
IOSYS - Phantasmagoria Mystical Expectation

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Monday, January 25, 2010 at 8:43:19 PM

Artist: IOSYS
Title: Phantasmagoria Mystical Expectation
Source: Touhou Project
Tags: Touhou Project
BPM: 140
Filesize: 7259kb
Play Time: 01:29
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (4.49 stars, 188 notes)
  2. Normal (3.92 stars, 128 notes)
Download: IOSYS - Phantasmagoria Mystical Expectation
Download: IOSYS - Phantasmagoria Mystical Expectation (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Comments and advise welcome.
Edit 6/9: Xgor's edits + minor changes
Edit 6/14: Offset change + Timing fixes
Edit 6/20: thepianist's edits + Added some more hitsounds
Edit 6/23: Fixed a few spacing issues
Edit 6/24: al2e10's edits
Edit 6/26: Timing fixes
Edit 6/29: Starrodkirby86's, Mafiamaster's, and Tieff's edits + Timing fixes + Added Video
Edit 7/5: Gens's edits (BPM and Offset Change + Background Size)
Edit 7/6: Symbolic's and SteRRuM's edits
Edit 7/11: MarioBros777's edits
Edit 10/13: Yes's edits
Edit 7/15: Shinxyn's eidts
Edit 1/4: Random Edits
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
This map could use some whistles, finishes, and claps for some added excitement.

Not a bad map overall but it needs those hitsounds.
I am lolling at the fact you want me to help do some hitsounds for you...


Your offset seems off by a 1/4 beat.

Set up so that you have two timing sections with the second one starting at 0.14.184 with inherited settings. Have the first section have soft hitsounds.

0.00.470 (1,2) Whistle
0.01.652 (2) Clap first note.
0.03.366 (3) Clap first note.
0.04.008 (3) Finish second note.
0.05.079 (3) Clap first note.
0.06.793 (3) Finish
0.08.078 (2) Clap first, finish third
0.09.578 (4) ^
0.14.719 (1,2) Move back in timeline one blue tick. It's late.
0.15.362 (2) Clap second.
0.17.076 (4) Finish third
0.18.147 (6) Move back in timeline one blue tick. It's late.
0.21.789 (4) Finish
0.22.217 (1) Whistle
0.22.860 (2) Rawr. Dun like the overlap :]
0.23.931 (3) Whistle
0.27.894 (1) Finish
0.37.641 (1) Clap
0.38.498 (4) Clap
0.41.069 (5) End Clap
0.45.354 (2) End finish
0.46.210 (1) Clap
0.47.067 (4) ^
0.48.781 (9) No finish on first
0.51.994 (3) No clap
0.53.280 (2,3) No clap first
0.55.636 (9) Whistle
Remove break
0.58.207 (1,2) Move back timeline one blue tick
0.58.850 (3) No clap first
1.00.135 (1) No clap first
1.03.348 (5) Whistle, extend one more reverse
1.05.062 (4) Finish
1.06.883 (1) Cut slider here
1.09.561 (4) Whistle.
1.11.275 (1-5, 1-3) Move back timeline one blue tick.
1.17.487 (1) Finish.

I'll finish this laters. Ye?

I have some opinon with your map .

00:18:254 (1) move to 00:18:147 ~
00:18:897 (3) move to 00:18:790
00:25:752 (1) finish to 00:28:323

It is good :D

01:26:378 (3) change to 01:26:270

It is a good betmap ^^
Ken Cosgrove
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

00:01:65 (2) - End slider 1/4 earlier.
00:03:36 (3) - End slider 1/4 earlier.
00:05:07 (3) - End slider 1/4 earlier.
00:40:85 (5) - End slider 1/4 earlier.
00:41:39 (6) - Make the slider start 1/4 earlier, but keep the endpoint at its it'd be...uh, make the slider 1/4 longer from the beginning.
01:06:24 (1) - End slider 1/4 earlier.
01:11:38 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - Move 1/4 back.
01:24:55 (5) - End slider 1/4 earlier.
01:29:05 (1) - End spinner at 1:32:483?

00:01:65 (2) - End 1/4 earlier.
00:04:11 (4) - Move 1/4 back.
00:25:75 (1) - Extend spinner by 1/4.
01:06:88 (3,4) - Move 1/4 back...?
01:14:38 (4,5) - Move 1/4 back?
01:25:30 (1,2,3) - Move 1/4 back.

After you make these changes, there's something you should know about the timing.

I knew after a while it was pretty odd to have 1/4s the whole way throughout the song. Even though the offset is correct, it's quite difficult to work in that environment.

Try an offset around 366, then moving all your notes to where the white ticks and red ticks usually are (Just like in many other beatmaps).

00:23:28 (1,2) - Spacing?
00:23:93 (3) - Slider shound end here 00:24:57 (Red stick)
00:41:28 (6) - Slider shound start here 00:41:38 and end here 00:41:71. I think.
00:55:63 (9) - Slider shound return here 00:55:95 and end here 00:56:27.
01:05:06 (4) - New combo.
01:06:13 (1) - Remove new combo.
01:28:41 (8) - Slider shound return here 01:28:73 and end here 01:29:05.

00:10:22 (4) - Clap on start.
00:15:15 (2) - Slider shound end here 00:15:36.
00:21:78 (11) - New combo?
00:41:92 (1) - Maybe... Spinner shound end here 00:44:06?
00:46:10 (1) - This note shound be here 00:46:21. And remove whistle, maybe.
00:48:78 (11) - End 1/4 earlier.
00:55:63 (11) - End 1/4 earlier.
00:56:49 - Add break here? Becouse of large hp drain.
01:05:06 (4) - New combo.
01:06:24 (1) - Remove new combo.

i was gonna map this but you beat me to it..... so i want to ask, could i make a difficult for this sometime?

if not, then i would just like to point out that theres a video that is really cool that you should use for this. i can get it for you if you want.
BPM: 140.00 (Sounds better to me imo)
Offset: 386
Resnap and recheck all notes.
Feel free not to follow BPM and offset, they might be wrong.

00:41:28 (6) - Shorten this correctly

01:02:06 (8) - Shorten
01:10:02 (5) - Beats like these should be moved 1/4 of a tick back.

Songs like these are hard to get beats right on. I blame the way the singer sings :(
Well good luck!
It's still good but it feels like normal should have a break on 00:56:496 (hard has a break around that time so why dosn't normal have it?) and hard has a bit too high hp drain!

But other then that it's still great :)

Edit:Sweet a video! :D
- Oh god, the Background's dimensions are 1600x1200. These dimensions are off-bound, and therefore unrankable. Resize it with with Paint.NET or another GOOD image editor.
- Be sure to place a correct preview point by going to the menu Timing -> Set Current Position as Preview.

Timing is off. Here's what I got:

  1. BPM: 140.0
  2. Offset: 1,669
I'm sure the BPM is 140.0 FLAT, but you can use Mafia's offset or mine.

00:22:21 (1,2) - I wouldn't do this if I were you, doesn't sounds too good.
The rest of the diff looks cool.

00:10:22 (4,5) - Not properly stacked.*
00:22:22 (2,3) - ^
00:30:35 (3,4,5) - ^

Overall, yes, I think the difficulty is fine, but there are some places where the spacing changes by 1 or 2 lvl3Grids. Watch out! Maybe you can get someone to nazi this difficulty.

* You know how to re-stack something to the endpoint of a slider, right? If you don't, turn off Grid Snap and use Distance Snap 0.0x, and try to move the beat.

~ ~ ~

Sorry, but I can't star this until you fix the timing AND the background. Call me in #mod or by PMs whenever you have fixed them.

00:22:24 (1) - Let this slider end 1/2 earlier.
00:44:74 (2) - ^
00:45:38 (x) - Add a note here.
00:51:38 (1) - This note is too early after spinner for Normal.
01:06:16 (3) - Let this slider start 1/2 later and let it end 1/2 earlier then.
01:06:16 (x) - Add a note here.
01:21:59 (5) - Let this slider start 1/2 later and let it end 1/2 earlier then.
01:21:59 (x) - Add a note here.
01:25:34 (1) - Put this note 1/4 earlier, sounds better imo.


00:21:81 (1,2,3) - This sounds crap. Change it.
00:29:09 (1) - First: Delete this slider, then add a note on 00:29:09 (x), on 00:29:20 (x), on 00:29:41 (x), on 00:29:63 (x) and on 00:29:84 (x).
00:32:95 (10) - Delete this slider and make it a stack.
00:30:38 (3) - New combo here.
00:33:59 (x) - Add a note here.
01:02:52 (9) - Respace this note.
01:06:81 (5) - Put this note 1/4 earlier.
01:07:56 (6) - ^
01:10:24 (6) - Respace this note.
01:12:70 (5) - Put this note 1/4 earlier.
01:23:74 (2) - ^

Good map, but timing is kinda weird at some spots.
Starred *
  1. 00:10:88 (6) - Stack manually,
  2. 01:07:88 (1) - 1/4 earlier,
  3. 01:29:20 (1) - Cut by 1/4.
  1. 00:02:74 (1) - 1/4 earlier sounds better,
  2. 00:11:52 (1) - 1/2 later and don't cut,
  3. 00:23:31 (3) - Stack manually,
  4. 01:06:16 (3,4,5,6) - 1/4 earlier,
  5. 01:07:93 (1) - 1/8 earlier sounds better,
  6. 01:12:70 (5) - 1/4 earlier.
Okok, everything's fixed, you can have my star ;o
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
By Request~

Very clean map, nothing much to say, but..
01:08:31 (2) - I'm not sure.... sounds like it can go on the 1/4 blue tick at 01:08:20 to sound better...
01:13:45 (2) - ^ to 01:13:34?
00:58:88 (3) - up a tick and realign notes after (look at (1,2,3)'s spacing xD)
01:03:81 (1,2,3) - don't have whistles and claps on all three mixed together please... remove some

Redo Breaks

hmmm the song is hard to follow... maybe try..
00:20:31 (6) - felt like it should go 1/4 back
00:20:95 (8) - ^ to 00:20:84
00:23:74 (1) - ^ to 00:23:63
00:51:81 (2) - ^ to 00:51:70
01:08:31 (2) - ^ to 01:08:20
01:14:74 (5) - felt it should be -forward- 1/4 to 01:14:84...
Redo Breaks

Yea... the song is hard to follow.... so I might be wrong about those..
Hitsound are okayish
More modding becuse i want this beatmap to be alive ^.^

I noticed that the HP drain is very high on hard making it very hard to recover if you miss! (manly in the later parts of the song)
Solid all around. I like can't wait to see approval.
00:38:09 (3) - maybe move to 00:37:99
01:02:52 (9) - make into a slider and end at 01:03:38 ?

00:11:31 (1) - lower volume for the end of slider?
01:00:16 (1) - add repeat

'tis all. star !

00:39:38 (1) - Remove note?
00:46:24 (1) - ^
00:53:09 (1) - ^
01:07:88 (1) - Too close to the previous note
01:26:74 (4) - Move back 1/4 of a beat?
01:27:06 (5) - ^


00:21:81 (1) - Shorten this slider by 1/4 of a beat
00:39:38 (1) - Remove note?
00:46:24 (1) - ^
00:47:52 (6) - Move back 1/4 of a beat
00:53:09 (1) - Remove note?
00:58:66 (2) - Move back 1/4 of a beat
01:02:09 (8) - Make this start 1/4 of a beat earlier
01:13:13 (1, 2) - Move all these back 1/4 of a beat
01:14:84 (5) - Move back 1/4 of a beat

Some of these may be wrong, as the song is rather hard to follow. In any case, nice work so far. *star*
0.04.561 (1) Move back a 1/4 to 0.04.454
0.13.776 (Spinner) Shorten by 1/4
0.30.383 (1) Move 1/2 back, extend to original endpt
0.47.526 (6) Move 1/4 back.
0.48.383 (9) ^
0.55.669 Consider this instead of break?

Dammit I forgot to remove the...nvm
0.58.669 (2) Move 1/4 back
1.02.097 (8) ^ and extend.
1.22.883 (4) Move 1/4 back
1.26.847 (4) ^
1.28.026 (7) ^

Set a preview point? (ie 0.37.669)

00:11:526 (1) - move to 00:11:740 ?
00:15:169 (2) - move to 00:15:383 ? and 00:15:169 - add a note ?
00:39:383 (1) - remove ?
00:46:240 (1) - ^
00:51:597 - add a note ?
00:53:097 (1) - remove ?
00:53:954 (5) - slider ?
01:11:954 (4) - ^
01:23:954 (3,4,5,6) - 1/4 forward

nice map

star~ :) :)
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