. raaaaaaaaaaage > <
Read at your cost
My dream last night was when I was in one of those subway trains, so I had one of my best friends standing there and I randomly came up behind him and hugged him, started making out, randomly we instantly changed into just our undies . All of a sudden another guy shows up who's pretty buff and said "Player 3 has entered the room !" We both looked and then my other best friend comes in and pushes him off the train and says "No, I'm player 3 !" then he hops into my arms naked and then secks happens .
Please. . .I've had weirder dreams then this .
i see the black

Kouya- wrote:

Read at your cost
My dream last night was when I was in one of those subway trains, so I had one of my best friends standing there and I randomly came up behind him and hugged him, started making out, randomly we instantly changed into just our undies . All of a sudden another guy shows up who's pretty buff and said "Player 3 has entered the room !" We both looked and then my other best friend comes in and pushes him off the train and says "No, I'm player 3 !" then he hops into my arms naked and then secks happens .
Please. . .I've had weirder dreams then this .
What's so bad about being Player 4?

My dream a couple of nights ago
I was a little kid again walking around an empty street with my sister and mom. All of a sudden, a kidnapper catches me and I watch as my sister and mom run away the I try to run too but the kidnapper grabs the garter of my shorts but I still kept running so the garter kept stretching. Realizing I wasn't getting anywhere, I turn around and do an epic flying kick using the added force from the garter that stretched out ridiculously then proceed to cry in front of a knocked out kidnapper because my shorts garter got stretched and was too loose.

Jing Yuan
I had an osu dream, it's the last dream I remember.

the dream was literally just me mapping

it was the most boring dream I've ever had.
Uh, I was just walking somewhere
The most recent dream I had that I can remember was:
I was in a high school and I was taking two classes at the same time. What I would do was spend 30 minutes in one class and 30 minutes in the other. The teachers weren't paying attention anyway. So, one day some kid in one of my classes was hungry and didn't want anything the cafeteria was serving. The guy just had to order a pizza. He ordered a couple of pizzas and he stole some teachers' credit card to pay for them too. I had stay in that one class the whole time. The pizza was great but I ended up getting in trouble with both of my teachers and the principle for being in both classes at the same time.
Well anyway, I would have gotten a way with taking two classes if the guy hadn't ordered pizzas.
Oh, and as for the guy, he was expelled for stealing and using someones' credit card.
EshkushMeh xD


The most recent dream I had that I can remember was:
I was in a high school and I was taking two classes at the same time. What I would do was spend 30 minutes in one class and 30 minutes in the other. The teachers weren't paying attention anyway. So, one day some kid in one of my classes was hungry and didn't want anything the cafeteria was serving. The guy just had to order a pizza. He ordered a couple of pizzas and he stole some teachers' credit card to pay for them too. I had stay in that one class the whole time. The pizza was great but I ended up getting in trouble with both of my teachers and the principle for being in both classes at the same time.
Well anyway, I would have gotten a way with taking two classes if the guy hadn't ordered pizzas.
Oh, and as for the guy, he was expelled for stealing and using someones' credit card.
Well, at least you had some pizza.

Anyway, I don't really remember much from my last dream, but what I do remember was that:

My dream last night
I was just walking to my classroom and when I arrived, there was this mysterious looking transfer student sitting in the seat next to mine. I didn't really think much of it. So, class just went on. Anyway, since he was my seatmate, he introduced himself to me and I did the same to him. We started talking and he seemed like a good guy. Our teacher suddenly gave us a group project; I don't remember what it was, though. And, sure enough, the transfer student and I were in the same group, along with another boy and girl. We decided we would go to the transfer student's house after school to work on the project.

~Time skip~

We were already in the transfer student's house and we started working on the project. His house was huge! It was kind of like a mansion or something. While we were brainstorming, the transfer student suddenly excused himself. I thought this was suspicious and decided to follow him. I quietly followed him and that led me to a small, quiet room. I was just outside the room, peaking in the open door. It was dimly lit so I couldn't see what was inside it, but I could make out the transfer student and a table with various sharp objects like knives, scissors and such. He holding one of the knives and I could tell he was chuckling maniacally (you know, like the ones you see in movies or TV shows). Of course, I was frightened. He suddenly turned his head to look at me. He suddenly smiled and slowly walked towards me. "You know my secret..." I heard him mumble under his breath. I slowly walked backwards. He raised his knife, getting ready to stab me.

And then I woke up.
I was waiting for a bus in a bus station. Then, the station turned into a giant shopping mall. Then it turned into an airport, so I decided to wait for my flight that I suddenly remembered getting.
As I was waiting for my flight, I looked out towards the runways and witnessed 3 consecutive crashes.First was a B2 stealth bomber stalling upon takeoff and crashing a few metres off the runway. Second was a B1 bomber in flight that performed a high-g turn, which caused it to spin out of control and crash. This is where I remembered saying:
''C'mon! That was my flight...''
The last plane was an ordinary passenger aircraft that fell short of the runway. I watched as the passengers evacuated the wreckage.

Despite those crashes, the airport resumed operations. I was given a new flight (after witnessing my first one crash). There was a really racist woman on this one. She kept complaining about foreigners, which resulted in one of the flight attendants to open a door mid-flight. Not wearing her seatbelt, the racist woman flew straight through the opened door.

wakes up

More happened before that, but it's literally indescribable.

a1l2d3r4e5d6 wrote:

A dream
Do you write this stuff down right after waking up or something?

Gumpyyy wrote:

a1l2d3r4e5d6 wrote:

A dream
Do you write this stuff down right after waking up or something?
Some dreams I remember because they're very vivid.
That and I also woke up a few minutes ago, so I still remember it.
Zombies doing Michael Jackson moves while turning into turtles with wings and flew away
Alone in a room with a girl.

Then she started shitposting memes at me.
I was in the guy's locker room and instead of guys, there were woman .

Figured I was actually in the girls locker room, and they all looked like super models .

It was weird how they didn't notice I was in there .
Midori Tea
Instead of my campus consisting of multiple, separate buildings, my school was a single building with multiple levels. The restrooms were segregated based on a student's GPA. The lower the GPA, the more amount of stalls and urinals the restroom contained. The higher the GPA, the less amount of stalls and urinals the restroom contained. I was taking a piss at one of the urinals and one of my female friends nonchalantly walked into the restroom. Surprisingly, none of the other guys cared much about it.
dung eater
There were bugs and it wasn't fun.

Yorumi-San wrote:

Instead of my campus consisting of multiple, separate buildings, my school was a single building with multiple levels. The restrooms were segregated based on a student's GPA. The lower the GPA, the more amount of stalls and urinals the restroom contained. The higher the GPA, the less amount of stalls and urinals the restroom contained. I was taking a piss at one of the urinals and one of my female friends nonchalantly walked into the restroom. Surprisingly, none of the other guys cared much about it.
That's really interesting.

jaaakb wrote:

There were bugs and it wasn't fun.
There were big spiders hanging from the ceiling everywhere it wasn't very fun.
My dreams are extremely vivid, or I just remember them more than what the average person might remember. :o

The whole osu! community were space soldiers with their own mecha suits.
We all took off from a base in orbit around the moon, preparing to hold off a massive alien invasion.
The whole group split into 3 units:

-Unit 1 was a group that stayed behind the moon that provided long range support. This unit was lead by Loctav, who apparently has cybernetic implants which provided unparalleled battlefield information as well as enhanced vision to help with long ranged attacks.
-Unit 2 was ordered to deal with incoming enemy units. The unit lead was never seen by me.
-Unit 3 was the special operations unit. It was somehow lead by [google:1337]Sir Hammerlock[/google:1337] from Borderlands 2. This unit was tasked with destroying enemy vessels. The main priority of such is a ship with a superweapon designed to annihilate life on planets with one shot.

I was in the special operations unit. I somehow looked like Mizugaki Tsukasa from Plastic Memories (though we look nothing alike).

The battle commenced as soon as unit 2 and 3 went over the moon. Swarms of enemy units came at us, but unit 2 holds them of, not without a few casualties. Unit 3 got close enough to start firing on the assault ships with our heavy weaponry. We split into 5 groups of 30 people and commenced attack. It took a few shots, but we managed to destroy one after 20 minutes. One heavy assault cruiser nearly destroyed my group, but was quickly destroyed by a barrage of concentrated fire from unit 1.
5 Hours of non-stop fighting and we've already destroyed ~60% of the enemy force, though we've lost 20% of our own. We finally spot our main priority, the superweapon. All of unit 3 fired on the massive ship, but we quickly ran out of ammunition before we could destroy it. One soldier had a special weapon system installed on their suit that has yet to be used. It was a prototype weapon, so our leader said not to use it unless ''the situation is really critical''. This one soldier in particular somehow resembled Isla from Plastic Memories.
She approaches the ship on her own, while some people from unit 2 provided suppressive fire. Clumsy as the actual Isla was, this Isla got stuck between some of the ship's protruding structures. She quickly became surrounded by enemy units. I then attempted to rescue her. My depleted weaponry was just dead weight, so I ejected them from my suit. Despite being so close to grabbing her hand, she was shot dead in front of me. The shock I felt was enough to catch me off guard as the enemy unit finished me off as well.

The next scene shows me back in the base in lunar orbit. It was simply a dream that someone was monitoring as I was sleeping. The person (who resembled Kinushima Michiru from Plastic Memories. srsly, dafuq with all these Plastic Memories characters?! ._.) was shocked and in tears upon seeing what dreams I usually get. She switches the monitor off, not noticing Isla looking curious behind her. Isla speaks up by saying, ''You know we're not supposed to look at other people's dreams without their permission.''
Before the other person could say something, Sir Hammerlock enters the room. With a loud British voice, he said, ''Ahh! There's my three favourite people! The Loli, The Nerd and The Idiot.''

A large sound from outside woke me up from here.
I had a nightmare last night where Christian Bale was trying to murder me or something.

It started out with me inside a crowd at school when suddenly everyone started running away in all directions. I ran too because everyone else was, I soon figured out that there was someone or something brainwashing people. Brainwashed people would be put under control and live their lives never knowing about their conditions. Fast forward a bit and I found myself hiding inside of a warehouse in an isolated part of town. It's very late at night, pitch-black and raining outside.

At this point almost everyone has been brainwashed and I've lost contact with the outside world. I decide to make a run for it somewhere far away. Since it is raining I kept my shoes away from the entrance as it was wet and damp, so as I headed inside the warehouse to look for my shoes I saw Christian Bale in a nice suit smiling at me. He said: "Hi! Come here for a second ______. I want to talk to you!" all the while with this creepy smile frozen on his face. I immediately started running away from him to which he responded "that's no good ________! I just want to talk to you!" I ran as hard as I could through the rain down this long asphalt road through the darkness. All I could hear were his footsteps behind me; despite the fact that we were both sprinting his voice did not falter at all from all the exertion. I heard his voice and steps draw closer and closer until finally it got to the point where I could practically hear him whispering in my ear. When he grabbed ahold of me that's when I woke up. I then questioned the meaning of my existence.

I was no longer sure whether I am living as some brainwashed drone being controlled and watched over by some Christian Bale-esque overlord, or if I'm living life of my own accord, with my own free will.
Well, there was that one movie with Christian Bale..
I dreamt of a really long car ride that didn't end until I woke up. I'm trying my best to remember but I forgot what I saw outside the window during the drive.

***I see a lot of people have people talking in their dreams. I just now realize that my dreaming without sound is not normal. Neat.
I had a dream that I was a white cop and a black guy started shooting at me, so I shot back and killed him. Yeah...
Travelling through CHina
I clicked circles in the sky and the moon was a big osu! logo.
I was being chased
I was in a bakery shop .

There was the person of my dreams .

I dropped my bagutte and ran to them to give them a hug .

Then the earth shook, I fell into an abyss .

Only realizing that I'm in the deepest part of the ocean .

I began choking in the water, but soon realized that I could breath in it .

I could see a shining sky blueish light not to far away from me .

I float to it, grasping it and everything becomes bright .

I realized I just died in my own dream from drowning. . .
A small octopus wanted to chase me (lol)
then I ran downstairs in my house and scream! but then
I can feel the octopus in my mouth, I don't know why -_- weird
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