
open rank | 🚨 THE SUS TOURNAMENT 🚨 | registrations closed

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solo signups into qualifiers
players are randomly assigned into teams of 5
one player from each team is a sussy baka and try make team lose
teams can vote, impostors can sabotage

this is an osu!standard, open rank single-elimination tournament.
players will play qualifiers, the top 80 players will then proceed to the bracket stage.
players are then randomly assigned a team of 5 every round in a 4 verSUS 4 matchup.
there will be no seeding used for the bracket stage.
one player per team is chosen as an Impostor for each round.
the goal of the Impostor is to make their current team lose for that round.
once a team is 2 points away from winning, there will be an emergency meeting.
they will then be given the option to vote one of their players as an Impostor, or skip their vote.
the players that move on are the winning team and the Impostor on the opposing team.

communication is key, this tournament highly recommends everyone signing up to understand english.

as this system requires everyone to be present, we are implementing a SUStitution system.
if you are really not available for the match, you can ask a player that has placed top 100 in qualifiers to sub in for you and assume your role.
(More details in discord)

this assumes that there are at least 80 players, rules may scale down based on signups.

player will play 10 qualifier maps. (4 Nomod, 2HD, 2HR, 2DT)
only one run, in order.
top 100 players are to take a quiz based on the rules of the tournament.
top 80 players after will make it through to bracket stage.

round of susteen: best of 11
quartaskfinals: best of 11
susifinals: best of 13
final task: best of 13

mappool structure
BO11: 5NM / 3HD / 3HR / 3DT / 3FM
BO13: 6NM / 3HD / 3HR / 4DT / 3FM

match proceedings
every player in each team are required to enter the multi at the scheduled match time. late penalties are described below.
warmups are to be under 3 minutes.

at the start of the match, both captains will !roll. higher roll gets second ban and first pick. there are two bans per team in each round.
each team will be given a maximum of 120 seconds for every action (ban/choosing maps). failure to decide before the time limit may result in the opposing team making the decision.
after a beatmap has been selected, teams will have a maximum time of 120 seconds to ready up. otherwise, a force-start may be enforced by the referee. more time may be provided under the referee's discretion.

all maps will be played with NF and scorev2.
on freemod maps, all players are required to put on a mod. mods allowed are HD, HR, EZ, FL.
EZ scores are multiplied by 2.0x.

once a team is 2 points away from winning, they will then be given the option to vote one of their players as an Impostor.
the chosen player will then be barred from playing for the rest of the match regardless of whether they are an Impostor.
a player may also choose to not vote for anyone and skip the vote.
players are to DM the referee their vote within 120 seconds.
the option with the most votes is decided. if the result is a tie, no one will be voted off.
if their Impostor is voted off, the team voting automatically wins.
a team may also win the match by winning enough maps against the opposing team.

two maps after a team had their vote, they will be given a second (last) opportunity to vote someone off their team.
if no one was voted out the first time, players will not be allowed to skip their second vote.
in said scenario, if there is a tie between voted players, there will be a re-vote with only the option of picking one of them.

the Impostor’s win conditions are to let the other team win enough maps, or for them to vote off their Impostor.
the Impostor loses if their team wins from maps won or votes them out.

in the case of a map draw, the team that did not pick the map wins the point.
if both teams have reached match point, there will be 3 maps left in the mappool. both team’s captain would pm the referee to ban a map out of the 3 maps, the remaining map would be chosen as the tiebreaker. if the same map is banned, the referee would !roll 2 to determine the tiebreaker map.

in the event that both teams have to vote, the team that is having their first vote goes first.
in the event that one team reaches enough maps won while the opponent has their second vote, the vote takes precedence.

Late Penalties
Less than 5 minutes: No penalty.
5-10 minutes: Warmup revoked.
10-15 minutes: Opposing team chooses whether to pick first or ban first.
15+ minutes: Walkover.

Impostors are given tools to sabotage their team as they inch closer to victory, and can utilise them once the team they are lurking in is 3 points away from winning the match.
(for Improved clarity, the impostor using the ability is on Team A, opposing is Team B)

🚨 SUSpend 🚨
at any time when Team A has the next map pick, the Impostor may DM the referee to intercept by either picking a different map or letting Team B pick instead. the pick order will carry on as the next pick would be back to Team A. this action can be done once.

🚨 asSUSsinate 🚨
the Impostor also has the ability to remove the bottom-scoring player in Team A of the map last played from playing the next map. this action can be done once and is also performed by informing the referee in DMs. the action is revealed after the next map is picked.

registrations 20 JUL - 8 AUG (2359UTC)
screening for players too sus 9 AUG - 15 AUG
qualifiers 16 AUG - 29 AUG
round of susteen 30 AUG - 5 SEP
quartaskfinals 6 SEP (nice) - 12 SEP
susifinals 13 SEP - 19 SEP
Final Task 20 SEP - 26 SEP

note that the schedule is subject to change based on the amount of registrations.

1 (one) Among Us steam key for the winning team

host (very sus): Tebi
co-host: megumic
poolers: Tebi, megumic, Ayucchi, moosepi
referees: megumic, A secret, nanawo, m0fum0fu, [K], Demonical, Kumaxione, Elayue, moss-
streamers: Tebi, Rtyzen, Loslite
commentators: Tebi, megumic, _gt, Loslite, Rtyzen
staff: conradmittn
who hurt you
this is cringe
i am in disbelief
you a sussy baka for this
I hate this tournament
does anyone want some tea

Hivie wrote:

does anyone want some tea
Me me :D
how do i upvote a tournament
when the.....

Hivie wrote:

does anyone want some tea
any tea will be appreciate
oh god
hey guys
Please, refrain from spamming copypastas in the future, guys. Cleaned up the previous posts.
Green kinda sus ngl

Ayucchi wrote:

Green kinda sus ngl
vouch, i saw him vent out at medbay
I was with ayu last turn he's safe
can we vote green? he is being a retard
ok im voting green
where did we go wrong
oh god
oh no
this tournemante is very good.
Tournament baka
Bro what
Jacques Chirac
why is this even existing
let's gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
why does this exist?
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