
What was the last dream you had?

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the last dream I remember is just falling. Falling in pitch black.

Kheldragar wrote:

Yo, you watch too much anime to be dreaming about a 2d girl lol.

On topic: I had a dream about a girl that I had never seen/met before; I seem to have had a lot of those over the past years and it always seems to be the same girl all the time. idk.

EneT wrote:

Kheldragar wrote:

Yo, you watch too much anime to be dreaming about a 2d girl lol.

On topic: I had a dream about a girl that I had never seen/met before; I seem to have had a lot of those over the past years and it always seems to be the same girl all the time. idk.
Actually, I think she was in my dream because she's in the background of my new top play from yesterday. I haven't watched a new anime since 2012.
I had a dream where I was in school again and the teacher was showing me multiple exam papers with negative grades meaning I had to get pulled back to elementary. Then there was this whole segment about how I was too big to sit on the chair and also a part where I used a calculator to solve 2nd grade math problems.

Nameless wrote:

I clicked circles in the sky and the moon was a big osu! logo.

Waifu420Laifu wrote:

I had this lucid dream where i was an hvick soaring over remote control dropping pp on disgusting 100k ranked players, people told me being a hvick was retarded but i didn't care i was beautiful.
I don't believe you guys.

I haven't been able to remember a dream in about a year, even when I try to remember before I go to bed/right when I wake up, I can't. Sucks because dreams are interesting.

Friendan wrote:

I haven't been able to remember a dream in about a year, even when I try to remember before I go to bed/right when I wake up, I can't. Sucks because dreams are interesting.
It helps to start a dream diary. If you remember even the littlest detail, right it down somewhere and do that everytime you wake up. I did that and now I remember most of my dreams with a lot of detail.
I was in a prison for 6 months for a money scam and I was used as a human guinea pig. A piece of my nostril was ripped off, sticks were jammed into my ears, needles into my nose and my cheek was cut open from the inside with an utility knife.

Ordinary nightmares.

Friendan wrote:

Nameless wrote:

I clicked circles in the sky and the moon was a big osu! logo.

Waifu420Laifu wrote:

I had this lucid dream where i was an hvick soaring over remote control dropping pp on disgusting 100k ranked players, people told me being a hvick was retarded but i didn't care i was beautiful.
I don't believe you guys.

I haven't been able to remember a dream in about a year, even when I try to remember before I go to bed/right when I wake up, I can't. Sucks because dreams are interesting.
Go to bed -> Set alarm for 3 hours before you're supposed to wake up, 2 hours before you're supposed to wake up, and one hour before.

Get woken up by the alarm and go back to bed. You will have vivid dreams.
I dreamed of a person.

olivia272 wrote:

I was in a prison for 6 months for a money scam and I was used as a human guinea pig. A piece of my nostril was ripped off, sticks were jammed into my ears, needles into my nose and my cheek was cut open from the inside with an utility knife.

Ordinary nightmares.
Oh my...

On topic: I saw a badminton match of a girl versus another girl that looks like Yui Hirasawa from K-ON!.

Dreams can be really random at times.
I dreamed that I was a good CtB player
I dreamed of TwistedDuck
I was a professional basketball player, doing good in a match in a big stadium of some kind. On a break I went to the bathroom (which was a maze to begin with since there were like 100 showers, sauna(s) and only one toilet area somewhere in the furthest rooms) and it started going dark to the point where only the exit signs were glowing. I still tried to get to the toilets (and accidentally found a sauna), until I noticed there was this small creature with a big head trying to chase me. Then I just carefully ran (because the floor was wet) and tried to get out without slipping or being eaten or whatever that little piece of shit was going to do to me.

This was not last night, but on the previous night. I don't remember anything about last night, which is kinda rare for me.
I dreamed about my Highschool life some years ago... oh god, the nostalgia
i dreamt about a world where i did not play osu, a world where i cured cancer, graduated a valedictorian, won the nobel prize in every single cateogory, stopped nuclear warfare completely, created world peace, prevented global warming, engineered faster than light travel, invented a method to harness the hidden energy of the universe and continue the legacy of mankind, and ate a hamburger from macdonalds, deluxe edition 6.0.
Raisha Millenia

Pituophis wrote:

the last dream I remember is just falling. Falling in pitch black.
I met my past, i mean my very first girlfriend, 20 years ago. And of course into this dream we are together ... ;w;
EshkushMeh xD

Raisha Millenia wrote:

Pituophis wrote:

the last dream I remember is just falling. Falling in pitch black.
Dreamt of me being deaf and dumb, I'm very happy that I'm a normal person
I dreamed about graduation.

But now I am a lot more worried.
Nightmares about circles, they haunt me every night! :cry:
Zombie Apocalypse :'v
Was at some school and it turned into a Devil Maycry/Persona 3 type of dream .
I dreamed I had a qt 3.14 girlfriend who I was starting to really fall for. And then I woke up. ;__;
Dreaming of searching for the perfect donut .

When I found it, which was at the end of the dream, I was just about to take the first bite of it but then. . .I woke up .
Raisha Millenia
I dreamed that I became the 8th president of Indonesia :v
I was reported in osu! for baking zombies

I remember the person who reported was David. I don't know no Davids in my life..
Yandere Simulator was very realistic, it was the full game. There were so many people, more than there currently are in the game. Probably like 100 or something. Keep in mind that it takes place in a high school.

I remember one of the students, she was a chubby girl who wore neon pink and green clothes. And there was a school cafeteria, kind of like one you would find in a middle or elementary school in the middle of the hallway.
Like this one

There was a kids playground near the school, the boys who went there turned into girls. I don't know why.
That is a part of a dream i had, hope you enjoy.
Ender Lain
Playing osu! while zombies attacking my city
My mon found my mangas I hid in my room and I was pretty awkward.
Fortuanately just a dream ~
I dreamt of a perfect world. There were no conflicts, illnesses vanished, no more starvation, and all was right. Why? Well because everyone turned into trees ofcourse.
My dream is so NSFW. I cant tell it here.
my dreams nightmares can be sort of dark

it was about captured children getting experimented on (including myself) and a sadistic old lady

aaand this isn't the first time i got a dream like this ._.
I had a dream where something happened at my school and I tried to find out what it was, I still don't know what.
I had a lucid nightmare last night, I started flying and flying, it was fun, but I couldn't descend and I went up to the stratosphere and died of low oxygen levels. lucid nightmares are scarier than normal one since your in control so it feels like it really happens. I woke up facing the opposite direction.
My dreams are 'fun', especially when I remember them.

I had several siblings. We were all forcibly adopted by a strange man right in front of our mother after he harassed her. He took us into his home where he vowed to raise us as 'proper adults'. We were not allowed to talk unless he said it was okay. One of my siblings in the dream, looked around 4-5 years old, giggled and the man lost it. He yelled at him with all of his might and punched him to the ground. Everyone else started shouting at him and he simply shouted back much louder. Weeks have passed and all of a sudden, he started an example of what a 'runt of the litter' was like. He neglected what he deemed would be the weakest one out of me and my siblings, in this case the youngest at 4 years old. He gave him little to no nutrition, ignored him and shoved him aside if he was in his way. Many days later and the youngest sibling eventually gave in and collapsed on the back porch. We tried to aid the dying sibling, but the man simply did not let us. He just let us watch a family member die all alone outside. Angered, I threw vile words at the man and tried to leave the house, but was knocked out unconscious.
I woke up in a dark room, limbs chained. The man was there. He simply said that 'disciplinary action must be taken for bad children like you'. He took out a whip and lashed out at me with multiple strikes. Seeing as I gave no reaction, he took out a knife and ran it's sharp blade all over my body, as if he was carving something.

I can't really remember what happened afterwards. :cry:
I just remember that in my last dream I wanted to kill someone xD

I was in school like everyday (yes every damn time.) I walked down to school's basement and saw few friends from other class, THEY WERE SMOKING WEED. LIKE SO HIGH, and then i said nothing to do here, (went back to classroom) a guy came and gave some weed to my seat friend, she left some money, But quickly I took the weed and escaped from school

In the end i smoked the weed too, sorry
I woke up after that
I was playing board game with some random people for a while. Then a decided to go out for a walk and i realized i was in a hostel, in front of a gorgeous beach.
I don't remember often my dreams, but the worst part I think is I don't even remember of dreaming no matter how hard I try

Like the two last dreams i done were on 02.12 and 21.11 (11 day difference)

Two possibilities : either I do not dream much (if so, WTF) either i'm so bad i remembering dreams i can't remember having them

The last I remember well though lasted about 3 minutes (and was the 21.11 one) :

I was randomly typing city names on Google Maps. While there was still the blue arrow pointing my position and orientation (moving at every city i typed wtf), suddenly for one city a green arrow appeared. I decided to follow closely this arrow, when it entered a store named 7up inside. I entered it going through the ceiling and then land near that arrow. That was my actual best friend (I don't know how she looks though). I also realised that 7up inside was a clothes store, for some reason. Lastly my brother (who likes saying that I listen to crappy songs and am doing crappy things) told me (as always) that I was still doing crappy things.

Well then. What a strange dream with Google Maps. Didn't know that we could use Google Maps to teleport.
I had a weird dream, where I was visiting a huge library, but it didn't look like any other ordinary libraries. The first floor looked like the inside of an expensive hotel, but the second floor was one huge glass room. There was a music room on the second floor, so I entered that room and picked up a bass guitar (I don't play bass though). It was a pretty weird bass, because it sounded like the teacher in the Peanuts cartoon (a trumpet-like sound). All of a sudden, the lead singer of Interpol (Paul Banks, I think?) enters the room and tells me that I'm shit at playing bass. Then we walked out of the room together and took the stairs down to the first floor of the library. While we're walking down the stairs, we see a girl and her mother, and the girl opens up a pretty huge present. The present turns out to be a teddy bear in a box, but there were also like 10 living rats hiding in the box. The rats escaped out of the box, and one of the rats manage to bite the mother.

Then I woke up
I dreamed that black and whites have equal rights
i had a dream where i was buried alive and when i managed to get out i woke up
my mom turned into a gorilla
I had a dream where i became a very cute loli and i suddenly started being turned on and started touching myself thinking of my big brother and i start humping a pillow while moaning his name

And he heard me and started looking through my door touching himself and i knew it very much and continued until we both came

I was in an open field and was standing infront of a portal thats inbetween a sakura tree. As i was about to enter to the portal i was stopped by a girl. She ask 'Do you really want to know what lies on the other side of the world?' I nod my head . She then continue 'Are you really just wanted to know that or you are just trying to escape your guilt ?'. Then the whole place is surrounded by building that engulf by fire.'You cant escape the sin.' She said while walking closer and closer to me. She then stab me and utter a word'its time to attone it' and then i woke up
Was a teacher helping a student who got lost something something student runs into someone said student is aquatinted with. I coughed up blood for unknown reason. Woke up
(Lucid Dream)

Random walk at London with a girl that my mind made up in the head. After eating lunch at a fancy restaurant, I grabbed her hand and flew her along with me to the top of the Eiffel Tower where we stared off to the distance.

This is sad because I've been single for 17 years.
Alright so I've been thinking about this all day and I don't know what to make of it.

So it starts off with me, in jail, in Germany. I have no idea why, but the signs were in german so I know I was in Germany (I also don't know why I was in jail). It was a relatively quiet city with only a few people outside. There was also a small plaza. I felt like I was in a video game; specifically Oblivion. So I looked outside my barred window and saw a big black-and-purple something killing people in the main plaza area. So I called out the warden and showed him Umbra, and he let me out to fight.

So I started to swing at him, swinging wildly, but...I just... couldn't... harm him. It was at that moment that I pressed R2 on my controller*** and I was able to lock on to him. Only after I woke up I realized that I was really in Kingdom Hearts, not Oblivion.

So now that I was locked on to it, I killed it quite easily...

Fast forward a few hours (because I don't remember anything past that.

I was now in an average-looking black car with a very specific female childhood friend driving on the left seat and me riding shotgun on the right. I wasn't attracted to her because she was a childhood friend. So we were driving along, and pointed at an elementary school (which is the exact school I went to, which is weird because we're in Germany) and asked, "Do you think it was hard going to that school, not knowing the language and all?"
I responded, "No, it was pretty easy because the vowels are the same as Spanish (I'm actually not sure if they are)."

So right after passing the quiet school we got on the noisy freeway, and a car honked at us, but the honk was actually a bell and I realized that it's my alarm and then I woke up.

***This part is the most interesting because it felt like I was controlling myself, but if I was controlling myself, I couldn't have pressed R2, and I remember pressing R2 very vividly. So either I was controlling myself with a controller this whole time (less likely) or I wasn't controlling myself and someone else was, and I just felt as if I was controlling myself (more likely).
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